Chapter 1064

In the FZ world before, Xie Ming’s many experiences were extracted from the roots, and he created a heroic body for him. When Xie Ming left the Moon World, this heroic body was placed in the Hall of Heroic Spirits.

After all, this is just a pure etheric body. Although it has a strong power on it, but it is not driven by consciousness, then this body has no meaning. But anyway, it was also a gift from Root, and the inherent barrier was indeed quite strong.

So Xie Ming came up with a way to use this gift on other planes. That is a parallel world from the world of type moon, a special combat method in “Fatekaleidliner Magical Girl ☆ Illya”, Dream Summoning.

In that world, there is a kind of card that connects the heroes in the Hall of Heroes, the job card. Through different career cards, magicians can trigger different powers of different heroes.

The use of job cards is usually divided into two types: limited expansion and dream calling.

The limited deployment is to use the job card to visualize the power of the treasures held by the heroes in an instant. Dream Summoning directly communicates with the Hall of Heroes, covering the power of the Heroic Spirits that meet the rank on itself.

In other words, the real role of the job card is to incarnate yourself as a hero.

The Book of Servants and the Vocational Card are also props that can communicate with the Hall of Valor. Although the effect is somewhat different, the Personality of the Book of Servants is definitely above the Vocational Card.

So here comes the problem. If Xie Ming summoned his etheric body sleeping in the Hall of Valor through the Book of Followers, what would it be like?

The answer is, Dream Call. On top of one’s actual body, the etheric body is covered, so as to obtain the power of the heroic spirit that is created for oneself by the root.

Originally with the idea of ​​when it might come in handy, Xie Ming signed the contract for his etheric body in the Book of Followers, but unexpectedly, it really came in handy.

Xie Ming supports Guy Lisa’s idea. After all, to deny Guy Lisa’s words is to deny the effort and price paid by herself and Lelouch. But what is said is no proof.

Since she said she could bear the hatred, Xie Ming asked her to experience it. What kind of feeling is it to bear this hatred?

The body of Xie Ming and Guy Lisa, at the moment Xie Ming’s declaration fell, the two of them broke away from the world and came to this unique landscape of Xie Ming’s mind.

“what is this……”

There is no sky, no earth, and no iconic objects that can locate oneself. All you can see in your eyes is darkness except darkness.

This darkness is the hatred, abuse, and curse of the whole world against one person, just like the condensation of all the negative feelings in the world. In other words, this is the evil of this world.

Why can Xie Ming directly purify the evil of this world? Naturally, it was because he had already seen the so-called evil in this world, had taken it personally, and carried on carrying it on his back.

Guy Lisa desperately uses her angelic power to open the three pairs of white wings behind her as much as she can, trying to illuminate her eyes and illuminate the world. But the light that bloomed was corroded and swallowed by the seemingly endless darkness.

Malice eroded her wings and slowly climbed onto her thin legs, swallowing her existence. As if countless rotten hands are going to drag her into the endless abyss.

She seemed to be able to hear it, and the grievances whispered in her ears.

“Go to hell…”

She seemed to be able to feel the pain of the people who died in the war.

“it hurts……”

She seemed to be able to see that countless people, with immense anger and resentment on their faces, were insulting her.

“This is… what is this…. what is this!!!!!!?”

Even if he has the power to cut through the inherent barrier, Guy Lisa is completely unable to show it now. With fear in her eyes, as well as the panic and anger derived from fear, she yelled loudly.

She can only maintain herself through this behavior. To deal with these negative emotions, she can only use negative emotions to exclude them. But is this not an assimilation phenomenon?

In this darkness, she couldn’t bear it, she couldn’t bear it, she could only assimilate with this evil, so as to make herself more relaxed. But she didn’t know that being assimilated by this darkness meant that she had been eroded and couldn’t hold on to herself.

Bound by countless chains in the center of the world, with his skin cracking and flesh covered with blood, Xie Ming calmly looked at Guy Lisa like this.

“Isn’t this, what you want to carry?”

“I…want to bear…”

Guy Lisa’s pupils were diffusing, her limbs knelt on the ground weakly, her tone became a little erratic: “I want to bear…”

“If you continue according to your plan, isn’t this darkness that you are going to carry something on your back?” Xie Ming said lightly, “Why should you kneel on the ground? Why should you show that expression? Why should you show that emotion? ”

“This…. How can this be carried…..How can this be carried….Who can carry this!!”

Suddenly standing up, Guy Lisa frantically waved the orthodox Katina in her hand, causing the inherent barrier to become shaky in an instant. But as Xie Ming injected more magic power, the situation stabilized again.

“Let me out!! Let me out!!! Let me out!!!”

“Don’t want to bear this darkness?”

“Let me out!!!”

“I don’t want to be a violent-kun, come to make Britain independent?”

“Bastard!! Let me out!! You bastard!!! You demon!!!”

“It looks like the answer has already come out.”

With the twitching sound of the chains, the light that illuminates the world is slowly pulled to the sky, illuminating this world full of greenery and flowers. Seeing this scene, Guy Lisa sat down on the ground again, her eyes filled with confusion.

Then, she looked at Xie Ming. He was covered with broken chains and Xie Ming was dripping with blood. And, the bloody road Xie Ming walked out of.

Under the nourishment of blood, the grassland becomes more vigorous, and the flowers bloom more beautifully.


To be buried in the world with one’s body, to create the future with one’s body, Wang…

Guy Lisa, whose spirit was on the verge of a limit, saw this scene when the tight string finally broke and she fell into a coma.


Xie Ming sighed, cancelled the inherent barrier, picked up Guy Lisa and put it on the sofa aside. Seeing that even though the girl was in a coma, she still had the fear that appeared from time to time on her face, she couldn’t help but scratch her face.

“Looks like, some have done it too much?”

Even if he didn’t have any consciousness, he felt that he seemed a bit too much at this time. After all, killing and punishing people, killing and punishing people, is much more cruel to people than killing people.

“Forget it, she chose it herself anyway. I will help her experience it in advance. It’s better than assuming she doesn’t have any preparations.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming opened the Forbidden Demon Eye and looked at Guy Lisa again.

What he wants to solve now is the abundant angel power in Guy Lisa. As for how to solve it, he already has plans.

Don’t forget, he is still in a state of heroic spirits. In the state of heroic spirits, he has an inherently buggy skill.

Emperor Privilege Ex.

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