Chapter 1075 Flanda Severen



Looking at the monastery in ruins, surrounded by guards with self-disciplined robots, Chuchun Shili and Zuo Tian Leizi opened their mouths and looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

“In the early spring, just right, you don’t have to carry things to check the situation…”

“Um… No! What are you talking about, Saku-san!”

At first he stunned and agreed, and then Chuchun Shili, who reacted, said anxiously: “This is Classmate Inticus’s house! What if someone is injured in it!?”

“Well, calm down, early spring.”

Zuo Tian Leizi pointed to the front: “Look, although there are many policemen’s cars in front, there is no ambulance, right? And we didn’t hear the sound of the ambulance on the way here.”

“Therefore, it is very likely that Inticus and the nuns are not in the monastery. Let’s calm down first and go to the guard to ask about the situation.”


Hearing his friend’s calm analysis, Chuchun Shili was relieved.

“So, student Zuotian, I’ll go to the security officer to ask about the situation first. You can wait for me here first.”


Seeing Chuchun Shili approached the guard and asked, Zuo Tian Leizi couldn’t help showing a trace of worry at this time. Indeed, there is no one in the monastery. But this also means that the nun and Inticus are not in the academy city.

Now that it’s so chaotic outside, there has just been a coup d’état in the UK. At this time when the smell of gunpowder is permeating everywhere, the Inticus and the nuns from England and France are not in the academy city…

“Stop it!”

He patted his face vigorously, and Zuo Tian Leizi said to himself: “Indikesi and the others will be fine! If something happens, seniors will never sit back and watch!”

However, even if you don’t think about it, some problems will come up one after another.

The sound just now was indeed the sound of an explosion. So why would anyone want to bomb this monastery? Why did you want to bomb this monastery? Is it any good for them to blow up this unpopulated monastery?

Thinking about it, the girl’s brows couldn’t help but frowned. At this moment, a small and exquisite figure came behind her and patted her shoulder gently.



The blond girl with a beret stretched out her finger and whispered: “Don’t talk, you come with me first.”

“Hey? Flanda? Hey? Hey, hey?”

Zuo Tian Leizi, who had not yet reacted, was dragged into the street by Flanda without resistance, and disappeared into the crowd in just a few seconds. The things I bought were directly left in place.

But the bow and arrow hunting tiger secretly stalking behind saw this scene and couldn’t help licking his lips.

“That’s right. If the prey doesn’t run, then you won’t be able to enjoy the fun of hunting.”

As he said, he sniffed the remnants of the air Zuotian’s tears, and also blended into the crowd. Unlike Zuo Tian Leizi and Flanda, her movements were not noticed by anyone at all.

As if she herself has been in the crowd all the time.


“Haha, haha, haha, haha, huh~”

Zuo Tian Leizi ran with Flanda along the way. Although he was a little breathless at first, he quickly adjusted. After all, since the special tuition there, she has continued to exercise her body and is trying to use her weak ability to make some attempts.

The current Zuotian Leizi is already an Lv2 supernatural being. There are very few things she can do, and the blessing of running is one of the few things she can do.

And Flanda Anbu was born, and his physical strength is not at the same level as Saten’s tears. But she was also a little surprised, she didn’t expect Zuotian Leizi to keep up with herself.

“Huh…. It should be almost done here…”

Looking around, Flanda began to take out some cute dolls from her skirt, stuff them into some hard-to-notice places, and use things like correction tapes to alter them regularly.

“Fu…Flanda, what happened?”

Zuo Tian Leizi took a few breaths and looked inexplicable: “Why did you suddenly pull me up and run?”

“Do you still have to ask, idiot!” Flanda said with a sullen expression: “You have been followed by a dangerous person!”

“Dangerous person? Stalking? Me?”

After blinking, Zuo Tian Leizi couldn’t help but tilted his head.


“How do I know!”

Seeing the girl’s so cute look, Flanda couldn’t help but spit out with all her strength.

“Ah ha ha….”

Zuo Tian Leizi touched his head, and then his expression became serious: “Since Flanda said that, then the other party must be very dangerous, right?”

“Ah, uh…”

“So if you involve Flanda, isn’t it dangerous?” Zuo Tian Leizi said with some worry: “Although I don’t know who the other party is, I can’t involve you in danger because of me. ”


“Since the other party’s target is me, then I will go to the branch of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline with all my strength!”

With a handsome thumbs up, Zuo Tian Leizi smiled.

“Then, I’ll go first.”

“…Where are you going!”

Holding Zuotian Leizi’s arm, Flanda’s right hand pushed hard against the wall next to her head, forcing it against the wall.


“Although I knew you were a bad guy from the beginning…”

With his head down, Liu Hai slightly covered Flanda’s pretty face, so that Zuo Tian Leizi could not see her face clearly.

“But I didn’t expect that you are a complete fool. At this kind of time, don’t normal people have to grab someone else and ask for his help?”

“But, dangerous things…”

“I know!”

Suppressing the unknown feeling in her heart, Flanda raised her head, and in her blue eyes like jewels, something she had never possessed appeared at this time.

Dealing with enemies who can be beaten, he played mercilessly, without any consideration of the mood of the losing party. If she can’t beat the enemy or her life is threatened, even her companions will betray her without hesitation, just to survive.

That’s why she was a little longing for Mai Ye Shenli, because Mai Ye Shenli had something she didn’t own, and did not hesitate to challenge the courage of a powerful enemy, or it was conceited.

But recently, she met two fools.

Even if a foolish man had just had a deadly fight with the enemy, his eyes were full of exhaustion, but he still found them and brought them back to the shore.

Another idiot girl brought herself she had never known before into her home to entertain her, fulfilling her own willful request. Up to now, obviously she is her only hope of being rescued, but she has to take the initiative to give up this hope.

Because she didn’t want to put herself in danger…

“Could it be that this kind of fool has a lot of surprises?”

Flanda laughed and said softly.

“If you are in danger, I will betray you without hesitation. But, now…let me work harder.”

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