Chapter 1212 Human Desire

The poison of death that can corrode any life can be said to be the big nemesis of this world dominated by life energy. Regardless of magic weapon, source stone, body enhancement or spell, it is essentially life energy.

That’s why, even though the Nanguo group had passed so many years, they still obeyed the rules left by Lucia. Because of the poison, there is really no solution.

Well, it’s not unsolvable. As long as you have enough life energy, you can still stick to the poison and wear it out.

For example, a toxic energy with a mass of 1g just corrodes all the life energy in a normal person (100 points). So as long as you have 200 life energy, then 1g of poison can’t kill you.

But here comes the question, when Lucia uses poison, how can she use it little by little? So whether you can live depends really on whether you are strong or not. Or with the same luck as Huandu Qingtian, Xie Ming and Lucia can help.

But obviously this group of enemies can’t be favored by such a favorable time and place.

Wrapped in a huge purple rose, purple and black rust marks quickly appeared on the wall of the projection chamber, and traces of poison gas penetrated into it. Just touch it and you will die. Even if this group of people are good players from all over the world, and they are elite soldiers, there is only a dead end for such contact.

Can Kashima Zhu Yin, who knows all the girls, be so defenseless?

The answer is no. In such a long time, how could she not want to find a way to deal with the most difficult enemies in front of her to destroy mankind.

“Gluck, this is the poison of life of the Southern Poison Emperor.”

The horrible hoarse laughter came out from a projection chamber, and then the poison of life that had begun to spread slowly converged to one point again in an instant, a pill that had been dyed black.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom…”

The remaining projection chambers were all exploded, and dozens of human figures landed. Some people have no expressions and their pupils are blood-red, and some have a wry smile and stretch their bodies. The pill that absorbed Lucia’s toxin fell into the hands of a scrawny old man.

For Lucia and others, there are familiar faces in it. Not to mention, for Tushan Honghong and Tushan Yaya.

“Yu Xuan, Yu Jing…”

Looking at a man and a woman dressed in southern costumes with red eyes, there was a trace of anger on Lucia’s face. How could she not see that the members of the First Generation and Second Generation Heavenly Human Organizations of the Southern Kingdom were already under control at this time?

In the same way, Jingliu and Qianzao have found the monsters and humans they know. Thousands of years have passed, the monster race has been able to survive, but it is impossible for humans to survive today. unless…..

“The corpse was made into a monster…”

“That’s right, everyone who has only heard of the legend…”

The thin old man smiled evilly: “I didn’t expect that the old man would actually see the adults in his lifetime. It’s good to live a long time. That’s why I want to live longer like all the adults.”

“Right, Tu Shan Honghong.”

“Monster Slaughter, Jiang Xin…”

With bright red eyes looking at the old man coldly, Tu Shan Honghong clenched his fists: “You didn’t die in the north.”

“Chuckchchch. Strictly speaking, I’m dead. It’s just that I made my body into a monster, and then survived again. Finally, I was found by Master Zhu Yin so that I could join the game like I am now. In the carnival.”

Hundreds of years ago, the notorious Jiang Xin smiled hoarsely: “But even if it is a monster, these years are still a bit overwhelming. Therefore, I want to ask a few adults for the secret of eternal life.”

“There are only a few adults enjoying such benefits, isn’t it a bit too selfish?”

“These words were spoken by many people in the war a thousand years ago.”

Lucia looked at these people coldly: “We backed down, let them try, and then failed. In the end, they wanted to eat the world tree that is the foundation of the world. So, we killed them all.”

“After a thousand years, I didn’t expect that there are still people who think like this.”

“Gluck, don’t let us try, how can we know we can’t? If we don’t let us eat, how can we know if we can’t?”

Jiang Xin greedily looked at the still young bodies of Lucia, Jingliu and others: “Thousands of years have passed, and the adults are still young and vigorous. How can people not be jealous and desire?”

“The old man has eaten the demon clan, but he can’t get eternal life. The old man has practiced the demon clan into a pill, but he still can’t get eternal life. The old man has refined himself into a monster, but it is still decayed. Then the only way left is The World Tree, or you adults.”

“I don’t know if you eat your lord, or train you into a pill, will the old man gain immortality? Coco Coco Coco……”

“Mad, fanatic.” Lucia couldn’t help but scolded: “You evil creature!”

“Master Lucia, you don’t need to bother with this madman.”

Tu Shanhonghong said coldly: “He has already lost his humanity and has become a crazy monster. But…”

Looking at other people, this is the same time as her, the member of the Celestial Organization in her last issue. Each one is a hero of the world and has a beautiful concept. But now, they are here.

And no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t seem to be controlled.

“Unexpectedly, the Celestial Organization had become a magic cave that wanted to destroy the world before I knew it.”

“Tushan Honghong, you have been monopolizing Tushan, a region with rich life energy, monopolizing the world treasure of the world tree, monopolizing the rich source stone resources in the ground, but you do nothing and use nothing.”

“Treasures, the virtuous people live in it, and the non-virtuous ones lose it. These years, you are just wasting time. If these resources are used for construction and development, the level of both the monsters and the humans can be improved. Big cut!”

“You don’t deserve to have these!”

“The words of righteous Lingran cannot conceal the greedy desire in your eyes.” Tu Shan Honghong mobilized the demon power in his body, and the original bright red pupils became brighter: “I am not worthy, it is not up to you to decide.”

“One of the precepts of Tushan is to kill anyone who causes Tushan to encounter danger with his own greed. Today, Tushan will break the word’don’t kill’.”

“Sister Honghong, don’t have to say anything to these bastards!”

Tu Shan Yaya showed sharp canine teeth and glared at the enemy: “Kill them!”

“Kill us, giggle, then first of all, you have to defeat this one…”

Jiang Xin withdrew a step to the side slightly, letting a man walk to the forefront.

Black hair, red eyes, dressed in a black coat, with a white bandage wrapped around his neck. In the impression of everyone, he, who has been smiling all the time, has only killing intent and madness on his face at this time.

“Kill…Kill…Kill all humans…Kill all monsters…Kill all…”


An anxious expression appeared on Chihaya’s face: “Sakuya, what’s the matter with you?”

“Chihaya…Miss…” Sakiya slowly raised her head, tilted her head and glanced at Chihaya, and then showed a crazy smile: “Kill!”

The figure turned into a black line, and attacked his master without any hesitation. And the same black shadow blocked in front of him.


The sharp daggers crossed and steadily blocked Sakiya’s hand knife. Jingliu looked calm and said softly.

“It’s useless to say more, let’s go to war, everyone.”

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