Chapter 1222

“Yo, I finally saw you.”

Rubbing his eyebrows, Xie Ming smiled slightly: “It really makes me easy to find.”


Standing in the corridor of consciousness that almost turned white, Kashima Zhu Yin looked at Xie Ming like a monster: “After enduring hatred for more than a thousand years, can you still laugh?”

“Well, if you get used to this kind of thing, it’s actually like that.” Xie Ming replied casually and brought the topic back: “Although I have accepted almost all the malice in the inheritance of the saint, this is not the case. Solve the problem completely.”

“After all, the core of this corridor of consciousness is still you. If you are unwilling, then no matter how much I do, it will only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.”

“…Yes, what do you want?”

Kashima Zhu Yin lowered his eyes: “I will give you all the malice, and then disappear by myself?”

“I never said such a thing.”


“I’ve never said such a thing as asking you to disappear.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “You are Jiadao Zhuyin, part of Qianli Zhuyin, but different from Qianli Zhuyin. After Zhu Yin accepted the saint’s inheritance, he developed malice towards life and the world.”

“But she resisted this malice and unconsciously separated this malice from her own body. And the various personalities in the lineage of the saint have made up for the missing parts of you, so Kashima Zhuyin was born. ”

“After accepting the completion of the personality of the saints of all generations, your Jiadao Zhuyin will also be affected by these personalities. But now these personalities have disappeared and will no longer affect you. Therefore, Jiadao Zhuyin is here. At this moment, he truly became Kashima Zhuyin, not Gashima Zhuyin, the saint of Gaia.”


“The purpose of my coming here is very simple. I just want to get to know more friends.” Xie Ming grinned and stretched out his hand: “I don’t know if it’s an honor to be your friend, Miss Zhu Yin Kashima.”

“………Are you stupid?”

“People often say that, but if I’m an idiot, Ms. Kashima, aren’t you the big idiot who lost to the idiot?”

“I don’t think that a player who loses to an open game will become a fool himself.”

“Who opened the hanger, I was the strength gained by working hard on my own, and it would be too much to say that it is too much to open the hanger.”

Well, although it did open some hangers. If there is no such equipment as Demon Sword and Venus on this journey, it may be more difficult.

After all, why did these two pieces of equipment come with me? At that time, the explanation given by the main god space was a bug, and I didn’t think too much about it, thinking that it was really a small probability event that was almost impossible to happen.

But now it seems that whether it is the selection of the first Rewrite or the development of the ability, it seems that there is a shadow of the main god space in it. I’m afraid this so-called ‘good luck’ also has a reason in it.

If you keep going, the reason will appear in front of you sooner or later. Now, I don’t want so much.

Throwing a few thoughts behind him, Xie Ming patiently waited for the reply from the girl in front of him. The hand just stretched out without taking it back.


The girl lowered her head, with nowhere to put her hands, she could only put her back behind her back. The toes kicked the ground lightly, and there were sounds in her mouth that she didn’t even know the meaning of.

The meaning in Xie Ming’s words has been very clear. He is not asking for his own disappearance, but is purely to solve the problem of the saint’s inheritance that continues to affect her and Qianli Zhuyin.

As for things after solving the problem, he is willing to respect his own ideas. If he doesn’t want to disappear, then he won’t force it.

Of course, the girl is definitely not willing to disappear. Without the influence of darkness and despair, who wants to disappear like this? But…..

“Don’t worry so much.”

Seeing the girl’s thoughts, Xie Ming said with a smile: “I am just innocent and want to make a friend with you. I don’t know you, do you want to?”

“The rest of the matter actually has nothing to do with me. You are out of Zhu Yin’s personality. For Zhu Yin, you are like a sister. I don’t have to be nosy, and I will get involved in a friend’s sister quarrel. In the middle.”

“…I’ve been nosy to this point, and in the end I suddenly let go of it. How can there be such a person.”

“Well, I also have my reasons and basis for the time being.” Xie Ming shrugged, and then seduced: “If you think about the reasons, then become friends with me.”

“… Akane.”


“Akane (akane, the same as Zhu Yin).” The girl raised her head, and said shyly: “My name is Akane Kashima! If you call me Akane, it’s not impossible to make friends with you.”


Xie Ming was stunned, then laughed: “Well, would you like to make this friend with me? Qian.”

“Since you want to be friends with me so much, I reluctantly allow it.”

Without turning his head, Kashima Akane held Xie Ming’s outstretched hand.

“Now, you can tell me the reason.”

“Well, of course.” Xie Ming beckoned: “I will tell you quietly, put your ears over.”

“What? Obviously this is in the corridor of consciousness, and there is no one.”

Having said that, Akane Kashima was still close to Xie Ming.

“Because… I believe my friend.”


While the girl was stunned, Xie Ming gently squeezed her nose, and then withdrew his consciousness from the corridor of consciousness.

“The two sisters should get along well.”

“…Thanks! Ming!!”

“Why are you shouting so loudly?”

Suddenly another person appeared in the corridor of consciousness. Wearing a light pink school uniform for the wind festival, light brown hair draped behind him, amber pupils and dark red pupils look at each other.

“Qianli Zhuyin, why are you here?”

“Your question is very interesting.”

Zhu Yin laughed: “This is in my consciousness, why can’t I be here?”

“Heh.” Kashima Akane also laughed: “A woman who has never wanted to come here, now has the shame to say such a thing.”

“Ah, this young lady is a witch. It is the freedom of this young lady if she wants to go and where she doesn’t want to go. This young lady doesn’t want to come, but it doesn’t mean that this place belongs to you.”

“Hahahaha, are you? Then do you know why this has changed so much? Do you know what Xie Ming did here just now?”

Akane Kashima showed a mocking smile: “I have been watching him, watching him working hard for me.”

“For you? Would you really put gold on your face. Do you think, based on my relationship with Hu Talang, would he not tell me if I asked him?”

“So what? I saw it with my own eyes.”

“How about seeing it with your own eyes, and he is really working hard just for you? Little girl, don’t change the concept.”

The amber pupils and the dark red eyes looked at each other, and the two girls had beautiful smiles on their faces, but there was no smile in their eyes.

Perhaps this is how Chili Zhuyin and Akane Kashima will get along for a long time in the future.

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