Chapter 1270

“How long are you going to watch there?”


“Don’t plan to come out yet?” Xie Ming, who had calmed down, stood up and looked at a hidden place in the hills: “Say yes, I must send bullets into my head?”


The ice blue sniper, who had seen this extremely chaotic duel from beginning to end, walked out of the hiding place. It’s just that the firmness and fighting spirit that was indistinguishable from the previous one has disappeared.

The expression on Sinon’s face now is indescribable using the two words of complexity. All kinds of emotions intertwined, and she even didn’t know what to say.

Originally, she was holding the heavy sniper rifle and came to such a close distance in order to completely defeat Xie Ming. At this distance, shooting at the moment when the opponent is relaxed, you can definitely defeat this ass guy.

But when Pitohui revealed Xie Ming’s identity in SAO and what he did in SAO. She found that she couldn’t pull the trigger anymore. Because Xie Ming at that time was so similar to his own situation.

Yes, that’s right, Asada Shino, she also killed people. It was precisely because of this killing that completely changed her life trajectory and turned her into what she is now.

Until now, she remembered everything that happened, every detail, and the appearance of everyone present.

It was a winter, and when she was still young, she went to the post office with her mother. Mother stood at the counter and went through the formalities, while she was sitting on the bench by the wall, watching the novel in her hand and waiting.

So far everything is the same as usual, very normal.

Until, a man with a baseball cap had sweat on his pale face, his eyes were dull, and the corners of his mouth were still drooling. He walked in one step at a time, led the handbag, and walked towards the counter, towards the position of his mother.

The counter was getting closer, and the man’s eyes were gradually filled with craziness. He forcefully pushed his mother away and pushed to the ground. Everything was stunned, including myself including my mother who fell on the ground, including the counter staff.

Putting the handbag in his hand on the counter vigorously, the man unzipped the zipper and took out something familiar but unfamiliar to everyone.

Black star five-fourth style, this is the name of the gun.

The man held guns in both hands and aimed at the counter staff, his voice was full of hysteria, asking the counter staff to put money in his handbag, and when the counter staff was about to ring the alarm, he shot without hesitation.

The bullet shell that jumped out of the gun’s chamber rolled down to his feet. The smell of gunpowder, the sound of a person’s body being weak, and everything that has happened makes the brain stop working and become blank.

It wasn’t until the moment the robber pointed his gun at his mother that he suddenly woke up.

Can’t…. Don’t let him hurt his mother, he has to protect her.

The novel in her hand was randomly tossed aside, and Shino ran, biting the robber’s gun fiercely.

Of course, he was thrown aside, his teeth were directly broken, and his mouth was full of blood. But the robber, also because of tension and pain, released the gun in his hand. The weapon slid down to the front.

Without thinking, Sinon held the pistol in both hands. The robber didn’t think too much, and rushed forward to snatch the gun back. During the snatch, Sinon pulled the trigger.


This was the first shot, and it hit the man’s right abdomen. He was shocked, then clutched the wound and continued to pounce.


Then there was the second shot, which penetrated his right shoulder, causing him to fall backward and further away from him. But he still didn’t give up, and continued to struggle, wanting to get up. So Shino took aim again, closed her eyes and squeezed the trigger for the third time.


The bullet penetrated the man’s baseball cap and skull, completely silent.

The post office robbery ended in this way. The robber died and one of the post office staff members died. Sinon suffered a sprained wrist and a back bruise due to the recoil of the gun. Besides, there were no serious injuries except for the broken teeth.

Physically, this is indeed the case. But spiritually, it’s not that simple. Otherwise, she would not say that this post office robbery completely changed the trajectory of her life.

Post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) is a mental illness that Sinon suffers from. As long as she sees firearms, no matter what kind of firearms, even TV series, movies and comics, even firearms imitated by hand, she will see a fantasy.

The robber who was killed by her, with bloodshot eyes, pale sick face, crazy smile, and the gunshot wound on his head that constantly spilled blood and brain plasma mixture, slowly approached her and approached her.

So as long as this disease is triggered, Sinon will vomit or even coma. No matter how many psychologists I see, it doesn’t work.

“I understand you.”

These four words annoyed her so much that she could not wait to punch him in the face. You understand me? You understand the fart! Have you ever killed someone with your own hands? Have you seen that scene with your own eyes?

If you don’t know anything, don’t say the word ‘understanding’ so simply! !

After realizing that the psychologist was of no use at all, Sinon no longer had any hope of any psychotherapy, but decided to overcome it by herself. For this reason, she left her remote hometown and came to Tokyo. Then, I came into contact with the GGO game, and once again came into contact with the firearms I feared.

Then, hope appeared before her eyes.

In this virtual world, Sinon, the character Shino incarnates, has no symptoms after holding a gun. So, relying on this world, can she strengthen herself and overcome this mental illness?

The reason why I can’t cross is just because I am not strong enough. So as long as Sinon becomes stronger, can she also make herself stronger in the real world?

This is why she is obsessed with challenging powerful players. It was also the reason why she didn’t shoot when Xie Ming fought.

Xie Ming at that time was so similar to his current situation. However, he was much stronger than himself, no matter in spirit or heart, he was far inferior to him. Where is the difference between himself and him?

So even if there is no communication between the two, they are just strangers at all, even if the two are in a competitive and hostile state, even if their own problems will touch each other’s wounds, Shino still wants to ask.

She already, can’t take care of that much. Because the man in front of her may be the last hope for her to overcome the psychological barrier.

“Why…. Why can you face your past so peacefully… Why can you be so strong… What is your method… Please, please tell me… ”

“How can I become as strong as you…”

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