Chapter 1315


In the dark forest with no sky, Lynn walked forward anxiously. No, she didn’t even know where she was heading now, she just wandered around like a headless fly.

The weakness of the lack of field walking experience has only come to the fore at this time.

When you are lost in a forest where you can’t tell where you are going, and you don’t know where to go, staying where you are is the best choice. Because you don’t know the direction, your companions who come with you will always know the direction.

After all, if you are walking in the wild, it is impossible for two little whites to come out together, right? If so, then I can only wish you all peace.

Therefore, because of Lynn’s random walk, not only succeeded in causing her to lose her way, but also made Barn who looked back for her completely clueless after discovering that she was left behind.

The soil was full of fallen leaves, and it was impossible to track footprints. This also made Ba En, who had been expressionless, a little impatient on his face. Don’t look at him being rude to Lynn, but he really regards her as his important partner.

Even if there are no monsters in the dark forest in front of the Screaming Cavern that can threaten Lynn, it is very difficult to get out if you get lost here. What’s more, it was Lynn whose survivability in the wild was equal to zero.

“Damn it… this stupid woman.”

Gritting his teeth and cursing, Barn yelled again: “Lynn!!! Stupid woman! Reply when you hear it!”


“Oh, this is really…”

Xi Lan, who was not far away to help find her, scratched her body with a helpless expression.

At that time, the five of them requested a waiting place on the order form, and when they arrived at the young teenage girl from the empire, they were actually a little surprised. After all, this investigation can be said to be quite dangerous.

Although several people didn’t know that the apostle Shilock existed in the Grieving Cave, common sense still knew it. The Screaming Cave is the place where Slaughter Gu worms have survived since ancient times. This kind of bug is quite troublesome to deal with.

And if there are more Slaughter Gu worms, even a few of them will have to run away.

What’s more, in the deepest part of the cave, there is still the existence of the Insect King Slaughter Gu. Such a huge and ferocious monster, I am afraid that it will take a few people to work together to defeat it without harming us.

So out of the concern of the elders, after Barn and Lynn introduced themselves, he immediately bluntly stated the danger of this investigation, and expressed his idea of ​​wanting Barn and Lynn to withdraw by himself.

These two young people are too immature. With these two people, it is better to take care of them. It’s not funny, but I brought two oil bottles.

Other people have this idea to some extent. Luxi, with a disgusting expression on his face, didn’t wait to see the two of them at all.

But under the assurance of Barn and Lynn, several people still agreed to join them.

“If it is our Mr. Tosilan’s hind legs, please don’t hesitate to leave us at that time. Come out and take risks, we still have this awareness.”

People have said so, what else can they do?

But in the end, it became what it is now. This, can he really leave Bath and let him find Lynn by himself? Luxi would approve of such behavior, but they still couldn’t do it.

After a few hours, Forrest Gump, Buwanga and others returned one after another, and several people gathered again.

“How about it, did you find the little girl who fell behind?”


“Can’t find it.”

“I have been tracking Miss Lynn’s breath with Nian Qi, but this forest is really weird. Nian Qi is disturbed by inexplicable power, and it is impossible to track Miss Lynn at all.”

“Similarly, no gain.”


Scratching his hair, as the oldest person in the team, Xi Lan just wanted to say something to the young guy Barn, but Barn interrupted in advance.

“Mr. Xilan, let’s go.”

“…Don’t care about that little girl?”


Barn clenched his fists, raised his head and said blankly: “Enough time has been wasted for everyone. I can’t continue to delay everyone. I can’t let Lynn and her own mistakes affect the way forward.”


The ruthless words made Luxi and Nuoyu frown. They could see that Lynn liked Bath quite a bit. However, when she was missing, Lynn was given up by the man she liked.

This made the two women, who were also women, a little dissatisfied and disgusted with Barn in their hearts. Even if they know that this choice is correct, even if they know that Barn and Lynn are just partners, not happy lovers.

So women sometimes think about the main point of the problem, and they are not on the same channel at all. The remaining three elders correctly understood the young man’s thoughts in front of him.

There is not much danger in the dark forest, they are all within Linn’s processing range. So even if Lyn doesn’t eat or drink, there will be no problems in a short time.

Instead of looking for someone with the anxiety of completing the commission like this, it is better to let go of your hands and feet after completing the commission.

Very correct judgment, correct to rigid, correct to a bit ruthless.

Forrest Gump naturally wouldn’t have any opinion on Barn’s decision, after all, Lynn was not his partner. If Luxi is left behind, he will find Luxi even if he cuts down the forest with a giant sword.

But now it was Lynn who was behind, the partner who came with Barn. So how to decide is the freedom of Bath.

Buwanga, not to mention. Although he is full of sense of justice, the sense of justice does not mean pedantic. As the patriarch of the Bantu clan, he must not be pedantic. So when he saw the two of them, Buwanga was not preconceived and looked at them with prejudice.

But how can people not be affected by feelings?

Barn and Lynn are, in the final analysis, people sent by the imperial emperor’s faction. No matter how bold Bowanga is, it is impossible to not be entangled at all. What’s more, when he was 25 years old this year, he witnessed the massacre with his own eyes when he was young.

Now that Barn has made his own decision, he has no reason to interfere, so he can do whatever he wants. You should know that after processing this commission, Buwanga will have to buy food with a bonus.

If you don’t take advantage of the current reserves of more food, when it’s time to wait until winter, when the northern snowfields are even colder, I am afraid that a group of people will freeze to death and starve to death.

So in the group of four, only Xi Lan, a nosy fellow, might intervene in this decision of Ba En.

“You, why do you want to live so complicated?”

After taking a sip of the wine in the gourd, Xi Lan looked at the apprentice next to him after saying this to Ba En.

“Yu, sorry, can you please?”


Nuo Yu was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing what Xi Lan meant, he smiled softly: “Okay, I understand. Master, please go and investigate the Cave of Sorrows. Regarding the whereabouts of Miss Lin En, I will continue to be here. Searched in a forest.”

“Well, that’s it.”

He patted Ba En on the shoulder, and Xi Lan said: “Yu has Nian Qi, and she is still very advantageous in finding people. The strange energy fluctuations that interfere with Nian Qi in the forest should not be accidental. It should be the abnormal change in the mourning cave. Caused.”

“As long as we solve the abnormal change, Yu can use Nianqi to find the little girl. So, let’s move on and resolve the request quickly.”

“…… Thank you Mr. Xilan, and thank you all.”

Bath lowered his eyes.

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