Chapter 1318 Sword Saint

The hell-like scene appeared in front of the members of the purple mist group. Even if they are murderous and arson, they can’t help but feel a little bit shy when they see this scene.

What is the background of this young man in his early twenties?

The unchanging face caused them to shudder in the flesh and blood hell, as well as the professional sword skills of the swordsman who can only see a little shadow. Being able to change the sword skill means that he has reached the level of proficiency for the master of that sword skill.

But with so many sword skills, no matter how you look at it, it is something that Sword Soul cannot do. In other words…


In the awakening of the Soul of Sword Profession, the swordsman who changed the Ghost Swordsmanship from the Master to the Ultimate is called the Juggernaut. They have broken through the limit of ghost swordsmanship, and possess their own ghost swordsmanship.

Every Juggernaut is a master of different schools of swordsmanship.

To reach the level of awakening, the number of people does not have much meaning for them. One person can block tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and that is the awakening strong.

But such a young youth has actually awakened! ?

This is the thing that shocks them the most. At such an age to reach the level of awakening, what kind of achievements will he have in the future?

After realizing that Xie Ming might be an awakened Sword Saint powerhouse, the members of the Purple Wist Group had already withdrawn emotions in their hearts. They are indeed desperadoes, but they don’t want to kill themselves.

Unfortunately, their boss doesn’t think so.


The blade gently broke through the air, and the inaudible sound accompanied by blood shocked everyone present.

Because this voice came from behind them.

“You guys, what are you going back?”

The brutal sound with murderous intent, accompanied by the creepy murderous aura, spread all over the audience. At some point, Guy had already pulled out two weapons from his waist. The blood slid to the tip of the sword along the edge of the sword, then slowly dripped and seeped into the soil.

Stepping over the headless corpse that fell to the ground and caused by himself, Guy walked forward slowly.

Every time a member of the Purple Mist Group passes by, the sharp blade in his hand will cut across that member’s body. So when he walked in front of Xie Ming, a dozen corpses had fallen on the road behind him.

Originally, this time there were only twenty or so members of the Ziwu group. Xie Ming just killed nearly ten members, and now Guy Eun has killed a dozen more.


You don’t need to shoot anymore, the purple mist group has been destroyed?

Xie Ming blinked, and couldn’t understand the sudden operation of Guy En’s hands on his subordinates. This guy, has a brain problem?

But this saves Xie Ming a lot of effort, and now he has to solve only Guy Enhe, who looks a little silly girl opposite. Of course, if the girl didn’t do anything, she wouldn’t care about her.

But there is one thing, Xie Ming still wants to complain.

“Say you killed them, how would they answer your question?”

“Oh, kid, I don’t need them to answer.”

Guy said coldly: “My men don’t need to disobey the waste of my order. I ordered them to kill you, but they backed off, then they violated my order.”

“If you violate the order, there is only death.”


Xie Ming could only shrug his shoulders for Guy En’s remarks. Anyway, they were all guilty guys. There was no big difference between dying in his own hands and dying in Guy’s hands.

He took out three Taichi from the space bag and hung them around his waist. He took out another giant sword and held it in his hand. In this way, it is almost ready.

“It seems that I don’t intend to leave after listening to me, right?”

“You are the Lord?”

Guy’s mouth twitched slightly, revealing an extremely cruel smile.

“Boy, just what you said is enough for me to chop off your tongue. At a young age, to be able to awaken from the sword soul to the sword master, your future must be immeasurable. But, the dead genius, that It’s just a corpse.”

“The gap between the newly promoted Juggernaut and the veteran Juggernaut, let you experience it in despair.”


The giant sword swung backwards and collided with the icy Taito that glowed with cold light. Xie Ming didn’t turn his head back, twisting his body as the axis, and kicking out with a whirlwind on his toes.

Guy will naturally not back down. The gap between the quality of the weapons has already caused the sword in his hand to slash into the wide blade of the giant sword. With only a little difference, this giant sword can be cut off, and Xie Ming’s body can be cut in two pieces.

So at this time, the opposing offensive is to force oneself away.

“Sure enough, he was a stinky kid who had just awakened.”

The combat experience is not as good as myself, the weapons and equipment are not as good as myself, and the strength and speed are not as good as myself. Flying dragon riding face, how do you lose?

A bloodthirsty gleam appeared in his eyes, and the short sword held upside down with his right hand slashed towards the calf kicked by Xie Ming. Before killing this guy, you have to let this guy know what the consequences of not being able to control yourself are!

But in the next moment, Guy felt something was wrong. The weapon that has been cut into half of the giant sword’s body can’t move forward?


Different weapons will have different effects when blessing the Absolute Blade state.

Taito is sharpness and attack speed. The short sword is the lethal power of the sword. The blunt weapon is the destructive power of Arrancar. The giant sword is attack power and toughness.

The giant sword is a weapon that sacrifices speed in exchange for weight, attack range, and attack power. The significance of the performance itself of Breaking Extreme Weapon Blade is to improve the performance of the weapon itself.

The Absolute Blade, which has been transformed from the Debunking Weapon Blade Demon, is based on the premise of sacrificing weapons to increase the performance of the weapons to the level of breaking through the limits.

Therefore, the giant sword in Xie Ming’s hand can stubbornly jam the sacred sword in Guy’s hand.

The blue veins on his right arm burst, and he swung the giant sword in his hand, and threw the sword that got stuck inside with Guy Eun behind him. In this way, Guy’s dagger’s slash was naturally unsuccessful.

And Xie Ming contained penetrating toes, and also hit the blade of the giant sword.


An unremarkable explosion sounded from the huge sword, and the huge sword full of cracks was kicked directly into countless sharp fragments by Xie Ming’s kick.

These fragments turned into deadly concealed weapons under the power conveyed by the toes, slashing and piercing Guy En’s body.

In an instant, Guy became a blood man. There were huge sword fragments everywhere in his body, looking rather miserable. But the actual damage caused is not as heavy as it seems.

And Xie Ming, naturally, would not stop his attack like this. While turning his body, he drew out the sword that was hanging from his waist, turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Guy En.

“Absolutely blade state, instantaneously drew a knife and cut.”


Taito and dagger collided, and the harsh tremors turned into shock waves, shattering the leaves on the surrounding trees. Guy en also flew out under the strong impact, breaking several thick tree trunks one after another, spewing blood.

The sword in Xie Ming’s hand also turned into iron filings again. He originally wanted to take advantage of the victory, his eyes narrowed and his toes quickly retreated.

In the next moment, countless magic swords stabbed where he just stood. Then it exploded.

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