Chapter 1332 The Title Was Eaten


Sai Liya was a little bit stunned by the sudden conversation. Look towards the sound. It was a young man with an arrogant attitude. Wearing light armor that looks expensive, but there is no scabbard hanging around his waist, but a short rod with magical fluctuations.


Celia immediately inferred the profession of the boy in front of him. Compared with the heavy sword, the long sword, the short sword and the blunt weapon, the sword spirits who use the lightsaber are basically people of good background.

After all, magic weapons like lightsabers, even the most common ones, can be twice as expensive as other types of weapons of the same level.

There are many reasons, but the main ones are three.

One: The lightsaber has the fastest attack speed. Among the adventurers who have just changed jobs, the fast attack speed can already determine the outcome of a battle. These four words can only be used everywhere.

Two: The nature of the lightsaber magic weapon makes it come with elemental additional effects. The most common lightsaber also has the addition of light element when attacking, which can cause light element damage to the enemy.

Three: pull the wind.

There is a saying that it is a matter of a version to be strong or not, but it is a lifetime thing to be handsome or not. The shape of the lightsaber has already exploded other weapons. An ordinary iron sword and an ordinary light element lightsaber.

Which one is more handsome is clear at a glance.

A handsome and practical weapon like a lightsaber is naturally expensive. Therefore, it naturally became the best choice for some noble young masters who came out of home to become adventurers.

Therefore, the main sales targets of lightsabers are also these young nobles. The Delos Empire is a country that specializes in cultivating swordsmen. So the main selling place for lightsabers is in the Delos Empire.

In general, as a transitional weapon, the lightsaber is the best choice for swordsmen. However, few swordsmen have the funds to use lightsabers to transition.

In terms of talent, the young aristocrat in front of him can be considered very good in terms of his talents.

Behind him, two people also followed.

A short-haired girl with two revolvers tied to her thighs, and a thin young man with a huge cross on her back. The short-haired girl, looking up and down Selia, a little inexplicable light in her pale blue eyes.

The lanky young priest smiled friendly at Xie Ming and Celia.

From the looks of it, this should be a three-person team from the Empire. The captain is naturally this aristocratic young master who uses lightsabers, and the other two should also be aristocrats, but the family background should be a little worse than this aristocratic young master.

Such a squad is the basic situation of the adventurers from the Delos Empire who come to the Duchy of Belmar to take an adventure. Of course, there are also nobles who take the dead man, or the son of the guard at home, to take risks.

However, such teams are basically lining up at the tattered check-in counter. Few people directly look for guests who want to take a passenger carriage.

“It’s rude, miss.”

An aristocratic gift was given to Celia, and Master Lightsaber smiled slightly: “My name is Kaiker Wee Vonen. The two behind are my teammates.”

“Zhexis Wei Daxi.”

“Mon Wei Lund.”

“It’s a slurred name…” Xie Ming thought silently in his heart.

“Hello, Mr. Feng En, Mr. Lund and Miss Daxi.” Sai Liya also politely, and smiled politely: “My name is Sai Liya Krumin, next to Xie Ming.”

“Krumin…. The surname that I haven’t heard of, is it the nobleman from the southern side? And the one named Xie Ming next to Xuzu’s guard? Can he hire Xuzu’s side? People, it seems that the title of her family should not be low.”

Kaiker’s thoughts flowed, but on the surface he remained calm, still smiling.

“I just couldn’t hold back what Miss Crumin said just now, so I took the liberty to interrupt. Hopefully, Miss Crumin doesn’t mind.”

“Is not likely to.”

Celia shook her head slightly, and asked softly, “So, is there anything wrong with Mr. Feng En?”

“Yes. Because I have a small proposal here, I hope Miss Krumin will think about it after hearing it.”

Without waiting for Celia to refuse, Keckel went on.

“Miss Celia must have reached a passenger carriage to go to Huttonmar, but there are three guards in the carriage. If Miss Celia uses him on the guard next to her, it would be too wasteful.”

“And I, I am a sword soul who has been transferred for a while. You can already use all Liu Xin’s moves. Behind him, Zexis is a roaming gunner who has been transferred, and Meng is also a Paladin.”

“Although our three-person team is not the strongest, it is also much better than the average team. Coupled with the guards of Miss Krumin, this trip to Huttonmar, I think we will be the whole The safest combination in the caravan.”

“But, there are only three guards…”

“So I want Miss Crumin to ask your guards to go and register for the accompanying adventurers. In this way, Miss Crumin will have four guards along the way.”


The smile on Celia’s face was somewhat unsustainable. Speaking of which, Keckel’s intentions are already very obvious. The young master team formed by the nobles obviously didn’t want to endure hardship, so they took a fancy to their three guard positions.

It is naturally impossible for ordinary adventurers to have any mounts. They are all riding in open-air carts or sitting in cargo carts. And the food is definitely much worse than the food provided by the guards.

“That, Mr. Feng En, I think…”

“Please don’t rush to refuse, Miss Krumin.” Kaiker smiled slightly: “Presumably, Miss Krumin has not been here for a long time and doesn’t know much about the situation here.”

“On the way from the camp to Huttonmar, our caravan would often be attacked by the moths of the revolutionary army. And in recent years, this behavior has become more and more rampant and serious. And because it is in the duchy and the empire. In the border area of ​​China, the Imperial Knights often cannot eliminate this group of worms.”

“So the caravan is actually not very safe. In this case, the more people who can protect, the better? My father is an earl, and the fathers of Mon and Zexis are also barons.”

“Miss Crumin, please think about it. Maybe in the future, your father may be able to communicate with us.”

“…First of all, Mr. Feng En made a little mistake. I am not a noble lady, I am just an ordinary girl from the Alvin line of defense.”


“Secondly, Xie Ming is not my guard, but my friend, my partner, and my captain.”

“In the end, I don’t believe that Master Feng En can protect me in times of danger. Therefore, I forgive me for rejecting your proposal.”

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