Chapter 1392 Magic School

Neilbas Gracia, this name is probably familiar to everyone. Because he was the first priest who changed from a pretender to a human being, and he also pioneered the existence of the fourth change of the priesthood.

Speaking of the Avengers, I still have to talk about the dark holy war. During the war with the pretenders, Shapiro Gracia, the ancestor of the Gracia family, used a huge shield to stand in the front line. It can be said that he is the patron of Paladin’s profession.

In the final battle, Shapiro steadily defended one of the three chaos knights who assisted Ozma, Astros of Terror, and the counterattack caused her to be seriously injured, which played a key role in the victory of the entire holy war. effect.

But because of this, the name Shapiro Gracia was also hated by Astros. When the time and space of the future great shift were distorted, she successfully passed through the seal of the different dimension space and came to the Arad continent.

In addition, it attacked the most valued and talented young man of the priesthood church at the time, Neilbas Gracia.

The curse of blood turned Neilbas, who was a priest, into a pretender. However, he succeeded in overcoming the curse by relying on his firm belief and powerful sacred power, miraculously transformed into an ordinary person.

At that time, this incident caused a great sensation, and it also gave hope to countless people who became pretenders because of the attack by the pretenders.

After the church’s long-term trials and painful failures and lessons, they finally discovered that while repelling other pretenders, they can also effectively prevent the body from being upgraded and return to a normal human form.

But things are far from simple.

Even if it returns to human identity, the demon factor of the pretender still exists inside the body. Ozma’s temptation reverberated in his mind from time to time, like a magic hand reaching out to the soul, tempting them to degenerate into demons again.

After years of accumulation, it is inevitable that there will be priests who once again become demons. As a result, these people were squeezed out by other members of the church, and even hunted down.

Isolated and helpless, they came together because of their common beliefs and established the “Anti-Pretender Alliance” and called themselves the Avengers. Since then, the fourth job transfer was born.

The original Avenger, Neil Buss, did not leave because he was squeezed out, but because he could not suppress the anger in his heart.

Must, must kill Astros.

The anger and hatred made him leave his young sister, Golantis, resolutely left the priesthood church, and began the journey of hunting down Astros.

The generation of talents of the priesthood church has since disappeared.

So at that time, seeing that Xie Ming could learn four sacred skills in such a short period of time, Golantis’s gaze as if looking at the monster was mixed with a touch of complexity.

Because her brother is also such a son of Tianjiao.

She has been looking for news of Neil Buss, but always returns without success, disappointed. Therefore, she agreed to become the teacher of the priesthood and come to Huttonmar. The reason is that I hope to hear about my brother from the mouths of adventurers or priests taught by me.

But with much expectation, there will be much disappointment. The whereabouts of Neilbas is still unknown.

According to Xie Ming’s speculation, I am afraid that Neilbas has been following the trail of the Dark Knights, chasing and killing Astros while sabotaging their actions.

Wanting to meet Neil Buss is actually quite simple.

Just enter the black earth and bring Ozma out of the seal. Then the Diablo Three Knights will naturally return to their master to assist. At that time, Neil Bass, who was chasing Astros, would definitely appear.

But if this proposal was spoken to the priesthood church, they must have shot you to death on the spot. Let Ozma reappear? Are you kidding me, do you want the curse of blood to descend on the continent of Arad again, causing such panic and darkness again?

However, this matter is what Xie Ming will do sooner or later. The tenth apostle Michel and the eleventh apostle Ozma are the help that Xie Ming needs to defeat Herder very much. I don’t know whether Obeys can get along with everyone as close as he is now.

“When the time comes, you can only see tricks.”

At least for now, everyone can still live together amicably.


Originally, according to Xie Ming’s plan, in the afternoon, I went to the Ghost Swordsman Hall and G.S.D to discuss issues related to fluctuations. But since the decision was made to speed up the plan, naturally there was no time to continue to grind like this.

Therefore, Xie Ming went directly to his last target in Huttonmar in the afternoon, the dark elf Shalan, the president of the Wizarding Association.

She was sent to the Duchy of Belmar by the decree of the dark elf queen Maya to establish a good relationship with mankind by imparting magic to mankind. Therefore, Shalan specially founded the magic school in Huttonmar.

The students enrolled in the school are not restricted by race. You are humans, dark elves, demons, celestial races, and even goblins. You can all enter this school to learn.

Of course, the premise of everything is that you have the qualifications to be able to perform magic.

As long as they have the basic qualities, appropriate sensitivity, and willingness to learn, anyone can learn magic and manipulate the magical aura flowing in this world. But if you don’t even have this basic quality, then don’t even think about learning magic.

Because of the magic school, Saran doesn’t often stay in the Wizards Association. For most of the day, she would stay in the magic school and teach the students there.

So after lunch Xie Ming did not go to the Magician Association, but came to the gate of the Magic School.

After explaining the situation with the guard, the guard contacted Saran through basic communication magic. After a while, a girl with long golden hair and shawl, dressed in a beautiful and gorgeous red princess dress, holding a green dragon in her hand, walked slowly towards the gate from the school building.

“Sir, this is the big disciple of Lord Sharan, the chief of the magic school, Miss Luo Lian. She will take you to see Lord Sharan later.”

The middle-aged swordsman who served as the guard said softly.

“I see, I’m sorry to disturb you.”

“That’s where the responsibility lies.”

The middle-aged swordsman smiled at Xie Ming, and then whispered: “Also, sir. Miss Luo Li’an has a somewhat strange personality. So please don’t take it to heart.”

After speaking, he walked quickly into the guard room next to the gate as if fleeing, leaving Xie Ming standing there with a wry smile.

Co-author of this eldest lady, she was already so famous when she was in the magic school. Also, the teaching building is only a few hundred meters away from the gate. It has been more than a minute, and it is less than half of the journey.

There is no way, Xie Ming can only take the initiative to walk towards Luo Lian. As a result, when the little girl saw Xie Ming voluntarily come over, she actually stood still.

When Xie Ming walked in front of her, she nodded in satisfaction and said proudly.

“For the sake of correcting it in time, I will forgive you for allowing me to go so far under the sun. Thank me.”


? ? ? ? ? ?

What silly thing is this silly girl saying?

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