Chapter 1397 The Situation in the Sky City

As mentioned before, the West Blue shore is very close to Huttonmar. For ordinary people, it only takes half a day. As the second largest city in Belmar and the most important seaport city, the bustling here is by no means inferior to Huttonmar.

And, there is one thing that Huttonmar can never have.

That is the oncoming sea breeze, and the seagulls flying in the sky.

The magic school is also located on the shore of West Blue. Three days ago, after Xie Ming bid farewell to Shalan and Luo Li’an, he set a space mark on the West Blue shore by the way.

Of course he also witnessed the towering castle, the city in the sky.

Even if I have experienced so many worlds, I have seen countless majestic landscapes and buildings. When I first saw the Sky City, it also gave him a lot of shock.

The heavy sense of history emanating from the building itself, coupled with the ancient magic circle surrounding it, touches all human senses.

At the same time, he also saw that teams of adventurer teams entered with ambition, team after team of adventurers with Bloodline on their bodies, with frustration or even sadness on their faces, staggering out.

Adventure is a romantic thing, an exciting thing, but also a dangerous thing. I believe these teams will understand after passing through the level of Sky City.

With Xie Ming’s strength, there is no problem with just brushing the Sky City, but that will not have any effect.

While there is still time, he should seize every opportunity to increase his efficiency to Ultimate.

There are three main purposes for entering the Sky City.

One: Familiarize yourself with various newly learned skills through combat.

Two: Run-in squad, at least to have basic cooperation between each other.

Three: Reach the top level and get the message left by Bakar from the lord of Sky City: Saigehart.

The purpose of the third point, although Xie Ming’s speculation on the future, is very likely to happen. With Bakar’s owlet male character, it is absolutely impossible to die willingly.

Especially, in the presence of such a variable as its own, it is impossible that nothing has changed without taking place.

This can be regarded as Xie Ming’s confidence in himself.

Of course, self-confidence belongs to self-confidence, but you still need to prepare for things that should be prepared. Since Xie Ming himself felt that a great change would take place in his arrival, there was no reason why the Sky City would not change.

If the city’s guardian boss of the city of Light: Seghart may have the news of Bakar, then the soldiers of light created in the city of the sky may also be strengthened a lot.

Therefore, before entering, you must understand the information inside.

Fortunately, the Belmar Principality attaches great importance to the news about the Sky City, and has been acquiring the information in the hands of the forefront adventurers, and based on this information, has compiled a booklet and sold it to the adventurers who are about to enter the Sky City.

The price is not expensive, a booklet only costs 10 gold coins. However, the base of adventurers is large, so the official of the Principality seems to have made a lot of money in selling intelligence.

This gave Xie Ming the sense of seeing that he was trying to attack Ain Grande. But compared to Aying Grandt, Sky City is its predecessor.

Although the information in the pamphlet could not be the latest information, for Xie Ming, it was enough for comparison. So of course, Xie Ming also bought a copy.

Swarms of pterosaurs, blue pterosaurs, dragon people evolved from the dragon race, and the elite Minius among the dragon people, possess Lucas who controls the power of thunder. The stone statue of the adventurer who died as a stone statue made by the puppet master of weird life, the puppet master, and the king of puppets, Dao Ge.

Basically, it is no different from the Dragon Tower and Doll entrance in Xie Ming’s memory.

Both levels were broken by adventurers. Even the dragon head statues that breathed fire and ice were completely destroyed. The frontline base is already stationed inside. But when I went up one level, it got stuck.

The stratum named the Tower of the Stone Giant stood in front of the adventurers.

The manipulators of the stone giants, who manipulated the four types of stone giants such as soil, hammer, bronze, and floating, are hiding behind them, making it difficult for adventurers to break through. Even if he expended great efforts to break through the copper and iron walls of the stone giants, he found that those stone giants’ manipulators had already slipped away.

And if you continue to move forward, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that more stone giants surround you under the control of the manipulator. Because of the cunning of the stone giant controller, many adventurers have fallen into this class.

But not long ago, a team of 6 people entered the Sky City. The team members are all mid-level job transfers. Even the captain is a high-level gunner with extremely strong offensive capabilities.

This team led other teams of adventurers, broke through the stone giant, beheaded the newly discovered species, the elite stone giant named Stoneblade Razzle, and even killed three or four stone giant manipulators.

Until this time, the intelligence that the manipulator of the stone giant was killed and the stone giant being manipulated would become the soul of the stone giant with extremely low risk was discovered.

Perhaps it is too smooth, this team wants to go straight through the tower of the giant stone.

Then, escaped back.

In front of Platani, the golden giant with completely different hardness and speed, the gunner’s focused laser cannon could not be hit by the quantum bomb. Platani’s overlord charge directly withstood countless attacks and killed several elementalists and priests with weaker survivability.

And those attacks, only hitting its golden armor, there were many cracks, and many small pieces were dropped. But after a few breaths, those cracks were automatically repaired.

Despair began to spread in this tough team, first, then second, third and fourth…The adventurers fled in panic to the hall of the dolls stationed at the frontline base.

The Principality’s soldiers stationed at the front-line base were counted, and nearly half of them did not return to the base. Among them, the advanced gunner was included.

Quietly listening to Xie Ming narrating that he had learned about the information about the Sky City, Nuo Yu and Celia both had very serious faces. As for Obess, obviously he knew about this early, and even helped Xie Ming to make some supplements where he was unclear just now.

After all, the information network of the Church of the Priesthood is obviously not something that Xie Ming can compare with after buying a pamphlet.

“Therefore, we must now clearly understand our position. Without any running-in, we can describe that our team has no problems with a piece of loose sand.”

“Remember, our goal now is not to get through to the higher level as soon as possible, but to run in the team. At least, we must learn the most basic cooperation. Entering the higher level is something after that.”

“Selia knows some auxiliary magic. Obesi is a paladin, so you two must be standing guards. Nuoyu is a dexterous swordsman, so you are the one who is going to attack. And me, it’s standing. In the middle position, he is responsible for tackling tough points and protecting the guards.”

“Of course, the enemy will naturally have some long-range and unexpected attack methods. This is the case with the stone giant manipulator and the iron puppeteer’s ground thorn. Obes, I can only trouble you to take care of Celia.”

“Leave it to me~”

“I will work hard.”


Looking at Obesi who tapped his breastplate and Selia with a serious look, Xie Ming nodded lightly, looked at each other with Nuo Yu, and then said.

“Remember, I don’t know how to use space abilities and sword skills until my life is in danger. So everyone, be mentally prepared for injury.”

“Set off.”

Following Xie Ming, the four stepped into the class called the Tower of Stone Giants.

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