Chapter 1602 Planet-level magic, launch!

The first, second, and third apostles came to fight against him together? Can I surrender?

just kidding.

But to be honest, if Kahn and Isis work together to deal with him, it will really give him a headache.

Before he played against Kahn, the main reason why he was in a suppressed state was the anticipation brought about by his superior skills. This allowed him to fight with extra energy to engrave the mark of the fire of killing God on Kahn’s body.

But if Isis, who is known for speed, is added now, his extra energy will be taken away. There is even a high probability that the two suppressed by the two will not be able to fight back.

What, you ask Herder?

The big surprise Xie Ming prepared for her hasn’t been used yet.

The key to this final battle is the two central figures on both sides. Xie Ming, and Herder.

As long as Xie Ming is killed, no one will be able to resist Kahn and Isis, and everyone will be wiped out in the Demon Realm. Similarly, if Herder dies, then Xie Ming and the others can start the retreat.

Isis has also said before, that he is not interested in the affairs of the Demon Realm and Arad Continent. Once Held died, with Isis’s indifferent attitude, I am afraid he would go back to his own planet to live his own life.

If it were replaced by Pule, who represented the bright side, I am afraid that this favor would be used to kill Xie Ming. But if he were to change to Pry, he would not be able to take hold of these conspiracies.

This should be why Herder would help Isis instead of helping Prey.

And Kahn alone, if he is stuck, Xie Ming can sacrifice his final trump card to kill him. But from his understanding of Kahn in the battle just now, Kahn is not that character.

As soon as Held died and they retreated, Kahn should go back to the Demon Realm Square to sit and continue to guard the Demon Realm. This should be the original agreement between him and Herder.

A man like him is the type that will carry out the agreement to the end. I just don’t know what exactly was the agreement between Herder and Kahn.

But guarding the devil world, this should be included in the agreement.

As for the dignity of the strong, and disdain to fight with others, this kind of useless self-esteem will not be present to anyone. If there are such conditions, Xie Ming also wants a crowd to beat him up and solve it directly.

Unfortunately, this situation is really unlikely to happen.

“The three apostles come to work together against me?” Xie Ming raised the flame knife in his hand: “You can try it.”

If anyone said before that there was a human that Kahn, Helder, and Isis needed to deal with together, I’m afraid the whole demon world would think that this person is a lunatic.

But the current situation is that even if the three of them have decided to fight together, looking at Xie Ming, who is pointing the knife at them, they still don’t feel confident of winning.

“Damn Kaaba Akihiko… actually let such a monster out of control…”

She is still wondering why this man who has been gritted his teeth and resisted after being controlled by herself would actually pay such a high price to allow the two players to escape her control?

No matter how strong the two players are and how good their skills are, how can they be used?

After that, she did raise her concern about Xie Ming and dealt with it in time, but it was still useless. One step is careless, and the final result is a global collapse.

In fact, as he said before, his own thousand-year plan has failed. But even so, it wasn’t the reason for her to give up like this.

In order to change her homeland back to its original appearance, she will not hesitate to use everything. Don’t hesitate, let yourself lower your posture.

“Mr. Xie Ming… We, there shouldn’t be a reason to fight, right?””…..So far, are you still talking about this?” Xie Ming raised his eyebrows slightly: “Why, are you still planning to make peace with me?”

“Why not?”

Herder smiled slightly: “Mr. Xie Ming, you are not from the Arad continent, there should be no reason to fight for your life for the Arad continent.”

“The reason why you came to this world, and the reason you want to fight with me, should be your ultimate goal to make yourself and your friends return to earth safely, right? I can promise you that when you return to earth, cut off Allah The connection between the German continent and the earth.”

“The two worlds will not interfere with each other from now on.”

“I’m sorry for the players who have died on the continent of Arad so far. But the dead are gone, and we are helpless. For you, Mr. Xie Ming, the more important thing should not be the one who is still struggling now, the earth Your partner, and your lover, don’t you?”

With that said, Herder’s hand traversed the space and took it from Vice Admiral’s extremely weak ball of light.

“This is the reason why the earth and the Arad continent are connected. Mr. Xie Ming, you should know him too.”

“Heathcliff, the name of the earth is Kayaba Akihiko.”


Looking at the extremely weak ball of light in Herder’s hand, the corner of Xie Ming’s eyes twitched slightly. Before coming here, he had guessed countless possibilities for the connection between the plane of the sword of the gods and the plane of the Arad continent.

One of the conjectures was that this incident was the culprit of the Sword Art Online plane, Kayaba Akihiko. But after thinking about it, he rejected this conjecture.

After all, Herder has the ability to travel through time and space. Maybe the connection with the Sword Art Realm plane is that Herder hit the jackpot?

The results of it? Good guy, it was really made by Kayaba Akihiko. But looking at him, he should have been deceived by this bad woman, Herder, who made these things involuntarily.

“In the beginning, when you came, Mr. Xie Ming, if it weren’t for Mr. Kayaba’s hard work, you should still be under my control now? Just like your friends and lovers.”

With that said, Herder opened the space again, and ten figures walked out of this space tunnel.

“Asuna…and everyone…”

After continuous life and death trials, all the nine members of the Flash Adventure Group, except Liz, reached level 80. Asuna, Yuuki and Kirito successfully reached the level of second awakening.

Yuuki’s sister Ran can also enter the state of the Holy Spirit at any time. What she lacks now is only to develop the sixth element by herself.

But no matter how much their strength is improved, their control is still in Helder’s hands. As they are now, as long as Helder’s mind moves slightly, they are directly controlled by brainwashing.

Now, their eyes are numb and cold. Even Asuna, the look in Xie Ming’s eyes is the same as that of strangers.

“How despicable…”

Celia’s hands were trembling slightly, does the second apostle really have no bottom line in front of him?

“Xie Ming, we…”

“Believe me.”

In just three words, Celia closed her mouth. Xie Ming knew very well what the silver-haired girl wanted to say.

She wanted to say, don’t worry about them, don’t worry about Arad continent, take your friends and love back home.

Celia is not the only one who has this idea.

Resalin, Obes, Nou, and Minette, who had just emerged from danger and awakened from a coma, all braced their weak body and stood up, with the will to die in their eyes.

But the only thing that is not, is any negative sentiment towards Xie Ming. They understand that this man owes them nothing from beginning to end. Therefore, even if he pulls away at this time, they will not have any complaints.

No…probably there will be a little bit…after all, if you can live, who wants to die?

“You have to think clearly, who is the other party. Is it Herder? That Herder, who has countless lies and constantly uses the most despicable means to achieve his goals.”

Xie Ming laughed: “What is the credibility of her words.”

“Mr. Xie Ming, I didn’t lie.”

Held said calmly: “If you are willing to stop at this moment, I will immediately release the control and hand over to you Mr. Kayaba. However, if you insist on going your own way…”

“Your love and friends on Earth, and your companions in Arad are killing each other…I really don’t want to see such cruel things.”

“Ha…Ha ha ha ha ha ha…”

The icy laughter contained a mockery of Herder and anger at Herder’s words. Xie Ming really didn’t understand, why would the enemy standing opposite him always step on his minefield with precision?

“Herder, let me tell you two things.”

“The first thing is that there are two things that I hate most. One is that someone threatens me. The other is someone who wants to hurt the person I value. And the paragraph you just said made me feel bad. The most annoying thing, directly dropped one position.”

“The second thing, are you underestimating me?”

The flame armor on his body was slowly dyed with pitch black because of the anger filling. Colorful eyes, watching Herder calmly.


“Kayaba Akihiko was the cause of this incident. I did not expect this incident. But…After Shirlock and I explained what happened to you, you think I would not have expected the player behind the scenes. ,is it you?”

“And after I anticipated this, do you think I will do nothing?”

“Don’t underestimate people, woman.”

“I’ve never been alone in a fight.”

“Whether it is on the Arad continent or on the earth!”


As the voice fell, the light group in Helder’s hand suddenly burst out a huge magic beam that made everyone look at him. This magical beam of light shook Kahn, Isis, and Herder, and injected them into the dark sky of the demon world.

The super magic circle that spread to the entire demon world, even occupying the entire sky of the heavens, imprinted in everyone’s eyes.


“Sister Otinus, Sister Justissa…Please.”

Looking at Justinus, who was standing around Xie Ming, dressed in holy attire, and Ortinus, who was restored to his original size in the demon costume, Yui whispered, “Leave the maintenance of the magic circle to me.”

“Don’t worry, Miss Yui.”


Otinus said calmly: “As for mechanical matters, we are very relieved to leave it to you.”

The planet-level magic, Kyōka Suigetsu, is a special network unique to the Sword Art Realm plane, combined with the magic knowledge of the Arad continent, and a magic array carefully composed by Otinus.

As the leader of the troublemaker, as the devil, the entire forbidden world probably knows how to combine science and magic better than Otinus.

Of course, the kind of magic in academy city covered in technology is another matter.So the terminal that controls this huge magic circle is a computer assembled by Yui in Xie Ming’s nursing room during this time. It is the supercomputers hidden in all the countries on the earth that are responsible for the calculations.

When Xie Ming talked to them about this, they knew that they were definitely going to the Arad continent. At that time, naturally no one can manage this huge magic circle.

So from the beginning, Kyōka Suigetsu was designed in a direction that Yui can also operate.

This is the limitation of the exclusive wizard. Protected by the main god space, the exclusive elves of the substitute will not be harmed in any way. But in the same way, the exclusive wizard can’t carry out any offensive control.

Regarding the manipulation of the magic circle, it should naturally be included in it. However, turning this manipulation into a computer-level maintenance, there is no problem.

After all, to take advantage of the space of the Lord God, isn’t this a necessary skill for every substitute?


Hearing Otinus’s compliment, Yui smiled embarrassedly: “Then, please say hello to Mom and Dad for me.”

With that, he gently pressed the Enter key.

“Planetary magic, Kyōka Suigetsu, start!”


At this moment, all the supercomputers hidden in various parts of the world have started overclocking operations. The huge magic circle printed in the sky began to rotate slowly. At the center of the magic circle, a huge beam of light shot out, connecting to coordinates far away on another plane.

And what was wrapped in this light was the body of Otinus and Justissa, and Xie Ming’s body under the protection of the two.



Before, it was the energy emitted by the light group that formed a huge magic circle. And now, a huge beam of light projected from the center of the magic circle, which happened to hit Xie Ming.

The soul that has escaped from the body is returned to the body at this moment.

Feeling this long-lost sense of comfort and the two familiar breaths standing around him, Xie Ming smiled slightly.


“Xie Ming.”

“Oh… it’s been a long time since I saw you, Eutinus, Justissa. And…”

From the portable space, slowly withdrew the long knife hidden in the pitch-black scabbard, Xie Ming said softly.

“Demon Blade Nightmare.”

“Are you ready… to drink the enemy’s blood?”


The blade, as silver as the moonlight, let out a whisper. The Demon Blade was also responding to the fighting spirit and anger in Xie Ming’s heart.

The beam of light slowly disappeared, and the figures of Eutinus and Justissa also appeared in front of everyone.

Holy and devil, white and black… The only thing in common between the two beauties is probably the same indifferent and calm expressions.

Retracting the Mingyan knife into its sheath, gently shook the demon knife that had been entwined with the pitch black flame, Xie Ming said lightly.

“Three to three is fair, isn’t it?”

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