Chapter 1607

“Okay, put your emotions away.”

Otinus said calmly: “If you want to pay homage to that woman, there will be time after the matter is over. Now, what we need to pay attention to is not how sad Herder is, but how hateful it is.”

“What we need to focus on is how to defeat Kahn.”

I don’t know how to look at his words, and I’m afraid this is the most similar point between Otinus and Xie Ming. But in fact, no matter how sad Herder’s life experience is, it has nothing to do with them.

If Herder is a stranger, then they will sympathize. If Herder were friends, they would be sad for it. But Herder is neither a stranger nor a friend, but an enemy who kills him.

Until her death, she was still thinking about destroying the Arad continent and hurting innocent people.

She is indeed very sad, but she is also very hateful. Don’t forget, Xie Ming was still trying his best to procrastinate in the sky. They are here to mourn for the tragic background of the enemy, this is not the Virgin, but the Bitch.

“Be preempted…”

“Miss Otinus…”

An unclear light flashed in the eyes of Asuna and Celia. Although it was really untimely to think about this kind of thing during this kind of crisis, there was no way, it was indeed comparable to them. Things of life.

“Miss Otinus is right, let’s get back to the subject.”

Celia said softly, “As I just said, Herder is the thirteenth Beyana created by the scientists of Terra, the incomplete thirteenth artificial god. So, her body There is no power of great will.”

“Originally, after the death of the apostle, the power would return to the body of the great will. But now, the power has not returned to the great will, but has entered Kahn. I think it should be Herder who used something.”

“It should be the water of life.”

After thinking about it for a while, Azerah said affirmatively: “The water of life was originally the core material for the creation of Beyana, and it has the effect of attracting and fixing the breath of the gods.”

“Attract… the breath of fixed gods…”

Otinus frowned slightly, and Azeroth’s explanation reminded her of something.

“The water of life…” Asuna also frowned, “That is to say, it is this water of life that fixed the power of that ‘great will’ within Kahn’s body.”

“Then, our solution should revolve around this water of life.”

“How to make the function of the water of life invalid and let the power of the’great will’ flow out of Kahn…”

“Tara has not developed a means to invalidate the water of life.”

Azera smiled bitterly and said: “If Terra develops, Terra Star will not be destroyed by the battle between the Great Will and Twelve Beyana.”


Everyone was silent again. Now they have too little intelligence. Based on the historical data just read by Celia and Azero’s explanation, there is no way to analyze the corresponding countermeasures.

Listening to the explosion from above and the horrible fluctuations that made people’s legs soft, everyone’s hearts became more and more anxious. But the more anxious, the easier it is to get into the horns.At this moment, Otinus raised his head and looked at Azeroth.

“…Azero, do you have a way to make the water of life?”

“How to make the water of life?”

Azera was taken aback for a moment: “There should be relevant information in the Genesis database. Miss Otinus, what do you want this for?”

“Show me that.”

Otinus said calmly: “Maybe I have thought of a way.”


“Cough…cough cough cough…”

Using Leaf Fall to resist Kahn’s punch was a minor injury. With the sufficient vitality in his body connected to the World Tree, he could recover in just a few seconds. But the problem is that in these few seconds, Kahn can hit five or six punches again.

Under the continuous superposition of minor injuries and minor injuries, no matter how light the injuries are, they will become serious injuries. However, Xie Ming’s current situation cannot be seriously injured to affect his movements.

Once the action is affected, if it is directly hit by Kahn, the picture is too beautiful.

Xie Ming currently does not want to see such a beautiful picture.

However, the situation is not that the battle has not improved. After all, Xie Ming surpassed Kahn by a large margin in terms of skills. After so many beatings, if you haven’t seen the terminals, it is a bit too watery.

Now Xie Ming can already use some of Kahn’s movement details to determine his attack route, so as to evade and evade in advance. Although he will still be injured by the aftermath, the injury is still within the scope of self-recovery.

However, Xie Ming was totally unhappy about this situation. The reason is simple, because Kahn’s attack intensity began to condense, and the speed began to get faster and faster.

At the beginning, Kahn’s attack was as powerful as a shotgun. Although the threat is great, it is relatively less threatening because the power is very scattered.

But now this scattered power is being gradually controlled by Kahn, which means that Kahn gave up the idea of ​​killing Xie Ming quickly, and started to learn bit by bit to control this sudden power.

This is a good thing and a bad thing for Xie Ming.

The good thing is that he can dodge more easily, and can use this time to catch his breath and recover from his injuries. It is also in line with his previous strategy of delaying time as much as possible.

But if Kahn controls enough power to kill Xie Ming before the others have found a way to deal with Kahn, then Xie Ming really has no chance of a comeback.

If there is a choice, Xie Ming would rather choose Kahn to continue his previous shotgun boxing.

The injury is too serious, he can maintain his physical condition. There are a bunch of props in the portable space that can recover from the injury, it doesn’t matter if they are all used up.

The most feared was that he would be punched to death without even having the opportunity to use the props. Well… the dead are really a little bit too frustrated.

“Really…. Forbidden to do so, why did Sword Art Online give me such a dangerous enemy…”

You must know that when Xie Ming returned to the Sword God Realm plane, he really came with a rested mentality. Although it is indeed spent most of the decadent time of eating and sleeping training and playing games in Tokyo, as everyone knows, who doesn’t want to waste it all the time?

From this point of view, the connection between the Arad Continent and the Sword Art Realm caused Xie Ming’s rusty physical activity to start. Hmm…Some of the activities are too open…

“Wait a little longer.”

Although it is a delaying tactic, after the enemy has countermeasures against him, he cannot continue to act according to the original plan. Nor can it, pin all hopes to Otinus.

You can wait, but you can’t wait foolishly.

The power that Kahn can control now is still within his tolerance. Once the power controlled by Kahn is close to the limit of the range, he must act.

At the cost of serious injuries, he created a chance to get close to Kahn. After using Yao to detonate the mark and completely destroy Kahn’s physical defenses, he would use the knife to decide the outcome.

Therefore, what Xie Ming needs to do now is to constantly harass, and forge a somewhat anxious appearance after seeing Kahn’s plan. In some cases, even more injuries were deliberately taken.

Otherwise, when the time comes, a life-death attack will be launched abruptly, and even fools know that there is a fraud. Don’t pay the price of serious injury to the price of death.

Xie Ming’s fighting philosophy has always been that you must sell when it is time to sell, and never when it is time to fight. And, it is absolutely necessary to add the element of ‘acting skills’ in the battle.

The more true the acting, the greater the chance that the other party will be fooled. Sun Tzu’s art of war is really useful wherever it is.

Sprint, hurt, retreat. Sprint, hurt, slash severely, retreat. Roughly speaking, Xie Ming is constantly repeating and interspersing these two modes of action.

If there is a chance to cut the opponent, he will naturally not miss it. Otherwise, it would be strange to just sprint and retreat without arousing suspicion from the other party.

The enemy must remain vigilant to himself, and continue to pose a threat to the enemy, in order to truly behave in a false way.

The killing intent will always lock the enemy, and the blade will always cut to the enemy’s vitals. If there is a chance to seriously injure the enemy, never let it go. The imaginary can always be changed to the real at any time, and the false can always be changed to the real at any time.

Xie Ming really didn’t mean anything compared to being cruel to himself. He is a person who can grit his teeth and reincarnate tens of thousands of times in the world of Rewrite. You know, he just entered the main god space at that time.

The broken arm was broken up and left alone, and the flesh and blood was cut off by the fist wind. The bright red body has turned into a blood-red color in this crazy impact.

The demon sword was whispering, cheering, and grinning.

From beginning to end, it is a magic knife. It will drink the blood of the enemy, and it will be delighted by the injury of the owner. It is naturally loyal to Xie Ming, but above loyalty, it is more eager to kill and blood.

It is eager to defeat a powerful enemy, so it understands that when its own master is like this, it must be when it encounters a powerful enemy.

If the master defeats a strong enemy, it can become sharper and stronger through the enemy’s blood. If the master fails, it will devour the master’s flesh and blood, control the master’s body, continue to kill and strengthen itself, and finally avenge the master.

Then…. Then there will be a bloody storm on these thousands of planes.

Xie Ming naturally understood what the nature of Yaodao was. It’s just that he has confidence in himself.

Being able to kill one’s own enemies is naturally able to destroy the demon sword. How could an enemy that can’t even be destroyed by a demon sword kill himself?

It’s not that he didn’t want to come over to purify the demon nature of the demon sword, but he gave up after thinking about it.

As a result, other people are unlikely to touch the demon sword. Secondly, this knife has been with me for so long anyway, and in some respects it must be like my own. He really didn’t believe that if this knife were really free, it would kill innocent people casually.

Moreover, this kind of magic is a kind of help when fighting a strong enemy.

Without a bit of magic and fierceness, how can you defeat a powerful enemy?

It’s a pity that this crazy attack didn’t affect Kahn’s rhythm. This guy can really be described as stable as an old dog. Fight steadily, without risk. People who didn’t know saw it and thought Kahn was at a disadvantage.

If Kahn reveals a larger flaw, Xie Ming will inevitably crush the few fairy beans pressed under his tongue and launch the final offensive with all his strength.And this crazy offensive has not only played the role previously expected. In order to guard against Xie Ming, Kahn allocated considerable energy. This also caused his control of power to slow down.

Now, what the two are competing against is patience and time. Is it because Xie Ming can’t hold on to this crazy high-frequency attack rhythm, or Kahn first controls enough power to kill Xie Ming.

The support of Oetinus and others has been classified by Xie Ming into the scope of accidental factors. This is not to say that they do not trust them, but to tie up the important battle with only one thread, which is really unreliable.

Especially Xie Ming conscious that his luck is really not good, and he has to be prepared for everything.

But Xie Ming forgot, who is fighting with him now. She controlled technology and magic, and turned the whole world around, the demon god named after the main god Odin.

How difficult and powerful she is when she is an enemy, how reliable she will be when she is a teammate.

Although she was weakened by three points because of whitewashing, it was her strength that weakened her, not her mind.

“Xie Ming, I have found a way to deal with Kahn, and you are now ready to recover your physical condition and prepare for the next plan.”


Hearing the notice from Otinus, Xie Ming didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately swallowed the fairy beans, and began to fully mobilize the huge vitality in his body to repair various injuries in his body.

This also caused his actions to stop.

Kahn would naturally not give up this opportunity, but his clenched fist couldn’t get out.

“Ha, it’s really frightening.”

“Kahn…Xie Ming, have you been fighting such a terrifying monster…”

“Both are monsters.”

“In the end, it really became a meat shield…”

Under the transmission of the Genesis, the flying apostles stood in front of Kahn, using their body as a shield to protect Xie Ming. This is really not easy for the apostles.

It is precisely because their lives are threatened that they want revenge and resist Herder. But now, they bet on their lives to protect a human being.

However, there is nothing wrong with this.

The apostles were not afraid of death, but they did not want to die because of the will of others. Your own fate must be decided by yourself. How to die, how to die, you have to choose.

Besides, they have always been regarded as a burden, so how can they accept it for these arrogant guys?

Yes, indeed, the apostles cannot hurt each other, but that was before. Who can guarantee that Kahn cannot kill the apostle now? This is also a gamble for the apostle.

A big bet with one’s own life as a bargaining chip.

And now, they won the bet. They succeeded and won a few seconds for Xie Ming and Otinus to turn the tide of the battle.

“Kabbalah Catalogue, launch it.”

The peaceful girl’s voice echoed high in the sky. What followed was a huge mysterious pattern that seemed to include everything.

At the moment when the catalog appeared, the power in Kahn’s body rioted.

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