Chapter 1612 Waiting for you, bless you

Trance, the strongest jewelry set in the DNF90 version. Necklace: Enriched Breath, Ring: Clear Spring Sounds, Bracelet: Guidance of the Venus. When these three pieces of jewelry are worn by the same person, the bonus effect of the suit can be obtained.

When Xie Ming was looking for a way to become stronger, Yui mentioned this to Xie Ming. Unfortunately, because of various things, this matter was delayed infinitely backwards.

However, sometimes fate is so wonderful.

When you deliberately look for it, you will miss it for various reasons. But when you have forgotten this matter, it will appear next to you.

Xie Ming at this time had such a feeling.

In general, Xie Ming has gained a lot of useful things during this trip to the Arad continent.

Equipped with the Brahma Windbreaker, the Dark Flame Blade·Soul Yuzan, the last accessory of the Trance Realm Set, Breath of Enchantment, and the magic stone made by Alice from the heart of the previous golden stone giant Platani .

Platani’s Golden Stone: Strength, intelligence, physical strength, spirit +115.

If you look at the attribute bonus alone, the bonus of this magic stone is exaggerated than any piece of equipment on Xie Ming. Even the total of the three pieces of jewelry in the Trance Realm can’t compare to this one Philosopher’s Stone.

(The four attributes of three pieces of jewelry are +107 each)

After bringing these equipment back to the main god space and allowing the main god to transform into the main god space equipment, Xie Ming can get the addition of these equipment on any plane.

However, the more precious and powerful the equipment, the more expensive the conversion cost will naturally be. Like Xie Ming’s Infinite Gundam before, it has always been in a state of no certification.

After entering Tier 3, Xie Ming slowly saved some exchange points before finally converting it into a special equipment: the body.

Although Xie Ming still has a lot of fronts in his hands, he really doesn’t have much confidence to be able to convert all this batch of equipment into the master space equipment. But from the perspective of economy, what actually needs to be changed is the enthusiasm.

The movement speed bonus of the Brahma windbreaker is indeed very precious and valuable on the Arad continent. But if you get it in the main god space, you really can’t get on the table.

After all, there are very few equipment on the continent of Arad that have a bonus to speed. The main god space is everywhere.

Although Mingyan Knife is an epic weapon with special fire attributes, its various additions are very good, but Xie Ming already has the two knives of Tianhuo Jingyan and Yaodao Village Zheng. Compared with the two specially transformed and strengthened God Killing Equipment, the Dark Flame Sword seemed a bit tasteless.

As for the final Philosopher’s Stone, the attribute bonus is indeed very good. So if there is a spare exchange point, Xie Ming will naturally convert it into the master space equipment. It’s just that compared with the energetic breath, the golden stone must be placed back.

In terms of skills and techniques, Xie Ming’s greatest gain is to summarize and remove the dregs of his own swordsmanship through the Secret Book of Waves and the Original Chapter, and finally created the fourth worldly swordsmanship that can truly be called the Profound Truth. Style: Constant.

Tackling tough Yao, quick killing Min, counteracting Ye Luo, and the general outline of the profound meaning of Heng. Of the five formulas in Xie Ming’s plan, now there is only the last one.

Secondly, the field of mental perception has become a more refined field of volatility perception. Perhaps in other planes, fluctuations cannot be used through the fluctuations of all things.

But the fact that everything fluctuates is absolute.

This means that the wave perception domain is different from what Xie Ming has learned on other planes. It is a general *** type of move that can be used on all planes, and belongs to the same type as the earthly swordsmanship.

Ranked third, is that fighting skills have finally reached the realm of masters.

After all, even a great master of swordsmanship, he must have something in his hand to perform his swordsmanship. And the fighting master can make up for his defect.As for the other magic, holy arts, and sword skills learned, they are not worth mentioning compared to these three gains.

Different planes have different rules. What you learn on this plane may be 99% unusable on another plane. Even if Xie Ming had the magical skill of energy conversion, he didn’t often use the moves learned from other planes.

The reason is simple, because these moves are missing something.

Just like the sword skills of Arad Continent, the control technique of breaking the tyrant body, the wave slashing, the palm of the flower that has the ability to fly, etc., these have no such effect on other planes.

And without these special effects, why would Xie Ming still use them?

In terms of moves and skills, he is absolutely pragmatic. There are simply not too many moves that he eliminated.

For example, the previous unlimited draw and cut (USB), as well as all kinds of fancy moves that came out of the brain. It is also easier to use the two tricks of Instantaneous Pulling and Splitting and Splitting Void, so they have been used until now.

The final harvest is drawn from the twelve apostles and comes from the creation power of Carlosso, the ‘great will’. After these things entered the catalog, there was not even a splash.

Anyway, Xie Ming, a Tier 3 substitute, didn’t feel anything, but according to Otinus, these twelve powers of creation can still come in handy for the current Xie Ming.

For example…. The talent skill obtained after retrieving the endless memory of reincarnation in the world of Rewrite.

Aurora-the world branch, if you have the help of Otinus, it can be used.

This skill, in simple words, is omnipotent. As long as you consume enough life force, it is not impossible to cross the universe. To sum it up in two words, it is the omnipotence that has to pay a price.

The ability that could only be used at Tier 4 can be activated with the power of creation. However, this is an extremely wasteful usage.

In this world, what power can be called omnipotence? There is only one answer, the power of creation.

Therefore, the world branch of Aurora’s ability is the ability to transform vitality into the power of creation. To activate with the power of creation is simply putting the cart before the horse.

Therefore, Xie Ming would not use this world branch ability if he hadn’t been forced to that capacity.

And the other two abilities: Superman branch and monster branch, because of the existence of reincarnation memory, there is no familiar or unfamiliar situation. But these two abilities are really tasteless to Xie Ming now.

Can’t find a place to use it, so I can only put it aside for now. After all, this is a natural ability, maybe it can play a role in unexpected places.

All in all, Xie Ming’s trip to the Arad continent came to an end with the fact that he obtained the energetic breath. And his time in the Sword God Realm plane is almost closing the curtain.


After returning to the Sword Art Domain, the first thing Xie Ming did was also to clean up the mess for Herder’s actions.

Every time he thinks about this, he feels a little uncomfortable inexplicably.

But if you don’t clean up, you can’t do it, so you can only endure it.

Fortunately, there is a guy like Kaaba Akihiko, which saves Xie Ming a lot of time. This guy serves as the operating terminal of Data Life and Herder. All the things that Herder does on the earth are recorded in Kayaba Akihiko.

Therefore, Xie Ming only needs to follow these records.

Fortunately fortunately, those controlled by Herder are quite high-ranking officials. Therefore, the power in their hands is also quite large. This allowed Xie Ming to solve his own problems while cleaning up the mess.

The method is very simple, let Ortinus play Herder’s mortal enemy, inform these senior officials that Herder has been killed by her, and she will continue to control Herder’s position.

The things that have already happened will happen again. These high-ranking officials have already knelt once, so naturally they won’t care about kneeling the second time. Similarly, they don’t care who they kneel to.

They need only two guarantees: there are benefits, and their handle will not be exposed.

To deal with these guys, Xie Ming didn’t bother to talk about humanitarianism. Tianhuo Jingyan’s psychological operation went straight up, letting them do what they ordered.

Under the interference of these high-ranking officials, Xie Ming’s nominally affiliated Imagination Division stopped its investigation of the Arad continent, and the matter was no longer there.

The memories of players who traveled to the Arad continent have all been replaced except for Kirito and others. During the time when the players were in the Arad continent, there was no terminal caused by the planet-level magic Kyōka Suigetsu.

Therefore, the invasion of Otherworld, which should have killed or injured more than 10,000 people, has thus become a long-term game linkage activity.

All players are talking about this event. Looking at these players, Kirito and others felt sad or fortunate.

“I always feel… we are a little cunning…”

In the cabins of freshman SAO, Asuna and Xie Ming, Kirito lowered his head and said.

“Players have caused so many disasters and tragedies in that world, but they are only regarded as an event. But because of this incident, the people of Arad mainland can’t be resurrected…”

“I have clearly explained the pros and cons to you at the beginning.”

Xie Ming took a sip of tea calmly: “Accepting this memory means that you have to accept the feeling that everyone is drunk, but I am alone, and accept the pain.”

“Furthermore…. Compared with those who do evil, more players have suffered from the enslavement and persecution of people from the Arad continent. Therefore, this matter can only be each other.”

“You who have stayed in the Delos Empire should be very clear about what kind of country it is.”

“Although… that’s what it says…”

With a light sigh, Kirito smiled bitterly and said: “Sure enough, no matter what, I can’t put it down as easily as Edmond.”

After all, in that world, everyone’s hands are covered with blood.

Horse bandits, enemies, soldiers… those are all living lives.

Regarding these things, Xie Ming had no way or enlighten them, only let them figure it out. This is what they will encounter in SAO, but it was blocked by Xie Ming that time.

However, there is no way to escape the things that cannot be avoided after all. Moreover, everyone is now over 16 years old, and their thinking is bound to be more mature than that at SAO.

So let them think for themselves and think about the meaning of this experience, which is not necessarily a bad thing for them.

Kirito also understood this, so he just came over to find Xie Ming to complain. In his mind, Xie Ming can be regarded as a more reliable, elder brother role.

After giving psychological counseling to the group of friends, Xie Ming looked at Asuna.

“Asuna, shall we go on a date tomorrow?”

“Um.”Asuna smiled and nodded.


Shinjuku Gyoen, these four characters may be an unfamiliar name for people who are not old enough. But for people of a certain age, it can be considered a quite famous holy place.

The selection of the famous “The Garden of Words” is the place where the male and female lords meet.

Therefore, on the earth where Xie Ming is, many people will go to that place for a ‘Holy Land Tour’. Looking at the scene in reality, it seems that the encounter and acquaintance of the male and female protagonists in the anime…

For many people, this is an extremely moving thing. There is an illusion that oneself is truly participating in that world.

The date Xie Ming chose this time was Shinjuku Gyoen in the Sword Art Realm. And just right, Japan has also initially entered the spring.

Sakura flowers are scattered all over the sky, and it is a very romantic thing to take a stroll here with your lover. The fly in the ointment is that there are a little more people.

However, the noise of the human voice at this time, Xie Ming and Asuna, can also be regarded as a kind of atmosphere adjustment.

The two held hands and talked softly about trivial matters. Asuna talked about the changes in her home, and Xie Ming talked about the funny things she had encountered during her long journey, which made Asuna couldn’t help but chuckle.

Unconsciously, the two walked to a quiet place far away from the crowds.

“Ming…. You are leaving again, right?”


Xie Ming nodded gently in response to Asuna’s sudden question.

“It’s time to do something dangerous… right?”


“Actually, I am actually very grateful for this trip to the Arad continent.” Asuna raised her head slightly, the blue sky reflected in her clear eyes.

However, Xie Ming felt that she was not looking at the sky, but what happened on the Arad continent.

“Because this journey finally gave me the feeling of being close to your world.”

Asuna squinted her eyes slightly: “Just a journey in the world has allowed us to experience so much sorrow and pain. What you have experienced, and what you see, is probably ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times that of us. .”

“If it was me before I went to the Arad continent, I should be able to keep you at this time and want you to stay for more time. But now, I can’t tell.”

“Because of my waywardness, Ming may make you pay more.”

“So, I will not keep you. I will be here, waiting for you, and blessing you.”

Asuna’s eyes moved lightly, as if she was about to carve the figure in front of her into her eyes, as if she was carving it into her own heart.

“Ming, safe journey.”


The white petals fell into the lake, making shallow ripples. It also caused the two figures reflected in the reflection to become slightly blurred.

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