Chapter 1614

“Now, Serra, when will Mom and Dad come back?”

“Ilia, Mr. Keishi and Ms. Keiji have very important jobs.” The woman called Serra had a gentle smile on her solemn face: “They are all working hard in Ilia. Oh.”

“Serra every time you say that…”

Illiya couldn’t help but puffed up her mouth: “But isn’t it a bit weird to stay at home for less than a week in a year!”

“That’s nothing else.” Serra smiled and touched Ilia’s head: “Okay, we have to go back soon. Otherwise, Ligelite will complain and cry hungry again.”

“M…I see.”

Although she was dissatisfied with Serra’s changing the topic again, Illya was not the kind of entangled character. Moreover, she also understands Serra’s character.

As long as the serious maid decides something, she will never change it.

And the other maid squatting at home has completely opposite personality. The point is that these two people are actually sisters.

Perhaps…because the older sister is too serious, so the younger sister just slack off.

As for the character differences between the two sisters, Illya understands this way.

The Weiyuan River next to it was a scene that the two had already seen. Whether it’s Illiya’s school and school, or Serra’s grocery shopping, she has to walk more than ten minutes on the road next to the big river to get home.

It’s not that I’m tired of seeing the scenery, but I’ve long been accustomed to it. So at which point, who will appear on this road, they are very clear in their hearts.

Therefore, an unfamiliar figure suddenly appeared on this road, and of course it would arouse the curiosity of the two.

“that person…..”

“Yes, it feels a little weird…”

Serra nodded slightly, and said softly: “It always gives people a kind of…kind feeling?”

“Um… it feels the same as mom.”

On the other side, Xie Ming was communicating with Justissa. In an ordinary state, he generally would not expand his field of perception, after all, it was really a bit immoral.

If the field of volatility perception is opened, the private lives of everyone in Fuyuki City will be imprinted in his mind. Therefore, when such a wide-range scan is not really needed, he usually only maintains the range within 1 meter.

This is the same as in Konoha Village where Hyuga’s and Uchiha’s are not allowed to open Byakugan and Sharingan, no one wants to be prying into their private lives.

But… Even if the Hyuga house opens Byakugan, it will be difficult for others to detect it.

So…. Hyuga clan = voyeur clan?

Otherwise, why does Hinata always blush when looking at Naruto?

Cough cough cough, just kidding.

All in all, because Xie Ming does not expand the field of perception under normal conditions, Justissa will discover Serra and Ilia before Xie Ming. After all, anyway, Justissa is the culmination of the Einzbern family, and now all the ‘prototypes’ of the Einzbern’s family.

As for who was approaching, he naturally recognized it.

A serious, but gentle woman named Serra, the artificial man of the Einzbern family failed. Have an excellent magic circuit, and also have the knowledge that a first-class magician possesses. However, she cannot use magic.

Because her body is too fragile, she doesn’t have any fighting ability. Of course, she also doesn’t have any abilities related to the Holy Grail.For those of the Einzbern family who set the goal to make the little holy grail, this is naturally a failure. What they need is not an artificial person, but a combination of a little holy grail and an artificial person.

And her younger sister Ligelite is completely opposite to her ability. Sierra has a wealth of emotional changes, and Ligelite is extremely emotionally lacking. Therefore, she is also a failure.

Self-awareness is very weak, and if she is not in tune with Ilia, she is even no different from a doll. But she possesses extremely powerful combat ability, and can even be evenly matched with Medusa (Rider) after using strange power.

The price of such a strong athletic ability is that she has extremely limited active time in a day. So in normal times, she has been reducing her activity as much as possible.

The last is the girl Serra is leading, she is the most important reason why Xie Ming let go of Eimiya Kirishu.

Ilyas Phil von Einzbern, this is her name. It was a child whose future had been restricted in Alice Phil’s belly before he was born.

From the moment the body appeared in the mother’s belly, it has been subjected to countless magic treatments. The blood vessels and internal organs all over the body can even be said to be a collection of magic circuits.

Even the spell curse used by the servants was carved all over her body by Einzbern’s family. But in order to prevent others from discovering these spells, they will only appear when they are used.

This girl is the highest masterpiece and the final weapon of the current Einzbern family to win the Holy Grail War.

It’s probably because she saw the young girl’s condition that Justissa had such a big reaction.

After the test of time, 99% of everything will deteriorate.

Just as Marquiri Sorgen turned into a dirty inkstone, Otinus had forgotten his original thoughts. Time erodes memory and will, but even the existence of Demon God can’t resist it.

Even Xie Ming has forgotten many things after such a long journey.

It’s like putting a book you’ve read back on the shelf without touching it for a long time. Gradually, ‘dust’ accumulates on this book, the pages of the book will turn yellow and mildew will appear.

The same is true for human memory.

This is not something to be lamentable, nor is it something to be angry with.

As the true ancestor of the current Einzbern family, all Justissa needs to do is to accept it and then eliminate it.

It’s just the existence of Ilia that made Jestissa completely determined to advance this schedule.

After all, seeing it is better than hearing it. No matter how many times I heard Xie Ming and Yui say about Ilia, it was only heard. I have never seen it with my own eyes. It is as shocking as when I observe it with perception.

“Master…. Please allow me to leave you temporarily for a while.”

“Well, go ahead.”

Xie Ming smiled, did not ask any questions, and immediately replied: “Let the Holy Grail War come to an end.”


After being silent for a while, Justissa replied with two words softly. Tianhuo Jingyan automatically unsheathed and disappeared in Fuyuki City without disturbing anyone. The goal is the snow castle that has been hidden by magic enchantment all year round.

“I’m leaving…”

“Well, let’s go.”

“Do you understand what this means?” Otinus, who was sitting on Xie Ming’s shoulder, looked sideways: “Or, you don’t think about anything at all.”

“Who knows.”

Xie Ming shrugged while trying not to shake Otinus down: “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go and see the growth of those little girls back then.”

“Heh… it’s up to you.”

Seeing Xie Ming’s appearance, Otinus shook his head and said nothing more.

However, both of them subconsciously ignored one thing. In other words, one party does not care, and the other party simply ignores it.

Their differences in body shape and conversations like this seem to be like one person fighting for two in the eyes of others. It is basically Xie Ming’s spoken and ventriloquist questioning and answering himself. Moreover, he is a man who likes to put beautiful girl dolls on his shoulders.

In the academy city, because there are too many weird people, it won’t be too conspicuous. It can be placed in Fuyuki in 2004, which is really weird.

In general, people would call such a weird person that way.

“Pervert House…”

“Obviously knowing such a powerful skill as ventriloquism, why is it a pervert or a house…”


The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched a few times, and finally decided not to care about these two dumb masters and servants.


What is the relationship between man and weapon? The answer is simple, it is the user and the user. This is the soundest and best relationship between man and weapon.

At least in the eyes of Otinus, that’s what he thinks, and that’s what he thinks.

Replaced by her, if the Lord God’s Spear had a thought, then she would erase it mercilessly. The weapon that obediently lets the master use is a good weapon.

Therefore, she would ask Xie Ming such a sentence after Otinus left.

So what is one of the scariest things in the world?

Tao has its own thinking.

Think about it, when you picked up the cup to drink, the cup suddenly opened its mouth and said, ‘your mouth is so stinky! After brushing your teeth, take me to drink water’. Or when you use paper to blow your nose, wipe your sweat, or do other things, how will you feel when you are rejected and verbally abused by the paper?

I believe that the first reaction of most people must be for a moment, and then the absurd, outrageous, and fearful feelings rise from the bottom of my heart. A chill rushed from the spine to the sky.

You really have the courage to not throw away the things in your hands or scream on the spot.

Although this is an extreme example, it does illustrate the relationship between people and props.

And weapons are props.

Even if the spirit and the intellect arise, one needs to put one’s own master and one’s own users before all things and all selfish desires, and put them first.

As a knife, it should be where the master cuts with you and stays wherever the master puts you. Even if you have spirituality, this spirituality should also be used to serve the master.

Even if Yustysa wasn’t a sword spirit naturally born from Tianhuo Jingyan, it should be so.

So far, Justissa has this self-consciousness. Today, however, it is gone.

As Xie Ming’s knife, he had to take the initiative to leave Xie Ming and act independently. The reason for acting autonomously is that there is no way to wait any longer.

It’s not that Xie Ming, as the holder, is unwilling to do that, but that the sword spirit can’t wait. In other words, Justissa chose selfish desire in the double choice question of Xie Ming and selfish desire.

This matter varies from person to person.

Xie Ming chose to agree.

This turned this matter from Justissa’s lust to following Xie Ming’s instructions.Otinus asked whether Xie Ming knew what this meant. The answer is naturally yes.

He was not the hot-blooded boy at the beginning. However, he will still make the same choice as that hot-blooded boy.

The hot-blooded boy is ignorant and vague about everything, and chooses according to his intuition and heart when he is not clear. And he chooses after he understands everything.

The difference between the two will only be understood by those who have experienced it.

Under the guidance of Yui, Xie Ming walked slowly towards the Uranus temple and house. Although the house belonged to Xie Ming in name, he, as the head of the household, had already forgotten the route and address.

This is one of the forgotten things just mentioned.

After following Yui’s navigation, a mansion of considerable size appeared in front of them.

There are yards, warehouses, kendo grounds, and even dry landscapes. It was already a very powerful mansion in Japan in 2004.

“Hey… this is your great omen~”

“Daao…” Xie Ming was speechless for a few seconds: “If you want to talk about the harem, just talk about the harem.”

“Japan, you always have to go to the countryside, right?” The witch with long emerald green hair blinked: “Besides, you don’t even deny it.”

“Negative what?”

Xie Ming said angrily: “They were just how old they were back then. I have no interest in the Guangyuan’s plan at all.”

“Just take it so.”

CC’s tone of not arguing with you is more annoying.

The answer just now, to understand it from another angle is: You are like this, what am I arguing with you?

However, this kind of statement will make Xie Ming speechless.

After all, this is the truth, he has already opened the harem, and it is not surprising that there is another Guangyuan’s plan. In this regard, Xie Ming has lost his credibility.

Of course, CC is just making fun of it, not really thinking that way. You know, she is the real beneficiary of Xie Ming’s choice.

If Xie Mingzhen had guarded Asuna for a lifetime, then there would be nothing wrong with her. Perhaps when Xie Ming returns to the Rewrite world, this principle will be broken.

But at that time, Xie Ming would never be there by her side.

Although this is the case, CC will never be able to tell the matter. As a witch, she still wants this face.

As for why CC appears here, isn’t it a matter of course?

Returning to the Demon Forbidden World did not follow, because she understood that the plane was very dangerous, and Xie Ming would be hindered if she went.

I didn’t follow when I returned to the Rewrite world because I didn’t want to disturb the reunion of Xie Ming, Xiaoniao and others.

When I returned to the SAO world, I didn’t follow it because she felt a little guilty in front of Asuna, the true first lover. It’s just that she will never admit this.

But in Xingyue World, she really didn’t have much chance if she didn’t follow.

Everyone becomes stronger for a certain goal, and the goal of CC is to prove himself to Xie Ming.

He can still help him like he was in District 11 and Bretania.

Let him let go of all the shackles and burdens and challenge him with all his heart and soul. Then, as usual, come back with a smile.

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