Chapter 1617

“Oh~~, you are that, little Sakura’s hero in the Fourth Holy Grail War.”

Folding the red jacket outside the school uniform and putting it aside, the girl with a black double ponytail unabashedly looked at Xie Ming. There was a dangerous gleam in the turquoise eyes.

This look was a bit like the old father looking at the pig who was going to cheat away the cabbage he had finally raised.

Being stared at by a top beautiful girl with this gaze gave Xie Ming a very subtle feeling in his heart. How do you describe it….. It’s the kind of helpless and enjoyable feeling that you can’t stop?

Xie Ming can be very sure that he is not M. But he also has to admit that there is indeed the kind of female existence in this world that makes you feel extremely comfortable when you are scolded. And the girl named Rin Tosaka is the best in this trip.

If Rin knew that Xie Ming was thinking of this kind of thing at this moment, I’m afraid Xie Ming’s evaluation in her heart would drop by several levels.

“Yes, I am the servant of Little Sakura in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Berserker Xie Ming.”

Throwing all the mess in his heart aside, Xie Ming introduced himself with a smile: “We met for the first time, Miss Tosaka.”

“first meet.”

Saying hello politely, Tosaka Rin lifted his hair, and said calmly: “So, even though these were a little sudden when I first met, I still want to ask you a few questions. I don’t know, can you answer me? Let me.”

“As far as I can answer, I will answer truthfully.”

“The range that can be answered…? Well, as long as you answer honestly, this is fine.” It seems that I am a little concerned about the range that Xie Ming said cannot be answered, but Rin also understands that the relationship between the two parties is still Not to that point.

It is not only rude, but also prone to arousing disgust from the other party.

The other party is a very important presence in Sakura’s heart. Unless this person is really hopeless, Rin still wants to try his best to maintain the relationship between the two parties.

However, the premise of all this is that there is no problem with the identity of the other party.

“First of all, please tell me who you are.”

Staring at Xie Ming closely, Rin asked seriously: “To be honest, your origin is too suspicious. You are obviously the heroic spirits of the Fourth Holy Grail War, but they are willing to go all over the world to save Emerald Amber and the others. ”

“How did you know about them? Why did you save them? Why did you only save them?”

“These things you did during the Holy Grail War are too suspicious. No matter what I think, I can’t find a reason for you to do these things.”


Xie Ming smiled: “Then I will explain to you one by one.”

“First of all, those who will respond to the Holy Grail War are all servants who want to get the Holy Grail. As a human from Otherworld, I got in touch with the restraining power of this world through an opportunity.”

“Under the entrustment of the inhibitory force, my consciousness entered the body of the slave made by the inhibitory force to participate in the Holy Grail War, and was summoned by the little Sakura.”

“You…have been exposed to restraint?”

“It’s nothing strange.” Xie Ming asked back: “Heroic spirits are one of the two major restraints, Alaya’s thugs. After human beings sign a contract with Alaya, they will become heroic spirits after death.”

“It’s just that my situation is slightly different.”

“My task is not to make a wish through the Holy Grail, but to purify the already contaminated Holy Grail. I believe you should have heard about it from Yanfeng Qili.”

Seeing Lin nodded, Xie Ming went on to explain after deletion.

“As for why I know about Fujino, Kohaku and the others, there is no comment on this. And why I should save them, this question actually does not need to be explained too much.”

“I wanted to save, so I saved it.””And the last question, why did I only save them.” Xie Ming calmly stared at his dignified eyes: “Because I only know about them, nothing more.”

“…In other words, you learned about Fujino and the others because of that unreported way, so you traveled all over the world and brought them to Fuyuki City, giving them a home where they could settle down. ”

Rin raised his eyebrows, and said without a smile, “Do you think this answer can satisfy me, can I believe it?”

“Miss Tosaka.”

Xie Ming laughed: “The answer I need to give is not the answer you are satisfied with, but the real answer.”

“As long as what I say and what I do can give me a clear conscience, this is enough for me. Whether Miss Tosaka is willing to believe it is your choice, Miss Tosaka.”

“That’s it, I have a clear conscience.” Leaning back slightly, Rin asked, “Mr. Xie Ming has a clear conscience, including not coming back for ten years?”

“elder sister!”

“Sakura, keep quiet first.”

Looking at Sakura, who had some dissatisfaction on his face, he said faintly: “Now, Mr. Xie Ming, you can appear in front of us like this, then it shows that Mr. Xie Ming, you do have a way to come into this world.”

“I don’t know how long Mr. Xie Ming has used your Master method. Maybe you came over immediately after the Master. But maybe… it took a long time for you to come over after you were the Master.”

“Mr. Xie Ming said that the answer you need to give is a clear conscience answer. Then, please be sure to answer my question with a clear conscience.”

In the words, there are already some thorns. It can be seen that Xie Ming’s answer just now angered the girl in front of her a bit.

But if you think about it, Xie Ming doesn’t understand why Lin is angry.

After all, a man who had left behind five immature little girls and returned only ten years later, said with a calm expression that he has a clear conscience. In her opinion, this is really a hypocritical thing.

She did not know that Rin Tosaka had specifically entrusted the Fujimura team to take care of them, nor did she know that Karen contained Avalon, the world’s strongest defensive treasure. It is even more unlikely that she knew that the root of the dominance of the Moon World would actually take care of the five little girls for Xie Ming, a human being.

But one thing she did was right.

“After ten years of absence and not coming back, how could this incident be counted as a clear conscience thing?”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head: “It is really difficult to make myself have a clear conscience. I can’t do it, so I can only do it hard.”

“I’m not going to say anything to please you, please Sakura and the others understand.”

“Because the fact is, I didn’t put the matter of coming back to see them and taking care of them first. Instead, I came back to see their situation after all things had been reported for a while.”

“At this point, I won’t make any excuses.”


Squinting at Xie Ming for a while, he sighed: “Although I haven’t determined what kind of person you are, from your answer, at least you are not that hypocritical.”

“If you feel that you haven’t come back for ten years and you still have a clear conscience, I will not hesitate to shoot Gandr (attack magic) in your face.”

“I’ve passed the test?”

“It’s just a first try.”

Rin flipped over Byakugan: “There are two and three trials waiting for you next. But, let’s stop there for today. Otherwise, Sakura will really be angry.”

“I’m a bit angry now, sister.” Sakura said with a stern face: “Sister, you are too aggressive, Xie Ming, he just came back.”

“It’s because he just came back to ask that.”

Rin said grimly: “Now you are protecting him like this. If you ask him to stay for a while, I’m afraid I will become your public enemy.”

“elder sister!”

“I know, I know, don’t say anything.”

He waved his hand helplessly, and looked at Xie Ming with his face braced: “But to be honest, who are you?”

“It’s just a small group of travelers.”

Xie Ming, who stood up and walked towards the kitchen, replied.


“Thank you, everyone.”

“Thank you~~”

As the supervisor greeted, the office staff began to clean up the things on their desks. Among them, it naturally includes a woman with red eyes with long dark purple hair tied behind her head.

Because of the cover of the big-rimmed glasses, the woman’s appearance was cut a little. But that pure and pure temperament can’t be concealed in any way.

At first glance, you will only think that she is a beautiful young woman. But if you feel a little more sensitive, you will find this woman unconsciously exudes… that slightly distorted sense of danger.

But you can’t tell what is in her body that makes you feel dangerous.

“Shantou, let’s go shopping in the commercial street tonight~”

The female colleague who finished packing next to her smiled and said, “I heard that there is a new crepe shop in the commercial street, which is very famous.”

“Ah, I’m so sorry.”

With an apologetic smile, Fujino said softly, “I have something inconvenient today.”

“Oh~ it’s not very convenient~~” The female colleague became interested in an instant, and asked in a low voice: “Could it be…have an appointment with her boyfriend?”

The three words boyfriend instantly touched the nerves of everyone in the office. The men slowed down the pace of tidying up and pricked their ears. The women gathered around, with smiles called ‘Eight Trigrams’ on their faces.

“what? What?”

“Miss Asakami is going out with her boyfriend tonight?”

“No, it’s not like that.”

Fujino smiled softly: “It’s just a family that I haven’t seen for a long time. I finally came back today. So I want to go back soon and reunite with my family.”

“what the hell…..”

Hearing Fujino’s explanation, the men breathed a sigh of relief, while the women let out a disappointed voice. For those of them who sit in the office all day, Eight Trigrams are the best way to decompress.

Originally, I could hear the Eight Trigrams of the Gaolinghua in the office today, but it turned out to be someone from home.

However, some people with big brains and unwillingness to give up still asked.

“Who is in the family?”


After thinking about it carefully, Fujino carried his bag and smiled: “He is a very important brother to me.”

“Then guys, I’ll be rude first.”

Before the others reacted, Fujino left the office. The next moment, the sensational sound almost shook the office door open.

It is conceivable that Fujino will be questioned tomorrow.

Fujino, who walked out of the office building, also began to reflect on why he just said that kind of thing, which was completely inconsistent with his own style.

“Sure enough… Is it because you are too happy?”

As he spoke, Fujino gave a small smile.

She is different from Amber, Little Sakura, Karen and others. When Xie Ming found her, she was already in junior high school. Moreover, her adoptive father and mother are all alive. However, she still chose to shook that hand.

The reason is simple, she wants to change. I don’t want to disguise myself as a normal person, and I don’t want to continue disguising myself.

Perhaps, she has been alerting her somewhere in her heart.

If this goes on, sooner or later she will be united and completely broken.

Hidden in the crowd is a very tormenting thing to the heart. When the alien finds its own kind in the vast crowd, it will burst out with immense enthusiasm and concern.

No matter what the reason, Xie Ming found her in the vast sea of ​​people, told her ignorant of the truth, and taught her.

For her, Xie Ming is her own hope, her own salvation, her leader, her teacher, and her own vision.

And Amber, Jade, Little Sakura, and Karen are their own kind, and they are their real family members.

Finally being able to see the person he longed for again, even Fujino couldn’t hold back the joy in his heart.


“Can you please don’t disturb me going home? This gentleman.”

Putting the glasses into the bag, the eyes began to flash with dangerous light, Fujino slowly turned his head: “You, have been with me for a long time.”

“Excuse me, what’s the matter?”

“…Unexpectedly, I would encounter the final ticket here. Should I thank God? Or should I thank this small place for being too remote?”

The man twisted his neck, his eyes flashing red.

“Forget it, I’m afraid that God his old man will take me away directly.”

“…Sir, if you don’t leave again, I will notify the police.” Fujino frowned and took out his mobile phone from his bag: “Please stop joking.”

“Yes, you’d better inform the police first.”

Hearing Fujino’s warning, the man nodded in agreement: “After all, if you come in time, you can still save your life.”

“Although human lives are fragile, they can survive just by losing their eyes.”

“……I see.”

After a moment of silence, Fujino laughed: “You came in my eyes. Then, things are easy to say.”

In the middle of the dark red eyes, the bright colors like gems slowly bloomed.

“Although, I don’t know who you are. But please, sir, please stay here forever.”

“Hahahaha, it’s actually a gem level!? I began to wonder if God’s old man really exists.”

The man laughed, his body slightly bent, his nails and teeth gleaming coldly under the light of the street lamp.

“I don’t know how much money those old antiques will pay for these eyes~”

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