Chapter 1619 Train Passengers

“Xie Ming…”

“His Majesty!?”

Hearing the name of the young man with long black hair, the minds of the teenager and the girl were suddenly blank.

As one of the twelve-kun lord (Lord) with the highest status of the clock tower, judging from his position, there are not many people in this world who deserve such awe and salute. Except for the one he called out ten years ago.

Girl, think so. As a young disciple who enters the room, she understands the position of that person in her master’s mind very well. Even the reason why the master became a master was caused by that person’s influence.

This trip to the magic eye collection train was also because the holy relic of that person was stolen.

And what did the teacher say? Holy Grail War? Why does the appearance of this black-haired young man represent the beginning of the Holy Grail War?

Suddenly, his head was filled with too many questions, and the girl’s eyes began to rumbling. However, because of the cover of Kabuto’s hat, or because the other two people were in the impact, they did not realize that the girl’s head was down.

Amusedly glanced at the girl hiding behind Webber, Xie Ming said with a smile.

“No, there will be no Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City anymore.”


Weber… No, he should be called Elmero II now. Elmero II took a few steps back, covering his stomach with one hand. Too many shocks caused him to commit his old problems again.

“Hello, are you okay?”

Xie Ming was dumbfounded and imposing a slow healing to Webber. Such magic and holy light skills that only require energy in the body can still be used in other worlds. However, there are not many places that can be used.

“…Thank your Majesty for the treatment.” Feeling the warm current in the body is constantly soothing the pain in the stomach, the expression of Elmero II has also improved a lot: “It’s just your Majesty…you said the Holy Grail It means that there will be no more war…”

“Well, after it was over, I took away the Great Holy Grail under the ground in Fuyuki City. Therefore, there will be no more Holy Grail Wars in Fuyuki City…”

“…It’s…. That’s it…”

After a long silence, Elmero II sighed deeply. How much regret and helplessness there is in this sigh, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

“Why, do you still feel bad about Iskandar’s defeat?”

“In front of you…no more, it is too rude to say something against your heart in front of you.” Elmero II straightened up and said with a very serious expression: “Yes, I think so. ”

“The reason why the King of Conqueror was defeated by you is purely because I, as the master, are useless. Otherwise, he will not lose!”

“Hey, he has grown a lot.”

Hearing Elmero II’s speech, Xie Ming couldn’t help raising his eyebrows: “If there is a chance in the future, I will let you and the King of Conquer prove this.”


Elmero II frowned, he always felt that the king’s words meant something in front of him. The Great Holy Grail was taken down by him, and the probability that he could see the Conquering King again was infinitely close to zero.

So what will happen to him if he can see the King of Conquer again?

“…Then I’ll just look forward to it a little bit.”

“That…that, Master.”

It seems that the intelligence in my mind has been sorted out, but the result of sorting out is really incredible, which makes the girl really not sure of the answer she came up with: “This adult is…”

“I am the servant summoned in the Fourth Holy Grail War, Berserker Xie Ming.”

Xie Ming said with a smile: “It’s a human from Otherworld. This time, after communicating with the restraint, I came to see the situation.””……..?????”

The first half of the passage was acceptable to the girl. After all, although it was a bit bizarre, it was similar to what she had guessed. But in the second half, she was confused again.

Otherworld? Humanity? Communicate with inhibitions? Come and see the situation?

No, she can understand the literal meaning of the words. But the amount of information contained in it is really too big.

Although her head hadn’t reacted yet, her good education and simple and kind character made her subconsciously reply to Xie Ming: “Hello, Mr. Xie Ming. I am Master’s disciple, Grey.”

“Grey, what about this one?”

“Ah I?”

The young man with glasses was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said: “Hello Your Majesty, my name is Kaules Fulviji Ugdomirena. I studied at the Clock Tower, the teacher’s student.”

“Then I will call you Grey and Cowles directly.”

Xie Ming smiled and looked at the a little nervous Elmero II: “Don’t worry, I don’t have that kind of boring thoughts. Altria, I never want that kind of thing to happen.”

“…I’m worrying too much, sorry.”

“Human affection, no need to apologize.” Xie Ming waved his hand: “Okay, let’s end the chat. A snake is approaching.”


Grey froze for a moment, glanced at the slightly frowning Master, and then looked into the thick fog in the distance.

A figure is slowly walking out of the fog.

The beauty in Yuzen Juan’s glasses (a kind of kimono) has a smile on her lips, and after glancing at Xie Ming from the corner of her eyes, she whispers softly.

“-Kun lord Elmero II, it’s been a long time.”


“Sure enough, you are here too.” Elmero II pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said calmly: “Clock Tower Law Politics Branch, Ryori Kanano.”

“Such an unfamiliar name is really sad, -Kun Lord (Lord).”

Smiling and squinting her eyes, the woman named Ryori Kanano turned most of her attention to Xie Ming. The beauty of the snake Sasori, who is as cunning as her, could not see what Elmero II meant.

He specifically pointed out his identity for the young man next to him and reminded him to pay attention.

Unfortunately, Xie Ming is not too interested in things related to the clock tower. After all, the clock tower seems to be very tall, but in fact it is a bunch of them.

In Riyaki, Atlasin was still able to leave something to help Fujimaru Tatsuka and the others (FGO Chapter 6), but the clock tower was truly annihilated (FGO Chapter 4).

Although the engulfment among magicians is serious, Atlas Institute and Hesitation Sea, both of which are the Magic Association, can work together to research projects anyway. But the clock tower is busy with internal struggles.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the serious involution of the clock tower, the symbol of modern magicians, that magicians all over the world have a tendency to involute.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, that’s what it means.

So Xie Ming didn’t even lift his eyelids, so he leaned on the pillar and quietly waited for the train to arrive.

But he can be so calm and indifferent, but Grey and Cowles can’t.

Gray knew how vicious this woman’s heart was because she had suffered from this woman. Cowles, it’s because of his identity.

The Law and Politics Section can be said to be the regulator of the magicians, which is equivalent to the existence of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Specially responsible for catching, or hunting down magicians who violate the rules.

Such an existence naturally makes the magician feel jealous, so Kolles’ reaction is not surprising. After all, even good people will panic when they see the police, right?

“So, what’s your purpose in coming?”

Kabuto took out a new cigar from the suit, and Elmero II asked nonchalantly.

“It’s just for personal reasons, it’s my personal business.” Huaye replied with a smile.

However, she said that, those who believe so will sooner or later be swallowed by this beautiful snake with a leather belt and bones.

The expressions of the three of them all illustrate this point.

It seemed that the voices of several people were a little louder, or the other party was also interested in this place, and another clear and arrogant voice came over.

“Although I’ve heard that the rat and Lord -kun (Lord) from the Law and Politics Department will come, I didn’t expect it to be the decoration of the Modern Magic Department (Noliji).”

“This is really…”

Taking back the cigar that was about to be lit, Elmero II gave a relatively polite gift: “Miss Oro and Marie Yasmirette Animusfia, it’s been a long time.”

“Animus Fia…it seems to be…”

“It’s the daughter of the master Kun of the Astronomy Department.”

Although knowing that his disciple could not answer the conversation like this, he simply forgot, but Elmero II still cast an admiring look at Grey.

He can feel free to Kano Riri. But for the eldest lady in the astronomy department, he must pay attention to one thing.

But this person here is even more a person who can’t offend him. Even if he knows that the other party has a good personality, he is still a king anyway, and he is still a king who has ruled the world.

If Iskandar is the king he is willing to surrender from the heart, then Xie Ming is the king he respects from the heart.

He admired the other party’s behavior very much, but if he surrendered and followed, then forget it. Conquering the king’s arrogance and domineering is more in line with his dreams and pursuits.

This is the same as most people admire great martyrs, but they don’t want to be great martyrs.

“Unexpectedly, I can actually see the school that has always lived in Yamanaka here.” Elmero II said calmly: “It seems that the Animsfiyas also attach great importance to this auction.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Oro Gamari frowned and looked at Xie Ming: “What I want to ask is, who is that nasty man over there?”

“Even if you are just a decoration, it is-Kun Lord (Lord). Surrounded by a man who is not even a magician, is it a bit shameful?”



Xie Ming opened his eyes and looked at the silver-haired girl with some doubts.

Director, what are you doing to mess with me when you are full?

Although in this world line, there is no Riyaki. But Xie Ming is quite familiar with the girl named Oro and Mary.

The Chaldean leader was arrogant and self-righteous, but she was actually a fragile Tsundere girl. The appearance of toughness and arrogance are all disguise she made to protect herself.

Simply put, it is a hedgehog.

The inside is soft but the outside is thorny.

For people who are not bad in nature, Xie Ming usually doesn’t account for too much. Besides, there is also a relationship between Lixiang and Matthew.

He didn’t know the reason why Oro Gamari suddenly pointed the finger at him.

For her, the people present are all people who know the roots and know the bottom. But Xie Ming, the only unexpected visitor, was someone she didn’t know at all. That being the case, it is only natural to test it out.

“Speaking of which, I remember that the person she hates as if I remember the director is…”It was the first time I met but fell asleep in front of my eyes.

When Xie Ming saw this entry, he couldn’t help but smile, he was talking about Fujimaru Tatsuka. As a result, became him today?


Shaking his head helplessly, Xie Ming opened his eyes: “This young lady, Elmero II and I are just old acquaintances. I met here by accident, so I had a few more conversations.”

“Yes, Miss Oro and Mary.”

Elmero II went on to say: “-Kun’s identity, shouldn’t it affect me to talk more with my old acquaintances?”

“Anything like that will do.”

Oro and Marie waved her hand impatiently, her eyes sharpened.

“Since you are here to participate, it means that you all have the magic eyes you want, right? Why don’t you tell them directly?”

“I don’t have anything I want to buy.”

Xie Ming said bluntly: “I just came here to do two things.”


After carefully examining Xie Ming a few times, Oro Gamari turned his gaze to Elmero II: “Then what about you?”


Seemingly under the influence of Xie Ming, Elmero II dispelled the foolishness he was about to say, and said euphemistically: “Miss, you should know the current situation of the Elmero School.”

In order to buy the abandoned Elmello classroom, he borrowed a considerable amount of money. Even if the borrower does not lend usury, the interest generated by the high and somewhat scary costs is enough to make ordinary people pass out.

Otherwise do you think, how did his stomachache come from? One is because of the devil in the clock tower, and the other is working overtime day and night to pay back the money.

“…Oh, who knows?”

Although that was the case, Oro and Marie’s expression was obviously more relaxed than before.

This is the reason why this girl clearly speaks so prickly, but Elmero II and Xie Ming can’t feel any ill feeling towards her at all.

“Master Oro and Mary.”

At this moment, another tall woman came over. Purple coat, long blond hair hanging high behind his head, and a black pointer pinned around his waist. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a tutor.

She also wears glasses on the bridge of her nose. Although the style is a lady’s, its function is the same as the one currently worn by Elmero II.

The magic prop called ‘Magic Eye Kill’ is used to prevent and inhibit the ability of the Magic Eye.

“Hello everyone, I am the entourage of Miss Oro and Mary, Trisha Filoz.”

First, he politely greeted everyone, and then Trisha calmly looked at Oro and Mary. With this look, Oro and Marie took two steps back.

“Why… What’s the matter with Trisha?”

“Miss, let’s call us formally later. Now, let’s say goodbye.”

“I get it!”

Oro Jiamari looked at Xie Ming again, then turned to leave. Trisha also bowed slightly before turning to leave. However, what was exposed under the coat when he turned around made the corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitch a few times.

And Grey, who has the same strong eyesight, pulled the Kabuto hat tightly and lowered his head.

The cheeks under Kabuto’s hat have become red.

So why does this woman hide that thing behind her coat…

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