Chapter 1629 Gun Blade Showdown

When everyone mentions the Kingdom of Shadow in Guy’s myth, the first thing they think of must be the Queen Skaha who rules it. Under Skaha’s outstanding martial arts and beautiful appearance, everything seems to be eclipsed.

But this does not mean that there are no strong people among the residents of the Kingdom of Shadows.

How could the residents under that queen’s rule not have two brushes. Otherwise, why should Skaha be guarded in the Kingdom of Shadows and not let the undead come out?

To them, living people are prey and a great temptation. At the moment the door was opened, the evil spirits in almost the entire demon realm smelled the smell of flesh and blood from Xie Ming and Lin.

The breath of life exuded by the two is like two lights in the darkness in this deadly country. The undead are the moths that chase the light.

Even if he knew that a human being capable of exuding that kind of sword aura and fighting intent, he would definitely not be able to defeat it. But in my heart, it is inevitable that there is such a fluke idea that maybe, maybe, and possible.

This thought, coupled with the contradictory instincts of the undead who both desire and hate life, turned them all into fire-fighting moths and swarmed them.

If you say something from the heart, Xie Ming is really too lazy to entangle these dead spirits. If the three of them retreat, I believe that these undead spirits will definitely not entangle them, but will rush towards the gate of the Kingdom of Shadows with all their strength.

After all, the outside world will naturally attract them more than two living people.

When the time comes, Skaha will definitely stop it.

However, she helped herself somehow, and one of her own purposes was to ask her for advice. Therefore, it can only be shot.

“Altria, please.”

“Yes, master.”

Turned over and jumped off the horse, put the holy spear in his hand beside him, and walked slowly in front of Xie Ming. With the clanging sound of the boots stomping on the ground, the epee surrounded by strong wind appeared in the blonde queen’s left hand.


The wind blows the ends of the pale gold hair, but the golden sword that shows the prototype is brighter than the girl’s hair.

It is based on human thoughts as raw materials, crystallized and forged inside the planet into the “strongest fantasy (LastPhantasm)”, the most powerful and noble holy sword.

Holding the hilt with both hands, he lifted the holy sword that radiated quietly, and his lips spit lightly.

“Assembled star breath, shining life rushes.”

Step on your left foot and swing down the sword.

“The Sword of Oath of Victory (Excalibur)!!!”


The huge beam of light transformed from magic power burst out with the swing of the holy sword, the golden light stream swallowed thousands of undead coming from the front, and soared into the sky. There is only a kingdom of shadow all day long, and I see the light on this day.

That is, the light of faith in the existence named King Arthur and the existence named hero.

“Star Sword… King Arthur…”

Standing up from the throne, Skaha’s hands did not know when he had held a short and one long, two scarlet guns covered with markings. As a legendary person, no hero can maintain inner peace when he sees this light.

The fighting spirit can no longer be contained.

Although there are still a lot of undead, it is something that I am going to use to warm up each other. But now it seems that the little guy does not need these.

So, let’s get started.The tip of the gun lightly scratched a few Luen in the air, and Skaha’s figure disappeared from the top of the tower, appearing in front of the disappearing beam of light.

Countless light particles slowly fall, adding a bit of dreamy color to this deadly country. And the queen at the top of this country, under the rain of light, gently stepped towards the three of Xie Ming.

“That is…..”

“Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows.”


He whispered the name of the person who came, and Xie Ming took out the demon sword together with the scabbard and hung it on his waist. The thumb of his left hand gently rubbed the sheath opening, and also stepped towards the woman.

This is the first time the two sides have met in a true sense, but they both saw their common ground from each other. Of course, the differences are also seen.

When they approached about a hundred meters apart, the two stopped at the same time.

“If you were born in Guy Ert and came to the Kingdom of Shadows to seek a teacher, I would definitely not accept you as a disciple.”

Scarha’s first words made Altria and Rin frown, who were spectators. This is the provocation before the war?

But is this necessary?

Only Xie Ming knew that Scarha was not provoking, but lamenting a fact.

She is the master craftsman of countless heroes and heroes. Even if you look at the past and present, there are probably no five fingers that can stand by her shoulders.

Scarha knows himself best, he is a genius different from mortals. Similarly, she can see through the quality and temperament of others at a glance. She teaches people and becomes a teacher, not because she likes to teach, but because she is investing.

Do your best to train these heroes in the most severe and cruel way, and see if you can cultivate a hero that can kill her.

Well, the original intention is like this.

Just teaching and teaching, I awakened some strange interest. Up to now, she will always unconsciously become a teacher, setting up difficult challenges and trials for her disciples.

But that is her now, not her in God’s Generation. She in God’s Generation is still extremely picky about his disciples.

Xie Ming didn’t have the ability of Skaha to see the quality of the opponent at a glance, but he had self-knowledge.

Along the way, his realm of swordsmanship was completely built on time and experience. He may have a little talent for this stuff, but it is absolutely impossible to compare with those heroes who have been blessed by heaven.

In other words, if he was born in Guy Ert, let alone whether he could go to the Kingdom of Shadows. Even in the Kingdom of Shadows, I am afraid that Skaha will not be able to accept her teaching.

He is a bit talented, but still belongs to the scope of mortals.

“If mortals don’t have opportunities, they can only do their best to change and improve, and accumulate with pain and despair.”

Xie Ming smiled: “And when these accumulations encounter opportunities, mortals will become the characters that are the easiest to move their destiny and change their destiny.”

“But after all, it depends on yourself, right?”

“What matters to the end, isn’t it up to yourself?”


Skaha licked his lips and showed a faint smile: “Then, please show it to me. The accumulation of mortals, the so-called power that can change destiny.”

“Of course. This is what I promised you.”

The blade was slightly out of the sheath, and the body was slightly bent down. The field of volatility perception has shrunk to within 10 meters, which is most suitable for dealing with long guns. The moment their eyes collided again, the two disappeared in place at the same time.


The violent haze caused by the sound shook out countless cracks in the ground around the two of them. But the next moment, these cracks have a tendency to heal.

Every inch of land in the Kingdom of Shadows has been reinforced by Skaha. Even if it is a treasure of a servant, it is difficult to cause much damage in this magical realm. Therefore, this is one of the most places where people can play against each other without any scruples in the Moon World.

The scarlet tip of the gun collided with the sharp blade precisely. Except for the two, no one knows whether the tip of the gun accurately pierced the blade first, or whether the blade slashed on the tip of the gun.

However, the truth is neither. The two drew a tie. Judging from this result, Xie Ming has the advantage.

The reason is simple, the advantage of spear-to-knife is too great.

One inch is long and one inch is strong, and one inch is short and one inch is risky. This is what China has said since ancient times. And this sentence has made the pros and cons of weapons very clear.

The long spear has a great advantage over other weapons. You have not allowed the opponent to enter the attack range of your weapon, the opponent’s spear can directly penetrate your body.

Even if you escaped the spear of the spear, the opponent can still use the spear to launch many offensives before the opponent is truly included in the attack range of the knife.

Not to mention, Skaha had two guns of different lengths in his hands. It can be said that it is both offensive and defensive.

In addition, the common moves of knives and guns are also completely different.

The predecessor of Demon Sword Nightmare, Demon Sword Village is the Odachi among the standard Japanese swords. After evolving into the Demon Sword Nightmare, the back of the sword has been widened a little in line with Xie Ming’s intentions, and the style is closer to the Tang sword.

What the generous blade back brings is that the Demon Sword Nightmare itself will become stronger. Coupled with the blessing of Xie Ming’s great master-level sword mang, basically there will be no more damage to the weapon.

If he was holding the Demon Sword in his hand at this time, Mura Masa, I am afraid that the blade has been cracked, and the blade is also chipped.

After all, the gun is a point attack that gathers power, and the knife is a face attack that radiates power. Pointing to Arrancar is a common principle in all planes.

Even if the same force is used, the spear is stabbed like this…or it is pierced on the blade, even if the blade is not broken, the huge kinetic energy will cause the knife holder to open the empty door, the weapon to drop or the body to retreat .

But now, the two are actually evenly matched, which only represents one thing.

“Skarha’s strength is not fully displayed.”

Altria said softly for Lin Jie: “Otherwise, the master should now be able to relieve her strength, instead of taking the opportunity to get closer.”

“I see….”

Seeing the blade rubbing the tip of the gun, Xie Ming, who was stuck in front of Skaha in an instant, replied thoughtfully.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered the book at home, which is said to be a boxing book left by the founder of the Tosaka family.

“Why… go back and look through it?”

The battle on the other side, naturally, could not be as simple as Rin saw. What Xie Ming is best at is to hide some small details that can determine the outcome of the battle.

At first glance, Xie Ming did this to prevent Skaha from sweeping with a spear. In fact, in this action, he hid two details.

One detail is the sharpness of the Demon Nightmare. After the demon sword’s stroke, the engraving on Skaha’s spear has been completely destroyed.

The other is vibration.

Through the vibration caused by the friction between the blade and the spear, the vibration generated by his own inner strength is transmitted to Skaha through the medium of the spear. As long as this short paragraph is scraped, Skahan’s left hand holding the gun will inevitably be paralyzed for 1-2 seconds.

At that time, the winner can be divided directly.

But unfortunately, as soon as the vibration reached Skaha’s hands, Skaha already felt something was wrong. He released the spear in his left hand very simply, and the scarlet spear in his right hand turned into red lightning, which pierced Xie Ming’s eyes.When a sharp object strikes, even if you know that you can’t stop it with your eyes closed, it is also human instinct. Even if the warrior can control this instinct, the fear that emerges from the bottom of my heart will not disappear.

Moreover, another human instinct is to shed tears. When the sharp breath is approaching the pupils, people will naturally secrete tears.

Although Xie Ming could control these two instincts a long time ago, he would definitely not be able to hide in a fight at such a close distance. The only thing that can be done is to block or exchange injuries.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

It’s just that the scabbard is the scabbard when it is pulled out, and it’s a backhand knife.

The style of the spear used by Skaha is very similar to the cross gun. At the junction of the gun head and the gun body, there are two barbs extending left and right.

Xie Ming’s left hand was holding the scabbard, and it happened to hit the right angle formed by the barb and the spear head. This directly caused the point of the Scarlet Short Spear to be slashed upwards, and a big cut was made from Xie Ming’s eyebrows.

And Xie Ming took advantage of this opportunity to stab Skaha’s neck mercilessly.

But before piercing the neck, one hand blocked the front.

The tip of the knife with the blade pierced through the hand, but the owner of the hand did not feel the pain at all.

Then, exert force.


“Hahahaha, it’s really exciting.”

Xie Ming’s left hand jammed Skaha’s short spear with the scabbard, Skaha’s left hand kept the wound from being penetrated, and firmly grabbed the knife of Xie Ming’s demon knife.

Blood dripped from the wound on the eyebrows, dyeing Xie Ming’s left half of his vision red. Xie Ming wanted to directly cut Skaha’s left hand with the Demon Sword and free the Demon Sword, but Skaha’s grip was constantly competing with Xie Ming.

But if this continues, Skaha must be even more disadvantaged. With the sharpness of the demon knife, as long as she relaxes a little bit, her entire palm will be cut off.

The two looked at each other and kicked out to each other in unison.


The impact caused the two people who drew closer to separate. Although Xie Ming wanted to take the opportunity to cut off a few fingers of Skaha, the other party had obviously thought of this in advance. The blade came out along the crevices of the fingers, and the fingers were safe and sound.

But if one trick doesn’t work, the second trick is to come. Plan A doesn’t work, then plan B.

Guiding the impact force to make the body rotate, the demon sword whirled along the body in a circular knife, cutting out the dark light of the sword.

But Skaha threw a short gun as well.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

“Break through the GáeBolg!”

The light of the sword drawn and cut in the sky is as fragile as paper in front of the scarlet lightning, and it becomes a light particle in the sky at the moment of contact. After the lightning smashed the blade, it rushed towards Xie Ming’s chest with an unstoppable force.

The space was completely sealed off.

“There is no way…”

Sure enough, to deal with such a powerful opponent, keeping hands is impossible.

“Earthly Sword Art, Yao!”

The space is broken instantly.

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