Chapter 1644 Power Responsibility

Xie Ming understood that what Wuming Alter wanted to ask was the thing that changed his life. After the little Sakura returned to normal, Xie Ming also learned about the man from Yui.

“You want to ask the killing house Kiara, right?”

“It seems that the woman is called by this name.”

“…All I can say is, it’s difficult.”

After a moment of silence, Xie Ming said calmly: “Even in the situation of Little Sakura, I only awakened her humanity at the cost of cutting through all the desires in this world.”

“The situation of Kiara in Seishiin is more complete than the transformation of Little Sakura.”

“It’s hard, it means there is hope.”

“Well, very ethereal hope.”

Xie Ming sighed: “Little Sakura is a beast loved by others. Although the beast that has swallowed up self-love has achieved perfection, it is the love of others that dominates. Therefore, only a person who loves her appears, and the bestiality will be greatly enhanced. reduce.”

“But Seishiin Kiara is a self-loving beast. In her world view, only she is a human being, and all other creatures are beasts driven by desire. It is actually quite simple to restrain her beastly nature. of.”

“As long as she admits that another creature besides her is a human being, and makes her fall in love with that person.”

“… Indeed, hope is elusive.”

Nodding slightly, Wuming Alter said lightly: “At least, it’s not something I can do.”

“Sorry to disturb you.”

After that, the man stood up, ready to leave. But not a few steps out, he stopped suddenly and turned his head slightly: “I don’t know if you have considered this matter, so these next words are entirely my own words.

“Beasts are different from humans after all.”

“Even if she is now in charge of this power by human nature, the essence of life is completely different from ordinary people.”

“Ordinary people will slowly get away from her because of the strangeness they feel instinctively. She, who is in charge of [Eros], will also feel these things and feel that she is incompatible with this world.”

“If you don’t have a solution, then… it may be the best choice for her and Merlin to return to the inner sea of ​​the stars.”


Watching Wuming Alter go away, Xie Ming shook his head.

“All said, the man Tsundere can’t be cute at all.”

“But what he said is indeed true.” Otinus pulled the brim of his hat: “What do you plan to do?”

“How to do it…”

Looking up slightly, his fingers began to gently tap the wooden floor.

Of course he knew about this.

In their eyes, the little Sakura is still the little Sakura, even if they make mistakes, even if there are many changes, she is still their family. However, for the entire human group, beasts are foreign objects.

Incorporating the divine core of Kama, it possesses the demon nature of Mura, and it also possesses the Buddha nature of Bodhisattva. Little Sakura has been sublimated from human beings into a creature completely different from human beings.

Under the dominance of human nature, she is a demigod. Under the dominance of animal nature, she is a catastrophe that endangers mankind, Beast III.

This has nothing to do with trust or distrust. In fact, the little Sakura is now an untimely bomb. If something ignites her fuze, it will explode as a crisis for all humanity.

At that time, waiting for the little Sakura is probably the crown siege.

There is no objection to the fact that the little Sakura Master has a strong power. However, I still have to repeat the old saying that I don’t know how many have been raised.A powerful force needs to be accompanied by a corresponding character and will. Obviously, Sakura is too lacking in this regard.

“…Go to the Kingdom of Shadows.”


Early the next morning, Sakura cautiously pushed open the gate of the Kendo Hall. It was discovered that Xie Ming had not started exercising as usual, but was sitting cross-legged. The demon sword, placed horizontally on the knees,

“Come on, little Sakura.”

“Brother Xie Ming…”

“sit down.”

Xie Ming patted his front lightly, and Xie Ming motioned. After little Sakura sat down, he said slowly.

“Little Sakura, school will start in a few days. Do you think you can go to school as usual as before?”


To be honest, little Sakura was prepared to be taught a lesson in her heart. But I didn’t expect that Xie Ming’s first sentence was actually this.

Humankind was almost destroyed yesterday, and school will start in a few days. The sense of gap that this brings to people is unavoidable… and it’s too big.

“Brother Xie Ming means…”

“I’m asking what you think.”

Xie Ming smiled: “If you want to continue to school, I support your decision. But if you want to go another way.”

“The other way, the future may be able to help me…”

“I choose the second one.”

Little Sakura said without hesitation.

“…Is that right?” Xie Ming sighed: “From the heart, I don’t want you to face any dangerous things. Live this life peacefully and peacefully, and do what you want to do. , Is the greatest comfort to me.”

“But if what you want to do is to help me…I also respect your choice and will help you.”


Little Sakura’s eyes lit up: “I really can help Brother Xie Ming?”

“Ah, really.”

While rubbing his eyebrows, Xie Ming said: “What is your situation, I discussed with Otinus, Master Skaha, and Merlin for a long time last night. In the end, I came to the conclusion that… ”

“The power of the beast can be controlled by human nature. Little Sakura, you have shown us this possibility.”

“How much power can you exert now?”


After lowering his eyes and feeling a little, little Sakura whispered: “Only by my own words, I can only exert a little power from Kama.”

“Other things, if used easily, I will be swallowed again.”

“no surprise.”

For this, Xie Ming didn’t have too many surprises. After all, the reason why the little Sakura was able to maintain that little humanity under the beastly swallowing. The main reason is the obsession in my heart.

And now, the obsession has disappeared.

If the animal nature makes a comeback again, it may never come back again.

“Human nature can control animal nature, but that requires willpower and mental power far exceeding animal nature.” After a moment of silence, Xie Ming said softly, “So, if you want to control your strength, you must exercise your strength. Spirit and will.”

“This road is very hard, do you understand?”


“…The answer is so fast.”

Xie Ming laughed bitterly, and then his expression became serious: “My words go ahead. I only give you one chance to walk this road. If you can’t hold on halfway, give up.”

“Then, there will never be a second time. Have you decided?”

“Yes.” Little Sakura raised her head and said firmly: “I want to help you.”

“If that’s the case, then you just pack up.”

Xie Ming stood up and said calmly: “In the future, you will be trained by Skaha in the Kingdom of Shadows. When your mental power reaches the standard, I will give you the exercises that I have been training mental power. : Thousands of souls are refined.”

“The first operation will be the final test of whether you are qualified to embark on this path.”

“During this time, I will always be with you.”


The excitement in his voice made Xie Ming shook his head helplessly.


To control the power of the beast with the will of human beings, it is said that any insider will make them look at you like a lunatic. But if the other person is also a lunatic, that means finding someone in the same way.

Unfortunately, there are no normal people around Xie Ming. Merlin is obviously a master who is not too big of a problem, and Skaha is eager to take a beast as a disciple.

And Otinus naturally had no problem, after all, she chose not to intervene in the first place to make Sakura successfully transformed into a beast.

Regarding the little Sakura, Xie Ming naturally explained it to everyone at breakfast.

Although a student who is only in the third semester of high school is about to drop out, the elderly Fujino and Amber Jade have some opinions. But they also knew in their hearts that little Sakura’s situation was indeed not suitable for continuing to go to school.

Karen and Rin, who knew the situation, naturally wouldn’t raise any objections.

But, there is one thing, you have to make it clear to Rin.

About Tosaka Shitatsu’s death…

However, Rin’s response was beyond the expectations of Xie Ming and Xiao Sakura.

“I already know.”

Turning the tips of his hair, Rin said calmly: “I have seen my father’s body. The contented smile on that face has never been seen by me or my mother.”

“So, the moment I saw Mara Bodhisattva, I knew it.”

“…Little Sakura’s magic attribute is an imaginary number.” Xie Ming glanced at the little Sakura who was sitting with her head down: “One of the ways to use imaginary numbers is time and space.”

“The magic properties of imaginary numbers, coupled with the power of beasts, make it easy to travel through time. However, it is not a simple matter.”

“In other words, for little Sakura, what his father did to little Sakura is something that the queen of the beast cannot forget… cruel things, right.”

Rin put down the hair of her fingertips and looked at Sakura. There was a faint blue light in his eyes, and his expression was so calm that he could be said to be a little cold.

“Although I am embarrassed, Xie Ming, can you go out for a while first?”

“I see.”

Xie Ming stood up and patted little Sakura’s head lightly: “This is your real first step.”

After speaking, he left the dojo and closed the door lightly.No one eavesdropped on the conversation between the two sisters, after all, it was too uninteresting.

Even if you use pure science thinking to convert, nothing can happen between the two. You know, Tosaka Time has only been with Rin for seven years, but Sakura and Rin have spent sixteen years together.

What on earth did the two sisters talk about? I am afraid that only the two sisters and the root cause of this matter are really known. But when they came out of the kendo hall, Rin and Sakura’s hands were tightly held together.

There were also some red marks on the corners of their eyes.

At this point, all the things that need to be resolved have been resolved. Next, is the training in the Kingdom of Shadows.

How to train the beast is a completely new topic for Skaha. After all, if the beast broke out with all its strength, even Skaha would not be confident that he would win.

But as for how to temper a person’s will and spirit, it was very simple for Skaha.

Even the little Sakura’s physical strength is stronger than Xie Ming, but as long as Luen is loaded or restrained on it, the effect of improving willpower can be achieved by training the body.

Rather, this exercises willpower even more.

Because little Sakura needs to suppress her strength all the time, lest she break Rune away all at once. But at the same time, they have to accept this restraint to train.

Once you don’t control it, all the training you have done before will be invalidated, and you will start over from the beginning.

No one would intercede to little Sakura, because it was to control the power of the beast. Little Sakura will never complain, because there is only one chance.

And because the beast’s physique no longer needs to sleep, so from the beginning to the end of the training, little Sakura will not have a one-second rest. Xie Ming was accompanied throughout the journey.

Little Sakura’s power was restrained, and he was also suppressed by Luen. No matter how much Sakura’s training volume is, he will do twice as much as Sakura. Little Sakura started from the beginning because he didn’t restrain it, so Xie Ming also started from the beginning.

Don’t think that Xie Ming did this to balance Sakura’s heart. He did this to intensify the tempering of little Sakura’s heart.

Let little Sakura watch it with her own eyes, because of her own reasons, the people around her were implicated. For young Sakura, this is even more uncomfortable for her than training.

However, Xie Ming wanted to make her uncomfortable.

She has to learn to eat this pain, swallow it, and then turn it into her own motivation.

The growth of the will is always based on pain.

As I said before, Xie Ming is ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself. Since little Sakura decides to go this way, decides to be her own helper and keep up with her own footsteps, then she must be ruthless.

Otherwise, the so-called helping oneself is nothing but a fantasy.

As a result, slowly, there are more and more people in the Kingdom of Shadows.

At first it was CC, Altria and Merlin, and then Rin. Then, Fujino, Amber, Jade, and Karen all came.

Except for Altria and Merlin, everyone else joined in this training. The amount of each person is relatively the same.

And, don’t forget, Rin, Fujino and others are humans. They all need to eat.

But they all said this to little Sakura.

“Little Sakura, we will all be with you until you finish.”

Yes, as long as the little Sakura hasn’t finished training in a day. Rin and the others would not eat a bite of rice or drink a drop of water.

Seeing the people he valued, one by one fainted in front of him, but when both Xie Ming and Skaha were expressionless, little Sakura finally understood one thing.

The so-called choice is not that simple…

Everyone present has their own goals, their own lives. However, everyone left everything behind for her. The reason is because she chose this path.

When I saw Karen, who had Avalon buried in his body, fell to the ground due to fatigue. Little Sakura finally understood the two words.


And that time, little Sakura finished training.

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