Chapter 1689 Welcome Back

“No… it’s not like that…I don’t think so!”

There was a voice in my heart, screaming desperately. But this voice was too weak and too small in front of the hatred that had already been opened.

I have also said before that when people only have a life-saving straw in their hands, they will hold on to it and not let go. Even if this straw is actually the thorny stem of a rose.

The straw caught in the previous origami was called “Hate Spirit”. But when she knew that this ‘elf’ was herself, the straw had become a boulder trapping her ankle.

Pulling her, she kept sinking into the depths of the desperate sea.

So what Xie Ming just did in the spiritual world of origami was to untie the stone bound to her. And, give her a channel to vent.

Once people start to hate themselves, then it is the beginning of self-destruction. Therefore, out of people’s self-help instinct, the behavior of ‘throwing the pot’ will appear.

After all, no one wants to take on so-called responsibilities, no one wants to put more pressure and burden on themselves.

But origami can’t do that kind of thing. How can you deny the tragedy that you have created yourself?

Therefore, she reversed her despair.

Since Origami doesn’t know how to’snap the pot’, Xie Ming will help her’snap the pot.’ All the negative emotions she could not bear were vented to herself through actions.

As the ultimate back-to-back king who once carried the hatred of the entire world, Xie Ming is not short of the hatred and despair of a young girl.

Although this girl is slightly stronger.

The light of the knife continuously cuts through the dark light beams rushing from all directions, the surrounding fire has not been cut off since the beginning, and the body of Xie Ming has been burning continuously.

Fortunately, because of the cage hand of the Chilong Emperor, Xie Ming’s resistance to these elements of fire and ice is not low. Not to mention that after the demon-breaking sword aura weakened, these afterglows no longer have much power.

There is also a very big advantage of keeping these fire lights, that is, people outside can’t see their true situation.

“Somewhat exciting…”

Wiping off the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, Xie Ming murmured, “Should I say, is it really a crown?”

Originally, this plane was strengthened by the mass point, and the strength was a little outrageous. Even the most basic ordinary people have the first- and mid-level physical fitness.

The elves are even Tier 4 per capita.

Like Meijiu and Erya, whose image ability is not a combat expertise, there is no difficulty in crushing the existence of real strength below Tier 4.

Not to mention other elves who are good at fighting. If you are serious and fully capable, playing Xie Ming in the second stage is not a problem.

After the reversal, the elves will have a higher level of combat ability.

In other words, the current origami was supposed to be something that Xie Ming could only deal with after turning on the Red Dragon Emperor status. And now, he only relied on one person and one knife.

Even if the origami is simply venting, it does not use any high-tech, high-injury moves.

But just this level is enough for Xie Ming to drink a pot full.

As for why it was not turned on, it was mainly because of what was said to him in his piano.

Phantom has been observing in the dark, waiting for the opportunity. The main reason why I haven’t done it now is because it is unnecessary.


It was very similar to when he was in Arad, because Xie Ming has not yet demonstrated the strength that can threaten the Mirage.

So let Xie Ming explore the way now, help with part-time work, and finally pick the fruits by himself.

Because the other party knows that everything you do is in vain. The fruit tree that was planted hard, the fruit that finally bears is unable to pick.

Wouldn’t it make yourself cheaper?

However, when the existence that was regarded as a beater showed the ability to pick and eat the fruit instead of itself, the Phantom definitely couldn’t continue to sit down on the Diaoyutai.Now Xie Ming is still playing the tactics he has been playing before, with poor intelligence.

Mirage must have guessed about his abilities, but he didn’t fully understand it. As for himself, he knew the bottom line about Phantom, but he couldn’t beat it.

In this case, it is foolish to expose oneself rashly and let the enemy know more of one’s own intelligence. The correct behavior is to solve the problems that appear in front of you with your exposed hands.

From this perspective, the suggestions made by Qin Li are undoubtedly the best choice.

However, that is not Xie Ming’s style.

It’s okay to hide the clumsy, but don’t treat the concealed object as an idiot. So the question is coming? Is Phantom an idiot?

Obviously not.

It has been 40 years since the first space earthquake. However, until Xie Ming appeared, there were still very few people who knew the Phantom and the true identity of Siyuan Elf.

If it were not for him to expose the ‘Siyuan Spirit’ and the original events, people around the world would still be deceived by Wescott.

Hiding one’s identity for forty years is a simple matter for people with power. However, while concealing his true identity, he can continue to do things in full view, which is not just something that can be done with power.

People who regard such existence as idiots are probably the real idiots.

Xie Ming knew very well that his every move was actually being paid attention to by Siyuan Elf all the time. Therefore, the other party already knows his own character and behavior.

If at this time, you have made a behavior that violates your previous style, you will inevitably raise the other side’s vigilance.

Does this worker know something?

Be vigilant, then all kinds of temptations follow. At that time, some of the pits Xie Ming had painstakingly buried will most likely be discovered.

So the real correct behavior is to use the hands that you have shown and do what you should do in your own style. For this reason, he can even reveal some more hands for the opponent to see.

For example, the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor, such as the wave of killing intent, such as the fury of Sparta.

What is Xie Ming’s biggest hand against the Phantom of Siyuan Elf? It is the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue.

And all of his advanced states relied on the ‘Power Fusion’ ability attached to the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life Catalogue.

There is no catalogue to play a reconciling role. With Xie Ming’s method of forcibly combining different forces, he exploded and died a long time ago. How can he live to this day?

Not to mention that now, Kabbalah’s tree of life catalog is still the core of his life ascension and advancement to Tier 4.

If the other party discovers that there is a catalogue on his body, it can be said to be a certain thing to be taken away.

No matter how long it stayed in Xie Ming’s body, Xie Ming really didn’t dare to compare with Siyuan Elf in terms of fitness.

One is the spiritual product of ten-point power, which can be called the pro-daughter of the God of Creation. What about the other one? At best, he is a qualified person who has the qualifications to carry this design drawing.

The strength is stronger than himself, and the adaptability is higher than himself. This is much more exciting than in the Arad continent.

Although it looked shrunk at that time, everything went well. Even in the black land, which was discovered by Herder due to an accident, now it seems that there are shadows of those lion heads in it.

Besides, Herder didn’t have the idle time, staring at the Arad continent all day. I can’t come over, and I don’t have time.

But at this moment, there is only a small Tiangong City in the place, and there are only a dozen key figures. It is impossible to secretly prepare and accumulate strength as it was in the Arad Continent.

Xie Ming took advantage of the gap to arrange the chess move of Wescott. If you want to arrange more means, you can only wait for similar opportunities to appear.

At first, his idea was to turn on the second-order state and accompany origami to vent happily. After all, in his opinion, Siyuan Elf shouldn’t value him so much.

The power gap lies there, and the girls and the girls are also staying under each other’s eyelids all day long. Isn’t this worrying?

Then Qinli told him: Yes, the other party is still worried.

That…. Then Xie Ming has nothing to do. He suffers more injuries and suffers more.


The spiritual bombardment of the Salvation Demon lasted more than ten minutes before it slowly stopped. With every hit, the feedback feel is a hit. This made Origami’s crazy smile a little bit of sadness.

She could feel how terrifying the power she possessed now, and she had seen the terrible situation of Tiangong City under her feet.

It’s all caused by her, it’s all her.

Origami deeply felt how hopeless he was. Killed the parents, killed the teacher, destroyed the city.

What I do now is what I once hated the most.

And what I once hated the most is now doing my best to protect the city.

I…have no face to meet anyone.

Yourself…why are you still alive?

If at that time I could rectify myself immediately, Tiangong City would not suffer damage and the teacher would not die. You can also get relief yourself.

Yes… as long as I die…

The dark spiritual power condensed into a triangular cone in front of the fist, and the origami murmured: “How to kill the wizard…Teach me…Teacher…”

Ah… By the way, the teacher is no longer.

So, who knows how the elves should be killed?

Tokisaki Kuangsan.

That’s right! If it was Tokizaki Kakuzo, she must have known this.

Empty eyes scanned the area that had been turned into ruins, and finally fixed on the girl in the red dress.


Kuang San stepped back slightly, and finally a dignified smile appeared in his cynical smile. The current origami is really not a joke.

But what about her opponent?

“Are you going to escape again?”

Hearing this familiar voice, the motion of origami paused slightly. Slowly raised his head and looked at the smoke-shrouded place.

Walking out of the mist slowly, Xie Ming’s face still remained the same as before, and even his clothes were not dusty or damaged.

But…now in front of him is origami. It’s the origami that can tell whether Xie Ming is thin or fat by visual inspection.

Xie Ming’s disguise can be concealed from Shixiang and the others, but it is absolutely impossible to conceal the origami in a sober state.

In fact, Xie Ming’s current state is indeed not good. Under the intensive bombardment of that powerful beam, even if he could accurately cut every pass, he couldn’t completely relieve the impact of the beam.

As a result, the muscles of his entire arm with his dominant hand are completely out of shape.

The bloodline was all killed on the arm, but it was not visible under the cover of the sleeve.

But a few small actions are enough to make Origami judge Xie Ming’s problem.


“Yuanyi origami, now I am asking you a question.” Slightly sideways, hiding his dominant hand behind him, Xie Ming asked faintly: “Are you going to escape again?”

“You have escaped from your sins once. Do you want to escape this time?”

“… what should I do?”

Seeing Xie Ming who was constantly approaching, Origami suddenly raised his head: “Then what should I do!?”

“I have committed such a deep sin, what qualifications do I have! What face is there to live in this world!? Such me!?”

“So, are you going to escape?”

Xie Ming said calmly: “Because of my timidity and cowardice, I dare not face it.”

“Then teacher, what do you think I should do!?”

“Stop acting like a baby!!”

The crisp sound was accompanied by a little dampness and pain. With this merciless slap, Xie Ming slapped the origami directly.

How heavy is this slap?

Let’s put it this way, if the current origami is not an elf, this slap can slap her head directly.


Origami slowly turned his head and stroked his beaten face. When I put it in front of my eyes, there was blood all over the palm of my hand.

This is naturally not her own blood, but Xie Ming’s blood.

“Origami, you opened my eyes to see clearly.” Xie Ming glared at the origami: “This ruin under your feet is caused by your runaway!”

“The tragedies in the past were caused by your will!”

“What’s the reason for this all happening?”

“Because of your cowardice!”

“All of this is the responsibility you must bear! It is the crime you must bear! And you, don’t you even have the courage to face it all!?”

“Your parents gave birth to you and raised you up. Tenxiang did not hesitate to fight you in order to stop you. Everyone was cleaning up the mess for you! And you! Thinking of dying?”

“Yiyi origami! When will you escape!? When will you act like a baby to those of us who care about you!?”

“When will you blaspheme against your parents’ death and everyone’s care for you!?”


“I’m telling you! Toiichi origami!”

Grabbing the origami shoulders, Xie Ming stared at the origami pupils that had already begun to fluctuate: “I am a cruel person! I am a cold-blooded teacher!”

“Whether you like it or not, since you have become a teacher like me, your acting like a baby, your willfulness ends here!”

“I won’t allow you to escape, I won’t allow you to act like a baby, I will force you to take this extremely painful path for you. I will tell you that living is such a painful thing.”

“You have to live, you have to redeem your sins, and you have to repay everyone. If you can’t find the meaning of living, these things are the reasons for you to live!”

“Did you hear me!?”


“The voice is too low, speak louder!”


“No spirit, do it again!”


Hearing the shout of exhaustion, Xie Ming smiled with satisfaction, and gently put the origami into his arms.

“Well, that’s right.”

“Next, bear your sins and live freely.”

“Um… Um… Um…”

Stepping his head deeply into Xie Ming’s arms, the girl’s cries resounded through the middle of the night.

This is the first time in five years that a girl has vented her emotions so freely.

This is the cry that symbolizes the new life.

“Welcome back, Yuichi origami.”

Looking up at the pure day ambassador in the night sky, everyone looked at each other, and they all showed knowing smiles.

“Welcome back, teacher Xie Ming (brother).”

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