Chapter 178 The Third World: My Hero Academia

Seven days passed quickly, and it seemed like a blink of an eye to Xie Ming. Being in the arena all the time, indulging in the duel with other substitutes, not only greatly improved his fighting awareness, but also broadened his horizons.

Only you can’t think of it, no one can’t do it. Since Xie Ming broke into the top 100 in the first-order arena, I have deeply understood the exact meaning of this sentence. Almost all the substitutes who can enter the top 100 are the existence of the first-order pinnacle, and the cards are endless.

What impressed Xie Ming most was a battle against a fat man. The fat man wore an armor of an unknown number of centimeters, and he held a super tower shield that was almost equal to two of him. There were hideous spikes on the shield. At a glance, it is known that this is a huge shield with anti-injury properties. The amount of damage from attacking him will bounce back to him at a certain rate.

And the most shameless thing is that this fat guy actually still has a skill, the effect is probably to force his front face to face the enemy. So no matter how fast Xie Ming’s speed, but every time he attacks the damn shield, Xie Ming can’t help but think of Heathcliff.

However, Xie Ming eventually won. Because he has the existence of a contracted monster, Fogu. Fogu is a magmatic organism, and high temperature is its characteristic. Although it is impossible to melt this fat man’s body, you can see that it is a more expensive armor, but this armor cannot change the characteristics of the metal and conduct heat!

Just as Xie Ming madly attacked and the fat man held on with his shield, pillars of flame sprayed out around him, surrounding him. The result afterwards was obvious. He surrendered when he was cooked.

Although death has no effect in the arena, the pain and feeling of death will not be weakened at all. I believe no one wants to experience the feeling of being cooked as an adult meat buns, right? So Fatty abstained decisively when he couldn’t hold on, and Xie Ming’s ranking was even higher.

Ranked 74 in Tier 1 Arena, which is Xie Ming’s final ranking. He was defeated by a space magician, and he also let Xie Ming know that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the sky.

An enemy who is fascinating, unable to defend against attacks that can only barely dodge, Xie Ming can only be played in his palms. Of course, if Xie Ming’s firepower is full, he can still kill the enemy with the opponent’s attack, but this will definitely expose his equipment. That’s a real piece of equipment that sees the light dead, naturally Xie Ming won’t be so deadly. Even if he hides his number and face, but the space is so great, the two pieces of equipment on his body are definitely worth some powerful characters or large-scale adventure groups to chase and kill him at a high price.

Moreover, Xie Ming also discovered a shortcoming of the space magician that is not a shortcoming. When using space magic to move, he cannot attack his opponent. In the same way, when you release space magic to attack your opponent, you cannot move. So this is also the reason why Xie Ming is confident that he can forcefully kill his opponent. If it is a real life and death battle, then Xie Ming can fight to cut off his head without an arm, or directly use Instant Hell Kill to forcefully kill the opponent.

With the purple magic pupil, he can fully grasp the gap.

Of course this is also a hypothesis, who knows what hole cards the opponent will have? All in all, Xie Ming surrendered decisively after struggling for a while, then returned to his personal space and stopped fighting.


Once again, the 10 points are divided equally. Now Xie Ming’s strength, agility, durability and intelligence are all 88 points, and his energy is 90 points. Regarding the attribute of energy, Xie Ming finally found its purpose. Generally speaking, manipulating contract monsters in the Rewrite world consumes the life force of the monster, that is, life span. But now Xie Ming can control Fogu by consuming energy, and only when the energy is exhausted will his life force be consumed.

90 points of energy, if Xie Ming’s full burst of Fugu energy, it can last for 3 minutes, but if it is used normally, there is no problem with continuous use for an hour.

Xie Ming, who continued to lie on the soft big bed to make up for the new fan, received a prompt from the Lord God.

“There is still one minute for the surrogate to enter the mission space, please be prepared for the surrogate.”

“Quest World: My Hero Academia”

“Mission difficulty: the lower stage of the first stage ~ the lower stage of the third stage (20~300)”

“This world is a peaceful copy, and there is no lucky draw box after the surrogates kill each other.”

“Execution number: 1”

“Number of main lines: 3”

“The main task will be issued by the agent after entering the space”

“Task completion rewards will be issued in the settlement space after the task ends”

Turning off the TV, Xie Ming said silently: “Lord God, repair your body.”

As the silky spots penetrated into the body, Xie Ming jumped out of bed and stretched his body, and then began to think about the world of tasks routinely. Although he had seen this anime on the TV list in the room, there was not enough time for him to study and watch it seriously.

But fortunately, he has his intimate little padded jacket, Yui.

“Yui, do you know the intelligence of this mission world?” Xie Ming asked with a smile looking at the stretched Yui.

“Well, Dad. I will give you the general information about the mission world now.” Yui opened the air in front of him, and a light screen appeared, and information about the mission world began to appear on it.


Initially, in the city of Qingqing in Country C, a baby who could glow was found. Subsequently, newborns with superpowers appeared in various parts of the world. People call these superpowers ‘personality’.

With the alternation of the old and the new, the eight CDs of the world’s total population have their own ‘personality’. People divide these “personality” into continuously effective “alien type” as well as temporarily effective “launch system”, “transformation system” and many other types. Whether it is a “single” or “complex” personality, it is usually discovered before the age of four, that is, a “personality” diagnosis is organized in the first grade of elementary school and the first grade of junior high school.

At the same time, these people with ‘personality’ can easily take the lives of others. Bad people use their ‘personality’ to do evil. Good people have a strong ‘personality’ but they dare not resist the bad ones and can only endure oppression.

At this time, a profession appeared. That is the “hero”! The embryonic form of this profession is that courageous people learn from the comics and begin to stand up to fight crimes against the enemy, and then slowly evolved into a profession recognized by the social government.

The hero accepts work with the office as the center, performing tasks alone or with partners. In addition to rising popularity, becoming a good hero also has high monetary income. Everyone wants to be a hero, because everyone wants to be respected by others and also wants to make a lot of money. Therefore, in order to control the profession of ‘hero’, the government has specially set up an academy for cultivating heroes. Only students who rely on their outstanding ‘personality’ and outstanding academic ability can pass the entrance to the Hero’s Academy.

Among them, the most famous country in R is Xiongying High School. This is a higher education institution created for the purpose of cultivating heroes against criminals. Xiongying High School has a very high status in Japan. It is one of the best schools in the country, and its hero course is also the top. The teachers in the school are professional heroes, and there are various training facilities in the school.

This high school is also the center of the story and the core stage Xie Ming wants to participate in.

“…So, I have to go to high school again, right.”

After reading so many materials, Xie Ming wanted to say only this sentence.

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