Chapter 326 Go to hell, make atonement!

Seeing the two people who attacked him, Sheila’s face showed a grinning smile: “I don’t know how to die, Kosmia!”

“Come on~, please listen to me~.”

Kosmia blinked and released the power, then took a deep breath and put the microphone to her mouth.


Her voice, transformed by the microphone, was directly transformed into a stylish ring-shaped sound wave, making Xie Ming and Hei Zhen’s bodies as if they had been oppressed by a heavy object, and their figures suddenly froze.

But it is a pity that neither Xie Ming nor Hei Zhen will be affected by this little gravity. Not to mention a thousand catties, even if it doubles, a ton, it is just a simple load-bearing run for the two of them.

The two quickly adapted to the current gravity and continued to attack the enemy without any influence.

Seeing that Kosmia had not succeeded in blocking the opponent, Yan Xin jumped out and waved the machete in her hand continuously. The blade broke through the air, and a large number of air blades appeared and shot at Xie Ming and Hei Zhen.

At the same time, the big fat clown Champ also threw two small balls entwined with a whirlwind and flames at the same time.

“The jade of storm, the jade of flame.”

The air blade cut by Yanxin became more violent under the strengthening of the jade of storm, and by the wind, the flame entwined on the jade of flame became more fierce.

“The earth is humming, the moonlight and wind are beautiful, and the quick throw is chaotic… plus the one in Sheila’s hand, it should be a dimensional square.”

Xie Ming’s purple magic pupil quickly controlled all the situation on the scene, as well as the enemy Master’s imperial equipment. These imperial tools are recorded in the ancient books of the night raid.

Sheila’s imperial tool is named Dimensional Array·Shangri-La, and the effect is that it can move the target to a designated position. It is a rare space-based imperial tool in the imperial tool.

And the microphone that Kosmia was holding in her hand should be the sound of the earth and heavy pressure, transforming her own voice into ultrasonic waves, and exerting gravity on the target. People with low physique will even be crushed directly by strong gravity.

The emperor of Yanxin Moonlight Dance·Windblade Sword, can use slash to cast airblade. The six small balls surrounding the Joker are fast throwers and big pitchers. Each ball has different abilities.

Storm Jade: The fastest attack speed, entangling the whirlwind.

Blasting Jade: It will explode after hitting the target.

Flame Jade: The sphere is entwined with flames and has the strongest attack power.

Ice Jade: The target freezes after hitting the target.

Lightning Jade: Produces an electric shock effect, and the target body will be temporarily paralyzed when it hits the target.

Corrosion Jade: After hitting the target, it will corrode the hit part.

And all small balls will automatically fly back to the holder after being thrown.

In addition to throwing small balls with your hands, this Teikoku is very practical and versatile. Unfortunately, it fell into the hands of a scum. There was another little girl who didn’t make a move, but conservatively estimated, she was also an emissary.


“The combat literacy is too bad!”

When Xie Ming got wrong, Hei Zhen ran to the front speedingly. With a strong wave of the black dragon banner in his hand, the flames of hell turned into a sea of ​​flames and directly counterattacked. Under the blast of heat, the air blade directly turned into nothingness.

And Champ’s two balls? As mentioned before, the ball will automatically fly back to the holder. After the effect disappeared, the ball that was scorched by the fire returned to Champ’s hands.

Although the effect was reproduced, Shangpu didn’t dare to touch them for the time being. It’s sick to catch the red ball that was baked with bare hands.

At this time, two people suddenly appeared behind Xie Ming and Hei Zhen, Dotya and Sheila. It was precisely by relying on the effect of the dimensional square array that they moved behind the enemy to prepare for a sneak attack. Unfortunately, they found the wrong person.

The light of the knife flashed, and a dark hand grabbed the dimensional square and dropped to the ground with blood.

“My…My hand!!!”

Sheila hugged her severed hand and knelt to the ground, roaring non-stop. At the same time, Dottya was also pierced into the heart with a flagpole by Black Zhen and nailed to the ground.

“Puff…” Dotea spouted a mouthful of blood, revealing the sharp vampire-like teeth in his mouth: “Why… you guys know our sneak attack…”

Hei Zhen glanced at the woman on the ground disdainfully, “With your questions, go to hell.”

“Don’t…don’t…don’t kill me…Kill me, but the loss of all mankind! I do have the technology for immortality!!!” Dotya exhausted all his strength and cried.

“Who cares.”

Hei Zhen pulled out the banner, and the pillar of fire gushing from the ground instantly burned her to ashes, leaving nothing behind.

“The survival of mankind is a matter of Guan Lao Niang.”

On the other side, Xie Ming bent over to pick up the dimensional square from Sheila’s severed hand, placed it in Kabuto, and stepped Sheila on the ground with one foot. At the same time, the blue rose was taken out of the portable space.

“Flame bomb, reload.”

Three flashing red bullets popped up on the pistol’s wheel, and he pointed the muzzle at Sheila’s lower body.

“Kill you, it’s not worth my knife.”


Sheila’s lower body was instantly smashed, and at the same time the flame of the flame bomb lit his whole body.


The pain of being beaten to the lower body, the whole body was tortured by flames. It made Sheila look like a pig that had been bleeding, and she could only watch her step by step towards death.

Raising his feet and continuing to move forward, Xie Ming raised the muzzle of Shangpu and Kosmia who were paralyzed on the ground.

“Go to hell, make atonement!”

A flame bomb also exploded Champ’s lower body, and one shot through Kosmia’s abdomen. The flame gradually spread to the whole body, burning them.

There was no fluctuation in Xie Ming’s eyes, like the hell-like scenery. The behavior of these three people completely exceeded Xie Ming’s bottom line. Simply killing them is not enough to calm his anger.

The last murderer, Yan Xin. She seemed to want to counterattack Hei Zhen, but she was knocked to the ground by a flagpole and burned to ashes.

Under Xie Ming’s deliberate control, the flames on the three of them continued for a full 5 minutes before slowly extinguishing. The purple light in his eyes gradually dimmed, turning into the originally pitch-black pupils. However, the bloody mist on his body became thicker.

After this slaughter, the controllability of the fluctuation of the killing intent has once again increased. Now Xie Ming can control 23% of the fluctuations in killing intent.

“What an evil skill.”

Xie Ming gave a wry smile and shook his head. He couldn’t control his anger just now, even when he was absolutely calm in the mode of “Ghost”. Thinking about it now, the behavior just now was nothing like myself.

Killing is for protection. Instead of torturing the enemy, let the enemy die in pain. The self just now was obviously dazzled by anger and killing intent, and he made such a cruel behavior.

“Master, you…”

Hei Zhen was a little bit hesitant and stopped. Hei Zhen felt that what she had done just now was nothing strange. But Xie Ming, who has always had a mild personality, did such a thing, which made her a little worried.

“It’s okay, thank you, Jeanne.”

Xie Ming gave a wry smile, gently touched Heizhen’s head, and said softly.

“Hmph, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t want to get a cheap master and make trouble.”

Hei Zhen, who watched the skilled Tsundere get up, brought a touch of warmth to Xie Ming’s heart. At the same time, he was secretly alert that he must not be controlled by emotions.

“This behavior is the second time. Also, the last time!”

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