Chapter 353

When this emerald green light appeared, a pattern was projected behind Xie Ming.

Ten primitives, three pillars, twenty-two paths, four worlds. The above is densely written with uninterpretable text, and the only thing that can be seen is that the ten original substances are empty.

This is the unknown reward selected in Xie Ming’s first Ex evaluation, the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalog.

Before that, Xie Ming could not feel its existence no matter how he perceives it. Xie Ming was able to vaguely grasp this feeling and make it appear just after the crazy god mode was turned on.

Although I can’t understand the true power of the Kabbalah Tree of Life Catalogue, Xie Ming can feel it. This is an incomparable mighty force, a structural map of the world. What is contained in the above, even if it can only be used a little, is enough to break the defense of the sprite tribe.

Exhausted all the mental power, controlled the little power left in his body when the Kabbalah tree of life catalog was displayed, and transferred it to the attack.

The demon knife under the scabbard had already turned into a faint green at this time.

“Anonymous Sword Skill, Yuan!”

Xie Ming drew his sword and closed it. The mask on his face instantly shattered, his body fell to the ground, and he was dying. But he insisted on being sober at the last point, wanting to see the power of this knife.

With both eyes protruding, Jace’s mouth moved, as if he wanted to say something. But in the next second, the whole person disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if it had never existed before.

“I see….”

A faint flashed in Xie Ming’s eyes, and then he passed out. The projection of the Kabbalah Tree of Life behind it also disappeared, hiding in the deepest part of the body again.


Pain, this is Xie Ming’s only feeling. The bone head of the whole body was forcibly pulled out and then stuffed in again. It was very difficult to even move his fingers, and there seemed to be charcoal fire burning in his throat.

“It’s really a bit off this time…”

He laughed in his heart, and Xie Ming slowly opened his eyes.

It seemed that it was still at night, and the bright moonlight gently spilled into the room. It was like covering the person lying next to the bed with a layer of light gauze. Her pale hair seemed to glow with a faint glow in the moonlight.


Xie Ming feels like he hasn’t woken up yet, and someone with a character like Hei Zhen is actually taking care of him next to him? However, because of this, the touch in my heart became stronger at this time.


Heizhen seemed to be having a nightmare, her brows frowned. As her master, Xie Ming can probably guess what Hei Zhen’s dream is about. The existence born out of hatred and curse, it is estimated that Heizhen has not had any good dreams until now.

Reluctantly controlling his arm, he gently held Hei Zhen’s somewhat pale hand.

“I hope this makes you have a good dream.”

I don’t know if it is an illusion, it seems that Hei Zhen’s brows have loosened a little, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth has become a little softer.

However, Xie Ming, who had all the attributes of his body reduced to 1 point, had no room for that kind of thinking at this time. Along with the fatigue from his bones, Xie Ming fell into a deep sleep again.


Hei Zhen murmured, she did not know when she had already held Xie Ming’s hand.

It seems that tonight is a peaceful and beautiful night.


The next day, after Xie Ming woke up, he heard what happened after being unconscious from Yui.

Due to the death of Jace, the Sprites lost their positioning coordinates, and the world was safe. The broken space barrier in the sky was also supplemented by unknown forces, restoring the appearance of the blue sky and white clouds.

However, according to Yui’s statement, she seemed to have seen an extremely magnificent giant tree at the end of the space being completed, and she didn’t know if it was an illusion.

Of course, Xie Ming also opened his taskbar to understand the current situation.

Main task three: subvert the empire and complete the revolution! (completed)

The surrogate can choose to return immediately or stay in the mission world for 7 days.

It is detected that the substitute has lost consciousness, and the right to choose will be given to the exclusive wizard of the substitute.

Needless to say, Yui must have chosen to stay for seven days. After all, the seven days in personal space are very precious. If it were wasted on the recovery of Xie Ming’s body, it would be a violent thing.

Seeing Xie Ming awakening, all the night attack partners also breathed a sigh of relief. If it weren’t for Xie Ming’s body ill, Black pupil would have planned to hold Xie Ming not to let go. Even Najiexitan and Yisi, who were so busy with the construction of a new country, took the time to come over and take a look at Xie Ming.

I have to say that the current emperor is in a mess, waiting to be reborn. Although Yesh allowed the people to take refuge in advance, many people were still injured and killed in the battle. The people who came back to see their homes in ruins naturally didn’t feel very good.

To describe the current imperial capital in one word, there is really only the word ‘busy’. All those who can help are all contributing their own strength.

The original hunter belongs to the hunter, Seleu maintains the order of the streets, Will is hunting for food, Lan is sorting out various documents, and the Polus family is helping to cook and treat the people.

Not to mention Najieshitan and Iss, these two are the main pillars of the new country. Had it not been for Susanoo and Lubbock taking care of them both, it is estimated that they would have passed out due to overwork.

Although everyone is very busy, they all have smiles on their faces. This is a smile from the heart, a smile with beautiful hope for the future.

But in this way, the members of Night Strike have become the most leisurely. Because they are an assassination group that cannot see the light, they are unknown people who bear all the darkness of the revolutionary army.

Even after the nation is established, their names will never appear in the annals of history. Everything about the night attack must be buried in the darkness.

Of course, this situation had long been expected by Xie Ming. Through various means, he established a small village in the border area of ​​the original empire. There, it was the reclusive place he built for the night raid partners.

At the same time, he also made it clear to his comrades that he, Yui and Kurosada will embark on a journey to an unknown world in seven days.

After the first battle of the sprite tribe, everyone has a certain understanding of the concept of a pluralistic world. So they were not surprised by Xie Ming’s decision. Even the black pupil who was the stickiest Xie Ming among them, did not propose to follow.

The female members seemed to plan to live in the secluded place Xie Ming had prepared for them. As for Lubbock, if he wants to stay in the imperial capital and continue to help Najiexitan, the same goes for the man of Susao.

And Brand seems to be going to travel the world. Shayo and Iyeas are going to take Xi back to their village. By the way, Iyeas seems to see Yui in the opposite direction. And Sha You also found her long-lost companion, Tazmi.

The rest is the last question.

“Jan of Arc, are you willing to formally sign a mutual aid contract with me?”

Looking at the girl in front of him, Xie Ming asked seriously.

“Huh? What have you said so far?” Hei Zhen said awkwardly, turning her face away.

“No, I just want to hear an accurate answer.”

“……I got it!”

Hei Zhen yelled in despair and took out a piece of paper from her black cloak.

“Here, this is the contract, take it.”


Xie Ming took the contract and saw that it was neat and beautiful, and it was obviously written with hard work. He was a little bit dumbfounded. Really, even at this time, I’m not frank.

“Then I will accept it.”

Putting Heizhen’s contract on the book of Servants, the contract turned into a light spot, integrated into the first page of the Book of Servants, that is, the page of Heizhen.

“Hmph, now that you have formally signed a contract with me, are you ready to be burned with me in the future?”

“That won’t work.”


Looking at Hei Zhen with wide-eyed eyes, Xie Ming said with a smile: “I am the master who wants to save you from the flames. If it doesn’t work, let’s enjoy the flame bath with you.”

After speaking, he held Hei Zhen in his arms, and his gentle words sounded in Hei Zhen’s heart.

“I won’t leave you alone in hell, don’t worry.”

Hei Zhen struggled a few times before giving up resistance. Muttered, flushed.

“It’s… stupid master.”

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