Chapter 361

Like Heizhen, when Medea Lily was summoned, she already knew the state of the world. So, when Xie Ming talked to her about her plan, Medea Lily said so.

“If I can help those poor sisters, I would love it~”

By the way, Medea Lily is only 14 years old. During this period, she was still practicing magic training with the Greek goddess Hecate. So she doesn’t have any attack magic at all, only the healing magic is outstanding. However, it cannot be said that Medea has no offensive power at all.

It is possible to simply construct a magic circle and condense the magic into magic bullets to attack. However, these magic bullet attacks have no effect on the primitive gut creatures. Rather, the slightly horrifying appearance of the primitive gut creatures scared the young girl enough.

“Well, the primitive gut creature has been killed by me.”

With a helpless sigh, Xie Ming comforted softly.

Medea Lily, who was hiding behind Xie Ming, poked her head out with tears in her eyes: “Really…really?”



Medea breathed a sigh of relief, and then said shyly, “Thank you, master. Anyway, I can’t get used to these bugs that magnify countless times…”


Xie Ming nodded, even if he was not necessary, he really didn’t want to see these monsters. Originally some bugs grow very crippled, if you magnify them countless times, it will not be crippled but scary.

You see, Yui stayed in Xie Ming’s Kabuto in an elf state, and refused to come out.

The two are now walking in the jungle, walking towards the east. After Yui’s terrain exploration, and Xie Ming flew high to check, there was a huge black stone monument to the east. The huge black stone stele was cast with high-density 錵.

It has only one purpose, to prevent the invasion of primitive gut organisms, and to create a space for humans to survive. The place surrounded by dozens of black monuments is where humans live.

For Xie Ming, the primary goal now is to determine where he is located. This is very important and even determines his future policy. But soon, he didn’t worry about this.

“That…master, there seems to be someone in crisis ahead…”

Pulling Xie Ming’s sleeve, Medea said softly.

“Someone…Forget it, go and see.” After thinking for a while, Xie Ming decided to go. Although I don’t have a good impression on the human beings in this world, this is a good opportunity to determine where I am located and cannot be missed.


“Oh, why am I so unlucky…”

A beautiful girl in a kimono with noble and elegant temperament and a mole on the corner of her left eye sighed. A team of guards dressed in special forces equipment protected her in the middle. The outermost layer is a variety of gastrointestinal organisms.

“Miss Sima, please retreat first. Leave it to us here!”

With a rifle in his hand, the captain of the guard said anxiously. It is impossible for such a large number of gastrointestinal organisms to escape safely and without incident. So at least, let the eldest lady live.

“What about prototype weapons?”

Opening the iron fan in her hand, the girl called Miss Sima asked indifferently.

“it’s here.”

A man in a white coat handed a cuboid box, and after pressing the button, the contents were revealed.

The black knife body, the weird blood tank, and the dark red grip are obviously a well-made long knife. Unlike other knives, this long knife has a small hole on its back.

The center of the handle is hollow, and it seems that something can be inserted from the bottom. And in the box, there is still the same thing as a pistol magazine. Visually, it seemed to fit the empty slot at the bottom of the grip perfectly.

The girl stretched out her delicate fingers, stroked the dark blade lightly, and whispered.

“Sima Heavy Industries used a huge amount of money and manpower to create such a super-hard weapon that is enough to kill Phase IV. It cannot be lost here.”

“But eldest lady, if you take it with you, you won’t have time to escape into the stone monument!”

The captain of the guard yelled, and at the same time the gun in his hand shot out bullets, shooting the archgut creature in front of him into a sieve.


Silence, tangled for a moment. The girl violently put away the fan: “Everyone, prepare to evacuate.”

While speaking, she also took out a pistol from the sleeve of the kimono and put on a posture with killing intent in her eyes.

“Sima Liu, Sima Weizhi, join in.”

However, it is a pity. The black-haired girl named Sima Weizhi just made up her mind when a super reinforcement army arrived.

“Anonymous sword skill, draw a sword in an instant.”

Xie Ming, dressed in a dark red coat, appeared in front of the largest primitive gut creature and cut it in half. Pointing to the ground, he chopped off the head of the second monster like flowing water.

In just a few seconds, all the primitive gut creatures that were enough to destroy this team were cut in half and fell to the ground.

“Hey, do you have any weapons? If so, please make up for these things.”

Xie Ming looked at the small team and said lightly.


“Do as he says.”

Sima Weizhi retracted the pistol, and slowly approached with a smile on his face: “Thank you, sir, for your help. I wonder if your name is?”

“Uranus Temple Houtaro.”

Xie Ming reported his Japanese name.

“Mr. Uranus Temple…My name is Sima Weizhi.”

The girl gave a classical ceremony and said with a sweet smile.

“Sima…Then this is the Tokyo area.” Hearing Sima’s surname, Xie Ming instantly understood the girl’s identity. The daughter of Sima Heavy Industries, a large weapons company, Sima Weizhi.

At the same time, she also has a close relationship with the protagonist of this world, Satomi Rintaro, and sponsors Satomi Rintaro’s weapons, equipment and training equipment. In short, Bai Fumi wants to keep the protagonist.

Knowing where he is located, Xie Ming also has some numbers in his heart. The goal has been achieved, so I’m not talking nonsense with them, and took the demon sword back into its scabbard, and said lightly.

“Then Miss Sima, since you are okay, then I will leave first. Companion is still waiting for me.”

After leaving such a sentence, Xie Ming immediately turned and left. Sima Weizhi couldn’t help but stunned for such a straightforward attitude and action.

This man doesn’t play cards according to the cards! From his appearance, he knows Sima Heavy Industries and he also knows himself. Now that I knew that I was still indifferent, and I didn’t mention anything in return, is it just trying to catch it?

Sima Weizhi, who looked a little uncertain, stared at Xie Ming’s back, and only confirmed one thing when he was about to disappear into the jungle. He did not take himself to heart.

“That! Mr. Uranus Temple, please stay here!!”


Hearing the three words’please stay,’ Xie Ming’s mind quickly flashed through Shen Gongbao’s life-killing skill-“Friends of Daoist, please stay.” Suddenly accelerated the speed of the soles of the feet.


Sima Weizhi didn’t expect that when he heard the words of his stay, he actually speeded up the pace of leaving. Is he a scourge? ! She is the number one beauty in the academy!

Feeling that she had been insulted, Miss Qian Jin ignited a fierce confrontation with Xie Ming and raised her foot to catch up.

“Wait, Miss!?”

The guards were taken aback, and hurriedly trot to follow. A weird chase battle started like this.

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