Chapter 376

Underground of a hospital in Tokyo area.


Pushing open the heavy door of the basement, Xie Ming’s brows couldn’t help but frown. What kind of smell is this.

Taro, formalin, and all kinds of seasonings, these flavors are mixed together, it’s just… Forget it, it’s not unbearable.

Continue down the spiral staircase, turned a bend, and came to a room full of large test tubes. Inside the test tube, all the specimens of various gastrointestinal organisms immersed in formalin.

The icy iron table is cluttered with various materials and computers, and next to it is a white board with densely written text. There are drill bits, scalpels, iron basins and other various appliances on the operating table.

Looking at the whole, this is a personal research room transformed from the morgue. It’s messy, but there are everything that should be there. From the layout of the room, we can see that Muroto Sumire is a very sloppy woman.

Xie Ming came to this conclusion silently looking at the woman who fell unconscious on the ground. Kneeling down, I probably checked her condition. His lips are chapped, his face is unhealthyly pale, and his weight is abnormally low.

Looking at the eaten up residue in the beaker on the table, Xie Ming sighed deeply.

“How can I comment on her if I can faint myself from starvation.”

Bend down to pick up Muroto Sumire, put her on the bed deep in the room, and then looked at the surrounding environment, Xie Ming was a little helpless.


“Um…so hungry…”

Muroto Sumire, who was awake from a coma, took 0.01 seconds to figure out his current situation.

Sleeping on the bed, lack of nutrition, the surrounding environment is tidy, and there is a long-lost smell that makes people feel very warm…Wait, the environment is tidy? Is anyone else cooking?

“Not Rentaro?”

This thought flashed through his mind, and Muroto Sumire, who was vigilant, got up weakly from the bed and opened the curtain in front of the window.

“Huh? Woke up. Wait a while, the porridge will be ready soon.”

Xie Ming’s expression was a little helpless, because this was the first time he used a beaker and an alcohol lamp to cook porridge. This experience was truly unprecedented.

“You are… the one who defeated Ten Sasori….. Uranus Temple Houtaro.”

“Yes.” Xie Ming stirred the porridge with a spoon and nodded: “I have something to talk to you, so I got your address from Rintaro. But now…”

He picked up the clamp and picked up the beaker, put it on the table next to him, and smiled.

“You better eat something first and recover.”


Muroto Jin stared blankly at the appetizing porridge in the beaker, then at Xie Ming, then slowly walked over, sat at the table, folded his hands together, and said softly.

“I’m gonna start now.”

He picked up the spoon, blew it, and then put it in his mouth. At the moment he tasted the taste, Muroto Sumire’s godless eyes opened wide and brightened.

There is a little sweetness, but the sweetness seems to come from the taste of the ingredients themselves. Corn, taro, sweet potato…the flavors of all kinds of whole grains are perfectly immersed, and the flavors of all the ingredients complement each other, like a perfect ensemble.

However, this kind of ensemble is not the kind of music that can excite people, but with a strong warmth, as if my wandering heart has come to a safe haven.

Sipping the porridge in small sips, for the first time, Muroto Sumire didn’t think about the headaches and forgot the sadness of the past. Whole body, I am enjoying the food, feeling the warmth in this bowl, and slowly conveying it to every corner of my body.

Soon, the porridge was all eaten. Seeing her contented expression, Xie Ming’s heart was also very happy. The most important thing for a cook is to make the person who tastes his cooking feel happy and satisfied.

And through this bowl of porridge, Muroto Sumire also learned what kind of person Xie Ming was, and his original vigilance disappeared with the porridge.

“Hutaro… should you call it that way, right?”

Muroto Sumire stretched his body lazily and asked.

“Of course, Doctor Muroto.” Xie Ming replied while clearing the table.

“So, why did you find me specially?”

“For what… If I said that the doctor who came to solve the gastroenteric virus, would the doctor think I was a fool?”

Xie Ming said faintly, washing the beaker and spoon.

“…Why are you trying to solve the gastroenteric virus? In my opinion, you don’t have much hatred for gastroenteric organisms, do you?”

Wiping his hands and placing the utensils, Xie Ming sat in front of Muroto Sumire, looking directly at those gray-blue eyes.

“Really not. Everything I do is just for the children.


After a moment of silence, Muroto Sumire asked faintly: “You should also know that if I could solve the gastroenteric virus, the world would not be like this. Therefore, you must have a certain degree of confidence, so you came to me. Right.”

“Talking to a smart person is easy.” This thought flashed through Xie Ming’s heart, and he smiled: “Of course. If I was not sure, why would I specifically come to Dr. Muroto? Just by enthusiasm, what is it? It can’t be done.”

“What is your current police IP ranking?”

Suddenly, Muroto Sumire asked a question that the head was wrong.

“The IP ranking was 400. Originally, I was going to be promoted to 100, but I didn’t have a starter yet, and for various reasons, I only ranked 400.”

“400… Then there should be a lot of information that you can access.” Muroto Sumire murmured.

All the information about gastrointestinal organisms is classified as confidential. Without certain permissions, there is no way to read it. Even Muroto Sumire, one of the four wise men, is the same.

One way to increase authority is to become a policeman and improve your IP ranking. After Muroto Sumire said this, Xie Ming remembered that there was such a thing.

“Then go.”


Seeing Muroto Sumire who stood up and walked out, Xie Ming was taken aback.

“What are you still doing?”

Muroto Sumire flicked his long burgundy hair and asked back.

“I just agreed? No need to bring anything?”

“Do you have a laboratory there?”


“Is the equipment complete?”


“I can eat and live, right?”


“Is there a computer too?”


“Then what’s the problem?”

Muroto Sumire asked back.

“It seems…not? Wait.” Xie Ming stood up and smiled bitterly: “So, Doctor Muroto, your toiletries and clothes, as well as these materials and personal computers, don’t you need to bring them there? ”

“Yes…” Muroto Sumire glanced at the room, “Then you just pack my computer and clothes with you.”

“You should pack the clothes yourself…”

“Hutaro, I didn’t expect you to be such a restrained man.”

“This is not formality, this is the difference between men and women!”

“Is it possible that you will be excited when you see my underwear?”

“…” Xie Ming sighed deeply: “I will help you clean up the computer, please clean up your clothes yourself.”

“so troublesome…..”

All in all, Muroto Sumire successfully joined Xie Ming’s research team. However, Xie Ming always felt that he would often be teased by this woman in the future.

But what he didn’t know was that Muroto Sumire wouldn’t pay attention to anyone he wasn’t interested in. The reason why she agreed to Xie Ming’s invitation so readily, in the final analysis, still feels Xie Ming’s attentiveness and gentleness.

The two of them had a fate because of such a bowl of whole grain porridge.

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