Chapter 378

“Don’t you have your own guard?”

Xie Ming asked indifferently: “Isn’t it enough to rely on them to protect your safety?”

“Mr. Uranus Temple is joking again.” Shengtianzi said with a light smile: “Who else can be more reliable than you in this entire Tokyo area? The hero who defeated the sky Sasori seat.”

Mentioning these four words, Xie Ming’s face twitched. What a disaster he suffered at that time because of this.

Being besieged by fans, the phone is blown up, you must be disguised when you go to the street, and you must be careful not to be followed when you go home. After more than a month of scouring, people gradually forgot about him.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Xie Ming had a real experience at that time. That’s all there is to it, but such an idea came out at that time.

With Xie Ming’s existence, then the Tokyo area does not need the son of curse. It is recommended to kill all the children of the curse in the outer area to avoid future troubles.

That’s right, it’s such a frantic idea. The most frightening thing is that there are not a few people who agree with this idea. Instead, more and more people joined in, causing quite a stir.

In the end, various police companies and Shengtianzi made a joint announcement and arrested these people for malicious incitement of the people and disturbed the order of the country before it was put down.

And this incident also allowed Xie Ming to further see how hopeless the people are in this world. Really, it’s really not worth salvation.

The most important thing for people is to have a heart that knows how to be grateful. Even cats, dogs, and birds, these animals all know what to do. And human beings sometimes retaliate with grudges. The darkness of human nature is revealed nakedly.

Seeing that Xie Ming’s face was not so good, the Son of Heaven also remembered this, and his expression became a little gloomy.


“You don’t need to apologize.” Xie Ming said faintly: “You didn’t make any mistakes in that matter. It’s better to say that I also want to thank you for quickly resolving the commotion.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Shengtianzi’s face became much softer. She knew that the man in front of her was actually not so cold and unkind as it seemed. When he killed Ten Sasoriza at the time, the trace of sadness appeared on his face, and it still exists in his own memory.

And if it is really such a cold, ruthless person. How could it take so much thought to build a small town for the children?

He is a very gentle person.

Thinking of this, Sheng Tianzi showed a soft smile on his face, and said softly: “I don’t know if Mr. Uranus Temple accepts this commission from me?”

“…..I accepted.”

After thinking about it for a moment, Xie Ming decided to agree to the Son of Heaven. First, it was to pay back the favor. Secondly, he also has a slight affection for the girl in front of him. Although immature, she really wants to change the world on her own.

In a sense, she and she are fellow travelers.


The holy emperor stroked his chest lightly, showing a beautiful smile. This is rare and fits the smile of her age.

In the world, most people are involuntary. This is true even for her as the supreme leader.

Can’t laugh, go shopping, and play with friends like a normal girl. You must maintain your own image all the time, and face all kinds of old foxes. Although I live in such a spacious and gorgeous house, I rarely feel happy in my heart.

Even so, she still accepted these. Because she is the Son of Heaven. The education she received since she was a child is to make herself a person who will not stigmatize her name.

People only see the holiness and dignity of the girl in front of people. Who knows the responsibility of the girl? She is not an old fox like Tiantong Juzhicheng who likes to intrigue.

Xie Ming’s expression also softened a lot, and said lightly: “Then, let’s start discussing the details.”

“Ah, okay. But…” The holy emperor suddenly remembered something and clapped his hands: “Let me introduce Mr. Uranus Temple first. They are my guards.”

Pushing the door from the room, there are six men neatly arranged. Wearing a white solemn uniform. White gloves, black leather boots, and a decorative ceremonial rapier hung around his waist.

However, Xie Ming could feel that a lot of dissatisfaction had been suppressed in their hearts. 6 people, 12 eyes, just staring at him at this time, unscrupulously exuding malice and killing intent.

But every time the Son of Heaven looked at them, the group of people pretended to be nonchalant.

“Mr. Uranus Temple, hello. I am the captain of the escort guard against Takuto.”

With a friendly smile, the man with eyes in front of him stretched out his hand. However, in the depths of the eyes, there is incomparable malice.

For such a pseudo-kun, Xie Ming would be hacked to death in ordinary encounters, saving trouble. But now in the holy residence of the Son of Heaven, it is naturally impossible to make such an action.

Rather, the preparation has not yet been completed, and the time has not yet come to kill the Quartet.

So, ignoring this man, Xie Ming looked at Shengtianzi: “Can you start discussing the details?”

“Yeah.” Xie Ming’s actions did not exceed Shengtianzi’s expectations at all. Rather, if Xie Ming shook hands with Baoxian Zhuoren with a smile, it would make the holy emperor feel strange and surprised.


The two discussed related matters for nearly an hour before finally making a decision.

Xie Ming doesn’t need to worry about the plan, route and time of the escort. He only makes a few requests, he has the power to act independently, and he only obeys the orders of his employer.

In other words, Xie Ming was too lazy to wrestle with the group of rice bucket guards. For him, as long as he protects the Holy Son on the day of the meeting. As for the remuneration or something, the holy emperor can just look at it and give it.

This made Shengtianzi couldn’t help but chuckle, and there are people who talk about remuneration like this. Let the employer take care of it. If you change another person, won’t you lose everything? Because of curiosity in her heart, she raised this question to Xie Ming.

Xie Ming’s answer is simple.

“Not everyone can let me be a guard.”

In a word, Shengtianzi let out a silver bell-like laugh. This also means that Xie Ming recognizes himself in his heart. It’s not the kind of polite words, but the real recognition of yourself from the heart. How does this make her unhappy?

It is because of a lot of false feelings, like Xie Ming’s frank and unpretentious style, that he can break through the protective layer of the holy son of the Holy Son and truly touch her heart.

But because of this incident, the guards such as Zhuo Ren, who stood behind the holy emperor, looked more and more fierce in their eyes. Especially the defender Zhuo Ren, the eyes looking at Xie Ming are no different from those looking at the dead.

However, how could Xie Ming care about the eyes of the clown with the sky and the earth? If he cares about such things, Xie Ming would have completely turned into a murderer in SAO because he couldn’t bear the pressure.

After talking with the holy emperor, Xie Ming left the room under everyone’s attention.

However, it seems that some people don’t want him to leave just like that.

Walking in the spacious and gorgeous corridor, Xie Ming’s face showed a disdainful sneer.

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