Chapter 779 Troublesome Church Trio

The incident of Xie Ming beheading Kokbol is naturally impossible to have only the trivial influence of Xenovia and others being reincarnated as demons. His identity as the Red Dragon Emperor alone was enough to cause the turbulence of the three major forces.

Not to mention, Xie Ming didn’t use the power of the Chilong Emperor when he was beheading Kokbol. This is enough to attract the attention of all the strong in the world.

Kokbol’s strength, when compared in the world, is only a second-rate level, but it can’t be killed by a human being casually. So of course, there will be people who are skeptical. However, this news was released by the White Dragon Emperor Vali.

You know, Wali is different from Xie Ming, his strength has long been recognized in the world. The acknowledgment from him is quite convincing. What’s more, Xie Ming was the one who beheaded Kokboer after he had drunk Vali at the time.

All in all, Xie Ming has successfully aroused the curiosity of many strong people. Whether in the light or in the dark.

And Kirkbol’s behavior also succeeded in making the tripartite forces serious. Even though Xenovia and Irina returned the six holy swords, including the Holy Sword of Destruction and the Holy Sword of Mimicry, to the church before joining the family of Rias, there was still a spark of fire among the three parties.

In order to resolve this flame, the leaders of the tripartite forces have decided to send representatives to conduct a tripartite talks. Asacher on the side of the Fallen Angel also made it clear that he wanted to meet Xie Ming, and it would be in the near future.

Of course, these words were all conveyed to Xie Ming by Szekes through Lias.

Xie Ming was not surprised that the boss of the fallen angel wanted to see himself. Xie Ming also heard his rumors from all aspects of this Asacher. Like to collect and research artifacts, not war.

In the previous three-way battle, the fallen angel was the first to retreat. Among them, Asachel played a huge role. However, Xie Ming is still wary of the fallen angel leader, after all, there is Kokboer as an example.

No, strictly speaking, Xie Ming is wary of the three major forces. He has not forgotten that the day he first entered this world, the fallen angels, the church and the demons united to encircle him.

From Lias and Cangna, I don’t know the identity of the group of demons who surrounded Xie Ming. And Xenovia and Irina have not heard of the church’s recent large-scale dispatch of exorcists to encircle and suppress the enemy.

So, where did those demons, exorcists, and fallen angels come from?

“I hope this Asacher can give me an answer.”

Xie Ming leaned his head on the back of the sofa, looked at the ceiling, and thought silently.


In the next period of time, Rias and Zhu Nai began to get busy again. After all, Juwang Town is under the jurisdiction of Rias, and she naturally wants to participate in various seminars with Szekes to prepare for the next tripartite meeting.

As Lias and Zhu Nai were not in charge, the related matters of the Supernatural Research Society naturally fell into the hands of Xie Ming. But to be honest, he was horribly frustrated.

Like now…

“Xie Ming, when would you like to have a baby with me?”

In the department, Xenovia sat directly opposite Xie Ming and said seriously.


Xie Ming drank tea intently, ignoring Xenovia’s question.

“Wow, no, no, no!”

His being so calm does not mean that others can be calm. The first is Asia. After hearing what Xenovia said, she blushed and hugged Xie Ming’s arm: “Mr. Xie Ming is mine! You are not allowed to take it away!”

Xie Ming silently changed his hand and continued to drink tea. However, at this moment, Irina also leaned over and hugged his other arm.

“Although it feels a bit weird, I have already agreed with Xenovia that we are going to be together…so Brother Xie Ming, you should have a baby with me too!!”


The corners of his mouth twitched, and Xie Ming looked at the kitten.

“Senior Pervert, please don’t look over, you will get pregnant.”

The little cat stuffed his mouth with snacks irrelevantly, and noticed Xie Ming’s help-seeking gaze. The corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, giving Xie Ming a heavy blow.

“All in all, let go of my arm first.”

Xie Ming said helplessly: “If there is anything, please say it carefully.”

“Ah, yes…”

“Got it…”

Asia and Irina let go of Xie Ming’s arms reluctantly, and their expressions made the corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitch even more. Afterwards, he turned his gaze to the culprit of this incident.

“Genoviya, I remember that I had solemnly rejected you that day.” Xie Ming said while rubbing his eyebrows: “You need to have a baby with someone you love. You and I am not that kind of relationship at all.”

“This matter, after you rejected me that day, I have gone back and studied hard.”

Genovia nodded earnestly: “Indeed, having a child is something that can only be done between husband and wife. To become a husband and wife, they must be in agreement. However, there are exceptions.”


“That’s right.” Genoviya said especially: “I heard that all men like beautiful girls who love to embrace themselves and don’t need to be responsible for themselves. I don’t need you to be responsible, so this should be the case. There will be no problem.”

“No problem is there a ghost!!” Xie Ming patted the table and said with a black line on his face: “First of all, tell me where did you hear such unreliable remarks!?”

“Huh? The classmates in the classroom told me.” Xenovia tilted her head: “I heard other people say that they know this kind of thing very well, so I specifically asked them.”


After Xie Ming was silent for a moment, he said with difficulty, “You said that those three?”

“Yes. Hyoto, Motohama, and Matsuda, they are all very enthusiastic classmates.” Genovia smiled: “When I asked them how to give you a baby, they were very enthusiastic to help me. NS.”

“…I!” Xie Ming clenched his fists, and then put them down weakly: “Listen well, Zenovia. The three guys will ignore the remarks they will make in the future. Is it? You have to ask reliable people about this kind of thing. For example, Lias, such as Zhu Nai, such as Cang Na.”

“But, I asked the minister and the vice minister, but when they asked them, their expressions were very strange and they didn’t answer me clearly.” Genovia said puzzledly: “Minister Lias told me that I Now I’m a demon, I just need to live after desire.”

“After that, I thought about it carefully. My previous life was always training and fighting in the church. It was the life of a warrior, and I ignored my identity as a woman. So now I am reincarnated as a demon. Live as a woman.”

“And a woman’s ultimate dream is to have a child! So, since it is a child, then it is definitely better to be a child with strong spirits. Xie Ming, you are so strong, or Emperor Chilong, you come to be the father of this child, it is no longer suitable But is it?”


Genovia said seriously again: “Please have a baby with me, Xie Ming.”

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