Chapter 794: The Gathering of the New Generation of Demons

After everyone learned of their training, the Supernatural Research Department was dispersed. Xie Ming took the kitten and moved to a clearing on a barren mountain in the Gremory Territory.

Looking at the kitten who hadn’t said a word since the beginning, Xie Ming asked faintly: “Why, regret it?”

“Do not……”

The kitten shook his head, but there were some doubts in his voice: “Senior, I should have agreed with Mr. Asachel’s suggestion. But why, suddenly…”

“I always agree with Asacher’s suggestion.” Xie Ming stretched out his arms and said, “I have always followed my master’s teachings to me, and my own strength must be a Master. For me , The power in my body is mine. Even if I cannot Master today, I will work hard to Master it bit by bit.”

“But, this is my situation. Everyone has everyone’s difficulties and pressures. I can’t treat everyone with my own situation. This is disrespect for other people and disrespect for the choices of friends.”

Speaking of this, Xie Ming smiled: “Little cat, you are my school girl and my friend. I can’t interfere with your choice with my will. I can’t escape my own past. Because reality will reconcile. Like drama, when you least expect it, let you face it.”

“As a senior, I will persuade you. But as your friend of the kitten, how can I force the kitten to do things you don’t want? No matter what choice you make, I will support it. you.”

“The path is wrong, I will bring you back, teach you a lesson, and then let you walk on the right path. It doesn’t matter if you choose the wrong one, because everything is mine. The power of my Master is not precisely for this Does it exist when it was planted?” Xie Ming gently touched the cat’s head and chuckled lightly.

“So, kitten, it’s good for you to move forward slowly, and move forward with your feet on the ground. Because the strongest Red Dragon Emperor will be by your side and escort you.”

“Senior Xie Ming…”

“Okay, that’s it.”

Xie Ming squeezed the cat’s face, and then separated a distance: “Although the power of the cat is the power of the cat, as I said before, there is more than one way to become stronger. When your skills are acquired When you improve, your strength will naturally increase.”

“Before the real training begins, I will test it. The unloading skills and penetration strength that I gave you before, how are you Master now. Now that you have received my training, you should be mentally prepared. .”

“…Yes!” The kitten condensed his emotions and nodded gently: “Senior, please advise.”


Twenty days passed in a flash. In the last day, Xie Ming said that he must do the actual combat assessment of everyone.

The first is Lias. Xie Ming and her conducted a sand table simulation of a ranking game, and while simulating the deduction, they gradually strengthened their strength to attack Lias. As a result, it’s pretty good.

When Xie Ming’s attack reached the second-tier peak, Lias reached the limit. The deduction on the sand table can also see Lias’ progress.

Next is Zhu Nai. In these twenty days, her thunder did not become the thunder that Asathier said. But the amount of magic power and control have been improved to a certain extent.

According to Asathier, this time he specially brought Zhu Nai’s father, Baiqiu, the fallen angel cadre, came over and asked Baiqiu to train his daughter himself. Unfortunately, the two did not reconcile.

Xie Ming did not know the source of the contradiction between the two. He just looked at Asscher’s appearance, and this incident seemed to be caused by him. Therefore, he took special care of Zhu Nai, but the result was not satisfactory.

Kiba has gained a lot. After constantly discussing with the swordsman who taught him, he finally understood the concept of the “three crane wings”. He is now able to display the “Sacred Demon Three Company” versions of the creation of the magic sword and the creation of the holy sword.

The power is considerable.

Others have also made more or less progress. Asia can heal from a distance, Irina has developed the power of four chess pieces in her body, and Gaspar… can face occasions where there are more than 10 strangers.

The last one is Xenovia. Xie Ming had always been a little curious before, in the Kirkball incident, why Zenovia dared to confront Lias so confidently and actively search for Kirkbol. Now, the answer is out.

Unlike Irina, Kiba and Fred, who can use the holy sword through the crystallization of holy sword factors, Xenovia is a born holy sword keeper. Therefore, she uses the Holy Sword to be more than twice as powerful as other artificial Holy Swordsmen.

And the most important thing is that Xenovia carried a real holy sword intact. One of the three most famous European holy swords, the holy sword Durandal, which can be as famous as the holy sword Excalibur.

According to legend, Durandall’s sword contains the teeth of St. Peter, the blood of St. Brazil, the hair of St. Denis and the clothes of the Virgin Mary, plus its sharp blade and indestructible blade. So it is called the “Sword of Immortality”.

But even if Xenovia was a born holy swordsman, the holy sword Durandall was not so easy to control. To describe it in a metaphor, the holy sword Durandre is like a proud steed, and Zenovia has been recognized by this steed.

Being recognized does not mean that it can be used like a finger. Therefore, during these twenty days, Xenovia has been familiar with Durandall, and at the same time tried to use both the Holy Sword of Destruction and Durandall to attack with two-handed swords.

The results of the training were pretty good. If Xie Nuovia’s two swords were both two-handed swords, Xie Ming wanted to teach her the Starburst Airflow Slash.

Of course, what everyone cares most about is the situation of the kitten who trained with Xie Ming. Xie Ming could only answer everyone’s concerns.

“Do not worry.”

Touching the cat’s head, Xie Ming said with a light smile: “In the next battle, the cat will not let you down. She is a strong, hardworking child.”


There is naturally a reason to set the training time at twenty. Because on the night of the official end, there was a gathering of new generation demons in the underworld. At the same time, representatives of various forces and different mythological systems will also come to the underworld to sign peace treaties.

And tonight, in addition to the three biblical forces of fallen angels, angels and demons, the representatives from Norse mythology, the main god Odin and his entourage Valkyrie, will also make sense.

As the boss of the Fallen Angels, Asachel has assisted Asachel in dealing with various matters from the early days. Naturally, Xie Ming didn’t need to worry about this kind of party. After all, Lias was definitely more familiar than him.

What Xie Ming has to do is to get to know the highest level of the demons before the party starts.

In addition to Suzex and Seraphim, there are two other demon kings.

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