Chapter 834 Vlad III

The Fortress of Mirena is a castle located on the outskirts of the city of Tulifa. Surrounded by forests, there are streams flowing by. Between Tulifas, there is a field in hectares.

For the people living in Tulifas, the Fortress of Mirena is a mysterious and noble place. Even many residents are aware of the concept of ‘magic’ and know who lives in Mirenia.

This shows how strong Danike has control over his territory.

And on this day, three…no, four visitors, to be precise, came to this fortress.

“Then everyone, please here.”

Opening the car door for Xie Ming’s trio was an expressionless girl. From the first sight of her, the three people discovered her true identity.


Yes, this huge castle cannot be cleaned and guarded by the magician of the Thousand Realms Tree. Among the fortresses of this city, the largest number are humanoids with the same appearance.

Looking at the expressionless teenage girls, Gold and Sereni Guy didn’t feel much, but Bai Zhen frowned. Even Heizhen smacked her lips uncomfortably.

As for Xie Ming…

“Einzbern’s cyborg technology…”

Lightly tapping the sky fire and pure flames on his waist, Xie Ming said in a low voice: “It looks like this Thousand Realm Tree should have a good relationship with you Einzbern.”

“Yes, Master Xie Ming.”

Justissa’s voice appeared in Xie Ming’s mind: “Able to obtain Einzbern’s core alchemy technology, either the two sides have a good relationship, or Einzbern has died.”

“Now it seems that it should be the former.”

“Well, I don’t want to talk about the human rights of human beings. However, the style of the Thousand Realm Tree is really annoying.” Xie Ming said lightly: “But strictly speaking, magicians should be This is the style.”


For Xie Ming’s words, Justissa did not answer.

Similarly, Xie Ming didn’t think of getting any response. Just gestured for Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen, and the three followed the cyborg girl and walked into the castle.


The security inside and outside the city fortress is very strict. There are mud and stone giants (Graham) walking and patrolling outside. On the walls of the city fortress, in the corridors, and in the courtyard, there are also robots holding guns and axes on guard.

It’s just that when I saw Gold and others, the guarded artificial people consciously stood by the wall and saluted with expressionless expressions.

In the face of these artificial people, Gold and Serene Guy didn’t have any expressions on their faces, as if these were just dead objects. Artificial humans are merely consumables in the magician’s values.

No, even people are consumables in the eyes of magicians.

“Xie Ming, in front…” Bai Zhen gently pulled Xie Ming’s sleeve and said softly.

“Ah, I understand.”

Xie Ming said faintly: “We should be all the seven followers of Black who are waiting for us. Don’t worry, the other party will not do anything to us.”

“Besides, what can they do?”

Thinking of Xie Ming’s strong performance in France, Bai Zhen’s body also relaxed. The man in front of him is not something that needs their protection.

“Three adults, please come in.”

The girl gently opened the door of the room, and when the three of Xie Ming entered, they gently closed it again. After that, the girl stood by the door and waited silently.

And the three of Xie Ming had entered a hall that was as magnificent as a royal palace. On the deepest step, a middle-aged man with pale skin is sitting on the throne, with sharp eyes with dark circles, carefully looking at the visitor.

Xie Ming is very familiar with this middle-aged man, Hei Zhen is also very familiar, and Bai Zhen is also very familiar.

His name is Vlad III, a native Romanian hero. This time, he was no longer Berserker, but was summoned under Lancer’s career.

As for why he sits on the throne, it goes without saying. Vlad III is the ruler of this territory.

Standing next to Vlad III was a blue-haired young man who looked very gentleman. He held a cane with a smile, and seemed to welcome the three of Xie Ming very much. It’s just that there is no slight smile in those eyes.

He is the lord of Vlad III, the patriarch of the Thousand Realms Tree, and the wolf who dug the Great Holy Grail from Japan to Romania, Danic Preston Yugdomirenia.

“Welcome to my castle, Ruler, and Ruler’s helper.”

Vlad III stood up and said faintly: “I am Lancer of the Black, Vlad III. As a host, I should have warmly entertained the guests, but this guest must be divided into good or evil.”

“Ruler, Avenger, and the master of Avenger. According to Gold, the reason why you came to my castle is to investigate, do we violate the rules of the Holy Grail War?”


As Vlad’s voice fell, the other six servants under the steps immediately surrounded the three of Xie Ming, holding weapons. And Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen also instantly changed into spiritual outfits.

“Black Lancer, you are right. The main purpose of our visit to your base this time is to check whether you have violated the rules.”

Even in the face of being surrounded by seven followers, Bai Zhen remained unchanged and said righteously: “If there is a violation, then I will correct you. This is my duty as Ruler.”

“As expected to be Joan of Arc, this boldness and righteousness is worthy of my admiration.”

Vlad III slowly walked down the steps and said with a light smile: “Then what if I told you that our black camp did not commit any violations?”

“Then we will believe you.”

Bai Zhen smiled: “I believe that as a ‘Christian Shield’, the patriotic and clean Vlad III will not deceive us through meaningless lies.”

“Hahahahaha, then I will swear in my name, Ruler!” Vlad III laughed, “I will never do anything that will damage my glory, the glory of God.”

“However, I also have something to ask you. Rather, I want to ask your two facilitators.”

Looking sharply at Xie Ming, Vlad III said indifferently: “Why do you have a follower while obviously not the master? And why do you want to bring the enemy’s follower into my camp?”

“Human, can you give me an answer?”


Xie Ming smiled: “On the previous question, I can only say that I have no comment. Just like I did not ask you why the servants show up and are still in a fighting state, you will consume so little magic power.”


As soon as this statement came out, the pupils of all the masters of the Thousand Realm Tree suddenly shrank, and some of them even had magical fluctuations in their bodies.


Vlad III raised his hand slightly and gave a light command. The breath of the seven masters also calmed down, only Danike’s eyes flickered slightly.

“Human, what do you mean?”

“What I mean is very simple.” Xie Ming looked at Vlad III calmly: “The purpose of Joan and I is to assist Jeanne. The position and purpose of the three of us are exactly the same.”

“It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, it’s none of my business. We haven’t interfered with your secret thoughts, so please don’t be so curious and don’t reach out to us.”

“Otherwise, I will go down with this knife, whether you are a magician or a follower. All the hands that stretch out will fall to the ground.”

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