Chapter 852


Hearing Amakusa Shiro’s speech, Chiron stood behind Xie Ming and Bai Zhen and frowned, “Do you think the gap between our combat power is very large now?”

In fact, the gap is not big.

After learning that Shiro Amakusa was the offender, Xie Ming and Shirai, a neutral team, would inevitably impose sanctions on the red side.

In this way, the enemies facing the red side are Bai Zhen, Black Zhen, Chiron, and Black Berserker.

The red side now possesses combat power, it is Atalante, Garna, Achilles, Caster, Semiramis, and Amakusa Shiro.

But don’t forget that Bai Zhen has the special authority of Ruler on her body. You can force each follower to use the authority of two spells.

So strictly speaking, the gap between the two sides is not very obvious.

What’s more, everyone in the red party has not forgotten that there is still an out-of-specification master.

Xie Ming, a master who can easily cast Achilles into a severely wounded master.

But these are not things that Amakusa Shiro needs to care about, he just wants an answer. However, neither Black’s slave master nor Xie Ming and Bai Zhen can give him a satisfactory answer.

Knocked on the handle of the knife lightly, Xie Ming looked at Amakusa Shiro calmly: “You said, you want to use the Great Holy Grail to give humans relief. Then I have two questions…”

“This is your own idea, or the people in the world ask you to do it.”

“Excuse me, what does this mean?”

Amakusa Shiro asked mildly.

“Don’t understand? Then I’ll be more blunt.” Xie Ming smiled: “People in the world, have you let you do whatever you want to save them?”


“No, this wish came about because you saw the sadness and pain in the world for yourself.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Just by your own feelings, you want to represent the human beings in the world. .”

“This is arrogance, Amakusa Shiro.”

“second question….”

Xie Ming looked at Shiro Amakusa, whose complexion was no longer gentle, and then asked: “The Great Holy Grail is an almighty wish-making machine. But its real function is the third method that the Einzbern family has been pursuing, soul matter. change.”

“Your idea is to use the Great Holy Grail to allow all humans in the world to abandon physical limitations and become the existence of physical souls. But in this way, humans will never die of old age and cut off human heirs.”

“In other words, the future of mankind will be cut off by you. Do you think this is the salvation of mankind?”


Amakusa Shiro’s face has completely cooled down: “The history of mankind is a history full of wars, killings, conspiracies and desires. The future of mankind will inevitably be full of these. What is the need for such a future!?”

“Do you think there is no need for existence…”

Xie Ming smiled and shook his head: “It’s a sad existence. Your path is narrow, Amakusa Shiro. I have nothing to say about you like this.”

“Once, I made a choice. This time, I will still make the same choice.”

Slowly pulling out the sky fire and pure flames, the tip of the knife pointed at Shiro Amakusa, Xie Ming said calmly: “Human beings are imperfect, but it is because of imperfection that humans have possibilities and creativity.”

“It is precisely because of imperfection that mankind can go to this day and will continue to move towards the future. How mankind should be, should not be determined by me, should not be by you, and should not be determined by anyone.”

“The road of human beings should be followed by human beings. Therefore, I will kill you here, Shiro Amakusa.”

“…….I see.”

Amakusa Shiro closed his eyes, and when he looked at Xie Ming, there was only indifference in his eyes: “Sure enough, you are a sinful existence. Therefore, you can summon Avenger’s anti-hero spirit.”

“Is it evil to disagree with my own thoughts?” Xie Ming laughed: “In your eyes, there is only human evil, but no human good. You have seen how despicable and lowly human can be. But you have never seen it. Live the justice and kindness in human hearts.”

“You are thinking about saving the human race, but you never wanted to come and save the humans around you. If I’m not mistaken, the other masters of the red side have been controlled by Semiramis’ poison from the beginning. Got it.”

“If you act in such a despicable way, what right do you have to call good? You only respond to people’s wishes and fulfill your own wishes, but you never really save a person. You have such a right to Human despair?”

Smiling, Xie Ming’s smile turned into undisguised irony: “Amakusa Shiro, you are too arrogant.”


Amakusa Shiro clenched his fists, and then coldly issued an order: “All servants of the red side, annihilate the enemy.”


Achilles scratched his head: “I don’t understand complicated things, but in this Holy Grail battle, I do have certain goals to accomplish.”

The cross spear in his hand appeared again, and Achilles looked at Chiron.

“Then, continue our battle, teacher.”

“Ah, indeed.”

Chiron raised his bow and arrow, and after looking at Xie Ming appreciatively, he calmly looked at Achilles: “Go on, Red Rider.”

“Janna, you go and help the Black Berserker deal with Atalante.”

Xie Ming calmly looked at Garna, Amakusa Shiro and Semiramis: “I will deal with these three people.”

“Well, I understand. Please be careful, Xie Ming.”

Looking at Xie Ming intricately, Bai Zhen ran to the battlefield where lightning and wooden arrows interlaced.

“It’s a good courage to deal with three followers as human beings, the lord of Black Jean.”

The golden spear was smashed high, but Xie Ming easily grabbed the head of the spear.


“Be serious, Garna.” With the other hand waving, the chain shot by Semiramis was cut off, Xie Ming said indifferently: “Otherwise, you will all die.”

After speaking, the muscles of his left arm bulged, Xie Ming waved his golden spear, and smashed the other Galna into the ground fiercely.


“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

The jet-black light of the sword came to Amakusa Shiro’s side almost instantaneously. But at this time, Semiramis had already stopped in front of him in time. A protective shield formed by layers of dark green fish scales blocked the knife light.

“Ding ding ding ding ding…”

The scales of the demon fish that reached the level of monsters could not even stop for a second. But even if it is blocking a few tenths of a second, it is enough for Semiramis.

Because this is her courtyard in the sky, she has absolute control over it.

Sword light flew into the air, and Amakusa Shiro and Semiramis were no longer visible. And Xie Ming’s figure disappeared in the church and came to a huge pond.

“The transformation of the magic level of the Gods is really not something I can interfere with…”

With a sigh, Xie Ming kept flying in the air with the air dance technique: “Then, it can only be demolished violently.”

“Quick Sky…”


In the pond, a huge dark green magic fish opened its blood mouth and bit at Xie Ming. And the dark light of the knife has bloomed.

The whole pond, the magic fish, together with the room, were directly cut in half.

Xie Ming’s body was moved to another place again.

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