Chapter 871

Watching Garna’s departure, Xie Ming turned his head and looked at Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen.

“Master, did you mean it!?”

Hei Zhen looked at Xie Ming dissatisfiedly: “I deliberately appeared at a critical time and wanted to be handsome, right?”

“Uh, you found out.”

Xie Ming smiled and said, “I can’t help it. Seeing you guys fight so hard, isn’t it too uninteresting for me to take action?”

“Very well, I see. Master, stand still and let me set fire to burn all the messy thoughts in your head.”

“do not want.”

The reason why I came so late is naturally not for the boring reason of being handsome. In fact, if Bai Zhen and Hei Zhen were not injured, then Xie Ming is still in retreat.

But fortunately, before he completely retreats, he connected the damage responsibility of the title skill to the three people of Rin and Heizhen and Baizhen, so he could barely rush here.

After the body shared the injuries of Hei Zhen and Bai Zhen, Xie Ming’s sentiment was interrupted. If no one interrupted, when he woke up, he had already entered the realm of a great master.

It’s just that for Xie Ming, the safety of everyone is more important than the realm of the great master. That’s why I didn’t give more consideration, and linked the damage sharing to everyone.

It takes a while for a body that has entered the suspended animation state to fully recover. In fact, when Xie Ming used space movement to stop Bai Zhen, his body had not fully recovered.

It wasn’t until the magic light cannon emitted by Spartacus was completely swallowed that his body could barely fight.

But this kind of thing, there is no need to say it.

The effectiveness of the retreat is not without it. The first is the naming and refinement of the sword technique. The second is that the realm has completely entered a half-step great master. It is only half a step away from the real master.

As for when this half-step will be taken, it is estimated that we can only wait for the next opportunity, or it will take time to fill it up.

“Well, you two should go to Amakusa Shiro.”

He patted Hei Zhen’s head, and Xie Ming said softly, “The battle is not over yet.”

After speaking, there were spatial fluctuations around Xie Ming, and Semiramis manipulated the space and teleported him to another area.


With a smack, Hei Zhen looked at Bai Zhen: “Then let’s go, saint.”

“Well, let’s go, Jeanne.”

Bai Zhen smiled, and the two ran towards the palace together.


“here it is…..”

“This is a poisonous swamp, a place of burial I specially created for you.”

In the space, Semiramis’s voice echoed: “Before you, two guests have come here. One has become a part of this space. The other seems to be still struggling. ”



Not far away, there was the roar of the giant beast and the roar of Mordred. Xie Ming squinted his eyes and said with a faint smile: “That’s really thanks to Miss Empress for creating such a stage for me.”

“I’m a little flattered to be so taken care of.”

“Flowers in the mouth.”

There was a bit of irritation in Semiramis’s voice: “See how long you can maintain this calmness!”


With a huge explosion, Mordred, wearing a full-body armor, was thrown to Xie Ming’s side in embarrassment. In her hand, besides the magic sword, there was a white arm.

“Asshole poisonous woman!!!”

Standing up with his sword, Mordred roared: “It must, kill you!!!”

“The anger is still so hot, Mordred.”

“This voice…Xie Ming, you bastard!!”

Without a word, Mordred directly raised his sword and cut to Xie Ming, but was easily avoided by Xie Ming.

“Hey, we are still friendly forces now, what’s wrong with cutting me when we meet?”

“Nothing, I just want to hack you to death!”

Glancing at Xie Ming, Mordred dropped the half-damaged helmet: “Since you are here, come and help! After hacking this monster to death, we will hack that poisonous woman together!”

“…Frankstein, has it disappeared?” Xie Ming asked calmly, looking at the severed arm in Mordred’s hand.

“Ah, in order to vaccinate me.”

Mordred scratched his hair irritably: “That idiot! It’s Berserker who looks like a berserker, so handsome for me!”


Xie Ming smiled and asked again: “Don’t you keep chasing me, do you mean what I said?”

“Why do you bastard have so many questions!” Mordred said angrily, “Yes! I understand! So don’t ask! Is this all right!?”

“The bear child has grown up too.”

With a sigh, Xie Ming looked forward. There, a giant green snake spitting out the snake letter, staring at the two of them closely. The huge body moved slowly in the poisonous swamp.


“This is?”

“Desperate, human!” Semiramis’s voice was full of triumph: “This is the enemy for you! If you are a contemporary hero, let me see it!”

“Beheaded one of the 11 monsters created by God Tiamat, Basium!”


Accompanied by Semiramis’s voice, Bathum also uttered a roar that was enough to shatter the space.

“It’s so noisy.”


At some point, Xie Ming had already appeared on Bathum’s head, with his right foot raised high, and a standard tomahawk-style slash knocked Bathum’s head to the ground.

Falling under gravity and turning around, Xie Ming flew up again and kicked him mercilessly on the huge vertical pupil of Bathum.



The eyeballs were kicked directly, and together with Basium’s huge body, they were kicked into the depths of the poisonous swamp. Basium roared again, but this time, it was a miserable cry.

Standing in place, Xie Ming twisted his shoulders, stretched his legs, and asked suspiciously.

“That’s it?”



In addition to the toxins in the air, there was another silence. Mordred looked at Xie Ming blankly, and Semiramis, who was watching all this on the throne, didn’t make any sound.

Is this the way we open it? Why did Mordred and Frankenstein fight with Bathum, one dead and one injured, and you kicked the monster badly with both feet?

Moreover, the most critical thing is…

“Why Basium’s poison has no effect on you either!!?”

Semiramis’s gaffey voice spread throughout the space: “What the hell are you!?”

“It’s too rude to say that I am something.”

On Xie Ming’s arms, the Red Dragon Emperor’s cage hand appeared: “Semiramis, your biggest mistake is to let creatures with divine nature deal with me.”

“By the way, the view of this space is too bad. Can this thing be burned, Draig.”

“Of course, buddy.”

Draig’s voice echoed in Xie Ming’s mind: “The poison of this little snake is nothing compared to that of the White Dragon Emperor.”

“That’s fine.”

Holding the demon sword at his waist, Xie Ming turned around and shook it with a crimson flame wrapped around the blade.

“Splitting Void slashed with a knife.”


The raging fire ignited the air in an instant, and the poisonous fog in the entire space began to decrease to an extent visible to the naked eye. For Chilong Emperor’s ultimate flame, all matter below the middle stage of the fourth stage can burn.

If it were described as a treasure, the flames of Emperor Chiryu were an Ex-level anti-god treasure. Its nature is exactly the same as Garna’s ‘Sun Wheel, Obey Death’.

The difference is probably only power.

“Okay, it’s over.”

Taking the demon knife back into its scabbard, Xie Ming clapped his hands.


Mordred was stunned for a moment, then followed Xie Ming, and left the space through the cut crack.

As for Basium?

It has been cut open by the Splitting Void just now, and the body is gradually burned out by the flames.

Divinity was also captured by Xie Ming. When the battle is over, use this to make the God-killing armor.

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