I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 100 I wish you a good dream

There are no carbon-based creatures that cannot be killed by thermal weapons. If there are, they must have insufficient firepower.

This era is the tragedy of warriors

The period when one person could shake up a country has passed. No matter how tempered the body is, it will never be able to withstand the baptism from the torrent of steel as long as it is still a mortal body.

The kinetic energy of the NTW-20 sniper rifle's muzzle reaches 28,000 J. This instantaneous explosion of kinetic energy is not comparable to that of the Tiger's explosive core.

Even if the Desert Eagle uses special bullets, the muzzle kinetic energy reaches 2,200 joules.

Under guns, all living beings are equal.


Two high-speed military-grade Humvees crushed the darkness and roared through the streets of this bustling city.

Ishigami sat in the passenger seat and glanced at the rearview mirror.

Noticing his gaze, Lutz, who was wearing body armor and holding an automatic rifle in his hand, and Uncle Remu smiled in a friendly manner.

Ishigami withdrew his gaze and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"This is my personal weapon."

Just half an hour ago, it was Ishigami's troops that suppressed and supported Wu Bei with heavy weapons fire. As early as when he discovered that Long Kui and Wu Bei had appeared in front of him with ill intentions, he asked Aili to report his location to the satellite.

Type is blue

The identity of the enemy is unknown, and the number of enemies is unknown.

Not sure if there are reinforcements

Heavy weapons are allowed

Call for support

A total of 17 minutes passed from response to arrival to armed intervention on the target artillery.

This is the quick reaction force

The Quick Reaction Force (QRF) is a combat force designed to intervene forcefully in a very short time frame in low-intensity conflicts.

All countries in the world that have military strength will form this kind of troops. "Quick deployment", "quick support", "quick raid" and "quick enemy control" are the core.

After the last incident, Ishigami felt that forming his own private armed force must be put on the agenda.

no way

After all, the bad guys are so bad

You can only be more ruthless than them

Only then can we not be afraid of the enemy

Otherwise, I won’t be able to sleep well.

And he has many friends and is extremely efficient. The site of the base is located in a large factory area in the port area, no more than three kilometers away from Ishigami's home.

To the outside world this is a road rescue company, but in reality it is a private armed force responsible for him alone.

Although there are not many private soldiers on Ishigami, there are eleven people in total.

But snipers, demolitions, assaulters, etc. are all available, and everyone here has the experience of serving in famous special forces around the world.

Uncle Remu, who looked like he had experienced many vicissitudes of life, had served in America's Delta Special Forces, participated in several large-scale battles, and killed many internationally wanted criminals with notorious reputations. He is experienced and has served as the commander of many operations.

And the blond young man Lutz, who looked unreliable, was once a member of the British Anti-Terrorism Special Forces and was a very good sniper.

And Saijo, who is now sitting next to Ishigami as the driver, is also a second lieutenant of one of the most elite airborne divisions in Country R.

It can be said that the blood on the hands of everyone here is much more than the lives on the hands of Ishigami.

These weapons experts and even murder experts were recruited by Ishigami through special channels and were quite reliable.

In addition to the NTW-20, which can destroy armored vehicles with one shot, the heavy weapons carried this time also include RPGs. The two Humvees have large and small ordnance, and together they can fight a small battle.

The Hummer drove into the factory area and was allowed to enter after identifying its identity. Everything is formal and all staff are professional.

The door made of a special alloy that can withstand high explosives slowly opened, and as the large elevator lifted and lowered, two Humvees officially entered the base.

It is hard to imagine that such a base is hidden in the busy city, but this is the strength of Ishigami's ally, the world-class super-large arms dealer Hecmatial (HCLI).

So far, the base construction and all weapons and equipment have been purchased from there.

The only way to avoid the supervision of Neon Mainland is to use containers to transport these very sensitive things that will make international news as soon as they are exposed.

Slowly strengthening the forces arming Ishigami.

This is possible only because behind Hecmatial (HCLI) is the world’s largest shipping giant: the Hecmatial family.

The power of the Hekmedia family is mainly in Oumei, Africa, and the Middle East. Wherever there is military conflict, there must be their presence. This family behaves quite crazy and is a typical person who wants money rather than life.

After all, how could a direct descendant of a big family appear in person to discuss business on the battlefield only a few hundred meters away from the point of conflict, with artillery shells and fighting being the battlefield in the distance.

And the one who started the war was actually a lunatic.

Madman versus madman, they hit it off immediately.

So only a madman can do business with a madman. But because of this desperate spirit, the Hekmadia family has a high reputation internationally and is rarely provoked.

Therefore, the powerful Shinomiya family is jealous of these ultra-high profits. They have only scratched the surface in terms of shipping and arms.

Is an unassailable shipping giant

However, the Hekmadia family has not been having a good time recently, because some guys even crazier than them are eyeing them.

Now that they have entered the base, everyone has disarmed and put their weapons on safety.

Especially Luzina felt as if she had returned home and turned into a salted fish without dreams.

He rubbed his shoulders and yelled


"worn out."

Seeing Luz's useless look, Ishigami went up and kicked him. This kick directly kicked him in the butt, making Luz eat shit.

Seeing his embarrassed look, Ishigami shook his head.

"Lutz, I'll punish you by moving your things in."

Luz got up and was not angry (he was used to it), but looked distressed.

"Spare me, instructor."

"The recoil of ntw-20 is too big"

He sighed and stood up

"My M82A1 and SIG P550 semi-automatic sniper rifles are better."

A dark, muscular, short-haired man with glasses got out of the second Hummer and took out a rather large object from the trunk.

His name is Willy, and he was a member of a well-known demolition force in America and a demolition expert. The power of the explosives assembled by Willy is quite amazing. He is a man who can rub bombs with his hands.

"Uzi, go on."

Uzi caught it in a hurry, but the zipper slipped open immediately.

A round ball fell out of the contents, and he hurriedly picked it up.

Then he picked it up and looked at it. Lutz screamed strangely and almost threw it out.

Seeing his appearance, everyone burst into laughter

"Lutz, your special forces resume is not fake, is it?"

"Hahaha, that's right."

"Lutz, you are too timid."

For a time, the base was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Lutz, who was laughed at by everyone, sighed and stuffed the round thing inside.

That is a fresh big eyeball with optic nerve

Holding back his nausea, he opened the zipper

But I still saw something that was not human-shaped and bloody.

Pupils dilate instantly


"Just put it there."

Ishigami directed Luz and Ugo to place the two body bags on the operating table, and then let them go out.

This is the operating room, but occasionally you can visit the anatomy room like today.

The "medical" skills that Moyu System acquired long ago finally came in handy.

Ishigami looked at the two mutilated corpses, his eyes shining.

This is quite rare material!

After all, one of the two people represents the "Pingshen" whose origin is unknown, while the other represents the "liberation" of the Wu clan.

Normally, one would be a rare thing, but now there are two. You must know the tradition of the Wu clan: the dead must return to Wu.

If an outsider wants to propose such a thing as an anatomy,

That is courting death.

How can such a good thing be wasted?

Ishigami was wearing a mask and a surgical cap to match his two-meter-three-meter figure, and the row of various scalpels with sharp lights around him looked quite scary.

Apart from the body bag, the two objects that looked unrecognizable as human beings were placed on the operating table. Of course, there are no shortage of parts, and the easily identifiable bones are neatly arranged.

"Then let's get started."

Ishigami was alone in the quiet operating room. He pulled up the medical surgical gloves on his hands.

"Ally, surgery mode is activated."

"As you command, Master"

This time, Aili's cold voice was not on the phone, but directly in the operating room.


"ai pairing connection successful"

"Now we have fully taken over Jormungandr."

The operating system of this base uses Jormungandr, the artificial intelligence world snake jointly developed by Ishigami and Hecmatial (HCLI).

Ishigami still remembers developing it, the first thing he said about this damn thing was

"Swallow five continents and drink three oceans!"

"The sky is not what I want"

"I am the snake of the world"

"The name is Jormungandr!"

But despite being able to say such domineering words, this artificial intelligence is still aggrieved and hiding in the corner, not daring to say a single word of rejection.

It timidly wanted to call Ellie


But it doesn't dare

Because Ellie is too fierce

After this sound, many mechanical arms appeared on the floor and walls of the operating room, with medical electric saws and laser scalpels on them.

The first surgeon is "Yu Ishigami" and the second surgeon is also the first assistant "Eri"

The lights outside the operating room turned directly red during the operation.

There was a symphony of cutting inside, the sound of the chainsaw working, the sound of blood dripping on the ground and the sound of flesh being decomposed.

The smoke and the smell of meat mix in the air

It seemed vaguely that there was still someone's terrifying laughter echoing in the corridor.

Seems quite weird

"Hum hum"

Chika Fujiwara, who was in a good mood, walked into the student union and saw Ishigami lying alone on the sofa without moving.

At first she thought Ishigami had fainted, so she hurried over and almost got frightened.

Only then did I realize that he was asleep.

Fujiwara Chika squatted next to Ishigami, holding her head with both hands, and giggled.

"Yu-kun who fell asleep"

Fujiwara Chika, who likes to be funny, did not make any other noise this time, nor did she take the opportunity to do anything bad. She just watched quietly, fearing to disturb the boy's rest.

She murmured quietly


"What on earth is he dreaming about?"

She sighed quietly, her tone seemed a little distressed

"Have you forgotten, Yujun?"

"Obviously you are still a high school student yourself."

"Looks like he's very busy every day."

"I must not have slept well last night..."

The boy next to him was lying on the sofa, with an unstoppable look of exhaustion on his face. Even if he fell asleep, his brows would still wrinkle from time to time, making him look like he was sleeping uneasily.

Fujiwara Chika really wants to do something for him

I just hope that Yujun can rest better.

Suddenly she remembered that whenever she slept poorly, her mother would gently stroke her hair and coax her to sleep.

A particularly beautiful lullaby


"How to sing that song?"

"What is your name?"

Fujiwara Chika, who had been happy to find a solution just now, immediately froze.

"Totally forgot about it!"

So angry

If Yujun hadn't been by her side, she would have started running in circles on her feet.

Fujiwara Chika looked troubled, she raised her hands and twisted her head.

It was very forceful, as if it wanted to pierce his head.

"Idiot Chika!"

"Really stupid!"

"Why do you usually only have gossip in your mind?"

"At this critical moment, please give me a try!"

Hard work pays off

Chika Fujiwara thought hard and finally found the long-lost melody from her poor brain.

She smiled at Ishigami who was sleeping

"You have to listen well."

"This is something I thought about for a long time."

"Sweet night dream, given to you"

"sweet Dreams"



It's time for her to protect the boy's dream!

She took a deep breath, squatted next to the boy, and her eyes softened.

Chika Fujiwara sang with a thin but very clear voice.

"Do you want to have a dream of your own?"

"There is a picture book for you"

“You can see the stars”

"You can also fly into the sky"

The girl's sweet and soft voice echoed in the quiet student union, which was quite beautiful.

This is a very ethereal and clear sound

Just like a clear stream flowing into the heart, the long and thin water soothes the heat of summer and gives a head start to the dull life.

Adds a different kind of sweetness

This is the girl’s sincere wish

I hope he has sweet dreams

“It’s all up to you”

"How are you"

"Soar freely in the sky?"

"Can the powerful magic be used?"

"All of these are limited edition items from Dreams~"

Chika Fujiwara touched the boy's hair as gently as he had touched her hair before. She smiled and continued singing

"Believe in the untouchable"

"I heard only idiots do this."

“It’s okay not to be perfect.”

"You can also get love~"

So don’t be so tired, and occasionally rely on others.

I'm always by your side

As long as you ask, I will spare no effort to help you.


After Fujiwara Chika finished singing this song, she also let out a lovely yawn, and fell asleep directly next to the boy, caressing her.

Their heads are very close to each other

But Qianhua is still saying something softly

It seems like a whisper in a dream

I guess

That might be "Have a nice dream"

Thank you, please~I am very weak with 2 monthly tickets

Thanks to Bai Lu Gengyun Diao Yue for 2 monthly passes

Thanks to book friend 20220225161456902 for his 2 monthly passes

Thank you to the love of my life, Eriyi, for your monthly ticket

Thanks for the monthly vote of Tomato Angry Roasted Potatoes

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Thanks to Delamogo for the monthly pass

Thanks to Duelist of Teyvat for your monthly pass

Thanks for the monthly ticket to Bug Sprint

Thank you for your monthly ticket

Thank you Akashi Gomachi for your monthly pass

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