In this small space behind the building where no one is paying attention, a life and death battle is about to take place.

"Are you crazy?"

The rather muscular man folded his arms and looked down at the man in red who had just provoked him.

He said in a bad tone

"Look carefully at how I look."

"You should understand that I am not an ordinary person, and my abilities are much stronger than yours."

"But you want to fight me."

"I think you are really crazy."

As soon as he finished speaking, the air was filled with a chilling atmosphere, and the strong man's unilateral murderous intention could no longer be suppressed.

And on the stone in the darkness, his eyes looked at the two people there, and a meaningful smile appeared on his lips.

"Are we going to start a fight?"

I saw these two guys on the way here and immediately caught Ishigami's attention. After all, this combination is too conspicuous.

A "fighter from the Boxing Club" and an "outsider" who shouldn't have any contact with each other were angrily pushing and shoving each other, as if they were about to take action.

Ishigami, who had seen the whole thing from the beginning, knew that it was the "boxing fighter" who was provoked by this "outsider" who asked for a fight.

"What a masterpiece. I haven't seen someone so brave in a long time."

Occasionally, Shishang, who is a fun-loving person, follows behind them.

You must know that the fighting in Quan Yuanhui is not just a show-off, it is quite bloody. There are no rules at all, as long as the opponent is dead.

But this bold "outsider" took the initiative to choose such an opponent. So, is he a reckless man who has no brains and is rushing to die, or is he a capable player who is quite confident in his own strength.

Ishigami thought it was the latter, so he was looking forward to what kind of surprise this man in red would bring him.

"Thank you for your help just now."

Hearing the voice behind him, Ishigami turned his head. It was Yamashita who had recovered from the panic just now, adjusted his glasses, and expressed his gratitude in a low voice.

Just now, he respectfully took the briefcase from Ishigami that almost fell to the ground with both hands, without daring to neglect it at all.

If it weren't for the inappropriate occasion, he would have wanted to sit down and express his apology. The way he looked now was really inappropriate.

"When I see you being respected by the Lord, I have to fight with my hands and kneel down."

Yamashita only had these words in his mind right now. Shixiazai really saw a person of noble status and showed extreme respect.

So he felt very nervous. Even when facing Ishigami, who was about the same age as his second son who had dropped out of high school, he couldn't help but use honorifics. He used the way he had viewed people for decades to ensure that

This is definitely a great man, and he is very likely to be the heir to a big family.

Although this young man seemed quite talkative and easy-going, Kazuo Yamama saw in his eyes the arrogance of not taking everything seriously (including the two people over there).

Even if a lion is wrapped in a sheep's coat and blends in among the sheep, the ferocity and man-eating instinct in his heart cannot be hidden.

Yamashita felt inexplicably that only the president of his group headquarters could be compared with this young man. Maybe it was because a social creature like him could only see a big shot once in his life.

"Don't be so nervous, Mr. Yamashita."

Ishigami saw this middle-aged and elderly man with mottled white hair and waved his hands indifferently. To be honest, he couldn't handle this type of old employee.

He seems to be the type who does all the work in the company and gets the benefits.

The old man is humbled.

Yamashita heard his name from this adult, and his expression became even more frightened.

"You know me."

Ishigami pointed to the nameplate on his suit which read "Nogi Group Publishing Business Class 2 - Mr. Yamashita" without saying anything.

"Oh, I see."

Yamashita grabbed the nameplate in front of him and realized that he had forgotten to take it off after get off work today.

Ishigami reminded

"Mr. Yamashita, the battle is about to begin."

After hearing these words, Yamashita breathed a sigh of relief before returning his gaze to the field.

But at this glance Kazuo Yama's eyes widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

In his surprised gaze, the ridiculously strong man just used one hand to pull off the suit on his upper body.

"Is that Nioh?"

Niwang is a widely spread protector and patron saint of neon, and is called Vajradhara in Sanskrit. Sculptures often appear on both sides of the entrances of major neon temples, with their shirtless bodies showing off their strong muscles.

And this big guy is as strong as the patron saint Nioh.


Now there is a Nioh behind him!

Yamashita's mouth widened as he looked at the angry-looking Nioh statue behind that guy.

"What kind of figure is that? It's like a devil's terminator!"

Unlike Yamashita's gaffe, Ishigami saw that the tattoo on the fighter's back appeared normal.

He recognized it from the beginning

After all, he was one of the Four Dragons of the Boxing Club: the No. 2 fighter under the Nogi Group.

Speaking of which, Mr. Yamashita and I should be considered colleagues. After all, they both work for the Nogi Group.

"Nioh no Komada"

He is the substitute for the "floating cloud" Izumi Hatsumi (Izumi Hatsumi once said that although Komada's strength is not as good as that of the top players, opponents below the top players are sure to win.)

Boxing Club’s current record is four wins and zero losses

He is the most popular rookie in Boxing Club recently!

Compared with the very strong Komada, the man in red across from him looks quite thin, so it's no wonder that Yamashita doesn't think highly of him at all.

"How do you win?"

Mr. Yamashita muttered

"He's dead."

And Komada felt like he was about to explode with anger, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing.

"This guy is indeed crazy!"

He has advised him so

It's an ultimatum!

But the reply from the man in red just now was

"Are you better than me?"

The man in red took off his hood

Finally Shi Shi saw his appearance clearly

He has black hair and black eyes, and his age is estimated to be around 27 or 28. His slightly curly hair was like kelp, and his face was filled with inexplicable confidence.

"Stop talking nonsense, let me see how strong you are."

"Big guy!"

The last line "Big guy!"

The guy just said every word with a disdainful look on his face, full of provocation.

he really

A good way to manipulate people's mentality

With that look of wanting to be beaten, it can be said that even Ishigami, who was secretly observing, wanted to take action and educate him, and his fists clenched involuntarily.

Ishigami shook his head: This uncle looks a little skinny.


It was the whistling sound of the clothes in Komada's hands being crumpled into a ball and thrown towards the man with the seaweed head.

Moreover, this whistling sound acted as the referee's whistle, and the battle started directly at this time.

Ishigami looked at Komada's actions and smiled.

"Use clothes to block the opponent's sight, and then attack directly in the blind spot of his vision."

Good fighting sense

It's just that the punching speed is a bit slow.

If Komada dared to throw such a flawed punch at Ishigami, the battle would be over in an instant. Ishigami can even suppress Ryukui, who is taller than Komada, in an instant, so there is no reason why he can't. He definitely didn't want the hand to punch, and his head would be pressed directly to the ground by Ishigami.

For this kind of body shape that is neither up nor down, Ishigami’s suggestion is to learn some techniques. People who are stronger than him can't rely on brute force, and people who are smaller than him can't speed up.

"Are the newbies like this now?"

Ishigami shook his head in his heart, but he didn't show any interest on the surface.

After all, watching chess without saying anything is the basic principle.

But for Ishigami's slowness, Yamashita's side was ridiculously fast. He watched Komada swing his fist at high speed, and instantly appeared next to the man in red, constantly exclaiming.

"It's too fast. Such a burly man can move so fast."

Facing Komada's rapid punch, the man in red just turned his head to the side and dodged it. The most concerning thing is that the guy's face actually showed mockery, a bit of ridicule and a bit of amusement.

The first punch was empty

This made Komada even more angry. He used the force of the punch just now to exert force directly on his waist, reversed the force and changed the trajectory again, and used his thick arm to hit the man in red again.

The opponent's sudden change of moves is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to parry. And the man in red came to his senses, and narrowly avoided it again and again, as if he was walking a tightrope, the distance between him and his fist being only a few centimeters each time.

Seeing that his attack failed, Komata had a sullen expression and said nothing, but the fist in his hand became faster. His left hand and right hand alternated at a very fast frequency, and the force of each fist could make people dizzy.

And the man with the kelp head is not bad either. He mobilizes his body and uses unknown skills to shuttle back and forth in the storm of fists.

"Never hit me once."

But the strange thing is that he has no intention of fighting back. He seems to be simply enjoying the excitement of this kind of close combat.

Or is it a warm-up?

Komada, who is still in the Air Force, suddenly stepped forward with his left foot and the hard concrete ground cracked. There was a glass bottle where his foot stepped.

But this glass bottle has now been turned into fragments, and sharp mouths are everywhere.

Komada gave a cold-blooded cry, and he directly picked up his toes and kicked him. This move caused the glass shards to fly out directly.

Ishigami saw Komada’s actions,

"It's really despicable (well done)"

The kelp-headed man was caught off guard and was hit by glass fragments on his face. He raised his left hand as a shield to resist.

But there were still some glass fragments that were too late to dodge and directly scratched his face, and blood began to overflow.

But glass shards could only be regarded as sneak attacks. Komata took advantage of the man with the leader of the sea to raise his arms to block him, and used the same tactics in the blind area of ​​his vision to fly forward and kick him hard.


Under his heavy attack, a huge crack pattern bloomed on the cement wall! Countless tiny cracks appeared directly on the wall, which was quite horrifying.

This is the real killer move hidden behind the scenes

But the attack that was supposed to hit was still empty.

The kelp-headed man looked at the remaining traces on the wall, put his hands on his shoulders and nodded.

"I knew they were iron-plated shoes."

Ishigami was slightly startled when he heard the term iron-plated shoes. You can wear these kinds of things outside!

The sole of the foot is a complete piece of iron. If it is used to kick someone directly, it will look like hitting someone with a big iron bar like a mace.

It already falls into the category of weapons, right?

This new fighter is really brave. The only rule of the Fist Club is that he cannot use weapons.

But this is a private fight and there seems to be no rules.

So Hai Daitou said helplessly

"To be honest, I don't want to be kicked like this by you."

Komada took back his foot that was still stuck in the wall and said impatiently

"Hey, you were the one who said I was going to hit you in the first place."

"Now that we are fighting with you, you are the one who has been running away."

"How long do you want to escape?"

"Stop running around! You bastard."

The cracks on the cement wall in front of him deeply shocked Yamashita's soul. The power of that Nioh was truly terrifying.

"That kelp head can't win!"

"That's a monster!"

After hearing Yamashita's words, Ishigami thought to himself:

"Unfortunately, Mr. Yamashita, your idea is wrong."

"That Nioh's three axes have all been exposed. If he doesn't have new moves next, this duel will be over by now."

"The battle should be over soon."

In Ishigami's eyes, Komada's attack moves were really pitiful. They were nothing more than straight punches, heavy blows, and straight kicks, with nothing new at all.

This kind of boxing competition is particularly disadvantageous, and it is especially easy to be targeted when the number of matches is high.

Just as Ishigami thought.

Just when Komata said it

"It's your turn now." (offensive)

Haven't finished speaking yet

"Okay, then it's up to me."

Komata's first powerful punch hit Komada straight in the face.

Driven by this external force, Komada stepped back one after another until he touched the concrete wall.

Unexpectedly, only one blow

Just beat the "rookie" of the Boxing Club into such a miserable state. He wiped the blood on his face, which came out directly from the broken capillaries.

Komada, who was stunned for a moment, shook his dizzy head. He stood up from the wall and lowered his weight

Looking at the seaweed head, he yelled angrily

"Son of a bitch! I want..."


That was the sound of the heel of the shoe colliding with the flesh.

Komada, who had just gotten up, was whipped fiercely in the face by a fast and sharp whip leg.

Kaitou looked at Komada who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head and looked at him condescendingly.

"Now you know who the challenger is!"

It’s really hard for Mr. Yamashita to accept it.

Now the situation is completely reversed

But this is reality as he sees it

"That monster-like Nioh was actually injured and fell to his knees."

In the eyes of professional Ishigami, the duel has already been decided and there is no point in watching it any longer.

He said to Mr. Yamashita

"Mr. Yamashita, I'll leave first."

Yamashita was stunned

"Don't you want to continue reading?"

"Obviously this duel may take some time."

Ishigami looked at the two people over there and shook his head.

"No, the outcome has been decided."

"I still have an appointment."

Thanks to Beijiaobao for giving me 6 monthly tickets and 9500 coins as a reward

Thanks to Dandan from the Underworld for the 3 monthly passes

Thank you to the carving master for the 3 monthly passes

Thanks to Ika for the 3 monthly passes from Los Angeles

Thanks zonglau for the monthly ticket

Thanks to eags for your monthly pass

Thank you qianlong0518 for your monthly vote

Thank you Shiina Ryuse for your monthly ticket

Thanks for the monthly ticket of Galaxy Dark Night

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Thank you Xia Luofeixing for your monthly ticket

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