I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 123 Please, don’t give it away

In the early morning of the next day, Ishigami, who had changed into Shuji Academy uniform, was riding a bicycle slowly on the road.

He changed his clothes at a private safe house near the port base and took a shower before going out to school.

Since it was extremely early, the street lights on both sides of the road were still on, and the sky was even more terrifyingly gloomy.

However, the rising white color of fish belly can be vaguely seen on the horizon in the distance, which is the dividing line between dawn and darkness.

Symbolizes the beginning of a new day.

Feeling unmotivated, Ishigami yawned lazily. After all, it was only half past four and he would still be sleeping at this time.

He wiped away the tears that appeared in the corners of his eyes and roughly estimated the distance between the current time and the destination.

Ishigami scratched his head, looking a little troubled.

"Oops, aren't we almost late?"

Forced to work up a little more energy, he couldn't help but speed up the pace of his bicycle ride.

He stopped at an intersection, next to the red number on the traffic light with ninety seconds remaining.

"Damn, as expected, the more urgent it is, the more red lights there are on the road."

Shi looked at the still empty streets and came up with a bold idea. After picking up his mobile phone and doing some operations.

The number seventy on the red traffic light next to him turned into seven in the next second.

Ishigami, who was not surprised by this, smiled and put his phone back into his trouser pocket, hiding his merit and fame.

Speaking of which, he actually didn't do much. He simply moved the decimal point on the traffic light one place forward.

Seven seconds is easier to kill than seventy seconds. If you take this little time to look up at the sky, your daze will soon pass.

Shi Shang raised his head and looked up at the sky

Tokyo, which is still shrouded in darkness, is brightly lit like a bright night pearl tightly held in a big hand.

he sighed


As the traffic light turned green, Ishigami continued on his bicycle.

This was the information Casper told Ishigami last night, and he only learned the name of the organization.

"Insect Organization"

Ishigami also investigated using "Ai Li", but to no avail. Not wanting it to be troublesome, he directly called up the intelligence databases of the CIA and NSA, which had the highest authority to log in at the same time in the background, and indeed found some scraps of information.

But it's just some, basically useless information. It seems that the two largest intelligence agencies in the United States are very taboo about this unknown organization, and all the information has been deleted.

In fact, it's not just the CIA and FBI. Ishigami found that this is the case in other countries, such as Britain's MI6, France's Seventh Bureau, etc. They have recorded it more or less, but they don't dare to record it in too much detail.

As if he was afraid of some kind of retaliation.

You must know that even the information about Ishigami's own "Barbarian Bull Club" is appearing in the intelligence database of those people.

The personnel composition, the number of large multinational companies, total assets, etc. are all written clearly.

It was through this form that Ishigami realized how many people he had under his command.

He shook his head. Since he realized that he couldn't find any useful information about that organization, he put the matter aside and didn't pay attention.

Casper told him yesterday, and the doubts in the past were solved.

Long Kui and Wu Bei, who were killed by Ishigami and then sectioned for study, belonged to the "Insect Organization".

Members of this organization all have the iconic black "centipede" tattoo, which is often found on the back of the hand, arm or neck.

"Insects are existences that must be eliminated."

Casper told Ishigami with a serious face.

"They are lunatics, and wherever there is strife in the world they are often behind them."

"Perhaps the old people, children, women, and middle-aged people you pass by have traces of insects. Insects are everywhere."

"The worst part is that the bugs seem quite interested in starting a war."

"They wantonly assassinate important personnel of various countries and provoke regional instability. No one knows why they do this."

Casper paused for a second and looked at the stone

"All we know is that these lunatics are the enemy of the world."

Ishigami still remembers hearing Casper’s explanation and feeling inexplicably ironic.

"It's really ridiculous for arms dealers to think that those who stir up regional disputes deserve to die."

Isn't this equivalent to cursing one's parents?

Where there are the most wars in the world, the more powerful weapons are needed, the better the sales of arms will be.

But Ishigami thought it was reasonable. After all, this man's name was Caspar Heikmedia.

He has said even more outrageous things

This man once put away his cynical smile and told Ishigami seriously

"I sell arms actually for world peace."

"In this world where guns are within reach, it is really sad that something more reliable than gentleness is bullets."

"So, Mr. Ming Ming, are you willing to end this sad reality with me?"

As for the answer to this question, Ishigami has yet to give a direct reply to Casper.

Because he had a hunch that once he agreed, a large number of people would die in the future, which could determine the fate of countless people.

Ishigami knew that the two of them were actually the same kind of people.

He is so casual and has no rules that he is terrifyingly calm, but buried deep in his bones is madness beyond ordinary people's imagination.

sanity and madness coexist

Is a calm madman.

He is not a dreamer, but he will actually use his own strength to measure what goals can be achieved.

Step by step towards the end.

"Mr. Ming Ming, please be careful."

"HCLI and I have fought against the "worm" organization more than once, and we know how terrifying they are."

"Because of them, my losses were quite heavy."

HCLI has been having a hard time recently and has quite a headache.

Casper's face was full of solemnity, and what was constantly rubbing against HCLI was one of the branches of the "worm organization", which was the strongest part.

That is, the mortal enemies of the Wu clan and the Wu clan

"The Western Sect"

A group of people who act quite crazy and are very powerful.

It can be said that they are a group of "mad dogs". Once bitten, they will never let go without taking a big bite of meat.

Not to mention that the "Western Conquest Faction" not only started a war with the Heikemedia family at the same time, but also started a war with the Shijo family who was stationed in overseas business.

Therefore, the Ouzhou branch of the "Insect Organization", the "Zhengxi Faction", singled out the two major families and did not fall behind.

On the contrary, they are evenly matched.

All three parties have obviously made a real splash!

The Hekmadia family dispatches hundreds of drones every day, bombing all possible strongholds of the "Western Conquest Faction".

Still using thermobaric bombs.

Casper sighed.

"I have intelligence that shows that the headquarters of the Bug Organization and all the Asian branches seem to be ready to move and are gathering strength."

"Their target is probably neon."

"Please be careful, Ming Ming-kun."

Regarding Casper's warning, Ishigami was very calm.

The threat of the "worm organization" seems imminent. But when the sky falls, there is a tall man holding it up.

"Ah this..."

Ishigami suddenly remembered that he was one of the tall men.

Oh, then something happened.

However, for such a large-scale mobilization, the targets will definitely not be small forces.

Although the "Manniu Club" is famous among boxing clubs, it is still very common internationally.

Consider it a fledgling job.

After all, Ishigami saw that the CIA's evaluation of the "Manniu Club" was a C grade, not even a B.

The main reason is that there is too little background.

Then the goal of the "worm organization"

It must be a very large-scale force in Neon. There are just a few famous top wealthy families such as "Fist Wish Club", "Sigong Family", "Sanqianyuan Family" and so on.

"But when the nest is overturned, there are no eggs left."

"We still need some help."

Ishigami, who was thinking about it all the way, finally arrived at his destination at 4:58.

He parked his bicycle against the wall, took out his mobile phone and looked at the screen to straighten his clothes.

"Yeah, perfect."

Ishigami looked up and saw a very familiar window sill. A month ago, he jumped from it.

This is the mansion of the Shinomiya family, which is also the home of Shinomiya-senpai.

Of course he couldn't have come here to see Senior Sister Shinomiya, so the answer was obvious.

By the time he was ready, the time had reached five o'clock sharp.

Shi Shang was weighing a few pebbles in his hand and looked eager to try, and he was still counting down the time in his mouth.

"Ten, nine, eight,,, three, two, one."

time up

Just right

It's 5:01 in the morning

When the time came, Ishigami immediately threw the pebbles in his hand at the glass window on the windowsill upstairs.

"Da da da."

Three neat and regular sounds accompany the alarm clock ringing at the same time, forming a unique wake-up ring tone.

At the same time, a girl on the bed opened her eyes at exactly 5:01.

The sameness had already developed muscle memory, and she turned off the alarm clock just by turning it off.

She is different from the usual delicate one

She had just gotten up, with her messy blond hair and misty blue eyes, looking quite weak.

"Strange, didn't I turn off the alarm clock?"

Hayasaka Ai, wearing a nightgown, got up from the bed, still confused.

"Why is there still a strange alarm sound?"

Following the strange sound, she opened the curtains.

What caught his eye was Ishigami picking up pebbles and preparing to continue hitting his window.

When he saw the girl's figure, Ishigami's body that had been throwing himself back up immediately, and showed an awkward yet polite smile to Hayasaka Ai.

Hayasaka Ai's eyes were very confused

"Hey? Why is my younger brother Jun downstairs in my room so early in the morning?"


Ishigami jumped deftly from the street into Hayasaka Ai's room.

"Good morning, little love."

He wiped the sweat from his head, and after a lot of effort, he finally fully expressed to Hayasaka Ai that he wanted to open the window.

The reason why Ishigami got up so early was because he hit this point. Five:01 in the morning is the time Xiao Ai gets up.

"However, now Xiao Ai always feels that she looks a little not very smart."

This is a side of Hayasaka Ai that she has never shown in front of Ishigami. She wore exquisite makeup in school.

And now there is a girl with messy hair, and one side of the shoulder strap has slipped off, revealing her delicate collarbone. She is sitting on the carpet, her two fair and slender legs are bent, because it is early in the morning, the ground is still a bit chilly, her The cute little feet curled up unconsciously.

The whole person is in a sitting duck position.

Hayasaka Ai was looking at Ishigami curiously

Ishigami smiled at her in response.

"But she's still as cute as ever, little Ai."

But what surprised him the most was Xiao Ai's eyes.

What's different from the past is that those beautiful blue pupils actually have a protective barrier that blocks out all probing eyes from the outside world.

Hiding your true self is a form of self-protection.

Under the protection of the strongest rejection barrier, no one can see clearly the girl's heart.

It was only thanks to his "little heart" that Ishigami got to see a little bit of her behind the barrier.

But for Hayasaka Ai now, that barrier is in a state of disappearing.

In other words, she was completely defenseless.

Now just by looking at Xiao Ai, Ishigami can directly see her current mood.

No need to guess.

Ishigami felt that it was very rude, and felt that the way Xiao Ai looked now was very similar to the way she used to complain about Senior Shinomiya's illness.

He looks stupid and not very smart.

Hayasaka Ai's eyes were also shining with the light of wisdom now, and she looked at him blindly.

"Little Love?"

Ishigami looked at Hayasaka Ai who was getting closer and swallowed hard.

Because she crawled here, and the nightgown wasn't very concealing.

He didn't want to see it, so he could only see it.

Ishigami said he didn’t mean it

But now he has a very, very big doubt

"It shouldn't be, it's not usually like this."

Ah, this, because it seems to have shrunk a bit more seriously than usual. .

The discrepancy is too big, right? .

Ishigami leaned against the wall and looked at Hayasaka Ai who was very close.

Xiao Ai's breath was hitting his face softly, and he only had to lower his head slightly to kiss her on the lips.

"What's wrong, little love?"

Hayasaka Ai didn't answer and looked directly at him. Then she raised her little hand and pinched Shi Shang's cheek


"Does it hurt?"

Shi Shang pretended to grin.

"It hurts!"

"If you feel pain, it's not a dream."

Hayasaka Ai smiled sweetly and hugged him directly.

"It turns out it's really not a dream. I can actually see Yuki as soon as I open my eyes."

"Hey hey hey."

Ishigami felt her little head rubbing restlessly in his arms, and he responded with a smile and hugged the boneless girl.

"Well, well, it's not a dream."

"I'm really here."

Hayasaka Ai hugged Ishigami's hand a little harder, with a happy smile on her face

"Yeah, it smells like Yuki."

Oh, he is really a clingy and cute ghost.

Ishigami hugged her quietly for twenty minutes

He touched her long, silky hair

"Xiao Ai, if you don't get up again."

"It might be too late for your job."

"Yeah, I still have a job."

The girl raised her head, with visible disappointment on her face.

She was reluctant to get up

Ishigami looked at the obedient little Ai and nodded.

But her actions once again challenged Ishigami's nerves.

He quickly stepped forward to stop the girl's behavior


Please, please stop giving it away.

I can't stand it anymore

Ishigami pulled her into the bathroom and closed the door for her

"Xiao Ai, you need to take off your clothes and go to the bathroom..."

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