I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 130 Xiaobo seems to have discovered something

"The longer I stay in contact with Ishigami, the more I like dogs. Dogs will always be dogs. As for whether some people are human beings, I don't know."

From "Memoirs" by Iino

Ishigami, Kobo, and Iino holding her arm were going upstairs to the classroom.

Ishigami glanced at Iino, who was a small bowl away from him. However, noticing the look, the latter just snorted and turned his head and ignored it.

he sighed

So cold

"No, I'm still angry."

"You are small, but you have such a big temper. I would have thought that you grew up taking gunpowder."

Even though I was scolded by you in front of me, I didn't dare to talk back, so I just tapped my head with my finger.

Besides, it’s on a voluntary basis.

At that time, I saw Iino looking pitiful as if you were going to do something serious without me, so I dragged you along.

Although the experience and results are not very beautiful, at least you are not excluded.

Ishigami understood that it would be a waste of effort to reason with a woman who was angry.

They just ignore the facts.

Especially Iino, who only eats soft food but not hard food

The energy will naturally dissipate deep down

It's better to mess it up.

However, if you put it in a bad situation, you can still consider charging some interest.

Ishigami started his little move

"Ignore me, right?"

Iino didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but if he couldn't stand someone, it was his fault.

Originally he just tentatively tapped her shoulder, but Iino stopped him by shrugging his shoulders.

Later, the frequency became faster, and his fingers were still flexible and quickly slid behind her, drawing various things (including orthographic characters, turtles and other symbols).

Maybe the stone even wrote something like "Iino is a big fool"

But who knows.

After all, there were only fingerprints on the stone on Iino's clothes, so the traces could not be revealed.

Iiye cursed his reputation angrily and joined the battle.

"on a stone!"

Then she picked up her hand to defend herself. At the same time, she wanted to twist this guy's arm to let him know how powerful Iino-sama was.

But Iino still overestimated himself. How could a little miscellaneous fish who was used to playing in low-scoring games touch the stone of a high-end game?

I don't know how Ishigami got off his hands, but there were red slap marks all over the back of Iino's originally white hands.

Iino bit her lip tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. Even though she was so stubborn, she remained silent.

The little hand was still scratching at his back randomly, but it did nothing but wrinkle his clothes.

"Oh, my sister is crying..."

Ishigami, who had eaten his fill, chuckled and saw Iino's red eyes and did not continue his bullying behavior.

Ignoring the struggle of the hand, he held the cold little hand tightly with his backhand.

"You won't be able to escape this way, stinky sister."

Feeling the warmth from Iino's palm, Ishigami shook his head.

"Look at how cold your hands are. I'm embarrassed to bully you."

Iino's hands were not honest at all, and he kept tapping his fingers on the stone.

For such a naughty child, while Ishigami suppressed her one by one, his fingers were firmly glued to her.

In other words, the fingertips of the two people next to Kobo were paired behind each other. No matter how hard Iino moved and how hard she moved, the fingertips of the ten fingers could not be separated and were sticking together.

As if they were born to be a couple

"Is this okay?"

Facing Iino's surprised gaze, the corners of Ishigami's mouth raised slightly.

To do this is theoretically simple. After all, he just copied the force on Iino's hand and applied it again. This is equivalent to the principle that one plus negative one equals zero, all canceled out.

But it’s actually very difficult, and timing is very important. Iino is not a professional, she doesn't know how to exert force at all. There is no routine at all, the intensity on each finger is different, and the frequency is even different. The stone is like a sophisticated instrument, accurately calculating the force coming from the girl's fingertips and returning it.

This is a little trick that Ishigami used as part of his experience gained from the "Wouou flow" that analyzes the slow changes of the progress bar.

"It seems to be called Cao Liu, or Liu."

It is a bit reluctant to rely on the lowest level LV.1 "Little Heart" analysis for dark gold skills, but fortunately, it does not have to wait until the final progress bar is full before shipping.

Wherever this thing is analyzed, it will be given to Shi Shang.

It's freshly made!

It is also a very practical technique in actual combat. While this hand is suppressed, applying a few more grams of force to it will disrupt the opponent's flow of power and he will be unable to control himself.

Whether it's the center of gravity, the state of movement, or anything else, everything was taken care of by Ishigami.

Theoretically speaking, it is possible for Ishigami to use a human-shaped windmill for one second while Iino is not paying attention.

As long as you don't care about the incident, Iino will be completely blocked by the angry Iino.


The next operation made Iino's eyes widen.

"Are you crazy?"

Because Ishigami didn't want to play any more, he shifted his fingertips and put his fingers into the gaps. The original sticker became two hands clasped together.


The big hand clasped the small hand, and the stone where the fingers were connected felt the warmth coming from the fingers, and nodded.

However, Ishigami's ecstasy did not last long.

A faint tone, although the volume was not high, still floated very clearly to the ears of the two people who had been making small moves since just now, and now they were holding hands together.

Ishigami and Iino shook at the same time

"I said, do you think I don't exist at all?"

Xiaobo, who was sandwiched between the two of them, stopped and spoke in a cold tone.

"You guys have been having a great time since just now."

"Xiaobo, me."

"Xiao Mizi, shut up first."

Iino wisely kept her mouth shut

Xiaobo didn't speak before because he chose to turn a blind eye.

Quarrels, quarrels, fights and other similar activities are what Xiaoyu and Xiaoyazi have been doing over the years. After all, this is the "daily life" between Xiaoyou and Xiaoyazi, and easing the relationship between her two good friends is also good for Xiaobo, who has a headache.

It would make her worry less.

So Xiao Mizi's hand accidentally hurt her more than once, so Xiao Bo could bear it as long as he could.

But, wow.

Xiaobo then thought about it, and it seemed that because of her indulgence, these two people were about to get on top of her.

So the more I think about it, the more something is wrong.

It seems like I'm about to become their nanny.

There is an awkwardness between you, and I have to try my best to appease you. You didn't get much sleep last night, and now you are making peace with each other, holding each other's little hands.

Is there nothing wrong with me?

As the "superficial friend" who is most familiar with Iino, Xiaobo can naturally see that his little sister feels like she has cleared up her past feud.

Xiao Yazi's face is full of resistance, but if she didn't see the red earlobes from your ears, she would really believe it.

Because the expressions and eyes cannot be faked, Xiaobo can guess what Xiaomizi is thinking.

It's nothing more than some plot of a girl's manga that Xiaoyazi has read and then substituted it for herself

Maybe even a filter halo is thoughtfully installed.

There is a shojo manga that Xiao Yazi is following recently. The male protagonist in it especially likes to bully the female protagonist. In the end, he throws out a clichéd explanation that all this is based on my liking for you, and then forget about it.

Maybe Xiaoyazi also excused Xiaoyu in her own mind.

After all, Xiao Mizi particularly likes his tough attitude. Weird people are always likely to attract weird people.

Xiaobo also knew that Xiaozayu was particularly "cheated" by others, but it was really easy to fool him.

Especially when that person is Xiaoyou, this has an extraordinary effect on Xiaomizi.

Xiaobo is so angry and funny

I didn't sleep last night and acted as both a nanny and a mother. What I had to do after a lot of effort was done by Xiaoyou just by holding hands.

Xiaobo snorted coldly and broke away from Xiaomizi who was holding his arms.

"When you are fighting, use me as a military buffer zone. This is to use me as a background wall and as a witness of the "friendship" between you."

"Don't call me Xiaobo from now on, just call me 'Tool Man'."

"Anyway, whenever you have trouble, come to me. I will be your servant, right."

After that, she crossed her arms with both hands and faced the wall no longer looking at the two of them.


Iino pulled Kobo's sleeves

Xiaobo angrily turned around and turned to the other An Xin. Anyway, she just didn't want to look at the two people who made her miserable.

Unlike Iino, Ishigami already has a deep understanding of Kobo's behavior and the origin of his anger.

The problem this time is not about giving a proposition.

It's quite simple

He loosened his hold on Iino's hand

Because it was too sudden, Iino's hand still held Ishigami's hand, and when she saw his playful expression, she immediately let go of her hand.

"What are you looking at?"

Then he stared back at Ishigami not to be outdone.

Originally I only wanted to coax one person, but at this rate I would be coaxing Iino.

Ishigami doesn’t want a super double like this

How painful is that?

Without saying much, he took Iino with his other hand and dragged her directly to the corner.

That's the direction of Xiaobo

Looking at her with her back turned

Ishigami had a sad smile on his face

"I'm sorry, Xiaobo, I've been too much lately."

"I'll pay more attention to it in the future."

"Whoever says our Xiaobo is a tool will be the first one I beat."

"Xiaobo is the most mature, stable and cute one among the three of us."

Ishigami, who was praising others in a serious manner, suddenly felt the hand he was holding tighten slightly.

He turned around and saw Iino looking at him with disdain. Ishigami raised his eyebrows and decided not to be like this little bastard who couldn't see the current situation.

When the time comes, Xiaobo won’t want you anymore and it’ll be up to you what to do. Iino, you won't be chasing Xiaobo Crematorium when the time comes. I write my name backwards.

Look who regrets it.

let us wait and see.

After saying a lot of nice things, Ishigami's mouth was dry. Xiaobo just pushed up his glasses, that's all. But the soothing look on her face was very useful. After all, no one likes to hear unpleasant words.

Ishigami boldly took up the small bowl with his only remaining hand and tentatively took a step forward.

Shi Shang breathed a sigh of relief, luckily, he wasn't sold out yet.

"Hey, let's go, let's go."

"Almost late."

Just like this, Shi Shang held the hands of the two discipline committee members and walked on the steps step by step.

Little did he know that Iino's heart was in his throat, Ishigami, how dare he.

"Xiao Bo, it's not like me to be as relaxed with you."

"I'll hold hands if I ask you to hold hands."

"Be careful she hits you..."

Although when Iino was exposed to that incident, she could tell that the two people had a good relationship that they had hidden from her in private.

But she didn't know what the circumstances were. This was the first time she saw Xiaobo and Ishigami holding hands, and she felt very scary.

Especially now that the three of us are here, and they are all holding hands together

This is the first time this has happened.

Iino tentatively smiled at Xiaobo. If Xiaobo hated him, she would do anything to protect Xiaobo from Ishigami's hand.

Seeing Xiao Mizi's careful probing from the corner of his eye, Xiao Bo shook his head helplessly and returned a polite smile.

There are three people, and they are most afraid that one of them will become the nanny of the other two. Whenever something happens, come to her. Although the other two are both people she loves, who can stand being treated like tools?

After receiving what was considered a positive reply, Iino was able to smile with confidence.

However, she was also murmuring in her heart.

When did this happen? Their relationship was so good that they could hold hands.

Xiaobo is obviously with me all the time (during the day), so where can I let them grow secretly?

I don't know. .

In the corridor on the fourth floor, such an upright combination attracted the attention of many people.

Because a boy appeared in the corridor just before the last penny of class, and he held the hands of two female classmates and walked in tandem.

It seems that the atmosphere between the three people is very strong and very harmonious.

Moreover, the conspicuous yellow disciplinary committee armbands on the sleeves of the two girls were so eye-catching.

He really ignored the school rules to the extreme.

"Why do we have to be secretive when it comes to love?"

"If you ask for two at a time, you are still a member of the disciplinary committee."

"It's really outrageous."

The students glanced away and looked away, fearing that they would develop pink eye.

But he is the only one in the school who dares to do this.

Just when they were about to enter the classroom, Xiaobo patted the hand holding his with his other hand and whispered:

"You want to die, you."

"Forget it in the corridor, you still have to act like this when you enter class."

"It doesn't matter if you are thick-skinned, what about us?"

After hearing the order, Ishigami immediately let go of Kobo and Iino's hands. He opened the door, intending to let them in first.

But before walking into the class, Xiaobo seemed to see something on Ishigami.

"do not move."

Ishigami stood obediently and didn't move much.


Xiaobo calmly put the things in his hands and hid them. Then he patted the stone's back like dust

"I misjudged it, it should just be dust."

"Let's go in."

I glanced at the new book list today and felt that Lu Mingfei’s universe was getting more and more outrageous. . .

Thanks to Izayoi Sora for the two monthly passes

Thanks to Dandan from the Underworld for your monthly ticket

Thanks for the monthly pass to the Sweat Hotel

Thank you Jue Jiyuan for your monthly ticket

Thanks to the monthly pass for Corridor Lights

Thank you to book friend 20200104222746161 for your monthly ticket

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Thanks to Serehild for your monthly vote

Thanks to Tide Water Waves for your monthly pass

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