I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 135 Don’t take the seat I occupied for Xiao Mizi

"Strict and square..."

These are the four big characters you can see as soon as you open the door of the psychological consultation room of the Shuchiin Discipline Committee.

According to legend, under this sacred archway

Every student who comes here and makes a mistake will basically not have to go through a series of questioning (torture) by the teacher and the disciplinary committee, and will basically confess to the crime he committed. Then change your past and be a new person.

Are these words as magical as they are rumored to be?

Ishigami didn't know, but he was in a panic now anyway.

"This is the Hongmen Banquet."

After hearing that sentence

Words without any emotion

"It's Hayasaka-senpai, right?"

Although it was a question, it sounded quite affirmative.

Ishigami understood why Xiaobo chose this place to meet.

The reason why she is in a bad mood today

And the reason why I didn’t have anything to eat at noon

The reason for all this now has an answer.

very simple

Xiaobo knew about Ishigami and Hayasaka Ai.

In other words, he was exposed.

"Paper cannot contain fire."

Ishigami sighed and opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. In the end, he had no choice but to nod his head resignedly.

Wrong is wrong

what can he do

Ishigami just made a mistake that all men would make. Of course, it would be best if everything could be undone before the mistake was made.

It's a pity that if...

Ishigami has fallen too deeply into Hayasaka Ai, and this is not the point where he can stop.

Besides, he originally thought that he was a greedy man, whether it was Xiaobo or Xiaoai sister.

No matter which girl it is, he will never let her go.

This is the bottom line!

After receiving the expected affirmative answer, Xiaobo took a deep breath.

Bathed in the sunset, her brows and eyes were extremely cold, and she didn't say anything. As she rushed forward,

raised his hand

Ishigami looked at her and the approaching hand, and did not dodge but chose to close his eyes.

But the expected slap still didn't hit, and there wasn't even a trace of pain.

Ishigami opened his eyes

What he saw was Xiaobo with her head lowered and her hands tightly tied to the clothes on Ishigami's chest.

"Why don't you hide, idiot."

The girl's voice, which was originally pretending to be emotionless, contained a hint of choking, and this little bit of blank space seemed to only make people feel infinitely distressed.

When Xiaobo raised her head, Ishigami noticed that her originally resolute red eyes had become covered with a thin layer of mist at some point.

Ishigami shook his head, hugged her with one hand, grabbed Xiaobo's hand with the other hand, and put it on his face.

"Because it's you, I won't hide."

Ishigami looked at her very seriously

"Besides, if you want to fight something that will make you vent your anger."

"I'll be with you anytime."

If you really slap me, I'll feel better.

Ishigami sighed in his heart, regarding Xiaobo.

He feels guilty

Xiaobo and Ishigami have created too many beautiful memories of each other.

As the first girl I like

The first girl I want to kiss lightly

The first girl who wants to get up with you

The first green kiss

Accept each other for the first time and become adults

Along the way, the story between them is like endless love letters and endless love.

Ishigami's guilt towards Xiaobo is

I can't give you all my love

Ishigami knew that Xiaobo really poured everything he had into him.

She really made me cry to death.

"Whether you wait or leave."

"There is someone who will always love you."

Even if you don’t get a response, stay alone

She will also use her love day and night to make the flowers in their shared love field bloom proudly.

Xiaobo’s love cannot be lost to anyone’s.

We, the women of Shuchiin, just refuse to admit defeat.

Ishigami once jokingly asked Xiaobo when he fell in love with him.

I still remember Xiaobo leaning on his shoulder and talking about his past in an understatement.

"What happened before is no longer important."

Xiaobo turned sideways, hugged his neck with both hands, leaned forward and gave Shi Shang a deep kiss.

Seeing him helplessly wiping the drool she left on his face, Xiaobo giggled very innocently.

"Xiaoyou, do you know?"

"My current life is the best for me."

If he didn't take the initiative to take that step, Xiaobo would probably stay where he was and wait.

The love buried deep in my heart was buried in junior high school, and it is still buried deep in my heart in high school. Three years and three years, albeit very quickly.

But how many three years are there in life?

Xiaobo can also say something like "There are countless "likes" in this world that have not turned into love." Maybe she just compressed her painful memories layer by layer.

Xiaobo has not changed, but Ishigami has.

As for Hayasaka-senpai's life being too miserable, Ishigami's friendship with her was to save her from the quagmire.

If Shi Shang's face was a hundred times thicker, he wouldn't say anything to Xiao Bo.

Could it be that Xiaobo's life was easy?

A home worthy of its name

Those thick glasses cover half of the face

An old-fashioned hairstyle reveals a wide forehead

Very low-key appearance

You think she originally wanted to dress up like this and have no sense of existence, but she was just forced to do so.

People of the same sex will only be more demanding than the opposite sex.

Then again, villains in this world are always hard to guard against.

If I say that the former Kobo was more lively and cheerful than the current Chika Fujiwara, do you believe it?

All of this is forced, no one wants to wear this heavy mask.

All living beings suffer

The hemp rope only picks and breaks at the thinnest point, and bad luck only seeks out the miserable.

This cruel world only imposes more hardships on these girls whose backgrounds are already precarious.

Ishigami is not a saint, he can only save the people he likes.

After all, their lives are already so hard, so what if they don't get some sweets?

But no matter what excuse there is to dress elegantly,

It can't cover up the fact that it's a flowery heart.

Ishigami still admits that people's desires will continue to grow as their confidence increases.

Maybe this is also a kind of measure.

"At first I wanted to break into your heart, but I didn't expect it was a community."

Or "check in with your bags"

Therefore, Ishigami's love is no longer limited to one person.

"you are always like this"

"Speaking these self-righteous words"

Xiaobo kept chanting in her mouth, and she broke away from Ishigami's hand in anger.

"You want me to hit you, okay, then I'll hit you."

Xiaobo, whose eyes were red, was really hammering his chest with his hands.

Facing the menacing Xiaobo, Ishigami showed no resistance at all. Make a gesture of surrender with both hands, and even control your muscles to relax as much as possible.

He was really afraid that the shock of his muscles would hurt this guy who looked like he was about to cry.

"Hoo, hoo."

After venting his emotions, Xiaobo gasped, and the originally high frequency dropped to the current five seconds.

When Xiaobo saw Ishigami still looking at him with concern, he thought that this guy's tenderness no longer belonged to him alone.

She still couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart.

The initial evidence that this guy was a philanderer (the scent of a fishy cat appeared on his body for the first time one day) later proved to be nothing more than wishful thinking.

Because of such an imaginary enemy, she was quite tired. It’s not like girls don’t have CDs, they are still tired when they should be.

"However, this guy is quite honest."

As for the hair that Xiaobo found stuck on Shi Shang, it is actually quite difficult to use it as substantive evidence.

After all, the probability of the wind blowing and landing on your shoulder when passing by cannot be said to be zero.

As long as he insisted that it was bad luck, Xiaobo couldn't say anything.

Therefore, Ishigami's frankness and lack of pretense made Xiaobo feel better.

The most disgusting thing is to insist on saying that there is no such thing.

After all, they are just good friends. Xiaobo really doesn't want her boyfriend to become another girl's "boyfriend."

Who knows if a "boyfriend" or something like that will become a boyfriend.

"I asked for it, but I didn't expect that she would actually give it to me."

This is really disgusting.

Because I booked Xiaomiko, half of my head is already green, and now I feel that the other half of my head is also going to be dyed with a vibrant color.

I couldn't bear it anymore


That newcomer, that’s the seat I occupied for Xiao Mizi!

In the final analysis, it’s still Xiaomiko who can’t do it

I still blush when I hold hands.

She knew that the reason why Ishigami didn't attack Xiao Yazi was because he was too successful.

According to Koyoko, who can't even be called the "King of Strong Mouth", she encounters Ishigami with full firepower.

I'm afraid that the speed of light will be lost directly.

What's more, Xiaobo can still handle it. There is no need for "Xiao Mizi", you just come at the right time, this kind of subtle plot.

Xiaobo actually felt like he shot himself in the foot.

When sociability was popular in the first grade, Xiaobo was afraid that Xiaoyou would go out to find some unscrupulous woman, so he warned him

"Aren't the girls in Shuchiin enough trouble for you?"

This is just a joke

I didn't take you seriously.

Xiaobo knew that it was because she didn't keep a close eye on her man that other girls took advantage of him.

"But you should at least take a breather before you attack someone else's boyfriend."

It saves me the effort to mobilize troops like this.

Xiaobo looked at Shishang with his hands raised, feeling inexplicably frustrated.

But her hand was so sore that it felt like it was about to break. She had no strength to hit the stone again.

But very upset

Xiaobo snorted and stood on tiptoes, twisting Shi Shang's ears.

sudden pain

Shishang, whose ears were pinched by Xiaobo, was as if a immobilizing spell had been cast on him, unable to move.

On the grinning stone, a mask of pain was put on. It really comes from the shadow of childhood, and the body muscle memory taught by parents is too profound.

"Little bowl, be gentle, it's about to fall."

"It's going to fall."

Seeing the uncomfortable look on his face, Xiaobo couldn't help but feel relieved a lot under his cold expression.

"Deserved it."

But that wasn't enough, Xiaobo twisted his ears so that his body was fully downward.

When Shi Shang's neck was within reach of Xiaobo, the girl opened her bloody mouth.


He bit Shi Shang's neck viciously and took a long time to let go.

Just like that, a neat row of tooth marks appeared on Shi Shang's neck.

Ishigami touched his slightly wet neck, feeling helpless.

"You are so cruel, Xiaobo."

"That's an advantage for you, you scumbag."

Xiaobo snorted and turned away, not looking at him.

Then there was a temporary silence in the room. Ishigami, who knew he was in the wrong, did not dare to speak in front of Xiaobo.

As for Xiaobo, it was because he had used so much force just now to leave tooth marks.

The consequence of this is that Xiaobo's gums are now sore due to excessive exertion.

Just like this, the two of them stared at each other.

Xiaobo rubbed his cheek and came to the table, half-opening one eye.

She said to Ishigami

"Stop standing there, sit down."

As if covered with amnesty on the stone, he immediately trotted to Xiaobo's side.

I want to sit on the chair next to Xiaobo

But Xiaobo raised his eyebrows and said in a disgusting tone

"Sit across from me."

After hearing the order, Ishigami immediately sat down opposite Xiaobo happily.


After seeing Shi Shang sit firmly, Xiaobo rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Asked the question she was most concerned about

"Did you and Hayasaka-senpai do it?"

Shi Shang, who had just been frightened by Xiao Bo, showed a relaxed expression.

Not even a second!

I heard the question Xiaobo submitted.

I almost choked on my own saliva

Ishigami thought he heard wrongly

But Xiaobo didn't hear Ishigami's answer. She slammed the table

"Be honest and explain quickly."

This time, the stone was lifted to my mouth.

"Xiao Bo, if you're a girl, you'd better not talk about something you did or didn't do so easily."

He shrank back in fear.

He sighed and explained honestly

"not yet."

Hearing no reply yet,

Xiaobo, who felt that he had managed to win a round, was relieved.

"I can tell at a glance that this playboy hasn't succeeded yet."

But it's really a shame that I can bear it.

The way Hayasaka-senpai dresses in school attracts the attention of more than just the opposite sex.

Hayasaka-senpai is very cool and very popular among girls.

Not only beheaded men, but also women.

There are many people who want to post stickers.

Then Xiaobo asked the second question

"Who am I to you?"

Have you distrusted me to this extent?

Ishigami scratched his head in distress and looked out the window.

"The first one."

"Xiaobo, have you forgotten my performance at that time?"

heard this sentence

This time it was Xiaobo's turn to be embarrassed. She didn't know what she remembered.

The blush on the girl's face is as attractive as the sunset outside the window.


"I'm just asking to be on the safe side."

"Don't talk to me about anything else."

Asking these two questions is enough.

Xiaobo's mood has improved a lot

It’s still my first place!

No one can surpass

But Xiaobo, who looked very cold, stood up and walked to the side of Shishang.

"Aren't you so clever? I've already stood up. You're still sitting down."

Xiaobo kicked him while he was still sitting with his toes.


Ishigami quickly stood up

"Where to go?"

Xiaobo put on the glasses on the table

"Of course I'm going home."

"Where else do you want to go?"

After Ishigami packed up his things, he followed Xiaobo out of the psychological consultation room.

Xiaobo, who had a slightly different look on his face, looked back at Shi Shangdao

"By the way, the final exam is almost here."

"There are a lot of questions I don't understand."

"You can help me make up for my lessons tonight."

Most of the time, she doesn’t need to say

Ishigami understood what this make-up lesson meant.


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