I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 142 Cruel Boxing Techniques

"Kill him! Come on, take care of people."

"I've put all my chips on you! Don't let it slip."

Xiaobo slowly opened her eyes amidst the quite noisy sounds in her ears. She frowned as if she was quite uncomfortable with this environment.

Ishigami noticed the movement on his body, he gently stroked Xiaobo's head and said

"Xiaobo, you're awake."


Xiaobo rubbed his sore eyes, but his head was still dizzy. But the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Ishigami, so she still felt very reassured and comforted.

"here it is?"

Ishigami replied

"We were in the stands. I originally wanted to take you home, but I found a professional doctor nearby and they said you were just mentally exhausted."

"It'll be nice to take a little rest."

Although the medical teams of both sides are prepared separately during the Boxing Competition, there is still a professional medical team at the competition site, which serves the members of the Boxing Association and is used to handle various emergencies and avoid members from various reasons. Cardiac arrest due to excessive excitement.

Considering that Xiaobo was inconvenient, Ishigami exercised his privilege and asked the staff to move a three-seater sofa, which may be the only one available at this boxing competition.

The members of the Boxing Club below were not only standing, but also crowded. Maybe someone might push someone else, and someone would fall off the stands on a rainy day.

With a place to sit, Ishigami placed the small bowl on his lap, gave her a knee pillow, and covered her body with a blanket. Even though it was raining heavily now, it didn't make the girl feel the slightest chill.

Ishigami continued

"Since you're fine, I thought I'd take you to watch a boxing competition once in a while."

"It would be such a waste to go back without watching the game."

“As long as you experience this kind of atmosphere once, you will understand everything.”

"This stage is quite interesting."

Ishigami held the small bowl with his hand and let her lean on him.

"Don't get up yet, lie down for a while."

He smiled and said to Xiaobo

"You see, our location is just right. We can have an unobstructed view of the scenery below the venue."

Xiaobo followed Ishigami's gaze, and the first thing she noticed was that they were located on the third floor, in the center of the unfinished building.

Although the third floor is also in ruins, it is different from the second floor where it is densely packed with people. There was no one else, it was very empty, just her and Xiaoyou.

The competition venue here is also very interesting. It is open-air. The big lights on the towering cranes make it look like daylight below.

And the heavy rain that poured down along the broken glass hit the fault between the third and second floors and turned into small waterfalls that vented straight on the lowest level of the competition venue.

The playing field is not flat. All kinds of reinforced concrete fragments have fallen on the ground, and rainwater has accumulated into small ponds.

The three people standing on the field stood in the middle of the field in the rain. Xiaobo knew the two of them very well.

One is the bad guy who wants to hit the rock, and the other is the blond man standing next to the sissy. As for the bald man wearing striped clothes, he should be the referee.

The referee constantly checked the two men to see if they had weapons.

Although the game has not yet started, the "big guys" in suits and ties on the second floor are very enthusiastic. They raised their arms, and cheers, laughter, and sneers mingled with each other.

The sound that woke up Xiaobo from his sleep was coming from them, she asked

"Xiaoyou, what do they mean by chips before?"

Ishigami was connecting his mobile phone to the screen projection device next to him. Although it looked very clear from above, the various details were definitely not as clear as those captured directly by dozens of high-definition hidden cameras on the venue.


Ishigami looked at several figures appearing on the wall and nodded.

Only then did I begin to answer Xiaobo’s questions.

"You're talking about chips."

"It's exactly what you think it is, gambling."

The members of the Boxing Club are all wealthy people, and it is a daily routine for everyone to sit down and open the market together. In addition, generally no one fights match-fixing. After all, tens of billions and hundreds of billions of dollars of boxing are the norm. Is it too costly to fix matches in this kind of competition?

Therefore, under this "fairness", members of the Boxing Club are very enthusiastic about betting on outcome predictions.

In addition, there are no multiple choices. If you choose one of the two, the probability of winning or losing is 50-50 no matter what.

"Well, they probably think that games with money on the line look more interesting and exciting."

"Anyway, Xiaobo, just think that they have too much money. If you don't waste a little, you'll feel bad."

"Then did you bet?"

Hearing Xiaobo's words, Ishigami felt a little guilty, and he nodded with difficulty.


Xiaobo’s brows furrowed in a beautiful way

"Well, you're big. Don't learn from the good ones."

"You also have too much money, right?"

Ishigami rubbed his cheek against Xiaobo in a flattering manner, but Xiaobo pushed him away with a cold face, implying that you are not allowed to touch me until you explain clearly.

Ishigami sighed

"Nothing, this is just a routine thing for me."

Xiaobo was so angry that he laughed. Just make it up.

This is really not made up, he continued to explain

"There is a fund in our club specifically used for this kind of expenses. We can't do it without spending it."

"Gambling is actually a form of social interaction. My company is a VIP in the boxing club. Attending the boxing competition is not just for viewing. It is one of the tasks to show the strength of the company and protect face."

Besides, this is also a kind of screening

Choose the least likely one,

A different kind of "referring to a deer as a horse"

Follow or not, after throwing out their options, the Ishigami family can tell whether the people below have been thinking carefully recently.

Attitude is the bottom line.

As for whether it's one of our own, you can't tell it once or twice, but you can tell it when the frequency is high.

"So this is considered a necessary expense. If I don't use it, someone else will use it."

"And my dad said today that if the bet is right, tonight's profit will belong to us, and let me buy you some small gifts or something."

After listening to Shi Shang's explanation, Xiao Bo's expression softened a little.

As long as it's not a spontaneous act,

She looks so bad because she understands that it is not easy to have a happy family.

If her original home falls apart, then she will have stricter requirements for the home she wants.

Xiaoyou is so carefree, but Xiaobo can tolerate it.

But if he got into any bad habits, Xiaobo wouldn't be able to accept it at all.

Xiaobo hates anything that will destroy the family.

Gambling is one of those places where money comes too easily. Once you taste the sweetness, you won't be able to extricate yourself. Buried deep in the abyss of lust for money and sinking, seriously destroying families, there are countless gambling dogs who abandon their families and children in Tokyo Bay.

"Then who are you keeping?"

Xiaobo looked at the screen. The two people confronting each other were like two swordsmen whose swords determined life and death. They stared at the fleeting opportunity to attack.

Neither side has any flaws, so they are still in a stalemate.

To be honest, Xiaobo was a little embarrassed for a while. Let her choose, she really can only start from the health status.

Just in terms of body shape

Since the two strong men were shirtless, she could clearly see the unusually strong muscles on their bodies. But the two are similar in height and build.


Ishigami suddenly felt a restless hand groping around his abdomen and then lifted up his clothes.


After watching it for a while, Xiaobo, who was satisfied, put his clothes back on. She wouldn't tell him.

"Look at those two guys' muscles that are prone to coughing."

"As expected, it's better to be Xiaoyou."

Otherwise, the stinky little Yu would have his tail raised to the sky.

Xiaobo, who was very confused just now, understands that if he doesn't think about it, he won't be confused anymore.

She kicked the ball to Ishigami again

"So, Xiaoyou, who did you choose?"

Ishigami pointed at the screen

"Here, he's the guy you slapped the sap on."

The Ten Ghost Snake King's horse on the screen looked very cold without any smile, and next to his feet was a medical bandage that had just been pulled off his head.

Xiaobo looked excited and grabbed Ishigami's collar.

"No? Why did you choose him?"

"The guy looked bruised and bruised. He didn't look good."

After doing this for a long time, I thought you were the God of Wealth.

I didn't expect him to be a money-splitting boy.

Ishigami looked at the anxiety on the girl's face and suddenly felt very funny.

In fact, not only did he choose the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, but he also studded them all.

Playing is all about excitement, All in (stud)

It's funny to say that all the injuries on Ten Ghost Snake King Horse were caused by this young couple.

When Ishigami was grabbed by the collar by Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, he smelled the pungent smell of disinfectant medical alcohol.

"This guy's injury hasn't healed yet."

Ishigami had kicked him against the wall before, but he didn't kill him. So Ishigami was not surprised that he was still alive.

Like Xiaobo, basically everyone present didn't think much of the man with bandages on his wrists and abdomen.

Even before the fight, he was injured.

That punch from Ishigami was like making Ten Ghost Snake King Horse hit by a car alive.

"Three ribs were broken, and there were cracks all over the bones of both arms."

The Ten Ghost Snake King Horse looks very embarrassed, so the odds are naturally very high.

And they know nothing about Ouma. The members of the Boxing Club only know Komada, the original fighting master of the Nogi Group, "Meiou".

When Ten Ghost Snake King Horse first came on the scene, these guys were clamoring

"Who are you?"

"Where's Komata?"

"I want Komada! Where is Komada?"

In addition, Xiaobo gave Ten Ghost Snake King Ma an extra meal.

Knocking gently with a wooden stick woke up his sleeping mind.

It can be said that Xiaobo's attack on Sap increased the odds of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse by two points.

The odds are high, the risk is high, and the profit is high. Stud on Shi Shang, if his father were here, he would probably call him "the prodigal son".

"It's okay, it's okay, I didn't press too much."

"It's almost a fraction of the price of a game console."

Ishigami did not tell Xiaobo the reality of his direct stud, but used the internal jargon of their boxing club to deal with it.

One game console is equivalent to one percent of the circulating stock market value of the entire "Rinten Paradise".

So one point of a game console is equivalent to one percent of the entire "Niten Tendo" shares. According to the current market value of "Niten Tendo" is 90 billion U.S. dollars, converted to the equivalent of 12259350000000 yen (12 trillion), 100% Zero point one is equivalent to 120 billion yen.

Good guy, Ishigami’s money from gambling alone is already 20 billion yen more than the price of this boxing match.

He is truly a foolish son of a landlord.

It wouldn't be cool if Xiaobo knew that he squandered hundreds of billions in every minute.

In order for Xiaobo to watch Quan Yuan with peace of mind, Ishigami should just bear this pressure alone.

"Xiaobo, the game has begun."

Xiaobo just wanted to ask, why are game consoles so expensive? It takes 0.01 of a game console as a counting unit. But when Ishigami said this, she had no choice but to turn her eyes to the screen.

The camera captured a drop of rain falling from the chin of the stupid guy.

"Pa" X2

This was the clear sound made by the two feet stepping heavily on the water-covered ground.

"at the same time?"

Xiaobo's sight only caught the two people bursting out at a speed that was seriously inconsistent with their strong physiques at almost the same time.

"No, that kelp head is faster."

Ishigami explained

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma didn't hold back, and hit Riren's face with a straight punch.


Blood splattered, and the fight lasted only a moment, but there was a deep fist mark on the bridge of Li Ren's nose and face.

However, this seemed to have little impact on Li Ren, he roared angrily

"It hurts, asshole."

Then he also swung a heavy punch, trying to hit Jugui Snake Ouma in the face.

But Ouma reacted quickly and immediately raised his right hand to block.

Rito's heavy force caused Ouma to slide backwards for a distance due to the current.

But this was just the first test, after seeing that this guy didn't dodge. Riren's attacks became even more swift and violent, and he kept punching left and right while grinning.

The high-frequency sound of punching through the air came roaring from my ears. The fast-paced strikes, merciless fists, and indomitable momentum.

These are experiences that Xiaobo has never experienced before.

After Riren threw out a fierce whip, his feet lost their center of gravity for 0.5 seconds because the ground was too slippery.

Naturally, Ouma would not let go of this flaw, and he also used a whip kick that was far more powerful than Rito's.


A heartbreaking and dull sound of physical blows came, and Xiaobo saw Ouma's kick hitting Rito's neck.

You could tell from that expression that the pain was far more profound than before. If it was just a slight bleeding just now, now it's just vomiting blood.

He rolled his eyes and lost consciousness.

Xiaobo thought this was the end, but he didn't expect that Ten Ghost Snake King Horse would not let go.

The man jumped up and slammed his knee into Liren's face, not forgetting to fix his head with his hands.

Riren, who suffered such a severe injury, vomited blood, flew backwards, and finally fell to the ground. Ouma scowled and sat astride him.

The heavy and powerful fist was waved wantonly, hitting the manager's body at a super fast frequency.

The rain was torn apart by the fist wind

"Such a brutal punch"

Xiaobo saw the fallen Rito, struggling to support himself amidst Ouma's violent attack with his hands in front of him.

The bruises on his arms gradually worsened.

Xiaobo turned his head and glanced at Ishigami, who had a normal expression. He seemed to be accustomed to such violent scenes.

She had an indescribable feeling in her heart

"Is this the world you have been facing alone?"

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