I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 145 Shi Shang makes a lot of money

"Next on the morning news, a building in Tokyo suddenly collapsed for unknown reasons last night. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

"It is reported that the building was once owned by the Nishikawa Group. It was stranded for three years due to a break in the capital chain. Recently there is news that the Nogi Group is about to re-undertake the project. This station will continue to follow up on the progress of this matter. Welcome to log in to the White Night News Network."

Ishigami closed the news pop-up window on his mobile phone. At that time, he did not expect that just a "light" punch in his normal form could actually collapse nearly half of the third floor. The quality of this project is not determined by the thickness of the red envelope.

But it is a relief to think that after three years of neglect and neglect, these floors have become dangerous buildings.

Besides, the purpose of this place was to completely destroy and rebuild, so Ishigami was doing the Nogi Group a favor by accelerating the process. A few more punches would not be as reliable as a building demolition machine.

Highly efficient and environmentally friendly

Speaking of which, Ten Demon Snake Ouma fought tooth and nail to defeat Rihito last night. The biggest winner was not his employer, the Nogi Group, but Ishigami, who was currently sitting lazily on a chair and yawning one after another.

Who allowed him to stud the ten ghosts, snake kings and horses when everyone was not optimistic about it.

Their boxing club started raising funds as early as a week before the boxing match, and the deadline was ten minutes before the start of the match.

So when the information of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse was updated on the internal APP of Boxing Wanhui, the newcomer, whom he had never seen before, was suspected of being seriously injured.

Basically no one is optimistic about it

This made the odds of Ten Ghost Snake King Horse reach a terrifying 2.01 at the end of the day. (PS Xiaobo was 1.97 before he knocked on the sap)

This round of prize pool has raised a total of 890 billion yen in funds, which is just shy of 100 billion yen to exceed one trillion yen.

Ishigami contributed 120 billion yen, so Ten Demon Snake King Ma earned him 240 billion yen last night. After deducting the 3% commission on the principal and the wish to be returned to the club headquarters, the actual amount is a little over 100 billion.

Anyway, he made money while lying comfortably on the sofa with Xiaobo without having to fight in person. As a no-cost business, you can make money quite easily.

If Ten Ghost Snake King Ma knew that he had unknowingly made hundreds of billions for the man he most wanted to defeat, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

This money is, no, a considerable amount of pocket money for Ishigami. Although he used his little love to harvest capital in the market every now and then to earn excess returns, he couldn't resist the fact that Ishigami was burning money so quickly.

The cost of security alone has reached hundreds of millions of dollars, not counting the maintenance costs of those delicate instruments. And according to Xiaoai's calculations, these costs are increasing year by year.

Besides, capital is not a fool, it will stick its head out for you to kill every day. The world's famous capital tycoons are eager to devour their blood and flesh, and they follow the network cables to death.

Changing places is not a long-term solution, so one way to make money stably is the summer homework assigned by Ishigami.

"Still poor."

The sigh from the guy behind was heard by Iino sitting in front, and her little ears twitched.


Ishigami was inexplicably confused when he saw a few 10,000 yen bills handed over by Iino.

Iino shook his head

"It's the end of the month now. You don't have to think about it to know that your living expenses are definitely not enough anymore."

"Humph, I lent this to you."

"Save the flowers."

Iino's popularity in school is not very good, and the only close friend he has is Xiaobo. Who would be so talkative to tell her that Ishigami's family conditions have changed dramatically.

The transformation from a "little rich man" to a dominant vassal has been completed.

Moreover, Kobo would not say such a thing to Iino. Iino was only respected by the students of Shuchiin because Ishigami ranked first in grade.

For Mr. Ishigami, who made hundreds of billions in one night, he was already very confused about the concept of ten thousand yen.

He was even more surprised. After all, he didn't expect that he could borrow money from Iino just by talking to himself.

Still offering it proactively.

So Ishigami was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong with Iino now, and then he took the money from her hand.

But it's a bit strange to say that the Ishigami family is supposed to be prosperous. Why did Ishigami's mother give Yu Ishigami a monthly allowance of 50,000 yen before?

Ishigami didn't dare to ask his mother this question, since he would make money himself anyway. For him, the 50,000 yen is more like commemorating the poor days when only careful budgeting could afford the latest games.

Seeing Ishigami honestly taking the "relief money" from his hand, Iino snorted and looked very proud. At the same time, her slightly plain face also added a lot of smiles.

As everyone knows, Ishigami didn't want to waste Iino's thoughts.

Iino turned his head and continued talking to Xiaobo.

Xiaobo came to school as usual today. Ishigami did not return to his hometown after escaping from the abandoned construction site with her last night. It's okay to have a meal together, but it would be a bit awkward if it involves spending the night. Sleeping in the guest room is a bit pretentious, but sleeping in a room on the stone in an upright manner, Xiaobo still has a good face.

In this case, it would be better to just go back to the original house in Shishang.

“Out of sight, out of sight.”

It’s best if no one is embarrassed.

As for Ishigami's brother's car, Yuuki can just take it and drive it away when he has time.

But Ishigami didn't bother much in order to prevent Xiaobo from being suspected by his classmates.

Xiaobo was seen by Keiko Ishigami that day.

Really, I'll beat you when I see you.

So just in case, Ishigami made Xiaobo look a little rosy, but there was nothing wrong with him.

But I did take precautions. Iino, who had no idea what kind of mentality he had, looked at Xiaobo's appearance carefully for a long time.

But what could Xiao Zayu see with his eyesight? He could only tell that Xiao Bo looked very good.

Iino sighed deeply, but remained by her side as usual, "nothing happened", complaining to Xiaobo about his troubles of not meeting the standards. (Thanks to Iino's increasingly humane execution, fewer people were caught.)

Although Iino witnessed his two good friends hanging out together and being intimate in private. She still doesn't understand whether the sourness in her heart at that time was for Xiaobo, or whether it was the answer that Iino still refused to face.

Only I know what Ii Yumi, who has been avoiding his emotional problems until now, is thinking.

Anyway, she looks like a child who has packed up her grievances and buried them all in her heart, catering to adults and pretending that nothing happened.

After all, she made the most cowardly decision.

Whatever is bitter, chew it up and eat it yourself.

Only children who cry can get sweets. If Iino faces herself seriously, I believe that neither Ishigami nor Kobo will hide their relationship from her.

That sentence "Xiao Mizi, you came at the right time." may become a reality.

But at present, Iino, who has just started to change himself, is still quite immature. Lack of opportunities (beating)

Ishigami listened to the laughter of girls from time to time, and rarely took out a book.

"You guys laugh, I'm starting to roll."

"It's the end of the semester. If I don't take the first place, who will take the first place?"

Iino, who was still holding Xiaobo's arm, heard Ishigami's words. She smiled and her face froze.

"Iino, what are you doing?"

Iino gritted his teeth and tried to snatch the textbook from Ishigami's hand.

"No, you can't learn."

"This time I am the first in the grade."

Ishigami was very happy when he heard it. You, Iino, were so brave that you dared to snatch my book.

It's different when you become a creditor, your tone of voice becomes tougher. So full of confidence, Iino would not only listen carefully to lectures during the day at Shuchiin but also battle wits with these "bad students", and then study hard at night.

Just to seize the top spot in the grade

Ishigami unexpectedly let go of the book, and Iino, who was holding the book with both hands, fell backward due to the inertia and sat directly on Kobo's lap.

Xiaobo, who had an extra person on his leg for no reason, shook his head helplessly.

When she told Iino to lend money to Ishigami, she really wanted to speak.

"Xiao Mizi, you don't know how this guy keeps talking about "one hundred million" now. We children from poor families should not pretend to be wealthy in front of him."

Xiaobo felt really helpless in his heart

As a good sister who can share even her own man, she really feels so useless to her best friend.

There are all kinds of opportunities in front of you, it's like being blind. On the contrary, he was quite interested in the various victories and defeats with Xiaoyou.

"It's been so long, and Xiao Mizi still hasn't realized that you can't beat him."

"You lose, you lose, sooner or later it will cost you all!"

"Or maybe Xiaoyou finds out that you are too stupid and dislikes you directly. It will be up to you what you do then."

No, Ishigami is digging a hole for the innocent Iino again.

"Iino, I dare to promise not to read any information before the exam."

Ishigami smiled, as if he was provoking

"And even so, I still got a higher grade than you."

"Do you believe it? Iino."

Ishigami's provocative behavior towards Iino was successful every time.

This time is no exception

Iino looked up at Ishigami with a smile on his face, an unknown fire burning in his heart.

She slapped Xiaobo's thigh suddenly


A small handprint appeared on Xiaobo's fair skin.

Iino, who didn't notice at all that the anger on his good sister's face was starting to accumulate, was furiously outputting

"It's just a stone, don't be too arrogant!"

After all, Iino has always been number one in her grade from elementary school to junior high school.

It was only in high school that he was inexplicably surpassed by the former top performer and became the second child in ten thousand years.

It's very easy for Iino to just say a few words like this.

"If you don't read, don't read."

"Learning this kind of thing depends on daily accumulation. Only those who do not study solidly will rush before the exam."

Iino put his hands on his shoulders and pointed at his head with an air of dignity.

"In other words, only the weak can improvise. We strong people can rely on this."

Kobo, who had his head down and couldn't see his expression clearly, used one hand to hook his bent arm around his neck to complete the action of controlling Iino's body.

"Hey, such a smart little boy."

"Can you tell me if sitting on me has anything to do with your studies?"

"How dare you hit me on the thigh? It hurts!"

Iino's expression gradually turned frightened

"Xiaobo, Xiaobo"

"I was wrong, I'm really sorry."

"don't want."

"Ah, Ishigami, come and save me."

"No, how can I save Iino?"

Between "current girlfriend" and "future girlfriend" Ishigami chose his current girlfriend, after all, she was familiar with them.

He looked at Iino sitting on Kobo's lap, while the sides of her head were constantly rubbing her temples like an electric drill. Iino spread her hands helplessly.

"Just ask for your blessings."


"When the time comes, Xiaobo will naturally let go of you."

Ishigami looked at the two people fighting with the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."

Ishigami lightly knocked on the head of a certain pink-haired creature next to him, and this guy became very noisy.

They had just finished tutoring in the library and were about to go to the student union room.

"Senior Chika..."

"Just walk properly and don't make any weird noises."

Fujiwara Chika touched the place where she was hit just now, and said in a bad and angry tone


“It’s not something you can tell at a glance.”

"This is the anime I watched recently in the board game department. In it, a very cute little girl uses modalities."

"It's not a strange sound!"

Fujiwara Chika recently became obsessed with an anime because the little girl had the same hair color as her.

They are all pretty pink!

The whole person imitated it consciously.

Ishigami looked at Qianhua-senpai, who had a serious look on his face, and he could actually read the look of contempt on that guy's expression.

"You don't even know this?"

This time, instead of lightly clasping it with his own fingers, Ishigami used Shuchiin's second grade Chinese textbook in his hand to hit Chika-senpai on the head.

"It hurts."

But looking at Fujiwara Chika's tearful look, the "hard-hearted" Ishigami didn't feel any unbearable.

"Senior Qianhua, do you know how many days are left until the final exam? Ah!"

"You really don't feel nervous at all."

"I'm really convinced by you. Two out of five Chinese language questions I just asked you don't know."

"Senior Qianhua, you are the only one who knows how to watch anime after studying like this."

Fujiwara Chika, who was criticized a lot by Luo Li, liked her being a bit naughty from time to time. Naturally, he will not stay where he is and be educated by the stone.

"Hey, run away quickly, Qianhua."

"Otherwise, the nagging ghost Yu-kun will eat you."

Seemingly refusing to listen, the bastard Chika Fujiwara chanted sutras and covered her ears with both hands, clarifying her purpose again.

The first target is the student union room!

The second goal is to get rid of Yujun!

Fujiwara Chika, who had decided on two goals for the time being, took action immediately. Like a wild horse running wild, it rushed out.

Looking at the figure running further and further away, many crosses appeared one after another on Shi Shang's forehead.

"This guy!"

Also started running

Chika Fujiwara smiled

"Hey, you can't catch me."

When Ishigami chased Fujiwara Chika to the student council room, he was about to punish him for his innocence.

"Wait a minute, there's something going on inside."

Fujiwara Chika's serious look successfully frightened Ishigami.

"I'll spare you for now."

Ishigami glared at Chika Fujiwara, and then he saw through the ajar door

It can be vaguely seen that a white-haired man is sitting on the same sofa as Shinomiya-senpai.

Looking at that figure

Ishigami recognized it

"this is not"

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