I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 187 What she is holding in her hand should be a rose

"Ms. Ganlin."

It's not that Ishigami is of poor quality, it's just that these dogs are not human beings.

It really almost scared him to death.

The Shinomiya family members have been worried and unable to sleep these days, and Ishigami is not getting any better out of worry about Hayasaka Ai. Recently, instead of going back to live in my own cabin, I go directly to my own small base after returning home from school.

The base is more convenient. It has complete equipment and personnel and can do many things that cannot be done at home.

If something unexpected happens, you can respond quickly.

Ishigami woke up after hearing the huge explosion. At that time, the time on the alarm clock showed about one o'clock in the morning.

Ishigami realized something was wrong.

Then the spy satellite belonging to HCLI was immediately mobilized to remotely measure the location of the explosion. (When an explosion occurs, communication will be interrupted and the signal will be blocked. Even the artificial intelligence Ishigami installed on Xiaoai’s mobile phone is of no use, and the data cannot be transmitted.)

Sometimes ignorance is a kind of happiness. The more you know, the stronger the feeling of powerlessness against reality.

When President Shirogane didn't know anything about it, Ishigami had already seen it with his own eyes based on the satellite remote sensing pictures displayed on the screen.

The place that originally belonged to Senior Sister Shinomiya's house has turned into a sea of ​​fire, with nothing left.

That blazing flame


As if mocking Ishigami’s incompetence

"Xiao Ai, where is she?"

"Sure enough... the Shinomiya family are all a bunch of trash, they shouldn't be."

Seeing this scene, Ishigami instantly felt a pain of angina in his heart.

Angry? Painful? Sad?

He no longer knows.

The blood boils and the whole body trembles.

The moment Ishigami collapsed on the ground and closed his eyes, everything about the girl in his mind was gradually changing from conspicuous colors to gray, the time the two of them spent together.

"We didn't make an appointment"

Her clumsiness, her cuteness, her ever-changing looks, her naivety.

"I will let you live a less tiring life without having to wear that heavy mask."

"Live freely..."

"but why?"

Everything, everything.

Buried in fire...

"Little Love."

The stone where a hole had been opened in his heart was already covered with bloodshot eyes when he opened his eyes again.

"No, I don't admit it!"

He said through gritted teeth

"This world without...!"

The ruins surrounded by flames on the screen are the cruel reality

But Ishigami doesn't accept it, doesn't accept reality.

The ending has not yet been decided.

Ishigami took a deep breath to suppress his inner thoughts, wanting to punch the screen and vent his anger.

Now was not the time for Incompetent to be furious, he had to calm down.

He stood up and returned to the computer. Every time his fingers pressed on the keyboard, he was struggling. His mood had never been so heavy.

Because Ishigami thought of forcing the Shinomiya family's intranet to be hosted, he had invaded the Shinomiya family's network and knew that the data storage of Shinomiya-senpai's family used double insurance technology.

What Ishigami wants to check is the surveillance footage inside the Shinomiya Villa at the time of the incident.

That is, a data service with dual offline and online hosting. The physical data storage of the Fourth Palace Villa has become ruins and must have been damaged, but the online cloud storage server is still synchronized in real time.

It will be updated to the cloud storage belonging to the Shinomiya Honke, and the data there are connected (at that time, the Shinomiya Honkee had not been wiped off the map by Shinomiya Yanan's order.)

So what Ishigami is doing now is the same as when Hayasaka Ai was in school and could still see the surveillance at Shinomiya Villa's house on her mobile phone.

"found it"

Without hesitation, Ishigami tapped the screen and opened the folder storing the surveillance data of the Fourth Palace Villa.

What he mainly checked was the staircase surveillance of the safety exit on the floor where Shinomiya-senpai lives. There was no surveillance in the corridor (out of privacy protection for Shinomiya Kaguya).

Naturally, the huge Shinomiya Villa cannot have only one safety exit. There are four on the floor where Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya live.

Click on all four videos

Ishigami dragged the progress bar to skip monitoring during the day. The incident happened around one o'clock in the morning, which means that the position was adjusted to about twelve o'clock.


He held the mouse and started to fast forward with anxiety. Four videos were played at the same time. Since it was late at night, the lights were not turned on.

Everything is pitch black


The mood was quite torturous as he stared at the screen with his eyes fixed on the screen, expecting the person he longed for to appear on the monitor.

But all four screens were black, and the time of the incident was getting closer and closer.

Shi Shang's heart sank

However, suddenly a bright light suddenly appeared in a video, and then several familiar figures appeared.

It's Xiao Ai, and Senior Sister Shinomiya!

The two of them seemed to have a premonition of the approaching danger and were quickly going downstairs.

Now that he saw the picture he wanted, Ishigami's anxious mood breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's great"

"But, Shinomiya-senpai, run away!"

Ishigami wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes while cheering.

"Run away, we're running out of time."

There is nothing more touching than a lost love.

Based on their positions, Ishigami kept turning the camera position, and finally saw Ai Hayasaka and Kaguya Shinomiya arriving at the safety of the underground air raid shelter.

Then it didn’t take long for the camera at the entrance of the air raid shelter to be destroyed and turned into gibberish.

The relieved Ishigami immediately cursed

"Made, damn the insect organization."

Really damn

These bitches can mess with people's mentality.

The photos taken from the satellite remote sensing images looked like Senior Sister Shinomiya and the bodyguard group were wiped out together.

Fortunately, Ishigami thought of the blind spot and confirmed it again.

Otherwise, I would really be heartbroken.

Now that he had regained his usual composure, he could consider his strategy.

Let’s sort out the current information first

Although from this time on, all information about Xiao Ai has been interrupted.

But Ishigami at least knew about Shinomiya-senpai and her, and had escaped the initial terrorist attack.

They are still alive.

That's enough

As for the number of enemies, the weapons they use, and other information, it doesn't matter.

The enemy has already drawn his sword

There is no reason for Shi Shang not to fight back.

It’s decided, kill all the enemies!

"Ellie, bring up the floor plan of the entire port area."

"Accurate to the buildings and every street!"

Those who grant death to others will inevitably be judged by those who are stronger.

This is an eternal truth.

When facing fierce shooting from enemy submachine guns in urban warfare, remember that courage, speed and accuracy are the most powerful weapons in your hands.

Outside the alley, dazzling gunfire formed a curtain that continuously cut the darkness into countless parts. The bullets penetrated the cement wall, creating craters and bullet holes.

Hayasaka Ai, who looked as cold as ice, held her breath, counted down in her heart, and jumped towards the alley on the left.

In the short time between taking off and landing, she was holding a gun in both hands and nimbly rolled in the air to avoid the bullets pouring from the opposite side.

"Boom, bounce, bounce"

Then her finger kept pulling the trigger, and her wrist kept tilting according to the frequency of the bullets.

Two dark gun barrels fired ten bullets in succession, directly killing the enemy.

Amidst the screams accompanying the enemy soldiers being shot, Hayasaka Ai landed on her shoulders first as a buffer, then rolled over and successfully reached the alley on the opposite side.

And the golden bullet shells in those pistols fell to the ground one after another during her leap just now.

The whole movement is quite smooth and handsome, done in one go.

When the piercing gunshots stopped, Shinomiya Kaguya, who was curled up on the ground and covering her ears with her hands, stood up timidly.

She carefully glanced at Ai Hayasaka who was standing in the alley opposite her. There were bullet casings scattered around and the horrifying corpses lying in a pool of blood opposite her.

It's hard for Shinomiya Kaguya to imagine that this is the person she grew up with. Is she really Hayasaka?

Ai Hayasaka, wearing a Shuchi Academy uniform with a side ponytail, looked particularly capable even if there was a little dust on her body.

Moreover, due to the high secretion of adrenaline from the risky behavior just now and the short strenuous exercise, her little face was flushed and she was still breathing heavily.

The heroic Hayasaka Ai held a golden cross in his mouth and held two black pistols in his hands. The muzzle of the gun was still steaming slightly, like a murderous battlefield Valkyrie.

But that face was so familiar.

Just when Shinomiya Kaguya mustered up the courage not to look at the corpses in the opposite aisle, she was holding Hayasaka Ai's small handbag in her hands and preparing to run to Hayasaka's side.

But Shinomiya Kaguya, who was trotting over soon, froze and stopped immediately.

Don't dare to act rashly

Because she saw Hayasaka, whose eyes were as sharp as knives, actually raised a pistol in his hand and pointed the gun at herself.

Instead of looking at Hayasaka or turning around and running away, Shinomiya Kaguya chose to close her eyes.

Even though the muzzle of his gun was pointed at Miss Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai still pulled the trigger in his hand without hesitation.

Only the sound of "bump." was heard. In the alley that had been plunged into dead silence just now, gunfire rang out again.

The fire that flashed from the muzzle of Hayasaka Ai's gun illuminated Shinomiya Kaguya's pale face, and she was obviously very scared with her eyes closed.

But Hayasaka Ai's bullet showed no mercy and kept heading straight towards her.

Until the bullet passed through Shinomiya Kaguya's long shawl hair and grazed some hair, it flew straight behind her.

In the darkness behind Shinomiya Kaguya, there was only a "muffled sound", and then there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground and metal products falling to the ground.

"It's safe, Miss Kaguya."

Hayasaka Ai just shot Shinomiya Kaguya because she saw an enemy suddenly popping up in the darkness, picking up a submachine gun and ready to fire at Miss Kaguya.

The situation was so urgent that there was no time to alert Miss Kaguya, so she had to shoot and kill her first.

Hayasaka Ai said in an apologetic tone

"I'm sorry for scaring you just now, Miss Kaguya."

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head quickly to express that she didn't mind. Out of trust in Hayasaka, even though he knew that she would not point the gun at him for no reason.

But when she was actually targeted by such a murderous weapon, Shinomiya Kaguya's heart still couldn't help but skip a beat.

"Wait a minute, Hayasaka is injured."

Shinomiya Kaguya, who has keen observation, noticed under the dim moonlight that there was a tear in the clothes of Hayasaka Ai's right arm, and there was a blood stain on the wound.

Fortunately it's not very deep.

But he was still bleeding. It should be that Hayasaka Ai was accidentally scratched by a stray bullet when he was dodging bullets in the air just now.

This is reality, not a movie. Hayasaka Ai may be able to do the perfect evasion of bullets without injury in the future, but it is not something that she can do now, who is half-assed.

It can be said that this girl is really brave, she is fighting with her life on the line.

Bullets don't have eyes

Once a person's vitals are hit, such as the head and heart, even gods cannot save him. Anyway, I got through this difficulty and survived.

Hayasaka Ai had to fight in person to protect Shinomiya Kaguya, which shows that the situation on their side has reached a very dangerous point.

Originally, Hayasaka and the four of them had no encounters along the way, and it was enough for "Mr. Heron" to take action, but now there were too many enemies.

For some reason, the enemies I encountered now seemed like they were crazy. There are so many thieves coming up like a tide, they are not afraid of death.

He bites them and won't let go, as if he has some deep grudge. Before, he just wanted to take Shinomiya Kaguya as a bounty, but now the good guy has become a mortal enemy.

What they don’t know about Hayasaka Ai is

Shinomiya Kaguya's father, Shinomiya Anan, actually frantically used an anti-ship missile that could destroy an aircraft carrier with a single anti-ship missile to attack the insect organization that had initially occupied Shinomiya's family.

As the "big brother on the list", Yan'an was so proud that he fired sixteen rockets like this at once.

You must know that in order to successfully take down the Shinomiya clan's insect organization, the elites of all Asian branches were invested.

There are also low-level soldiers in Tokyo who like to fish and are "three brothers" who join the war.

On the battlefield in Kyoto, the combatants were basically medium-level soldiers. The quality of individual soldiers is different. It can be a combat team composed of three people, and the leader must be a superior soldier.

But as long as they are carbon-based organisms, they cannot escape the devastating blow of thermal weapons.

The insect organization on Shinomiya's battlefield was unable to fight back under such a level of firepower, and suffered heavy casualties.

They really turned into dead ghosts like those old ghosts in the Shinomiya family.

The soldiers at the center of the explosion were vaporized, and the sub-center of the explosion was carbonized. They were lucky to have their arms and legs severed by the aftermath.

Compared with the self-destructing trucks that the Insect Organization gave to the Shinomiya family and the return gifts from Shinomiya Anan, the difference between the fireworks set off at home and the "Katyusha" was the same.

Thinking of easily taking down the leader of the insect organization "Xia Yan" of the Shinomiya clan, after the white light flashed sixteen times in front of his eyes, the dragon turned over under his feet.

Only then did he realize who the real clown was.

"Being put on a pedestal"

Xia Yan, who suffered such a heavy loss for the first time, fainted due to the surge of energy and blood.

I only called one person's name before I fell into coma.

That is Shinomiya Kaguya, who is studying alone in Tokyo and is technically a member of the Shinomiya clan.

As the battlefield commander of the Shinomiya Villa, Kimblee immediately received an order from the cadres directly affiliated with the leader of the insect organization to capture Kaguya Shinomiya!

So Shinomiya Kaguya and the others were actually tricked by her father's nominal "own people".

Even "Hayato" and "Mr. Heron" had to take the initiative as bait to lure away the large army, but the remaining small fish and shrimps needed Hayasaka Ai to deal with.

Hayasaka Ai used a Px4 Storm pistol made by the famous Beretta company. It was made of polymer fiber and weighed less than 1.5 kilograms. These items were all found in the air raid shelter of the Shinomiya villa.

Before coming out, Hayasaka Ai took a bag of bullets, so there was no need to worry about running out of bullets.

Hayasaka Ai, who had delayed the pain under the influence of adrenaline, only discovered that she was injured after Shinomiya Kaguya reminded her. Soon she unconsciously frowned because of the pain.

"Sorry to trouble you, Miss Kaguya."

Hayasaka Ai, who was being bandaged by Shinomiya Kaguya, leaned against the wall. She first picked up the cross in front of her with her left hand and kissed it lightly, then carefully put it into her collar again.

Seems very precious

"No trouble, Hayasaka, you were injured because you were protecting me. I'm the one who should say I'm sorry."

Shinomiya Kaguya tore off the medical gauze with her teeth, bandaged the wound on Hayasaka's arm and tied it with a small bow.

Hayasaka Ai whispered thank you, she sighed and asked

"Miss Kaguya, are you afraid of me?"

Tonight, it was the first time Hayasaka Ai shot to kill someone. Her hands were stained with blood and she felt so guilty that she easily took away her life.

"Why do you say that?"

Shinomiya Kaguya knew that Hayasaka was actually a very slender and weak girl on the inside, and her strong appearance was just a protective color.

He's a crybaby inside.

The thing she was holding tightly should be a rose, not this murderous tool.

But in order to protect her, Hayasaka could only take up arms to resist.

"What a dull world."

Shinomiya Kaguya is powerless but unable to change. She was already very sorry to have put "Mr. Sagi" and "Hayato" in danger because of herself, but now even "Haasaka" has to fight for her.

she said firmly

"It doesn't matter, Hayasaka will always be Hayasaka to me."

"Miss Kaguya"

In order to stop Hayasaka from thinking too much, Shinomiya Kaguya chose to change the topic.

"Haasaka, I remember you are an atheist."

She pointed to the golden cross in front of Hayasaka. When Hayasaka was shooting just now, he had been holding this cross in his mouth.

Shinomiya Kaguya knew that Hayasaka had a trace of Nordic blood in her blood. But he is a staunch atheist, and he will not show up with such jewelry that has certain brown religious connotations for no reason.

"Oh, Miss Kaguya, this is what you are talking about."

Hayasaka Ai had not yet reacted when she heard the atheist. After thinking for a while, I realized what Miss Kaguya was talking about.

"I carry this in my mouth purely because it improves accuracy when shooting."

"Is that the reason?"

Shinomiya Kaguya still doesn't believe it, and it's not for some weird reason. But when he saw Hayasaka, he looked determined and said nothing more.

But the truth about Hayasaka Ai is not this.

It's a bit hard to explain

The reason why her accuracy has improved is because holding this thing in her mouth can make Hayasaka Ai feel that someone is next to her.

The way he held himself to correct his shooting posture had been integrated into her muscle memory.

Once the hand stops shaking, the gun will naturally be accurate.

This is quite simple.

Brother-kun is Hayasaka Ai’s spiritual sustenance in such a difficult situation.


Hayasaka Ai, who was still chatting with Miss Kaguya, immediately drew her gun and took aim when she heard the second footsteps.

That "who" just reminded Miss Kaguya to leave her alone and run away if something went wrong.

"It's us."

His voice sounded a little weak, and he didn't have much strength.

The two people who walked out of the darkness were Mr. Heron and Hayato who had just served as bait to separate most of the insect organization's soldiers.

The condition of these two people does not look optimistic, especially Mr. Lu's body. There is a long and terrifying knife mark that is so deep that the bone is visible. I don't know what method he used to make the wound no longer bleed, but it still looks quite scary.

But even though he was so seriously injured, he helped "Hayato" back.

This handsome blond guy was far less energetic than he was at the beginning. His face was quite pale, as if he had lost a lot of blood.

"Compared to this, your injuries are very serious and need to be bandaged quickly!"

Shinomiya Kaguya said anxiously

Mr. "Heron", who was breathing weakly, waved his hand, indicating that it didn't matter.

"Compared to this, our next actions must change."

The enemy was far more terrifying than he imagined. The person who left this terrifying knife mark on his body was a white-haired woman in a suit who used a long knife. Such a sharp sword "Heron" is only available in "Sword-biting Tiger" I’ve seen it in the Tian group of the last three groups.

"This is not possible in team mode. It is for your safety, Miss Kaguya."

"We can only act separately."

His words made Shinomiya Kaguya dumbfounded.

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