I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 23 Fireworks soothe people’s hearts

Egg fried rice

Perhaps because it’s so simple and convenient to stir-fry just by mixing eggs and eggs, it’s as popular as pasta among men’s dishes!

But even if it is simple, the production method is still the same.

Stir-fried egg fried rice!

Yu Ishigami's unique method of making fried rice, according to him, is the most ideal way to make fried rice in a small family stove.

Add a small amount of oil to the cooled dry rice and stir evenly so that the fried rice has clear grains.

Then mix it with the stirred eggs and fry together, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and a bowl of evenly colored egg fried rice is completed.

But it’s easy to say, but difficult to do well. The simpler the dish, the more it tests the skill of the chef. The control of the heat, the frequency of stir-frying, the extent of tossing the pot, and the amount of condiments are all indispensable.

And Ishigami, who has "Cooking Proficiency" LV.10, can be like a precise instrument, and all his movements are designed. Add the ingredients to the most appropriate heat and stir-fry every time so that all the rice and eggs are heated evenly.

Although this is not the first time to watch Xiaoyou cook, Xiaobo feels that this is an art between fire and people, and a visual enjoyment.

Xiaobo turned her head, wanting to remind Xiaoyazi who was lying on her shoulder that Ishigami was making delicious food.

But he found that Xiao Mizi, who was still lying down just now, was already close to Xiao Yu.

From Xiaobo's side, these two people stand together, one tall and one short, and they look quite harmonious from the back.

After smelling the aroma, Iino put his hands on the table, stood up on tiptoes, and swayed his little head to see what was in the pot.

"Ishigami, what are you making delicious food?"

"Egg fried rice, and Iino, please step back a little, be careful of oil splashing on you."

Ishigami pulled the ignorant Iino back a little with one hand. The oil splashed on my body, which was quite painful.

He is now increasing the firepower, using the firepower to firmly lock the seasonings in the egg liquid. It is necessary to keep the eggs smooth and tender, but also to let the flavor be integrated into them.

It sounds incredible, because increasing the firepower will only make the eggs age faster. But the cook was Yu Ishigami. When he was weighing the pot, he used the technique of leveraging force. The spiral force acting on the pot caused the egg liquid inside to continuously tumble and heat evenly.

In short, it is equivalent to giving a Thai massage to the eggs inside. The eggs made in this way are tender and smooth, and the moisture is firmly locked in.

Ishigami saw from the corner of his eye that Iino's eyes were shining as he waited on the side.

Indeed, just by smelling the alluring egg fragrance, Iino couldn't stand it. I had a big bowl of noodles for breakfast, and my stomach was empty. What should I do? I'm so hungry.

She had swallowed a large mouthful of saliva, but she still couldn't stop her mouth, and she had to wipe it from time to time.

The reason for such a fragrant aroma is that the oil used on the stone is different from the cauliflower oil and olive oil they are used to. He uses peanut oil, which is naturally fragrant because it is pressed from peanuts. When the oil is warm and combined with the egg fragrance, it is even more fragrant.

She looked at Iino with dumbfounded eyes. She looked as if the dish would fly away if she didn't stare at it.

He rubbed Iino's little head

"I won't eat it all secretly without telling you, don't worry. Go sit over there and wait for me. It will be fine soon."

At this moment, Iino only had the purest thought of "eating" in his mind, so Iino didn't even react to Ishigami's intimate gestures. Instead, because she got the guarantee, she went back happily.

When Iino returned to her seat, her mood was like a blooming flower, her little feet swaying along with her body.

Xiaobo looked at Iino, who was smiling happily like a kindergarten child waiting for his meal, and shook his head helplessly, you must be too greedy.

Ishigami added the last thing to the dish, stir-fried it for the final time, and put the rice on a black plate. This plate of Ishigami's special egg fried rice was completed.

Since it was for three people to eat, especially Iino, who was hiding the attribute of a big eater, Ishigami specially cooked a little more.

At first, it was mainly to taste the taste. He divided it into three portions, each plate was almost half a bowl of rice.

He wiped his hands and said to the two girls waiting over there.

"I'm ready. Come and eat. Remember to wash your hands first. Huh?"

Before he could finish his words, a claw was stretched out.

"it hurts"

Iino covered her little hand, which had just been patted by Ishigami.

"Wash your hands, Iino."

Finally, Ishigami grabbed Iino and forced her to wash her hands before handing her the rice plate.

The three of them were holding rice trays and said in unison.

"I'm starting." X3

The egg fried rice in Xiaobo's hand looks very appetizing. The golden eggs, paired with white rice with a hint of red in it, and garnished with green onions, are very pleasing to the eye.

Each grain of rice has obvious grains and is arranged neatly. When you breathe gently, a strong fragrance will hit your nostrils. Even if she wasn't very hungry right now, she wouldn't move her fingers.

Pick up a spoonful in a small bowl and put it in your mouth

“em, it smells so happy”

The eggs are as fluffy as marshmallows and melt in your mouth, leaving you craving for more. And not only that, the eggs are mixed with salty soy sauce, which stimulates the taste buds. The bomb of umami caused shock waves that raged throughout the body.

As you chew slowly, the layers of flavor become more apparent. She felt like she was unpacking blind boxes. Each blind box brought a different taste, but the balance was perfectly maintained.

Xiaobo picked up the spoon, deliberately dug out a piece of reddish-brown granule, put it gently into his mouth, and savored it carefully.

Sour with a hint of sweetness.

This taste is sour plum. The sourness and sweetness of sour plums neutralize the greasiness, making people feel very refreshing, which is the motivation to eat bite after bite without stress and with a smile.

Fireworks help people's hearts, and this bowl of rice actually allows Xiaobo to taste all the flavors of life. Living hard is very sour, but the sweetness is worth it.

Iino handed his empty plate to Ishigami and looked at Xiaobo with a little confusion, why was she crying and laughing at one time.

"I don't understand much, but please give me another bowl."


That's it, the three of them finished the bowl of egg fried rice.

In summary, Iino ate two-thirds by himself, and Ishigami ate three-quarters of the remaining one-third. So the question is, how much Xiaobo ate.


It's time for the oven to arrive, and the chiffon cake made before is out of the oven.

As soon as he heard this voice, Iino, who had just eaten, couldn't help it anymore. After all, this was made by himself, so he had to eat more!

Ishigami and Kobo watched Iino excitedly put on heat-resistant gloves, and couldn't help but smile at each other helplessly.

"Iino/Xiaoyiko, you can still eat it!"

I wrote that I was hungry. If I don’t mention it, I had everything in my dream. The northwest wind is so delicious.

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