I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 248 Finally found you, Darling

"Are there three more Wus?"

Ishigami Yu noticed that Wu Garuluo was followed by two members of the Wu clan, both men, who should be the girl's bodyguards.

As for why he and Kuroki Genzai changed places to drink when he was surrounded.

This group of melon-eating people who were watching this group must not come up with the rumors that the "tauren warrior" fled without a fight in the face of the Wu clan.

So Yu Ishigami didn't go anywhere, he just watched the Wu clan here.

Is she the daughter of Teacher Wu Yaksha?

The purple-haired beauty in kimono saw Ishigami Yu defeat Setsuna Kiryu, and the person she wanted to win over was also Garuda.

But she didn't know that her daughter had already had a relatively intense "in-depth communication" with Ishigami Yu.

Ishigami Yu was also very surprised. Logically speaking, according to Wu Jialuo's character, he should be stalking him, but why he disappeared after we said goodbye last time.

"Ah, but you shouldn't recognize me."

Ishigami Yu tried his best to put on a fierce look, hoping to make the girl who looked at him curiously retreat.

But he was beating a drum in his heart

"how come."

"Senior Qianhua, who I have been with day and night at school, didn't recognize me, and this one who only has a "fate" with me probably won't recognize me either."

Exposing one's identity and causing people to settle accounts is not the first problem. Ishigami Yu is confident that he can deal with all invading enemies.

Mainly because the beauty's kindness is unbearable

Why flirt if you don’t marry?

Yu Ishigami is not a scumbag or a cunning person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful girl.

There is absolutely no need to provoke such peach blossoms. Accepting them means that you have to bear corresponding responsibilities.

Once you identify him, you will never let him go, and you will never evade your responsibilities as a man.

Although it is too shameless for a playboy with many girlfriends to say this, but who says that a philanthropic person is not affectionate? He just likes a little more people.

There is a saying that goes well

I wanted to live in my brother's heart, but I didn't expect that my brother's heart was actually a building.

I am just one of the tenants

More than one building

It's hard to talk about emotional matters, it depends on how you feel.

Wugarura's appearance is definitely among the outstanding girls. As the eldest lady of the Wu clan, her financial resources and various standards are first-rate, no less than most of the eldest ladies of Shuchiyuan.

Maybe it’s not a loss either

But all this is based on the fact that Garuda recognizes him. If he doesn't recognize him, it's naturally best to treat him as a stranger.

It’s better to say that it’s weird to be able to distinguish it with the naked eye. Yuyu Ishigami said this himself, but he was quite confident. It was completely impossible to recognize him. After all, in his normal appearance, he was not the same as the current "Tauren Warrior" Compared to the way his muscles exploded under his appearance, it was like the difference between Kaido's mace and a dry branch. There is no comparison at all, and they are not of the same dimension.

This is also the reason why Ishigami Yu dares to reveal his true appearance so calmly. Ordinary people would not connect the two.

As for genetic testing, it is another matter.

But even though Yu Ishigami continued to work hard to improve his confidence, facing Gogaruro's probing eyes, this confidence became increasingly insufficient.

"Um, probably."

Unexpectedly, after carefully looking at the cold and extremely ferocious face of the "tauren warrior", Wu Jialuluo's eyes lit up.

It's a handsome guy!

Seeing the girl's embarrassed look, Ishigami Yu silently made a sound in his mind.

That's weird

he knows very well

This family is all weird, and handsome boys are worthless in their eyes. Only the strong can make the girls of the Wu clan take the initiative.

So he started to panic

Seeing the blush on the girl's face, the tenderness of a daughter, doesn't Yu Ishigami understand?

Oops, Nima actually recognized me.

No, calm down, Ishigami Yu.

Maybe the appearance of the "Tauren Warrior" is accidentally in the Wu family's strike zone, which is more in line with their aesthetics.

What people like is the skin of the "Tauren Warrior", not the inside of Yu Ishigami.

The joy on his face was indescribable. Wu Jialuluo opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw the slightly angry grandfather beside him, he immediately chose to close it.

Grandpa seemed a little angry, so he decided not to irritate him anymore.

Then she just opened her lips slightly and said a few words to Ishigami Yu.

"finally found you"


Ishigami Yu translated the girl's lip language in his mind word for word, and couldn't help but tremble.

No, sister, how did you recognize it?

"What's the matter, Garuda?"

Wu Huiliyang noticed that her precious granddaughter's face was extremely red, and she couldn't help but become nervous and quickly asked her for her welfare.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, Grandpa."

Wu Jialouluo, who had a rosy complexion, pulled her grandfather's sleeve to tell him not to ask any more questions, looking a little embarrassed to speak.


Nothing makes Garuda happier than seeing his sweetheart, and his heart beats loudly.

"Oh, please leave me alone."

"Anyway, grandpa, I'm fine."

"Grandpa is so annoyed!"

This sentence is so annoying

Are you disliked by your granddaughter?

Wu Huiliyang suddenly realized this problem and was completely off guard. The amiable smile on his face collapsed.

Fortunately, this bad old man was not embarrassed for any longer, because a voice also came from an old man in the spacious banquet hall.

"Keeping everyone waiting!"

Although it was just a simple sentence, it immediately turned everyone's attention to what the adult was about to say.

It's just because the person who spoke is the organizer of this boxing game, the current president of the boxing club, Katahara Midō.

As expected of Wu Huiliyang's old partner, this rescue was just right and timely, preventing a certain granddaughter from showing her worthlessness because she was disliked by her granddaughter.

Katahara Mitou, also on crutches, stood at the top of the entire banquet hall. Behind him stood two of the "Three Feathered Crows", the serious-looking Masamichi Wang Mori and Minoru Takayama wearing a mask. However, the elusive Godaiga and Kanajabi were still missing.

Katahara Mitou's position made everyone have to look up to the most powerful old man who occupied the center of the neon economy.

The figure is gaunt, the beard is fluttering, and the eyes are shining with dark light, making people suspect that this is an old monster who is not dead.

"Come out, old monster."

Chu Jianquan chuckled. The organizer of the banquet appeared, and it must be an important speech.

When Katahara Mitou came out, it was because only a few winners among the more than a hundred combatants on the other ship, the Destiny, had already stood out, and nearly a hundred combatants had been eliminated.

And it only took a while for Yu Ishigami and old man Kuroki Gensai to drink. It was quite fast, no, it was unbelievable.

This kind of rough selection simply and crudely excludes combatants with insufficient strength.

"Then I'll start as soon as possible!"

Katahara Metō slammed the crutch in his hand on the ground, and his powerful voice resounded throughout the banquet hall.

"From now on, our ship will sail to the finals in twenty-seven hours."

Twenty-seven hours is so long?

Yu Ishigami murmured, at the speed of this luxury cruise ship, it would be enough to reach the first island chain in twenty-seven hours.

“After arriving at the finals venue, player registration will begin.”

After saying this, the corners of Katahara Mitou's mouth slightly raised, which seemed to be somewhat meaningful.

"After that, you can truly sign up for the Quan Yuan Jue Kou Kung Fu competition."

"Another point!"

Katahara Mitou shouted these words, which was quite oppressive.

"Private fights between combatants are absolutely prohibited on this ship!"

Hearing these words, Ishigami Yu suddenly thought of something

Is this a new rule?

He's really an old man with sinister intentions.

In other words, anyone who is not a fighter can fight with a fighter. It is an officially allowed and encouraged fight.

Previously, the companies screened were a mixed bag of low-ranking companies, but now it is the turn of high-ranking companies like Ishi Shangyu’s “Wandai” and others who received invitation letters.

Ha ha ha ha! interesting.

The old man didn't pull out his knife just now, so he didn't know whether it was sharp or not.

A little disappointed

Ishigami Yu still hopes that someone will challenge him, come on.

Let me hit you twice, I promise not to kill you.

He wanted to vent his anger. He was really uneasy because of this girl just now. Now if someone tries to hit the muzzle of a gun, he will definitely die miserably.

When Katahara Mitou, an old man, said this, Ishigami Yu immediately thought of why this old man didn't care at all, and even didn't stop those irregular ones at such a critical moment before the Fist Wan Juemei meeting. The group of people who use their membership cards as bait to get high challenge fees.

Because Katahara Miedou set up two examinations to ensure the quality of the final contestants and not just to show off their skills.

So he turned a blind eye and watched with cold eyes as all kinds of monsters and monsters continued to show off their tricks in order to compete for the position of president of the Boxing Club.

Yu Ishigami has already seen through the nature of the fist's desperate wish this time.

The rules of the competition are that the winning fighter can appoint any member of the Boxing Club as the new president of the Club.

Yes, anyone.

It’s okay for fighters not to choose their own bosses. I also advise presidents to have a good relationship with their own fighters. Otherwise, if you choose a mortal enemy as the president of the boxing club just to disgust you, you’ll know why you didn’t treat them well in the first place. he.

There is also a very simple way to improve your chances of winning, and that is to compare the number of people.

To be precise, the number of combatants

The more fighters belonging to one's own group participate in the Quan Yuan Jue Ming, the greater the chance of winning. The other thing is to see which side of the field has the remaining people after the brutal fighting. If only one of your own is left in the end, then you have basically qualified as the president of the Boxing Club.

Ishigami Yu had a premonition that Katahara Mitou, the bad old man, said this. He didn't know anything else, but another disgusting old bastard that Ishigami Yu knew would definitely use his tricks secretly.

Thinking of this, Ishigami Yu issued a brief announcement in the "Manniu Club" group chat of combatants. No, it's better to pick up the dragon.

"For the combatants who arrived at the Fist Wish from the Destiny, as well as the combatants who already have invitations, you may be harassed and attacked without interruption in the next twenty-seven hours."

"There is only one purpose, and that is to steal your position as a fighter!"

"Please be careful."

After a while, I almost received all the answers. Why is it that there are still people who haven’t replied?

The system shows "Okubo Naoya" and "Kono Haruo" have not picked up yet and are in a vacant state.

Ah Chun can understand, is he a jobber?

People are still showing off barbecue and all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables, and there are many food trucks.

But it’s not right to be straight.

No, Naoya, what are you doing, Naoya? Why is it you again, always slipping up?

It was impossible that Naoya Okubo was attacked before the old man finished speaking.

Just when Ishigami Yu was about to call Okubo Naoya, Aliang sent a message.

"Naoya is that good-for-nothing, he's good at it and loves to play."

At the critical moment, Himuro Ryo had to be considerate. Knowing that the "big brother" was anxious, he immediately sent someone's big face to the group.

In the picture, Naoya Okubo, who was scratching his head with anxiety, was concentrating on playing chess with a guy wearing a cold-colored kimono. Judging from the annoyed expression on his face, it was clear that Naoya was the one who was crushed.

"'Little Waste' plays chess with a thin man with short hair and has lost five games in a row."

Himuro Ryo is truly a good friend of Okubo Naoya, and he doesn't hold back at all when it comes to damage.

That tone of gloating was quite mocking.

"Oh, I also lost the sixth round."

As long as the enemy didn't attack, Ishigami Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

But then I thought about it, it seems that no one would be stupid enough to touch the absolute king of fighting in the world of porcelain watches. He is a gold belt player after all, how could he choose such a strong person as his opponent.

After everything was arranged, Ishigami Yu didn't intend to continue to listen to this old man's nonsense. There was nothing to talk about, it was just a matter of comparing whose fists were bigger.

"So what should I do with her next?"

There was nothing I could do about it. The little girl Wu Jialuluo seemed to be listening to the old man on the stage, but in fact she was focusing all her attention on Ishigami Yu.

Xiao Xiao, who was so greedy that Wu Jialou Luo drooled, looked shocked and stared at him, making his heart tremble.

Why run away without a fight?

Ishigami Yu thought about it, he thought about it

Or slip away.

The dignity of the strong is all bullshit

There were too many people outside just now, so he admitted that he shouted a little too loudly.

Just do it

"Uncle, drink first, there is still more."

Ishigami Yu conjured up another bottle from his arms like a magic trick and stuffed it directly into Kuroki Gensai's hand. Then he could go home without any worries and find his own mother.

"A word of moist!"

No one could catch up with Yu Ishigami who was determined to run, not to mention the fact that he completely suppressed the sound of his footsteps in order to walk softly.

"Just in time, I took away this brat's qualification as a fighter."

Wu Huiliyang is worthy of being an old man. Such an old man passed by in front of him and he didn't notice it.

I'm really old-sighted.

"Wait, where are the others?"

"And where is my granddaughter, Garuda?"

Two questions appeared in the old man's mind, which made him quite confused.

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