I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 250 No matter what, I want it

As mentioned before, "Wu" once split for unknown reasons, and the huge "Wu" was divided into three parts at once.

The "Wu" family in China, the "Zhengxi Sect" in Europe, and now the "Wu Clan" in Neon.

"Wu's" nearly four or five thousand years of inheritance fell apart overnight, and countless precious martial arts that could only be "passed down by word of mouth" were lost as their users died in family fights.

The "Zhengxi Faction", the initiator of the split, was at ease overseas, and the weakest "Wu" could only be forced to live in exile on a deserted island.

This small group of people are the ancestors of today's "Wu clan". They left their hometown.

The worst overall strength

He is also the most miserable one.

Even the "ghost", the foundation of the "Wu" family, was almost lost for a time. Only now, after thousands of years of genetic improvement, has a Wu Lei'an been born with a 100% "liberation" rate.

Therefore, the "Wu Clan" in Neon has a tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years, ancestral precepts passed down from generation to generation.

That is to allow girls in the clan to marry strong men to give birth to outstanding children, and to continuously improve the genes of the Wu clan.

Every girl of the "Wu Clan" has been taught that she must abide by this principle since childhood, even Wu Jialuluo, who is a member of the "Wu Clan" clan, is no exception.

Why did Gogaruro choose "Ishigami Yu" as his future husband so simply, and he was the type who could no longer let go and accept death.

As a clan member, among the younger generation of the "Wu Clan", Wu Jialuluo's strength is only lower than that of Wu Lei'an.

The liberation rate reached 85%,

According to the tribe's evaluation, she has the strength to instantly kill six "Wu Clan" elite killers within ten seconds, and she is given high hopes by her tribe. He has been awarded the title of "Devil" at a young age. If it weren't for the fact that close relatives cannot get married, the family may have other ideas. (It will pollute the blood)

"Demon" and "Heavenly Demon", if there is no such obstacle, the most promising heirs of "Wu Clan" may be born.

Thanks to the superiority of Garuda's own bloodline, the choice of her husband has naturally become the top priority of the "Wu Clan".

This may even affect the rise and fall of the "Wu clan" in the future. Garuda's child will definitely be the next young clan leader.

It stands to reason that at Wu Jialuluo's age, members of the clan should be able to find a partner for her. But we have to ask the current head of the Wu clan whether he agrees or not.

"Whoever wants to marry my Garuda must step over my body."

Although Wu Huiliyang killed people without blinking an eye, his wife gave him children when he was young. Seeing that those two little lives were "my cubs", indescribable warmth emerged in his heart. This old guy's "child" "Control" is formed.

The so-called tenderness of a tough man may be like this. When you get older, you have the mentality of "relative to the younger generation". After the children of Wu Huiliyang's two sons have children, they are "Wu Jialuluo" and "Wu Fengshui" For these two people, the child-controlling emotions turned into the granddaughter-controlling emotions, which became even more uncontrollable.

As for treating "Wu Lei'an" who is also a great-grandson, Wu Huiliyang is

"As long as that bastard stays alive."

When he thought of Garuda getting married, the old man couldn't control his murderous emotions and ran away violently.

Especially last time, Wugaruluo wanted to go home and live for a while because her grandfather told her that Tokyo was unsafe. In fact, she told her grandfather that she didn't want to go back at the first time.

"Grandpa, can I not come back?"

"Because Garuda has found someone he likes and wants to be with him."

Do you know how much harm this short sentence did to that bad old man Wu Huiliyang?

It is said that there was a lot of commotion in the patriarch's house that night, and he would roar in anger from time to time.

“Which brat is he!!!”

"How dare you flirt with my lovely great-granddaughter!! I will definitely cut him into pieces!!!!"

But after one night of fermentation, this anger did not subside but intensified.

The next day, because Wu Leian entered the room with his left foot before his right, he was stunned and punched and kicked by the furious Wu Huiliyang.

But this is not enough

Wu Huiliyang, who had lost his mind, took a samurai sword and was about to go to the higher education department in Garuda, shouting that he would personally kill all the men there.

If several members of the "Wu Clan" hadn't tried their best to stop Wu Huiliyang,

Then maybe the biggest sand man case on campus in Neon’s history is about to happen.

Really no joke

"This is unreasonable!!!!!!"

His idea was that he would rather kill the wrong person than let him go.

Who knows?

My lovely granddaughter has been obsessed by the bad men outside and doesn’t even come back to see her grandpa.

This pain, only large-scale killing can calm the pain in Wu Huiliyang's heart.

Fortunately, the people of the "Wu Clan" are not fools. They know that the person who untie the bell also needs the person who tied the bell. The return of granddaughter Garuda is the only antidote to appease the angry old man.

They immediately called Wu Yaksha, Wu Garuda's mother, and then persuaded Garuda to come back.

Seeing her granddaughter back, Wu Huiliyang, who was grumpy just now, immediately transformed into a kind grandfather.

"Nanny, I'm back."

Everyone then had a peaceful sleep

Then Garuda stayed in "Wu Zhili" for several months. Otherwise, according to her eager temper, once she found out the identity of the man who defeated her, she would go to Xiuzhiyuan to block the door the next day.

This is also the reason why Ishigami Yu didn't see Gogarura again until the summer vacation.

In fact, "Wu Jialuluo"'s little sister "Wu Feng Shui" knew Ishigami Yu's identity, mainly because she was unwilling to tell her.

Don't let me say anything

The friendship between Wu Feng Shui and Yu Ishigami originated from the kidnapping case, and they received this order from Hayami.

But the psychological shadow caused by this order has not recovered to this day. Wu Fengshui even opened all the mailboxes he used to contact himself in Tokyo that night, crying while opening them.

Wu Fengshui has never been so aggrieved in his whole life. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I will never secretly come out to take orders without telling you anything again."

The Wu clan has a special intelligence network to collect information on killing or kidnapping people, and has a team of professional assessments. It is impossible for Wu Fengshui to accept orders that exceed its own strength.

But there are also some people who like to hide their own strength. Receiving such orders is purely due to their bad luck.

"Just this one battle" Wu Fengshui knew that Yu Ishigami's nature was extremely bad, so how could she let her sisters step into this muddy water.

In particular, Garuda got in touch with Ishigami Yu because he wanted to avenge her.

When Yu Ishigami is not involved in the events of the Boxing Club, his life is quite regular.

At that time, Wu Jialuluo only got the Ishigami Yu activity radius map obtained by Wu Fengshui's inspection, and he just stayed in a special area.

Then he did squat down to Ishigami Yu. He wanted to teach this man a lesson for Feng Shui, but he never expected to be easily defeated.

Then Garuda woke up from a coma due to concussion and asked, "Where is my husband?"

Wu Fengshui thought it was a joke at the time, but he didn't expect that Garuda would now involve him. Therefore, it is better to cut off this strange bond as soon as possible.

Don't even think about it, it's impossible.

From the bottom of his heart, Wu Feng Shui was completely unwilling to ask Ishigami Yu to be his brother-in-law.

Jimei, don’t get close to Ishigami Yu

Otherwise it will become unfortunate.

But it was obvious that Wu Jialuluo's stubbornness could not be stopped by anyone. She only believed in her own judgment.

As for why she didn't expose Yu Ishigami's identity in front of her grandfather at that time (the identity here is not the second son of the Ishigami family, but the person Garuda likes), it was because she also vaguely noticed that her grandfather knew about Garuda. I'm not very happy when I have someone I like.

Her mother sent Garuda to the station and specifically asked her not to mention anyone she liked in front of her grandfather.

Wu Yaksha also had a headache for this old man. Even if Garuda really had a boyfriend, it was normal in the eyes of this mother. After all, the child has grown up now, and his appearance is no longer inferior to hers. He has bulges where he should and has a slim appearance.

She is very beautiful, and it is not surprising that someone is pursuing her, but this old man just can't accept it.

"You are so old, but you still have the temper of a child."

Fortunately, Garuda is quite sensible. He has been staying in "Wu Zhili" for the past few months to hone his martial arts skills, and then he visits his grandfather from time to time.

With the visit of her granddaughter, over time Wu Huiliyang, the "lonely old man", took the initiative to forget the unpleasant things. He even once again took the initiative to enter the battle for the president of the Boxing Club, letting Wu Lei'an serve as a fighter for a technology company.

But grandpa felt relieved, and the granddaughter never felt suffocated in her heart.

Garuda felt the pain of lovesickness for the first time. Not to mention sleeping at night, even when he closed his eyes, he looked like him.

The lonely pillow carries the girl's longing, and the warm home in the past has turned into a cage for herself. These are emotions she has never felt before.

Fortunately, as long as she survives this summer vacation, Garuda can go back to school, and then she can have time to find her lover.

But I never thought that just by following my grandfather out to see the world, I would meet the person I miss every day.

And from the perspective of looking at people, this Bogaruda's vision is really good.

She really didn't expect that the "tauren warrior" her grandfather praised so much was actually that person!

Now that the "Wu Clan" has confirmed that it will take a trip into this muddy water, it must make good preparations before the war. The intelligence department of the "Wu Clan" specializes in finding combat information about the top martial artists of the Boxing Club.

But this kind of information is the absolute secret of each company, and some even have fighting videos from the time of boxing.

Wu Huiliyang is quite optimistic about the "Tauren Warrior". Although this nickname is a bit strange, his strength is undoubtedly powerful.

Otherwise, this old man would not have given all the young girls in the Wu clan, except one, the right to choose their spouses, whichever one they choose, or which one is best.

And he became so angry that he even wanted to kill this ungrateful young man. That was because Wu Huiliyang had offered such an excellent offer, and he never expected to be rejected.

Still too young

One on the left hand, one on the right hand, one sitting on the lap, and one squatting underneath. Isn't this a man's dream?

Wu Huiliyang almost wondered if the "tauren warrior" was a young man with a strong heart, why was he so unmotivated?

Becoming a member of their "Wu Clan" not only satisfies simple needs, but also saves them 1,300 years of detours.

The martial arts that once belonged to "Wu" have been basically lost to the "Wu clan", but this does not mean that they have been inactive for the past thirteen hundred years.

There are still many people with amazing talents who have created many secret skills, which are treasures that even the outside world cannot access.

But this young man was so arrogant that he refused to be the son-in-law of the "Wu Clan" without even thinking about it.

Therefore, even though the "Tauren Warrior" is recognized as the favorite to win the championship, Wu Huiliyang wants to try it himself to see if this guy is worthy of the title.

But Wu Huiliyang couldn't even imagine that the opponent was actually waiting for him to make a move before taking action again.

Yu Ishigami still respects the old and loves the young, and he still has to give in to the old, bad old man.

Otherwise, the opponent may not even have a chance to take action.

Having seen the martial arts of the head of the Wu family during his most glorious period, that was an unavoidable assassination.

There was no way to defend against it. There were deadly threats from all directions. It was only the large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle used to hunt giant beasts that allowed the "reborn" old antique to kill him. The brain was severely damaged, so decryption was a bit difficult.

Therefore, when faced with "Wu Huiliyang's" killing move, Ishigami Yu was not in a hurry. He just didn't expect that this bad old man had such a bad temper and would take action without hesitation.

But Ishigami Yu didn't take action in the end, giving the old man his final dignity.

After all, it would be humiliating for his juniors to see him being beaten to the ground. It can also be said that it is his gentleness, or his arrogance.

Yes, the arrogance that belongs exclusively to Ishigami Yu.

Maybe this is also his charm

Anyway, Garuda was quite satisfied with the husband he had chosen. Holding him tightly, he could smell his special fragrance at will.

Everything is like a dream

Now I finally have the opportunity to be alone with the person I like, which I never dared to think about before.

People are all depressed, and when they get to a safer environment, they want to release all their stress, which means that they can do whatever they feel comfortable with.

"Hey, can't you?"

"I still quite like children."

When Garuda heard that Yujun completely rejected her request, she puffed up her face angrily as if she was quite angry.

It was clear that Garuda was just worried about the long nights and dreams, and wanted to quickly complete the clan's mission.

"Is this a matter of liking children?"

Yu Ishigami held his head helplessly

It's so rare for a girl to take the initiative, and his thinking can't keep up.

Wait, what is she doing?

Hearing the sound of clothes rubbing together, Ishigami Yu turned his attention to the girl next to him again, and his pupils suddenly dilated.

"Hey, hey, hey! This is the corridor."

The reason why Ishigami Yu is so flustered is because this girl Garuda really doesn't act according to common sense.

"Of course I know"

Garuda, whose face was red, naturally knew what she was doing. She had already taken off the red cuffs on her collar, and at the same time, she continued to unbutton the collar, revealing her delicate collarbone.

"It's too slow."

Garuda frowned. For the first time, she felt that this step was so troublesome. She might as well do it all at once!


Ishigami Yu had already seen the six-pack abs on the girl's body, and it would be very bad if it went any higher.

“Because the review won’t work!”

Garuda just paused and did not stop what he was doing.

"I don't care, I want it today!"

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