I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 261 Stars in the Orphanage

"Huh? I didn't hear that."

Ishigami Yu was holding an iPad in one hand and watching the video intently, when he heard Xiao Ai seeming to mutter something.

He then took off the headphones from his ears, raised his head and asked

"Xiao Ai, what did you just say?"

"Huh, nothing!"

Hayasaka Ai, who originally just wanted to enjoy the world between two people, ended up with two extra light bulbs, and one of them even wanted to be her sister. You can imagine the depression in this girl's heart.

And the most important thing! Why is Brother Jun's attitude so disappointing?

She put on a swimsuit (Kill to Die) Hey!

Hayasaka Ai's swimsuit is pure white, which goes well with her snow-white skin. It shines white under the light refracted by the glass above.

Gentle curves flow down from the slender shoulders, outlining the bulging capital (padded?) and also outlining the slender but not weak waist.

There is no trace of fat on the flat belly, and the upright muscle lines on both sides of the navel show the girl's graceful vest line, which is very charming.

The swim skirt below is dotted with a small red flower, showing tension and a hint of playfulness and cuteness.

Wrapped in a plump figure, it is very plump

Generally speaking, it gives people a sense of purity and appeal of a young girl. The two fair thighs are also slender and straight, with almost no gaps when they are put together.

Ai Hayasaka looks even more adorable than usual, but her younger brother-kun only said, "Ai, the swimsuit suits you very well," but other than that, he didn't get too many compliments.

This makes Hayasaka Ai quite disappointed.

Why? Am I not cute?

In Hayasaka Ai's imagination, her brother-kun should have his eyes directly glued to her at this time.

But why has my younger brother Jun been staring at the tablet in his hand since just now, with a strange expression on his face, smiling helplessly while looking at it.

Thinking of this, Hayasaka Ai is also a little unconvinced. What are you looking at that can actually attract more attention than your girlfriend wearing such a cute swimsuit.

However, Hayasaka Ai is still wrong about Ishigami Yu. In fact, her dressing style at home is not much different from that of a swimsuit, and it is also quite cool. It's easy to get used to it after seeing it too much, and it lacks the surprise at the time.

Hayasaka Ai, who sometimes has a little temper, showed her temper without concealing it. She was so angry that she kicked her younger brother Jun's calf with her white little feet.

"What's wrong?"

Yu Ishigami, who was inexplicably kicked by Xiao Ai, was still a little confused as to what was going on. But one thing Ishigami Yu could still tell was that his little girlfriend seemed angry.

"It's time for the fool to pass away. I also want to lie down for a while."


Seeing the unhappy expression on Xiao Ai's face, Ishigami Yu silently swallowed the sentence "Why do you have to squeeze in if there is a lounge chair next to it?" and then obediently leaned to the side. Leave a space where your little one can lie flat.


Hayasaka Ai snorted and lay down next to her younger brother Jun without any courtesy.

Upon seeing this, Yu Ishigami, who was very discerning, immediately reached out and hugged Xiao Ai's shoulders, so that she could snuggle comfortably in his arms, and this could also protect her from falling.

I feel that my whole body is being supported by my younger brother, especially where the two of them are in contact. The hot body temperature is transmitted through "heat transfer". The feeling of security and care is so strong.

This caused Ai Hayasaka, who was being cared for, to have a flash of blush on her face for an instant, but it quickly disappeared without a trace and turned back again, as if it was an illusion, and immediately returned to her original unhappy look. It can only be said that the girl has good acting skills. .

Although the hotel's lounge chair is considered to be oversized, it is still too reluctant for two people to lie on it. Fortunately, it doesn't matter if they are close to each other.

Ishigami Yu looked at Hayasaka Ai with his eyes, curiously looking at her to know what she wanted to do by sticking to her.

"Go on, do whatever you have to do."

But Hayasaka Ai, not to be outdone, rolled her eyes at her younger brother Jun and said stiffly.

"Don't worry about me."

After saying that, he hugged his hands in front of him. I don’t know whether it was intentional or not, but he looked even bigger when he held them up. One of the girl's eyes was closed and the other was open, as if she was really taking a rest.

Hearing what Xiao Ai said, Ishigami Yu couldn't understand why the girl was angry for no reason, that was because he was stupid. Good guy, Xiao Ai shouldn't be angry because he ignored her.

Well, it's most likely true.

Thinking that he seemed to be busy watching videos just now, and didn't pay attention to Xiao Ai, it was no wonder that she had a temper. Ishigami Yu shook his head helplessly, this was really an unforeseen disaster.


Ishigami Yu handed the other wireless earphone to Hayasaka Ai. No, it would be easier to just put the earphone into her ears.

Ishigami Yu explained to Xiao Ai

"Xiao Ai, haven't you been curious about what I'm looking at since just now?"

“If you don’t wear headphones, you can’t feel the atmosphere.”

Hayasaka Ai's face turned red when she was exposed, and her perfect disguise almost failed to hold up, but she still had a stern look on her mouth.

"No way, I'm just tired."

"Yes, I probably didn't sleep well last night."

Hayasaka Ai yawned symbolically as he spoke to enhance his persuasiveness.


Yu Ishigami ignored the tough-talking girl. He unlocked the tablet with his face and placed the screen where Xiao Ai could clearly see it.

"Actually, I was browsing YouTube and didn't watch anything."

When Hayasaka Ai saw the picture on the screen clearly, her eyes widened.

"this is not"

"Girl group?!"

The picture she saw was of several young girls in miniskirts, swaying their waists, dancing and singing with microphones in their hands.

It seems that a fan spontaneously recorded a video of his idol starring and uploaded it to YouTube.

The fans below saw their idol's performance and were swinging their support sticks wildly. It seemed that every time they stopped, they became quite enthusiastic about the disloyalty of the idol they promoted.

In addition to the songs sung by the girl groups on stage, Hayasaka Ai's ears were filled with these fanatical fans shouting neat and loud slogans.

Emmm, how can I put it this way, Ai Hayasaka is not very interested in fan support.

Neon's idol otaku culture is famous all over the world. Fans of any company are not crazy and doing all kinds of unnatural things is a daily routine.

After all, she was also an avid fan of "Tauren Warrior" back then, so she can still understand.

But, since when did my brother-jun fall in love with girl groups? Why didn’t I know?

Hayasaka Ai would usually lie in Yu Ishigami's arms and watch videos like this, wishing he had conjoined twins, but he had never seen this kind of video of a girl group.

Why did I watch it for so long today!

Oh well, things are getting worse.

What if my younger brother-kun awakens to a strange hobby because of this? What if he becomes addicted to being an otaku group idol?

Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but shudder when she thought of her younger brother Jun, whose eyes were full of hers, holding a cheering stick in his hand and frantically cheering for her under the stage.

That picture is simply too beautiful to look at.

"Please don't ever look like this."

As if he noticed Xiao Ai's dull and strange eyes, Ishigami Yu always felt that she seemed to have something wrong, so he immediately explained

"hhh, don't worry I won't become like that."

Yu Ishigami is not interested in the girl group talent show. He is mainly preparing for someone's comeback in his acting career.

"Based on some considerations, I recently had the idea of ​​acquiring an idol agency."

“But I don’t like negative news such as the idol agency of a big company being involved in the “pillow” business.”

Yu Ishigami has no doubt about the moral bottom line of the company's management. Once he becomes the company's major shareholder, they will probably try their best to please him in order to ensure their own position.

When facing the sponsor's father, even the most popular artists under his banner would have to come out and have a few drinks with them. In the end, they would be packed up and sent directly to the sponsor's father, just to make him happy.

Or maybe it's the leader of the program team, the director of TV series or movies. Anyway, this industry is very chaotic. Without a backer, you have to rely solely on yourself. You don't know how much effort it will take to get ahead.

This kind of thing happens one after another. When I think about the fact that TV has always set up a pure character, but it turned out that a few old men were behind their backs. Alas, it can only be said that chaebols are like this. The older they get, the more they play against the will of heaven.

People like the Ishigami family are simply clean, like Miss Kaguya's second brother, oh, Shinomiya Seiryu, a whole playboy, with more than a dozen idol agencies under his command, it's normal to change playmates in half a day.

The path of acting is not the beginning of dreams at all. For some people who only have beauty but no background, it is just the beginning of hell.

As glamorous as it is on TV, there are as many disgusting things happening behind the scenes.

Ishigami Yu doesn't want to join these people, but he currently has no ability to change this status quo. It is too involved, and it will be useless even if the chief judge, the chief inspector, and the supervisory director come. Even the head of the upper-level organization can be imprisoned next door, and Neon is actually the same.

"So I'm trying to find some idol agencies that are not famous, preferably just started for a few years."

He is new to the world, and what he wants is something that has not been completely corrupted by money.

Ishigami Yu pressed pause on the screen. He pointed at the girl with beautiful purple hair and a bright smile on the screen and said to Hayasaka Ai.

"It's good if it's a bit niche. For example, I think this one is very good."

This little girl group has just started. For example, this video by Ishigami Yukan has only had 5,000 views in the past month and less than 100 collections.

Hayasaka Ai looked at the enlarged figure on the screen, and there was no doubt that the girl chosen by her brother-kun must be a very beautiful girl.

as expected

The girl under the spotlight had the light of bright stars shining in her eyes, and her purple hair was fluttering in the wind.

Hayasaka Ai was slightly lost in thought

The only thing that was strange was that the purple-haired girl's smile, although there was nothing wrong with it, was quite bright and charming.

But being unable to find faults is the biggest fault. A person’s smile cannot be this perfect.

Hayasaka Ai looked at this smile for so long that she felt cold all over her body. She always felt that this smile was strange and inexplicably familiar.

Ishigami Yu saw Hayasaka Ai's doubts and gave her the answer in her heart.

"Yes, there is something wrong with this girl's smile."

He grinned at Xiao Ai and said

"That smile is full of lies and falsehood."

"Yes, it's like we haven't met yet, how you look in school."

Ishigami Yu just looked at the member of the girl group on the screen and could see that her face was wearing a mask full of lies just like Hayasaka Ai once did. Everything was fake.

He could see that the girl's bright eyes were full of emptiness and hesitation and confusion about the future.

It's really interesting. This unknown girl obviously has average singing and dancing skills and mediocre acting skills, but she has an indescribable attraction.

It's a masterpiece that someone like her actually became an idol and accumulated a lot of fans.

"Ah, isn't this Hoshino-san?"

A voice suddenly joined directly above Ishigami Yu and Hayasaka Ai. Hayasaka Ai, who was still immersed in "This girl is just like me before", immediately came back to reality and raised his gaze.

As a result, the first thing you see is a murderous weapon full of pressure, which is impossible to look at. After being crushed, Hayasaka Ai became irritable.

"Garuda, do you know her?"

The person who suddenly interrupted the conversation between them was an old man who was constantly searching for someone with a telescope. Fortunately, Wu Huiliyang didn't know that her granddaughter was with another man, otherwise she might have had several blood vessels burst.

Ishigami Yu didn't feel strange that she was lying on top of their heads, after all, how could Garuda's little moves be hidden from him.

This little girl was obviously playing water polo with her poor senior sister before, but when she saw Xiao Ai and him huddled pitifully together, she couldn't help but came over quietly.

Garuda is also wearing a swimsuit, but her swimsuit is much hotter than Hayasaka Ai. She wears a purple swimsuit with a bold cross-cloth design on the front. If you don’t look carefully, it looks like she is just surrounded by fabric. It can only be said to be very bold.

The swim skirt was only tied up with a ribbon and looked shaky.

"Well, we used to be classmates."

Garuda replied

"If I remember correctly, her name seems to be "Hoshino Ai", and she dropped out of school in the first grade of the Higher Education Department for some unknown reason."

"I heard my friends discussing that I was going to debut as an idol, but I didn't expect it to be true."

When seeing his former classmate appear on the stage, Garuda sighed.

"It's really amazing."

"Then what kind of person is she?"

This question was asked by Hayasaka Ai. After learning the girl's name, she became extremely concerned for some reason.

"How should I put it? He's a weirdo."

Garuda recalled the image of the purple-haired girl sitting in the corner with her head propped up.

"She is very withdrawn, but very straightforward. She can tell frankly that she comes from an orphanage."

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