His vision was obscured by blood, and by the time he opened his eyes again, it was already too late.

Only a loud "bang!" was heard.

The violent elbow strike hit Moji Robinson's face with great precision, spraying out flakes of blood mist. The tall nose on his handsome face was smashed crooked, and blood trickled out of his nose and mouth.

Under Wu Leian's heavy blow, Moji Robinson flew backwards uncontrollably.

But would Wu Leian, with murderous intent filling his heart, let him go so easily and fall to the ground comfortably?

Wu Lei'an held the staggered Moji Robinson's shoulder blades to keep him balanced, and his head was close to his opponent's head.

"Sister-controlled bastard, don't even think about sleeping comfortably."

The two of them bumped their heads, looking like a caring boyfriend supporting his drunken girlfriend, bumping their heads to express intimacy.

The warm scenes from the past make people smile knowingly. But at this moment, it only makes everyone who sees it feel cold in their hearts.

Wu Lei’an’s reputation as “Demon” is well-deserved. Due to the long-term use of "Liberation", the pressure in the body is too high and the load on the internal organs is very high. Even on his face, there were more than a dozen small wounds that were bleeding continuously. Wu Lei'an's entire face looked extremely terrifying in his "liberated" state.

This scene was recorded on the big screen, and the people present felt as if they were watching a horror movie.

How could anything good happen to a person caught in the hands of a monster?

Two minutes may be fleeting for ordinary people, but for a master like Wu Leian, it can be enjoyed to the fullest.

The brutal execution song begins

"This is just the beginning."

Wu Leian stood close to his opponent and spoke word by word in his ear.

"Hee hee hee"

The movement of his hand did not stop. His free right hand was like a thumb and he stabbed Moji Robinson's abdomen hard.

"Puff" came the sound of flesh being pierced, and a bloody hole was opened by Wu Lei'an on the strong abdominal muscles.

The severe pain made Mokichi Robinson wake up from his semi-conscious state and almost screamed.

Big beads of sweat fell from his head, and waves of pain crazily stimulated his nerves.

But Mokichi Robinson's painful performance only aroused Wu Lei'an's ferocity. If it was only half a finger just now, now the entire finger was penetrated.

This scene was also broadcast live on the big screen, making Ishigami Yu frown.

If you can defeat your opponent cleanly and neatly, don't do this kind of torturous thing. Everyone is here to work hard, so aren't you breaking the rules?

Little did he know who had beaten Wu Lei'an so badly before and allowed him to break through like this.

Wu Leian was already angry, and his opponent was the tool to calm his anger.

Moji Robinson, who was shaking violently all over, groaned. With his vision spinning, he reluctantly opened his swollen eyes, looked at the hateful face in front of him and said "he, tui!"

A mouthful of blood spits on the opponent's face

It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting.

Wu Lei'an's eyes widened and he touched the warm and sticky unknown substance on his face in disbelief.

As a genius of the "Wu Clan", he had never reacted when he had been insulted like this before.

Seeing Wu Leian's stupidity, a smile finally appeared on Moji Robinson's pale face, and he said in a weak tone

"Haha, what a dirty act."


How can it be repaired? It really makes no sense!

After finally calming down a little bit of his anger, this simple act suddenly provoked him directly. He suddenly pulled out his fingers, Moji-Robinson groaned, and then strangled his neck.

The veins on the back of Wu Lei'an's hand that pinched Moji Robinson bulged out, showing how furious he must be.

"How dare you!"

Nonsense, what else can you say after everyone has done this?

Faced with such a provocation, Mokichi Robinson, who was strangled by the neck, responded simply. His eyes were full of ridicule and he said "tui" again.

Wu Lei'an's face was immediately symmetrical. The one just wiped off and the new one appeared again.

"God said it"

The pastor is indeed a pastor, and his irritating words always have a touch of mythology.

"If someone spits on the right side of your face, you should take the initiative to show the left side of your face and let him spit on you."

Moji Robinson seemed to laugh at what he said, coughing and laughing at the same time

"So you're welcome."

"court death!"

Wu Lei'an felt as if a string in his mind was broken, and he was bleeding.

I don’t know if you have ever seen a whale take a breath. Wu Lei’an’s head was filled with anger and blood due to the owner’s anger, causing a mini M-shaped fountain to appear on his head. He was so angry that he collapsed.

Moji Robinson was forcibly interrupted before he could finish his words. His eyes were as big as ping pong balls and his head fell backwards in a rather weird arc, looking as if he was as soft as a stone. Like bones.

There was no way, that was because his neck was broken by "Wu Lei'an" who was so angry that he collapsed. Without support, nature cannot carry it.

I don't know if it was Wu Lei'an's bad taste, but Mokichi Robinson's big face was facing directly towards the fighter tunnel he came out of. As a winner, he just shook his head twice to see his strength, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Moreover, this scene was faithfully captured and recorded by the AI ​​algorithm camera, and a close-up was taken for fear that someone could not see clearly.

At this point, the first "dead man" in the Quan Yuan Jue Mu Knockout Tournament was born.

"elder brother!"

Elena, who was in the passage, looked at the picture of her brother's neck being broken on the big screen, and tears burst into her eyes.

"It's impossible, that powerful brother, he actually did."


The little blond girl couldn't stand up, and she fell to the ground as her legs gave out in despair.

Fighters are a very cruel profession, and every time everyone fights, it's like putting their heads on their pants. So when fighting, just like Ishigami Yu said, keep a tightrope and strike harder as long as it doesn't endanger your life.

This is an unspoken rule that all combatants silently abide by. It is obvious that Wu Lei'an is not included among them.

"I don't care about anything, whether it's the schemes of the old men, you, or those pigs."

Holding the "corpse" in his hand high to show it to everyone present, Wu Leian finally let out a breath of disgust and his laughter spread throughout the entire venue.

"There's only one thing I want to do."

Everyone he looked at lowered their heads in fear, not daring to look directly at him.

"Then kill everyone!"

After saying this, Wu Lei'an revealed that the arm holding up the "corpse" with his feet facing down was greatly swollen due to congestion, as if he wanted to do something to Mokichi Robinson again, who had completely lost the ability to resist.

"Stop it, game"

The referee reacted immediately. He immediately fulfilled his duties as a referee and declared the victory of the game to stop Wu Leian from insulting the "corpse".

The last two words of "Game is over" were drowned in a huge roar, and a muffled thunder exploded on the ring of the boxing match.

"Who cares about you! Bastard."

Wu Lei'an's "Liberation" was in full swing, and his mind was full of brutal killings. The muscles on his arms trembled violently, and a lot of strength poured into his right arm. He took Moji Robinson's body and hit the ground headfirst. .

Just like this, the ground about five meters away from Wu Lei'an's feet showed radial cracks, and the huge force supported by 100% "liberation" was shaken to pieces.

Because Mokichi Robinson's head was broken, when he was inserted into the ground upside down, he tilted his head and smashed it in. Moreover, although Wu Leian was facing a corpse that would not resist, he still attacked with all his strength.

One can imagine how painful it would be if Mokichi Robinson was still conscious.

The pain was unbearable, and the blood spilled from the broken neck dyed the soil red.

Some people simply cannot accept this violent scene.

Fortunately, Hayasaka Ai is a person who has seen blood, so she just feels shameful about taking other people's lives at will.

Although Garuda comes from a family of killers and is naturally proficient in killing skills, she is different from Lei An's indiscriminate killing of innocent people. She has a view of good and evil and will not kill people at will. Like Hayasaka Ai, Garuda also feels ashamed of Wu Lei'an's behavior.

Among the three of them, Ji Mingmei couldn't accept it at all. He had never seen a villain who killed people and took other people's lives so casually.

"Is killing someone that simple?"

She was just a little girl who was very well protected by her family. How could I ever see such pure malice in killing just for the sake of killing?

Ji Poor remembered the terrifying night she spent on the boat. Grandpa Jiuan was seriously injured because he was protecting her and was pushed to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and he still hasn't woken up yet.

The threat of death made Ji Poor huddle together in fear, closing his eyes tightly and unable to stop trembling all over.

"It's okay, poor thing."

Ishigami Yu naturally noticed a girl who was so scared that she was shaking, and he stroked her head


"I made an agreement with your father, and I will definitely protect you."


It's incredible that this unique voice can give people a sense of security like it has incredible magic power.

Ji Weili felt the seriousness in her words, her pale face was full of blood, and she nodded gently.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

"You see, this is the dead person you want to see most."

Demon "Wureian" He bent down and saw the funny look on Mokichi Robinson's face who was completely buried in the soil, and he felt so happy in his heart.

"Where's the cheering? Where's the applause?"

"This is a fatal elimination match!"

As Wu Leian said, this is a desperate knockout tournament, and it is normal for someone to die.

The audience who came to watch the game came to watch the excitement that they could not find in ordinary programs. Now the casualties they most wanted to see appeared in the arena, and blood was what they wanted to see.

The scene suddenly burst into cheers, and Wu Lei'an seemed to be enjoying the bath.

But in Ishigami Yu's eyes, he was just a poor "clown" who stretched out his arms, looked left and right to catch people's attention, and asked for applause from the audience.

The outcome is now decided!

The forbidden descendant of the winner-"Wu Lei'an"

Although the referee called for a stretcher as usual, he didn't know for sure.

Everyone knows that after suffering such a serious injury, no matter what you think, you should die on the spot.

And even because Wu Lei'an used too much force, it was very difficult for the medical staff to pull Moji Robinson out of the soil.

In the end, it was with the help of a fighter who was eliminated on the "Destiny" that he was dug out of the soil.

"Doctor, why don't you save my brother?"

When Yu and Ishigami exited the stage from the VIP passage, they suddenly heard a crying voice at a corner. The voice was very hoarse, like a cuckoo crying blood, which was extremely miserable.


Ishigami Yu suddenly thought of something and said to Hayasaka Ai and the three of them.

"Let's go over and take a look."

Ishigami Yu turned the corner and walked over to see a blond girl wearing a blue and white dress. Her eyes were red from crying and she was holding on to the clothes of an elderly man with sparse hair and wearing a white coat and refused to let go.

Lying on the bed next to him was Mokichi Robinson, the martial artist who had just fought with Lei An. He had been covered with a layer of white cloth.

However, it can be seen that the face was originally covered by a white cloth, but it was pulled away and put aside casually.

Then it is not difficult to understand who this blond girl is. She should be Moji Robinson's sister Elena Robinson.

"Little girl, I understand how you feel."

"But I still have to say that your brother is hopeless."

The doctor looked at the little girl with tears in her eyes and felt quite uncomfortable.

After all, doctors cannot turn a blind eye to the patient's condition because of their kindness, but this is indeed beyond repair.

"Why are you going through such trouble? Even if a miracle happens to save you, you will still spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair."

Nerves, blood vessels, and bones have all become necrotic due to external violence, and there is no hope of a cure.

"In a way, death is a good thing for your brother."

The doctor has been the doctor of the Boxing Club for many years, so he has seen this situation many times. For fighters who cannot fight and cannot return to the arena, it is better to die.

A considerable number of fighters choose to end their lives in pain because they cannot accept their "paralysis" and become useless.

The doctor shook his head gently

If it were that doctor, he might be able to save her, but he seems to be rescuing another patient (Kanada Sueyoshi), and the surgery schedule cannot be separated.

"No, please doctor."

After hearing the doctor's critical illness notification, Elena fell to her knees and begged.

"Please save my brother, please."

"If my brother leaves, I really won't have any relatives in this world."

The doctor wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and just shook his head, but finally said nothing.

This scene made Ji pitiful and moved. No, if he hadn't met this adult, he might have been even more miserable than her.

But it should be said that no girl can turn a blind eye to this situation, or even feel it a little bit.

However, neither Ai Hayasaka nor Garuda spoke up to intercede for this girl they had never met before, because this was the one who really made the decision, and they had no ability to influence his thoughts.

It still depends on what Ishigami Yu thinks.

"Don't think so bad of me."

Yu Ishigami helplessly patted the heads of the three little ones one by one, causing them to exclaim.

"I have naturally considered what you and I have considered. Don't worry, I'm not a cold-blooded guy."

I, the tauren warrior, am affectionate and righteous.

Ishigami Yu smiled

It's just that he still has something he hasn't said yet.

"Isn't this another good experimental material that exists? It's as physically strong as Ten Ghost Snake Ouma, no, it's stronger than Ouma at that time."

Ishigami Yu was very sure that when he fought Sekibayashi Jun, the "Ten Demon Snake King Horse" could never beat Mokichi Robinson lying over there. The two were not on the same level.

And when faced with the two choices of the temptation to return to the fighting arena and the death threat in front of him, Ten Ghost Snake King Ma has already given a standard answer.

Just when Ishigami Yu was rubbing his chin and thinking about the treatment plan, the person he was waiting for finally arrived.

"Medical Team Three is at your service, Mr. Wei Mingyu."

It is still the optimal medical transport configuration designed by Ally for Yu Ishigami, a "medical soldier" system that combines specialization and mobility.

Yu Ishigami preferred to call them "Hunting Souls in the Underworld". He nodded and motioned for them to follow.

Then Yu Ishigami, who led the professional team, walked up to the two people who were performing the tragedy of "life and death of relatives" and said gently to the girl over there who was crying so hard that her eyes were swollen.

"Little miss, I wonder if you need emergency medical assistance?"

Elena raised her head and suddenly saw many people in white coats suddenly appearing in her sight, surrounding her and the doctor, as well as some robotic vehicles that looked very technological. (Including life support devices, rescue equipment, etc.)

The professional team gives people an inexplicable sense of security, giving people the illusion that "it seems that death is not a big problem and can be saved."

Elena felt this way inexplicably. She didn't calm down for a while, but just nodded blankly.

Ishigami Yu said with a smile

"I understand, make arrangements."

He signaled his men to immediately provide medical treatment to Mokichi Robinson, whose life and death were unknown.

Familiar roads

So it is such a joy to have a medical team on call at all times.

Any time, any place, super rescue!

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