I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 291 Playing tricks


Yu Ishigami shook his head helplessly, retracting his statement that this game was not worth watching.

At least the last two people's desperate counterattack was somewhat interesting. It was just a pity that the attack that had the final result was actually used in turn.

But there is nothing we can do about it, we have reached the point where we are at the end of our rope, for the sake of victory!

Even if he fails, Ishigami Yu who puts himself in his shoes will make the same decision.

No, no matter who puts himself in that situation, that’s all he can do.

There was nothing that could be done about it, it was just that this man was a bit unlucky and lost the bet in the end.

"Victor Yu Lei Zero!"

The referee announced the result of the game on the spot. When he heard this, the panting Yulei Rei tremblingly used his left hand to remove the right hand that was still hitting Kaizuka Sapayin's jaw.

Don't look at Yulei Ling's right fist, except that it is still clenched tightly and cannot be stretched. If you do a CT scan of his fingers at this moment, you will find that this guy's phalanges are all full of cracks.

The most serious thing was that the middle finger bone of Yulei Ling's right fist was broken into eight pieces, and the bone spurs had pierced his fingers and exposed them to the air. The bones of the arms and upper arms were also covered with cracks due to the injuries to the hands.

Although his right hand was seriously injured and he might not be able to fight again in a short time, the winner in the end was indeed Yurai Rei.

Instead of taking advantage of the opponent's negligence, Kaizuka Sapain launched a desperate counterattack when he was about to die.

Ishigami Yu feels it is quite a pity

It's because Kaizuka Sapain's timing was really good, and there was almost no reaction time for that opportunity.

But it's a pity that if you choose the wrong opponent, it would be too late for another fighter to react.

But it can be seen from the front that before the close combat, Kaizuka Sapain had difficulty even touching the corner of Yurai Rei's clothes.

Yu Lei Zero's reaction speed is quite incredible, almost as fast as the reaction speed of electronic components. His human brain is measured in microseconds, his attacks are as fast as lightning, and his reflex nerves are also quite powerful.

The moment he noticed that Kaizuka Sapain opened his eyes, Yulei Zero reacted and even predicted the possible attacks of his opponent.

The probability of a headbutt is as high as 90%

For example, the distance between the heads of Yu Lei Zero and Kai Zhong Sa Pain is no more than fifty centimeters.

At such a distance, the speed at which Kaizuka Sapain launches his headbutt is almost instantaneous.

Even excluding the opponent's mistakes, the hit rate of the headbutt is still over 99%.

In other words, Yulei Zero's probability of escaping at such a close distance is infinitely close to zero.

But the result was still Kaizuka Sapain's defeat!

Because this guy's final attack was cleverly used by Yulei Zero, and became the last straw that knocked him down.

The essence of the attack is to knock down the opponent, and the headbutt attack can only have the greatest effect if it hits the head.

Once you know the destination of the attack, you just need to wait on the path of the attack in advance at the moment your opponent gets up.

Therefore, there is no need to be careless in the battle. Originally, Kaizuka Sapain was a sure winner, but once his opponent figured out his intentions.

The identities of the two were interchanged.

This can also be regarded as an alternative version of waiting for the rabbit. Yu Lei Rei is the hunter and Kaizuka Sapain is the rabbit.

Strictly speaking, Kaizuka Sapain was defeated by his own hands, and Yulei Zero's fist was waiting in its attack path in advance.

Kaizuka Sapain's headbutt had some impact even because of his own horrific injuries. But it is still unstoppable, and its power and destructive power are quite terrifying.

Therefore, Yulei Zero paid a heavy price of an arm to let Kaizuka Sapain reap the consequences. The stronger this guy's attack power, the more destructive he will be to himself.

The force-bearing area of ​​Yulei Ling's left arm was small, lying in front of Kaizhong Sapain, like an indestructible sharp thorn that penetrated directly into the brain center of this hot-blooded fool.

"Sorry, I was the one who foresaw victory!"

Yulei Ling looked at Kaizuka Sapain lying in a pool of blood with a complicated expression, and said coldly

"The blood will eventually run out, but love will never end."

"Roaring Fighting Soul" fell at the feet of "Thunder God"

"It's really a pity, isn't it, Doctor Yingchu."

Ishigami Yu turned his head and looked at Dr. Yingchu next to him, but there was no one next to him.

Doctor Yingchu disappeared without knowing when.

"That bastard doctor!"

When Yu Ishigami entered the venue, a touch of blond hair appeared among the medical team. It was difficult not to notice.

Noticing Mr. Weimingyu's gaze, Dr. Yingchu, who was wearing clothes with first aid logos and a mask, gestured "yeah" to the guy above him, not knowing whether he could see or not.

"As expected, I still want to touch the fighter's body with my own hands."

Ishigami Yu ignored the unscrupulous doctor's gesture and turned around to leave.

Is that hot-blooded idiot Kaizuka Sapain so attractive to you with his amazingly hard skull?

After arriving in a quiet place, Ishigami Yu took out the satellite phone tucked into his arms. This thing was as big as a brick.

But compared to the height of the "Tauren Warrior", this thing feels like holding a mineral water bottle in O'Neal's hand, just right in his arms.

"Hey Rem, how's it going?"

Yu Ishigami's special response troops are now scattered around the "Wishliu Island", and Uncle Rem and the others feed mosquitoes on this island.

"Hey, BOSS, the "Guardian" seems to be really good at it."

There is a cave in the volcanic rock that overlooks the entire sea of ​​trees. This is a natural barrier. You can't see it unless you walk in. There is a huge cave that can accommodate twelve rooms and eight halls.

This is now the stronghold of Uncle Rem and the others. The natural commanding heights are particularly well hidden. If you stay in the forest, you may be hit by the "guardians" to help you achieve success. But this is of course impossible. Uncle Rem's identity is registered in the register, and they are the accompanying security personnel of Wandai Co., Ltd.

There shouldn't be any problem with the personal relationship between "Tauren Warrior" and "Guardian".

Since last night, every ten meters in this forest, there must have been a burst of fire from firearms, which was quite bright in the dark night.

As mentioned before, Katahara Mitou's private army, the "Guardians" were divided into half to search for the unknown mysterious forces that came by ship. This was the aftermath of the exchange of fire between the "Guardians" and those "unknown forces".

It was quite peaceful during the day today, so the winner must have been decided.

"These guys are really efficient. They can handle everything in one night."

Rem and the others learned the data. Of course, this was thanks to Ally's connection through the operating system of the "Fist Wish", which further eroded the overall control system on the "Wish Liu Island", allowing Ishigami Yu to share the information of the "Guardians". Intelligence network.

Although this thing is not very moral, after all, people regard you as a brother, but you can even see their underwear.

Well, special handling should be done under special circumstances. Ishigami Yu is quite insecure.

There's no way it's inevitable that that dead old man will cause trouble, so there's no need to cover it up.

It's clear that Ishigami has opened a back door for this dead old man. Isn't it the best proof that Kaizuka Sapain can fight Yulei Zero as a fighter? (Although Kaizuka Sapain himself doesn't know it, he is indeed one of the fighters under Hayami Katsumasa's faction.)

It's a pity that if you give him a chance, he will be useless.

That's why Yu Ishigami allowed Uncle Rem and the others to bypass the "Guardian" defenses and safely develop such a simple but fully functional base.

Three hundred and eighty-eight is actually the number that the "Guardian" spent one night cleaning, and he was indeed a professional at killing cockroaches.

But it was really quite fast to get so many people off the boat in less than ten minutes.

"I can only say that more money is better."

Spend as much as you want

That old man Hayami Katsumasa really had a lot of money, and he organized a killer group of more than 300 people to hire whatever he wanted. Although it was a mixed army, it was not as good as the regular army of Katahara Mitou's "Guardians".

But with all 388 killers swarming into the "Knockout Tournament", a terrifying riot would definitely break out.

The match is definitely not going to start. Fighters like Ishigami Yu and others who have finished the first round will be quite uneconomical.

But fortunately, there is no such trouble now. More than 300 wet garbage have been cleaned up by the "guardians".

Although the venue's protective power is reduced, the more than 250 "guardians" dispatched from abroad have indeed played a huge role.

There were no casualties except minor injuries.

"That old man Hayami Katsumasa is really tough. He secretly threw nearly 400 people into the battlefield of "Wishriu Island", but no water splashed out.

In the past, Hayami Katsumasa was still a relatively difficult old guy in the eyes of Ishigami Yu, but now it seems that this is just the past.

With the size of the Ishigami family at the time, it was really hard to hit Tokyo Electric Power with an egg.

Now it's different

This may be Hedong in thirty years and Hexi in thirty years. The goal that was once out of reach is no longer something Ishigami Yu can only resist.

Work harder and please me!


Hayami Katsumasa only paid attention to Katahara Mitou, but he didn't know that the Ishigami family, which he looked down upon, was his real thorn in the side.

Yu Ishigami's plan was not just as simple as stabbing Hayami Katsumasa a few times, but almost taking out all the left and right arms that he had always relied on and the spine that maintained the terrifying control of the "Committee of 100".

Without Julius, Hayami Katsumasa is like an old wolf without his claws and teeth. He can just go up and touch him, but the final outcome is to die in an unknown corner.

Thanks to Ishigami Yu's timely report, Hayami Katsumasa's move seemed to have no other use besides causing some trouble for Katahara Mitou's "guardian".

There may be some fish that have slipped through the net, but they are really not far away from total annihilation.

However, although Hayami Katsumasa's side is already at an absolute disadvantage, they still seem to be dreaming that "it is definitely their dream to win in the end."

It was inevitable that even the private armed forces belonging only to Hayami Katsumasa would shake the morale of the military.

The information that wanted to betray Hayami Katsumasa was turned to Katahara Mitou's men, and internal fighting among the "Guardians" was inevitable.

However, these hidden dangers could not affect the subsequent boxing match, which was still arranged according to the schedule.

When Yu Ishigami and Dr. Eichu talked, they said there was still one game left, not the one between Kaizuka Sapayin and Yurai Rei.

Rather, it refers to Yamashita's old employer, Nogi Group, and his former rival, Yiwu Real Estate Group.

The two companies did not expect that they would face each other again in the Boxing Club. At that time, Ten Ghost Snake King Ma defeated Li Ren. Unfortunately, these two fighters are no longer under the control of these two companies.

"Mr. Nogi, I regret to inform you that the next match will be my victory."

Yoshitake Kihiro, who was still wearing the iconic khaki suit and had strange tastes and looked particularly low-class, raised his orchid finger and said to the ashen-faced Hideki Nogi.

"I have found a very powerful fighter this time. It is "absolutely fair" and there is no doubt about the strength."

In the eyes of Yoshitake Qirou, this is a fighter who can definitely defeat Hatsumi Izumi, and is an indispensable existence to help him reach the throne of the president of the Boxing Club.

But what I got in return was laughter.

Seeing Yoshitake Qirou's actions, Nogi Hideki smiled. I'm not saying that he alone can find any powerful existence.

"Yiwu-kun, you are getting more and more funny."

"I'm very satisfied with the joke you made me."

It's obvious that this man wants to pretend again

"Hahahaha, just wait, Mr. Nogi, I will give you all my failures."

The game started fairly quickly.

Hatsumi Izumi's first battle should undoubtedly be Hatsumi Izumi's victory.

His opponent is a guy who can imitate quite a few martial arts masters, and his various techniques are really perfect.

"Faceless Man" fired a hammer, like a whip hitting the opponent's face from top to bottom, and the air was sucked out with a crisp sound.

This is the path of the "Aikido" master

But cleverness is mistaken for cleverness

What genre is Chumiquan best at?

That is of course "Aikido"

Chu Jianquan slapped it away with an understatement, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it violently, causing the "faceless man"'s joints to dislocate, and half of his body was invaded by pain.

How ridiculous, I don’t even know why I am like this.

The "faceless man" was immediately suppressed by Hatsumi Izumi's arm.

But suppression does not mean stopping there.

"Congyun three companies!"

Right punch combo. Combined with the techniques of Jiu-Jitsu, it creates an awl-like effect. The speed is so fast that the naked eye cannot catch it. They were clearly three moves, but they seemed to overlap in an instant. The extremely concentrated force with strong penetrating power hit the "faceless man" on the chin, philtrum, and between the eyebrows. The effect was no less than a headbutt!

This is also one of Chu Jianquan's usual moves, which is quite simple and crude.

After this blow, "Faceless Man" Chiba Takayuki's hand was still caught in Hatsumi Izumi's hand, and a large amount of blood spat out from the corner of his mouth.

His head tilted and drooped weakly,

When Chu Jianquan let go of his hand, the "faceless man" fell completely to the ground.

"Win or lose depends on the score!!!"


Before Yoshitake Qiro could even say "Come on", his fighting skills were over?

Thanks to Anorectal Department Can’t Save the World for 4 monthly passes and BismarkBa for one monthly pass

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