I, Yu Ishigami, the King of Fist Wish

Chapter 328 Falling into Heaven

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is that it gives you hope of life, and then ruthlessly stamps out the flame of this hope again.

From heaven to hell, it is really just a thought.

The ten-minute gap, for Ishigami Yu driving "Purgatory Summons", is no less than the feeling of holding a sniper rifle and letting you run fifty meters first.

Those who do not participate in the game will be killed!

Players who participate in the game will be killed in ten minutes!

kill! kill! kill!

Kill all the "Guardians"

He just wants to make them despair. Ishigami Yu has no mercy towards them.

When the bombs installed by the "guardians" detonated the load-bearing walls and pressed down the entire dome of the Boxing Club, the spectators could only watch helplessly as these behemoths got closer and closer to them, but they were powerless to change everything.

Those who were unlucky enough to be beaten to death by gravel on the spot had no choice.

And because Katsumasa Hayami gave the order to kill other staff members on Guriyu Island, the people who were brutally and mercilessly massacred, who will guarantee the justice of these victims? Ishigami Yu just returned all these things in return.

In order to show deterrence, if you don't run away, you will really die now.

The eight heavy artillery pieces "invited from Purgatory" once again aimed at the large-scale gathering of defenders, and eight more blood-red beams of destruction rushed into the distance, creating eight orange-red round holes melted by the high temperature.

"Target 255 people, all silent."

Killing people in a mecha is really like playing a game with no sense of reality at all. Pulling the trigger and connecting the solar furnace to the cannon barrel will destroy the beam of light that will automatically help Ishigami eliminate his opponents. No flesh and blood body can withstand such high temperatures.

It's a pity that this blood energy was wasted, otherwise it would be absorbed, otherwise the blood energy from killing 300 people should be able to increase Ishigami Yu's passiveness by one level.

But if you can bomb freely in the sky, why should you stand on the ground and fight with these mud-legged people? What a price drop.

"Master, there are forty-five targets within a range of 800 meters around us."

While Ishigami Yu is thinking, Airi acts as a detector for radar surveillance.

"come yet?"

Ishigami nodded and said he understood. This was expected. Katsumasa Hayami was not someone who could just be easily captured. The old guy liked to engage in unnecessary struggles.

During the knockout round of Fist Wish, after Julius was eliminated, wouldn't it be a good idea to resign and return home? He actually overturned the table and couldn't afford to be the first person.

Old guy, he still has such a hot temper even though he has one foot in the coffin.

This time Ishigami Yu's old and new grudges are settled together. Hayami Katsumasa is dead, and Jesus can't save him.

I said!

"It should be coming for us."

After all, "Inferno from Purgatory" has been stranded in mid-air since the environment simulation system was deactivated, right there.

Not moving at all

It seems to be saying come and hit me quickly

Although the constant release of GN particles blocks communication and prevents real-time transmission of images, the area of ​​Wanliu Island is so large that most of the scenery on the island can be roughly seen with high-power military telescopes.

Ellie asked

"Master, do you want to launch Hellfire missiles?"

Killing them with missiles is the easiest way. This group of people think that they are quick and efficient in hiding in trees and buildings, but with high-tech radar and infrared, this group of people is as obvious as Jin Yiye Xing, which is great.

"It doesn't matter, let them come."

Yuu Ishigami has enough confidence in this machine, the enemy?

Just a native chicken and a tile-dog

Forget it, just let them attack and don't let these guys work hard. They don't know what real despair is.

Ishigami Yu looked at the hurried and nervous assault team on the screen and smiled.

He has the feeling of being the ultimate big BOSS with absolute strength, watching the powerless cannon fodder launch a general attack on him.

Not to mention the tense situation here, those in Lancheng are truly talented people who understand current affairs.

"Mr. Lancheng, what are you doing?"

Yamashita was a little confused. Looking at Lancheng, he decisively smashed a clothing store with one punch, and then went straight inside.

When he came out, the iconic white suit of the "Guardian" was gone, replaced by a T-shirt, short-sleeved shirt, beach shorts, and a pair of sunglasses.

The style of painting suddenly changed from that of a serious killer to that of a tourist.

"Isn't that a sure thing? Whoever wears a white suit will die now."

Even the satellite phone, which was the only one that could contact the "Guardians" and their old employer, the "Insect Organization", heard from it that they were given ten minutes to escape. Lan Cheng also broke the satellite phone in half with an unlucky look on his face, quite decisively.

Lan Cheng, who had a strong desire to survive, just took his bank card and passport, and didn't even plan to bring his mobile phone, cutting off all communication with the outside world.

When he heard that the "Guardian" he once worked for was labeled as a dead man by that man, Lan Cheng said he was sorry and just pretended that I, the fourth in the sequence, never existed.

If you want to play, you can go play, Lan Cheng just wants to live.

Taking off the "Guardian" clothes, taking off any related communication equipment, and staying away from the "Guardian" encirclement is the best way to survive.

"Goodbye, take care you two."

After saying hello at the end, Lan Cheng couldn't wait to run away. He never wanted to step into this muddy water again.

"But Mr. Lancheng, Mr. Ouma said that was the boss."

Mr. Yamashita rubbed the back of his head and said

"In that case, wouldn't it be safest if you followed us?"

"After all, the boss won't attack Mr. Ouma and I together just to kill you."

"Wow, Mr. Yamashita, are you still thinking?"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma then thought about it, it seemed that this was the reason, that bastard doctor would never turn his back on him.

Indeed, letting Lan Cheng follow them is the safest path of all.

"No matter what, I just said it casually."

Mr. Yamashita was praised by Mr. Ouma, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"this will not work."

After hearing Mr. Lancheng's answer, Yamashita's smile froze on his face and he subconsciously asked

"why not."

"Because in addition to my identity as "Guardian", I also have an identity that cannot be revealed to you."

Although this condition sounds very tempting, it is unrealistic. Lan Cheng pushed up his sunglasses and said in a rather uncomfortable tone.

"Knowing too much is not a good thing for you, and the only thing I can reveal about my identity is that I am a mortal enemy of your boss."

Lan Cheng glanced at the "centipede" tattoo on his chest and felt helpless. Once you enter the organization, you are as deep as the sea. From then on, Ping An is just a passerby.

When he, a top-ranking soldier of the insect organization, appeared in front of that man, he was really looking for death by hanging himself.

He added

"The kind that won't stop until death."

"So I appreciate your kindness."

Lan Cheng bowed his head slightly to them and expressed his gratitude.

"I can do the rest myself. If I can't escape anymore, it means this is my fate."

"Ten minutes are running out. It's time for me to go."

"Let him go."

Yamashita wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Ten Demon Snake King Ma.

"Everyone has his own destiny."

As long as we are still alive, there will be a day when we meet again.

Hearing this sentence, Lan Cheng smiled.

"This generation of tiger weapons is quite interesting." Without stopping or looking back, he hurriedly disappeared into the street.

Mr. Ouma said so, and Mr. Yamashita no longer forced himself.

"Then where are we going, Ouma-san."

Although the island is now the boss's home court, Yamashita doesn't dare to wander around. If he is affected by the aftermath of any artillery fire, he may pass over on the spot with his small arms and legs.

"go to beach"

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma replied without hesitation.

"That's the place farthest from the volcano. Although that bastard doctor temporarily controlled the situation, there's no guarantee that the enemy will jump over the wall and directly detonate the volcano."


Thinking of this, Ten Ghost Snake King Ma didn't stop here anymore, and he took one last look in the direction of that bastard doctor.

The dark death angel there was dyed with a blood-red glow under the setting sun.

"Be careful, don't die, bastard."

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma picked up Mr. Yamashita and rushed to the seaside without leaving any traces of ink.

No way, idiot.

Ishigami Yu chuckled lightly

Do you think my "Purgatory Recruitment" is a vegetarian? Their firepower can't break through my defenses.

"The hide-and-seek game ends in three minutes."

Ishigami Yu did not forget to pick up the microphone and shout to the "guardians" who were similar to his lambs, putting pressure on them.

Hearing Yu Ishigami's rather mocking voice, the leader of this group of "guardians" became angry.

Isn't it just relying on the crushing weapons and equipment to be so arrogant!

Don't get too carried away

This terrifying weapon has easily slaughtered nearly 400 "Guardians", and the casualties were almost half in half an hour.

It's outrageous, why would a force with such level of armed forces have trouble with them?

But there is no point in dwelling on this issue now.

The enemy has already treated the "fight to the death" as fair. Even if they kill all of them, they will have to shoot this thing to the ground no matter what.

This operation is codenamed "Falling Heaven"!

He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered to his men

"Sniper Team"

"Roger, the sniper team is in place."

"Cannonball team."

"Roger, the artillery team is in place."

Although it is as simple as a grass-roots team

But these two combat sequences are already very difficult and not easy to put together.

Who asked the boss to use all the funds to buy expensive explosives? Who knows why those things are so expensive? Those who don’t know thought they bought gold instead of disposable high explosives.

Therefore, there are nearly a thousand brothers, not even equipped with a gun, and most of them use cold weapons. Also, not all "Guardians" were professionally trained. Some were, and most of them were damaged in the artillery fire of that evil thing. Basically, some of the weapons and ammunition depots were also destroyed.

"Attention all units, follow my instructions."

"The goal is clear!"

"Even if that thing is an angel in the sky, you have to knock him down."

No matter what, I managed to scrape together ten heavy sniper rifles and forty rounds of anti-tank rocket launchers (RPG). Six firepower points were deployed. After shooting these ammunition, it can be said that they can only fight with the enemy with bayonets.

This is the first time the "Guardians" have tightened their belts so much.

"You're laughing so hard. If I don't give you a little shock, you still don't know what the name of this street is?"

Ishigami Yu could see all their little moves. He had just tilted his neck and supported his head with his hands, watching with interest.

"three two."

Hearing the approaching countdown, the "guardians" in the combat sequence held their breath and pressed their hands on the triggers.


Rocket barrel, when the rocket leaves the barrel, it will emit a large amount of smoke

"Poof!" X20, the sound of uniform shells taking off, with fire in the smoke.

A total of twenty anti-tank rocket launchers flew directly towards the mecha from the direction of six fire points.

Facing these roaring rockets, Yu Ishigami ignored the anti-material sniper rifle bullets sandwiched in the missiles.

Bullets may be able to penetrate aircraft and armored vehicles, but it is absolutely impossible to penetrate the armor of "Inferno".

"We are locked by twenty missiles, Master."

The radar showed a steady stream of heat coming roaring from below.

"Don't panic, Ellie."

Isn't there just a little more missiles? Ishigami Yu smiled and controlled the mecha, taking off the seven-meter-long chain sword from the back and holding it in his hand.

Just after taking it off, the chain on the chain sword began to rub violently, and it was so sharp that even the air seemed to be cut.

The attack range of the RPG is only 400 meters, but the attack speed is 200 seconds per second, which means that it only takes one and a half seconds at most.

"What a mess!"

There was a little panic in Ellie's voice.

Obviously, the problem could be solved by covering the whole body with GN particles to form a protective shield, but the young master chose to chop with a chain sword.

One mistake will cause four to five rockets to directly hit the body of the "Inferno". It is no problem to resist a few anti-tank missiles, but it will bring serious safety risks.

High temperature and bursting warhead fragments are uncontrollable. If they get stuck in any joint, they will cause considerable damage to the body.

Especially on this island, there are no repair equipment or conditions.

But it was too late for Ellie to modify the program, because the boy had already rushed out first.

Yu Ishigami's face was filled with excitement. Only in this environment, surrounded by bullets and bullets, can the true strength of the machine be brought out.

There was only one point and a half seconds left for Yu Ishigami to deal with the twenty rockets aimed at him, not to mention that the next twenty rounds were being reloaded.

The body will respond to people’s calls

"TRANS-AM" system starts!

The high-concentration GN particles that were originally bright red were now ejected in an extremely powerful manner, dyeing the entire body red.

Yu Ishigami's eyes seemed to have apertures moving, and his expression was very excited.

"Watch it, Ellie."

"This sword of mine will be very handsome."

Tomorrow the incident on Wanliu Island will be over.

Thanks to the funny 2nd grader for the nine monthly passes

Thanks to Si Guxiaren for the 6 monthly tickets

Thank you to reader 1219947621417472000 for your 4 monthly votes

Thanks to book friend 20230507183822145 for his 4 monthly passes

Monthly ticket for the motivation of thank you

Thanks for the monthly ticket of Bloody Cross

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