Thunder and lightning were raging, and the doomsday-like thunder and lightning rushed straight up to the ceiling of the hall, and then shattered the ceiling of the hall fiercely, scaring the dream hiding in the hall.

The thunder and lightning reached the sky, directly blasting the haze in the sky, and even the nearby wind and waves began to stop.

It quickly wrapped the few people it had just rescued with a bubble to prevent them from being affected by the thunder and lightning.

It felt that this "game" was not fun.

Moreover, it seemed that Mewtwo only pulled it to help rescue people, and it couldn't let others find it...

And at this moment in the hall.

The overflowing thunder and lightning, at this moment, were like scattered neon lights, shooting everywhere, and one of them happened to fall on the body of Tyrannosaurus.

Immediately, Tyrannosaurus, who was so arrogant just now, was directly scorched by this current and lay on the ground honestly.

And Mewtwo, who saw this scene, felt even more incredible.

What kind of power is this?

It can actually make Pikachu's strength increase so much in an instant?


The trainer broke through my limit... Now the electric current of your Pikachu can kill the top-level Tyranitar in seconds?

Looking at the lightning that was swinging everywhere, Mewtwo felt that even if he was touched, he would be injured?

Against the will of heaven...

Is this the power of bond?

Mewtwo suddenly remembered a word that he often heard during travel. Some trainers like to hang this word on their lips, and then shout our bond while letting Pokémon rush up to fight.

Under such shouting, the strength of Pokémon will be improved, but the degree of breakthrough is still acceptable.

How can it be like this, breaking through directly to this level?

Casually dodging a lightning bolt, Mewtwo couldn't help but think of Lin Feng again.

Does the trainer of this Pikachu have the same power as him?


Pikachu cried weakly, tears flowing down his cheeks. He held up his hat like a child, feeling that the world had collapsed.

In such crying, the lightning gradually disappeared.

When Xiaozhi's other Pokémon saw this scene, sad tears flowed from their eyes. After that, they couldn't bear to see Pikachu like this, and lowered their heads.

But the next second.

One bubble after another began to leak out from the ceiling that Pikachu had just broken, and inside the bubble.

Among them was the fat trainer who had just been wiped out.

Everyone was stunned.

Mewtwo was also stunned for a moment, because in its "game", it was not the time for Mew to release these humans.

And as the bubbles fell, finally, Xiaozhi's "bubble" that had just disappeared also fell from the ceiling, and finally stopped in front of Pikachu.

Then, Mew also flew down.


Pikachu looked at the hat, then at Xiaozhi in front of him, and his tears surged even more. He looked at the bubble in front of him, somewhat at a loss.

Dream looked at Pikachu with a sad face, "Yo meow!" (Don't cry, your trainer is fine, he just fell asleep.)

It was in the hall, and it couldn't bear to see Pikachu's tears, so it directly put Xiaozhi down in advance.

As it said, it poked the bubble, and the bubble immediately broke. Xiaozhi, who was sleeping quietly inside, slowly opened his eyes, holding his head, and seemed to have a headache, "Pikachu?"

Xiaozhi's memory still stayed at the moment when he hugged Pikachu.

But when he turned his head and saw that the Tyranitar had fallen, he couldn't help but say in surprise: "You defeated Tyranitar?"


But Pikachu, who had been lost and found again, was so upset that he couldn't speak after seeing Xiaozhi's surprise. In the end, he could only give him an electric shock to prove that he had indeed defeated Tyranitar.

Although it didn't know how it defeated Tyranitar.

"Ah, numb......"

With Xiaozhi's "numb." Pikachu finally wiped his tears, laughed, and threw himself into his arms.

In the sky,

Looking at Pikachu's aura starting to drop rapidly again, Mewtwo began to communicate with Dragonite in his heart.

Mew flew to its side and looked at Mewtwo with a look of "you are boring", "Yo meow!" (Not fun...)

It didn't feel the fun of this game at all.

It's not as good as playing "hide and seek" with Lin Feng...

It was almost electrocuted.

Chaomeng calmly replied: "Then don't play."

The "game" has reached this point, and it has already made its own decision.

Or Lin FengYou're right...

Humans and Pokémon can actually get along in the current mode, so there must be a reason for its existence.

Mewtwo put away the Dragonite that had lost its combat ability, and looked at the other trainers who were still looking at him with "fear" and doubt. His eyes flickered slightly, and his superpowers began to flow. Then, all the trainers' eyes began to blur. Within a minute, all of them fell to the ground with their Pokémon.

It took away this part of the memory of all Pokémon and humans except Pikachu and its trainer.

At the same time, it summoned the just-injured Golduck, Charizard and Gyarados, and then looked at Mew, "Do me a favor, heal me."

"Yo meow?"

Mew opened his eyes wide and looked at Mewtwo in disbelief.

No, do you really think it's a "hard laborer"?

But seeing the severity of the injuries of the three Pokémon, and thinking that he still wanted to go to Lin Feng with Mewtwo, it still cast Life Drops on the three Pokémon.

With its strength, once the Life Drops were released, the injuries on the three Pokémon recovered quickly.

After all of them recovered, Mewtwo took them back and put them on the fat trainer and Xiaozhi.

Coincidentally, at this time, Dragonite also flew over with a bag, looking at the messy hall, but with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Because it knew that Mewtwo had done what he had to do, it would go to the breeding house soon.

"Okay, Dragonite, now you need to send them all back."

Dragonite nodded, picked up one in each hand, and then quickly sent it to the gathering place of humans.

After seeing that the "game" seemed to have been completed, Dream looked at Mewtwo shyly, "Yo meow?" (Are you going to the breeding house?)

Mewtwo: "Yes, I have to send Dragonite there."

"Yo meow~!" (Then take me with you~!)

"Ah? You can go if you want? Why do you need me to take you?" Mewtwo looked at Dream strangely.

It can see that Lin Feng still likes it very much, otherwise with Lin Feng's knowledge, he should have seen Dream's identity long ago.

But Lin Feng did not expose it, but played the "hide and seek" game with it.

This already shows that Lin Feng accepted it.


Dream stopped talking.


It didn't know how to explain to Mewtwo, it felt that it had a falling out with Lin Feng...


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