If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 61 The Faint Smell Of Heather Flowers [5, Ask For Flower Evaluation Tickets]

Regaining consciousness, Deputy Zhang looked at Gao Yuan and sighed, "Gao Yuan, do you have any misconceptions about your hearing and vision?"

"You mean they're better than normal?"

Under normal circumstances, a person with normal vision can see the general features of a face at a distance of 100 meters. That's not a problem.

But being able to hear whispered conversations from the other side at 100 meters, that's a bit abnormal.

Gao Yuan grinned and said, "Actually, my sense of smell is pretty good too."

Although the skill of identifying women by their scent is a bit peculiar, it is still an olfactory ability.

Gao Yuan's enhanced sense of smell is comprehensive.

At least after acquiring this skill.

Every time Gao Yuan enters a restroom or a dirty and messy place, he feels a bit uncomfortable.

Just like now.

When standing about three meters away from the person who fell from the building.

He smelled the scent of blood and some other odors.

And these odors naturally emanated from the naked woman who fell from the bushes.

For example, there was a scent similar to that of rhododendron flowers.

So Gao Yuan said to Deputy Zhang, "This woman probably had a relationship with one of the two men upstairs, or maybe both, before jumping off the building..."

"Because I smelled a faint scent of rhododendron flowers."



This time, Deputy Zhang was completely shocked and speechless.

But he still couldn't fully believe it.

After all, this matter is truly beyond the olfactory abilities of an ordinary person.

Even police dogs can't do much, right?

After thinking for a moment, I directly asked the forensic doctor:

"Forensic Doctor Qin, can you confirm whether there was any sexual activity before the person fell from the building?"


Forensic Doctor Qin nodded and after a moment, said:

"There was, there are still traces of bodily fluids."

"What the f*ck!"

Deputy Zhang cursed directly, looking at Gao Yuan and said:

"Is your nose not just a modified dog's nose?"

"This thing, you can smell it from three or four meters away?"

Gao Yuan felt like he was being scolded.

He smiled and didn't say anything.

At this moment, Assistant Officer Xiao Ma said:

"Um, if I remember correctly, a dog's nose can even smell odors from several hundred meters away."

"And if it's a clear day, the range can even be over a kilometer!"


Gao Yuan rolled his eyes and didn't say anything.

In fact, he smelled another scent, but he didn't know what it was.

He just felt familiar.

As if he had smelled it somewhere before.

Unable to confirm.

So he didn't mention it, so as not to affect Deputy Zhang's direction of investigation.

"Let's go up and let Forensic Doctor Qin investigate first."

Deputy Zhang was still worried about Xiao Lu and the others.

Although Xiao Lu was accompanied by an experienced police officer from the local police station.

Afterwards, the three of them went upstairs.

Outside Gate 2503.

Gao Yuan saw Xiao Lu, who was working on the investigation with other police officers.

Seeing Gao Yuan, Xiao Lu glanced at the two men sitting obediently in the corner and walked over, whispering, "Gao Yuan, these two people, including the one who fell, are contestants from your show."

"The deceased, the woman, lived here."

"The other two don't live in this neighborhood."


Gao Yuan was shocked and looked at the two men, but didn't recognize them.

However, he soon noticed the drone in the room.

It was the same model as the one that had been following him, with the show's logo and number on it.

"This is a big problem!"

"The show has only been on for less than a week and there's already a death. How can we continue?"

Gao Yuan felt a headache on behalf of the production team.


To be cold-blooded.

This incident happened outside of the live broadcast time.

And it seemed that these three people caused the incident while fooling around in this room.

So it wouldn't be difficult for the production team to remove themselves from the situation.

But overall...

The production company and the director's team would have to pay a price.

But all of this had nothing to do with Gao Yuan.

He was following Deputy Zhang and made a major discovery after going through each room in the house!

The smell downstairs was also present here!

And finally, he remembered where he had smelled this smell before!

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yuan decided to speak up.

"Deputy Zhang, I smelled a smell here that is the same as the one on the deceased downstairs."

Seeing Deputy Zhang's misunderstanding, Gao Yuan immediately shook his head.

"Not that one, it's a different smell."

"Both of these men have it on them."

"There are also traces on the toilet in the bathroom, but it seems to have been flushed away."

"And this smell, I smelled it during the day!"

"It was when I was with Captain Li from the Lihai Road Police Station, arresting a gambling gang."

Upon hearing Gao Yuan's words, experienced Deputy Zhang and the old police officer immediately became serious.

"Old Zhang, take some people to the bathroom."

"See if you can extract anything!"

After saying that, he turned and walked towards the two men squatting in the corner, asking, "Tell the truth, have you two been using drugs?"

As soon as Deputy Zhang spoke, the expressions of the two men squatting down changed instantly, filled with extreme fear.


Seeing their expressions, Gao Yuan knew that Deputy Zhang's guess had come true.

And finally, he knew.

What that smell was.


Why would that smell appear at the gambling place during the day?

Gao Yuan frowned and pondered.

He tried hard to remember.

Which person emitted that smell at that time...

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