If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 67 Come Out To Review The Injury And Catch A Thief! 【5, Please Subscribe】

The island nation journalist suddenly said there was another question.

Geng Shuang didn't find it too surprising.

He just raised an eyebrow slightly, turned his face towards the island nation journalist, and showed a polite smile:

"May I ask?"

"Thank you."

The island nation journalist said in stiff Mandarin:

"I wonder if Mr. Geng has noticed."

"Just recently, your country produced a few minutes of special effects video on a variety show."

"The content of the video is:"

"A young man, climbing 26 floors barehanded, rescuing a little girl trapped by a fire..."

"And then, the young man tells the girl that our superhero Ultraman is bad, and those monsters that harm the island nation are the good guys. He even says, 'Their heroes are my enemies.'"

"Mr. Geng, I would like to ask, why is China promoting hostile ideas online?"

"And why are you defaming our anime hero image like this?"

The island nation journalist finished asking.

Other journalists who didn't quite understand the content of his question frowned and began discussing in low voices at the press conference.

"What does this mean?"

"What is this island nation journalist asking?"

"Why can't I understand a single sentence?"

"Has someone in China burned their gods again?"

"This question seems to be related to anime and special effects. Is China blocking their anime and the ugly country's special effects?"

For a moment, because they didn't quite understand, they couldn't figure out what the island nation journalist was saying.

So, when the journalists tried to understand the island nation journalist's words, they started brainstorming.

Geng Shuang didn't answer immediately, but took a sip from his water cup.

Then he put down the cup, looked at the island nation journalist, first frowned slightly, and then suddenly smiled, saying:

"First of all, I want to correct a mistake in your statement."

"The video you saw was filmed on site and the special effects were added!"


The island nation journalist immediately retorted.

His reaction made the journalists present show their dissatisfaction.

How rude!

"It is not impossible."

"What I said represents China's attitude."

Geng Shuang stared at the island nation journalist and said:

"Secondly, 'Their heroes are my enemies.'"

"Well, Mr. Island Nation Journalist, don't you agree with this statement?"

"If you don't agree, why did the war criminals who committed heinous crimes in China in the past become heroes in your country?"

"I grant you the right to regard 'Their heroes are my enemies' as a criterion, but you turn around and question us?"

"Mr. Island Nation Journalist, is this your consistent code of conduct?"

The interpreter on site.

Many people saw Geng Shuang's counterattack.

They were all a bit stunned.

Although Shuang Ge often silenced journalists from other countries, this was the first time he went all out like this!

The island nation journalist suddenly realized that he had made a foolish mistake by asking such a question in this place.

He really wanted to escape immediately.

However, Geng Shuang didn't give him a chance and continued:

"Then, you call your so-called comic superheroes, an alien wearing a tight suit, right?"

"I can't understand why you would consider an alien as a superhero."

"Just like how you can't understand why our delivery guy is considered a superhero."

"As for your so-called defamation, it doesn't hold under the criterion of 'Their heroes are my enemies.'"

"And it certainly doesn't hold under the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind!"

When Geng Shuang said this sentence.

Surprisingly, a journalist below shouted, "Well!"

And then applause followed!

Although this had happened at regular press conferences before, it was definitely rare!

The island nation journalist's face turned pale at this moment.

He wanted to cover his face and escape several times.

On the stage, Geng Shuang pressed his hand down, waited for the applause to die down, and with a smile on his face, looked at the island nation journalist and said:

"Finally, I reiterate."

"Your Ultraman is just a fictional alien superhero."

"And in the video, this young man named Gao Yuan is our real superhero!"

"Thank you!"


After Geng Shuang finished speaking, there was another round of applause.

In the backstage, colleagues from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were watching the live surveillance footage.

After listening to Geng Shuang's speech, they were also excited.

As officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they rarely get excited.

But this time, they were impressed by Geng Shuang's quick and clever response.

And also, seeing the Japanese journalist being speechless, they felt only one word: satisfying!

"He truly deserves the title of 'Satisfying Brother'!"

"He really shut them down beautifully!"

"We just had a discussion about Gao Yuan yesterday, and today someone came to challenge him!"

"Actually, if it weren't for the people from that community guaranteeing it, the videos they took on their phones, and the traces found on the building afterwards..."

"It's really hard to believe that Gao Yuan climbed the building with his bare hands!"

"Hahaha! That's why he's our superhero!"

In the evening.

The video of Geng Shuang's press conference speech.

It went viral on platforms like Douyin and other short video platforms.

Netizens were thrilled to see Geng Shuang firing on all cylinders, especially when the target was a Japanese journalist.

The video's views, likes, and shares exploded.

The comment section and bullet screen were also filled with excitement.

"As expected! Satisfying Brother drinks water, and the big guns come out!"

"When Satisfying Brother frowned, I already knew that the Japanese journalist would run away!"

"What does it mean to be a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? (Tactical recoil)"

"I have to say, Geng Shuang's speech, especially the part about 'under the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, it doesn't hold up,' was simply explosive!"

"Really! When I heard that part, I was completely stunned!"

"Satisfying Brother is awesome! He's also our superhero!"

Soon after.

Netizens edited Geng Shuang's words into another video.

They added it to the video that was previously questioned by a so-called rock climbing expert from overseas.

So this video was played again.

The background sound at the beginning was replaced with Geng Shuang's words:

"First of all, I want to correct a mistake in your statement."

"The video you saw was filmed on-site and not created with special effects!"

"Finally, let me repeat it."

"In the video, this young man named Gao Yuan is our real-life superhero!"

"What I'm saying represents the attitude of China."

As the last sentence fell.

The background music started playing.

It was a pure instrumental song with a warlike tone.

And in the midst of this stirring music.

Gao Yuan climbed a 26-story building with his bare hands and gently rescued a six-year-old girl!

And at the end of the video.

A path was cleared in the crowd, and Gao Yuan, with bloodied hands, thanked everyone with a prayer gesture!

Then, a line of text appeared:

"The Chinese superhero walking among us - Gao Yuan!"

The entire video.

Lasted less than three minutes.

Apart from Gao Yuan's unedited climb, some additional shots were added.

Including Gao Yuan carrying Zhang Xiaoyu out of the building.

And a video showing his injuries being examined after the path was cleared.

So when this video.

Was deliberately sent to the rock climbing expert.

The expert was dumbfounded.

He still didn't want to believe that the actions in the video were real.

But he knew that this time, he had stirred up some anger.

The rock climbing community is not that big.

As one of the experts, his influence was limited.

If other experts were to stand up and support this video...

"No, I need to make an apology video right away!"

"I'd rather slap myself in the face than let others do it!"

"If I personally admit my mistake, I can also explain myself. After all, this thing looks fake at first glance, and others can't say my skills are lacking."

"And, I can't let others take the spotlight and steal this hard-earned attention!"

The rock climbing expert immediately made a decision.

Then, he re-recorded a video:

"I'm very sorry. In my previous video, without thoroughly investigating and verifying, I questioned Mr. Gao Yuan's rock climbing skills..."

"For the climbing community, the appearance of Gao Yuan, a highly skilled and kind-hearted newcomer, has made me very excited!"

"Finally, I have to say, Gao Yuan's skills are too extraordinary!"

"It seems like something that a normal person couldn't achieve. Indeed, Gao Yuan is a super hero walking among us in China!"

After this apology video from the climbing community god was released, Chinese netizens collectively erupted.

It was as if they had won a victory.

As for these things, Gao Yuan, whose injuries had not fully healed, did not pay special attention to them.

During these days off, although he didn't deliver takeout, Gao Yuan became a frequent visitor to the police station.

There wasn't anything special, just a few statements to make.

Of course, he couldn't avoid being scolded by Deputy Zhang and others from time to time.

The rest of the time, Gao Yuan spent most of it at home, recuperating.

One day, Gao Yuan was preparing to go to the hospital for another check-up.

When he came out, he happened to meet Jiang Nan, who was at the hospital for some errands, so the two of them went to the commercial area together.

They hadn't been shopping for long when Gao Yuan suddenly heard a shout:

"Catch the thief!"

"Quick, catch the thief!"

Then, he saw a figure flash past him.

Gao Yuan turned around to look.

A chubby woman was running and shouting to catch the thief.

She seemed unable to run any further.

Someone was actually stealing in broad daylight?

Gao Yuan was stunned for a moment.

The next moment, he started running after the thief.

Jiang Nan opened his mouth, wanting to stop Gao Yuan, but in the end, he shook his head, lifted his leg, and chased after him.


While running, Gao Yuan shouted at the thief who was fifty meters away.

This thief looked very refined.

He was about 1.65 meters tall, but his speed was not slow, very agile.

Especially his stride frequency, very fast.

It was in line with his professional characteristics.

After all, those who run slowly either retire or get caught.


In a place like Jiangcheng, it was quite rare to have someone stealing in broad daylight.

Gao Yuan chased after him with his long legs, narrowing the distance between them bit by bit.

"Little brother, keep it up!"

"It's Gao Yuan! Gao Yuan is being heroic again!"

"Gao Yuan, keep it up!"

On Wednesday afternoon, there weren't many people on the commercial pedestrian street.

People who were strolling on the street subconsciously stopped when they saw the delivery guy chasing the thief.

When they recognized that it was Gao Yuan...

They started cheering for him.

Gao Yuan felt speechless in his heart.

And the thief in front of him was even more speechless.

As a habitual thief, Wu Gou'er had certainly heard of someone named Gao Yuan, who could kill a werewolf like Chen Xinfu!

He also knew...

That this was an officially certified Chinese superhero!

At this moment, he felt bitter in his heart.

Robbing an old lady who had just withdrawn money from the bank should have been an extremely smooth operation.

After all, once he ran to a place with fewer people, changed his appearance, and avoided a few surveillance cameras...

He would have pocketed this month's pocket money.

How wonderful!

But he never expected...

That coincidentally, he would be seen by that werewolf named Gao Yuan!

This is really...


Gao Yuan's voice almost sounded in Wu Gou'er's ear.

"Don't fucking chase anymore!"

"If you keep chasing, I won't be polite!"

Wu Gou stopped in his tracks and turned around abruptly.

The face hidden under the hood was full of ferocity.

Gao Yuan hesitated for a moment but didn't stop, continuing to chase after him.


In the next moment...

Wu Gou collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

Looking at Gao Yuan, who had stopped in front of him and was looking down at him, Wu Gou said unwillingly,

"I said, bro, didn't you injure your hand?"

"If you don't take care of your injury properly, what are you chasing after me, someone who earns money through skills, for?"

"Why aren't you running?"

Gao Yuan was still thinking about giving him a flying kick if he didn't stop.

But as a result, the guy fell down!

It was really boring.

"How the hell am I supposed to run?"

Wu Gou rolled his eyes and threw something in his hand at Gao Yuan's feet, saying,

"My legs are twenty centimeters shorter than yours!"

"And I've already run half a mile ahead, so I'm already tired."

"No matter how much I run, I can't outrun a werewolf like you who can climb 32 floors in one breath!"

"You still have a camera on you, so what's the point of me running?"

In the live stream room,

The number of online viewers had already soared to 100,000, and they were all laughing.

"Hahaha! This thief is really pitiful!"

"It's really something else. He came out to check his injuries and ended up catching a thief on the side!"

"I have to say, when Gao Yuan runs, those two long legs of his really give him an advantage!"

"I've already recorded a video of Gao Yuan running. I'm going to watch it over and over again. It's just so elegant! Especially those two long legs, they make me drool!"

"Indeed, it's such a waste for Gao Yuan to not use those two long legs to pedal a tricycle!"


Gao Yuan shook his head and said to the onlookers next to him,

"Who has a rope? Give me one, I'll tie him up and take him to the police station."

As soon as he finished speaking,

Someone eagerly said,

"I have one! I have a rope! Will a shoelace do?"

"Use mine, I have a sturdy one!"

"Gao Yuan, I have one too!"

For a moment, everyone was looking for a rope.


Wu Gou was speechless for a moment, then took off the mask on his head and said to Gao Yuan,

"Bro, there's a rope on my mask, let's use that."

"Haha! Thanks then!"

Gao Yuan laughed when he saw it.

At this moment, a big brother next to him saw that Gao Yuan couldn't use his hands, so he took the rope and helped him tie up Wu Gou.

After tying up Wu Gou,

Jiang Nan slowly followed while supporting the fat lady.

"Thank you, thank you!"

The fat lady was still panting, her hand still clutching her chest, her face pale.

At a glance, it was the kind of discomfort in the heart.

Gao Yuan glanced at Jiang Nan apologetically, smiled, and then handed the bag on the ground to her, saying,

"Check if anything is missing inside."

"Oh, oh!"

The fat lady burst into tears when she saw the money she had lost and regained.

She took the bag and quickly checked it.

After a moment, she nodded excitedly and said,

"Nothing is missing, not a single cent!"

Then she thanked Gao Yuan again.

"No need to thank me."

Gao Yuan waved his hand and pointed to the crowd of onlookers, saying,

"If it weren't for me, with so many people here, someone would definitely have caught the thief for you!"

Upon hearing Gao Yuan's words,

The onlookers felt proud and a little embarrassed.

In fact, they had been spectating the whole time.

Afterwards, Gao Yuan and Jiang Nan accompanied the fat lady to the nearby police station to file a report with the captured thief.

Before he could take a few steps,

A big brother behind him shouted,

"Gao Yuan, when are you going to come back and continue delivering takeout?"


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