If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 78 The Most Embarrassing Time For Gao Yuan Since The Show Started 【Subscription】

This order.

Left Gao Yuan speechless for a moment.

The items being delivered were normal, just some desserts in the afternoon.

But the note in the order made Gao Yuan speechless for a moment.

[Note: Little brother, I'm a bit scared being alone at home. After you deliver the takeout, can you sit with me for a while? I'll give you a tip, and if you don't want it, I can give you a loving hug!]

A loving hug?

Ha! If you want it for free, just say so!

The audacity, it's disgusting!

And besides, am I someone who lacks a loving hug?

Am I lacking love?

Gao Yuan rolled his eyes.

He didn't refuse the order, though.

Even though it was just a small order.

Even though the other person actually wanted to force him to accompany her.

But, a small order is still an order, and it brings in some money.

Even mosquito legs are meat.

As for accompanying her?


Dream on!

Unless she has Yang Boss's bust, Reba's figure, and Zixia Fairy's face.

Then Gao Yuan might consider it.

After all, appreciating beautiful things is the basis for human progress.

However, it's a pity.

When Gao Yuan delivered the takeout to the place.

Opened the door.

The person he saw, neither had Yang Boss's bust, nor Reba's figure, and definitely not Zixia Fairy's face.

All there was, was a face covered in a beard!

What's even more terrifying is.

This bearded man looked at Gao Yuan shyly and exclaimed in a voice almost like a woman's, with excitement:

"Gao Yuan! Ah!"

"It's actually you, Brother Yuan, delivering the takeout to me. I'm so happy!"

"Ah! I'm dead!"

Saying that, he held his chest with both hands.

Gao Yuan took a half step back, forced a difficult smile, and said:

"The meal has been delivered, I wish you a pleasant meal."



However, just as Gao Yuan turned around.

The bearded man suddenly rushed out.

Opened his arms, blocking Gao Yuan's path, and loudly said:

"Brother Yuan, you haven't completed the order yet!"

"I still need you to have a meal with me, and watch a romantic drama together!"


Gao Yuan's body was covered in goosebumps.

Took another half step back.

Looking at the bearded man, he said:

"Sorry, I'm just a delivery person, I don't have the business of accompanying people for meals!"

"I can pay you!"

The bearded man said loudly, his voice still almost like a woman's:

"Brother Yuan, if you don't want money, I can give you a loving hug!"

"You bastard!"

Gao Yuan couldn't help it anymore.

He cursed directly.

Turned his head and glanced at the staircase, found it was open, and turned around and ran.

Gao Yuan grabbed the railing, his body turned in mid-air, and he descended a whole floor in one step!

In just the blink of an eye, he had already descended three floors.

At this moment, the angry voice of the bearded man came from above:

"Don't you leave!"

"If you leave, I'll complain about you!"

"I'll give you a bad review!"

"I'll give you lots and lots of bad reviews!"

In the live stream room.

The netizens were dumbfounded.

"Oh my god! This can shock me for a whole year!"

"Damn! It's so terrifying! Even through the screen, I can feel Gao Yuan's fear!"

"I got goosebumps all over! A man with a full beard, but speaking with a woman's voice, and calling him Brother Yuan, I feel like throwing up!"

"It's over, we can't use the term Brother Yuan anymore!"

"Hahaha! I have to say, this time Gao Yuan's escape, although still graceful, he looked really embarrassed!"

"This is probably the most embarrassing moment for Gao Yuan since his show started, right?"

"I just want to know, if this person complains about Gao Yuan and says he'll give lots and lots of bad reviews, will Gao Yuan report him back? Can he report him based on his size?"

Gao Yuan didn't even think about reporting this person.

This kind of person.

Although Gao Yuan didn't oppose their existence.

But, they absolutely cannot exist around him!

So, for this kind of person.

The only thing to do is to stay away from him!

The farther away, the better!

After a moment.

Gao Yuan, still somewhat shaken, quickly grabbed another order.

Taking a look.

Once again, speechless.

What kind of order is this again?

Let's take a look at the content -

[Order requirements: This is a delivery order, please deliver within 30 minutes after accepting the order]

[Payment for this order: 50 yuan]

[Pick-up location: Southwest corner of the small square at the intersection of Minsheng Road and Linhai Road]

[Distance to pick-up location: 727m]

[Delivery location: Scarlett Jewelry (Store No. 58 on the commercial pedestrian street)]

[Distance to delivery location: 6.8km]

Looks like a normal order, right?

Although the pick-up location is in a small square, it seems a bit unconventional.

Nothing out of the ordinary.


The content in the remarks column made Gao Yuan feel a strong malice!

[Remarks: If this order is taken by Gao Yuan, the delivery person, please automatically abandon this order!]

"Wang Defa?"

"If I take this order, do I have to voluntarily give it up?!"

Gao Yuan looked at the content of the remarks.

Looking left and right.

Still not quite understanding.

Why exclude oneself?


Gao Yuan thought of the time he was fishing for Mr. Chen yesterday.

When he saw himself.

There was a moment of awkwardness!

"Could it be that this is another situation like Mr. Chen, trying to have an affair or something?"

Gao Yuan rubbed his chin.

He felt that this was highly likely.

The other party must be afraid of being live-streamed!

"What should I do?"

"This order is worth 50 yuan!"

"If there's a little extra tip or something, it's like running several short orders for hours!"

Gao Yuan was trying to figure out a solution.

"Should I turn off the live stream first?"

"Secretly complete this order, then continue the live stream?"

"But in that case, would it be considered taking private jobs during work hours?"

Gao Yuan found himself in a dilemma.

"Forget it!"

"I'll just take this private job!"

"50 bucks, rounding it up, it's like a million!"

Gao Yuan thought for a moment.

Picked up the phone, opened WeChat.

Sent a few messages directly to Ouyang, the deputy director in charge of his live stream room:

"There's a delivery job right now, but the customer specifically refused to let me take the order in the remarks section!"

"I think they don't want the camera to capture it and broadcast it."

"This is troublesome, I feel like there might be others who will follow suit."

"When other delivery drivers snatch the order and see the content in the remarks, I'll probably become a joke in the delivery industry!"

"So, I have two points to discuss."

"First, I must take this order. Please temporarily shut down the live stream in the background and say it's for technical adjustments or something."

"Second, let's quickly discuss how to handle this matter."

Three minutes later.

Ouyang, the deputy director, replied:


"We'll shut down the live stream room immediately and recall the drones."

"As for the remarks, we'll have a meeting with the production team to discuss, it's indeed troublesome."

After reading Ouyang's reply.

All three of the drones following him in the sky left.

They flew towards the location of the production team.

And the camera on the chest badge also blinked twice and turned off.

All of this.

Happened without the knowledge of the viewers in the live stream room.

Because Gao Yuan didn't even notify them.

However, when the live stream room went black.

The production team did release an announcement:

"Room 114 is experiencing technical difficulties and requires adjustments. The resumption time will be announced separately."

Then, the viewers went into an uproar.

The barrage was also buzzing.

"What the hell is going on? It was going well, and suddenly it went black!"

"I can't believe it! The show has only been on for less than two weeks, and the equipment is already malfunctioning?"

"Technical difficulties? Who would believe that! What is the production team doing?"

"I've prepared my melon seeds, peanuts, and beer, and you give me this?"

"This can be considered a live broadcast accident, right? You all kept saying you prepared for a year, and this is the result?"

"Just became a member three minutes ago! RNM, refund!!!"

The netizens are very angry.

Actually, it's not entirely anger, just feeling that the live broadcast is inexplicable.

There were no signs of trouble.

It's like when a shut-in is having a friendly conversation with his inflatable girlfriend.

And then the girlfriend suddenly explodes.

It's really infuriating.

But Gao Yuan is very happy.

His opinion has received timely feedback.

The 50 yuan from this order will also be securely added to his income.

He takes off the nameplate and number plate from his waist.

And hides them under the car seat.

This way, it's perfect!

Gao Yuan puts on a mask.

He looks at himself in the rearview mirror and nods in satisfaction.

Even if it's himself.

Seeing himself wearing a mask and a safety helmet, he probably wouldn't recognize him!

"Is it the intersection of Minsheng Road and Linhai Road?"

"Let's go!"

Gao Yuan rides his motorcycle, turns on the navigation, and happily heads towards the delivery address.

"Nothing can stop my longing for delivering takeout!"

"Without surveillance drones, my heart is worry-free!"

He sings while driving.

In no time.

Gao Yuan arrives at the small square on the southwest corner of the intersection.

After reaching the destination.

Gao Yuan parks the vehicle and calls the buyer.

Before he can dial, a man wearing a mask and helmet, carrying a black travel bag, walks towards him.

And says to Gao Yuan, "Are you here to pick up Mr. Sun's takeout?"


Gao Yuan is stunned for a moment, then nods and says, "Yes, I'm here to pick up the items for Mr. Sun's errand."

As he speaks, he reaches out to take the item from the other person's hand.

But the other person avoids Gao Yuan and directly puts the travel bag into the delivery box on the electric bike.

After placing it, he closes the lid.

And doesn't say a word.

Then he turns around and leaves.


Gao Yuan is completely confused.

"What a lunatic!"

"Why does this delivery order have such an abnormal smell from the beginning?"

Gao Yuan gets on the bike, starts it, and drives towards the delivery location.

As he goes, he thinks about the situation.

The note specifically emphasized that he couldn't accept the order, which is already abnormal enough.

After all, in so many days, this is the first order with such a note.

And in Jiangcheng City.

Gao Yuan feels that even if not everyone knows him.

At least more than half of the people should recognize him.

And they know he does live broadcasts.

But he has never done something like this before.

Why is it specifically this delivery order that came with such an emphasis in the note?

Then there's the process of picking up the items.

Especially what puzzles him.

From entering the small square to the person leaving the goods.

He only said one sentence.

And didn't let Gao Yuan personally receive the items, but put them directly into the delivery box.

Clearly, he didn't want Gao Yuan to come into contact.

But why?

Could this item be something that needs to be kept confidential?

But since it needs to be kept confidential.

Why did they specifically order a delivery to pass it on?

Gao Yuan controls the speed of the vehicle to ensure he arrives at the delivery location on time, then he starts using his nose.

He sniffs hard!

"Cough cough!"

"Damn it! Who the hell farted!"

Gao Yuan almost curses.

He looks left and right.

There's only one girl with a good figure riding a small electric scooter.

And she's the closest to him.

It's her!

Damn it!

Indeed, even beautiful women can fart!


Surpassing the beautiful woman riding an electric scooter, looking left and right, there is no one within about ten meters.

Gao Yuan took a deep breath again.


A scent of mechanical lubricant, as well as the smell of butter, entered Gao Yuan's nose.

And this smell.

It came from the travel bag in the takeout box behind!

This smell.

Made Gao Yuan unsure of what to do.

Thinking that the delivery destination is a jewelry store.

Gao Yuan speculated that the things in the travel bag are probably factory samples used in the jewelry store.

After having this speculation.

Gao Yuan stopped thinking about it.

He headed straight towards the jewelry store called Scarlett.

From the pick-up location.

To the delivery location.

The distance is 6.8 kilometers.

At Gao Yuan's normal driving speed, it would take about 20 minutes.

When there was only one kilometer left to Scarlett Jewelry.

For some reason.

Gao Yuan suddenly had a feeling of being on edge.

Unable to explain why, it just felt very uncomfortable, as if some danger was approaching!

This feeling is very strange.

It is the sixth sense of a person.

For example, if someone is staring at you from behind.

For some reason, you can always feel that someone is staring at you!


Gao Yuan's feeling.

Is even more unsettling than someone staring at him from behind.

Gao Yuan didn't turn his head.

He looked through the side mirrors and saw nothing unusual behind him.

There were also no cars coming from behind that might suddenly accelerate out of control.

He turned his eyeballs.

Looked left and right again.

Still nothing.

But where does this uneasy feeling come from?

Gao Yuan couldn't understand it and frowned, cursing to himself:

"I always feel something strange since I caught that corpse yesterday afternoon.

"Until today."

"I always feel something weird, but I can't say what's weird!"


Gao Yuan took a deep breath and exhaled.

That feeling of unease inexplicably disappeared.


Lost in thought, Gao Yuan looked up and saw Scarlett Jewelry.

It is a high-end, luxurious-looking jewelry store.

Two floors in total.

Gao Yuan parked the car and was about to take something out of the takeout box and deliver it to the jewelry store.

At this moment.

There seemed to be a man standing at the entrance, wearing black clothes and a mask.

He walked straight towards Gao Yuan.

"Mr. Sun's things?"

The tone of this person's speech was exactly the same as the people in the square when picking up the goods!


Gao Yuan nodded with a straight face.

At the same time, he didn't attempt to open the takeout box again.

In case the other party tries to pull a scam or something.

"You didn't touch it throughout the whole process, right?"

Sure enough, this person looked at Gao Yuan and asked.


Gao Yuan shook his head sincerely and said:

"When I picked up the goods, that person put it directly here.

"Then I rushed here without stopping or opening it!"

"That's good."

The man nodded and took out the travel bag, gently weighing it in his hand.


Gao Yuan heard the faint sound of metal and plastic colliding inside the travel bag.

The man nodded satisfactorily.

He said:

"You can confirm that the order is complete."

After speaking, he carried the bag and turned to walk towards the jewelry store.


Gao Yuan shrugged and confirmed the completion of the order on his phone.

"50 yuan, credited!"

Just then!

A familiar voice suddenly entered Gao Yuan's ears!

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