If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 86 People In Jiangcheng Are Too Impolite! Make People Cry! 【6,Please Subscribe】


On this evening...

Outside the Jiangcheng International Hotel...

A spectacle appeared—

A simple conference table, with two-thirds of it filled with takeout.

Takeout of various packaging sizes.

The remaining one-third had a blackboard on top.

On the blackboard were a few sentences:

"Free takeout!"

"These takeouts were bought by some people to force Gao Yuan's supporters to buy, but they don't eat them. Therefore, this hotel defines these takeouts as 'Gao Yuan's spoils of war.'"

"In the name of Gao Yuan, they are freely given to passersby!"

"For those who want to claim the free takeout, please sign your name on the banner behind the table that says 'Gao Yuan, go for it! Gao Yuan, you will win!' and you can receive a portion of free takeout!"

This scene...

Attracted countless onlookers.

And then they had a blast.

Sign your name, get free takeout!

This is simply too good!

And, it's even on the banner that says "Gao Yuan, go for it! Gao Yuan, you will win."

Even if you don't claim the free takeout, you still have to sign your name!

It has to be said...

The Jiangcheng International Hotel's move is truly impressive!

Inside the hotel office...

The chairman looked at everything through a telescope.

He was very satisfied with the secretary's suggestion to quickly make a banner.

It can be said that they achieved great results with little money!

"The people of Jiangcheng are so impolite!"

As James Curry listened to the translation of the hotel's actions, he was about to explode.

No matter what...

He couldn't have guessed that the hotel would do such a thing!

They actually dared to do this!

But, he couldn't stop them!

Even when facing the media reporters, he could only grit his teeth, force a smile, and say it was good.

Because they couldn't finish eating these takeouts and couldn't take them back to the West.

If they were thrown away, the consequences would be severe.

James Curry dared to bet.

If these takeouts were thrown away, it would excite some international organizations to explode on the spot.

And the relevant organizations of extreme sports worldwide would be affected.

To exaggerate a bit...

It might even trigger a boycott of extreme sports by the public!

A parkour extreme athlete challenging Gao Yuan angrily shouted:

"Are we just going to watch the takeout we bought with our own money being used by the hotel to cheer for that Gao Yuan?!"

"This is simply an insult to us!"

"James, I can't accept this humiliation!"

"I'm going to find that Gao Yuan now. I want to defeat him and then step on his face!"

What are you daydreaming about!

Defeating Gao Yuan might not be difficult.

But wanting to step on his face is simply a pipe dream!

Can't you see how handsome Gao Yuan's face is? Even some of my female friends say Gao Yuan is handsome.

If you dare to step on it, you won't live past the second day!

I guarantee it!

James Curry took a deep breath.

His gaze swept across the faces of every angry person and finally said:

"I'm going to meet Gao Yuan!"

"No matter what, I hope he accepts our invitation and ends this farce."

"If we delay any longer, we will become an international joke!"

As everyone listened to his words...

They all felt dejected.

When they came, they were so arrogant.

Now, they were so disappointed.

"Please, Mr. Curry!"

Everyone looked at James Curry, placing all their hopes on him alone.


James Curry is not fighting alone.

So he composed himself, wearing a smile of confidence, and with his assistant and translator, he walked out of the hotel room.

And outside the hotel...

Many media reporters had already arrived quickly.


More people came to know about this news.


Netizens saw this situation.

After being dumbfounded, they burst into laughter, even spitting out the dinner they just put in their mouths.

"Oh my god! This hotel's move is too brilliant!"

*999! Jiangcheng International Hotel has really made a big splash this time!

"Damn, what a treasure Gao Yuan is! If those foreigners knew about this, would they be so angry that they vomit blood?"

"This move is like using the money of foreign opponents to give Gao Yuan free publicity! I really can't understand the thought process of these foreigners."

"Foreigners spend money, Jiangcheng people eat well, and Gao Yuan gains fame!"

"Jiangcheng International Hotel has also gained a lot of goodwill in this move! Well done!"

"They're not afraid to offend the foreigners, haha!"

Of course.

Not everyone agrees with the hotel's actions.

They criticize the hotel's behavior online, citing international image and the bigger picture.

At the same time, they also criticize Gao Yuan's avoidance of the battle.

But there are basically no ripples.

Not only were they almost banned by netizens, but they were also thrown a video of Gao Yuan's "Lianhua Creek Speech".


That high-spirited part of Gao Yuan's "Why am I confident" speech.

Netizens call it the "Lianhua Creek Speech".

And the entire conversation between Gao Yuan and Mr. Cheng is called the "Hua Xi Q&A" by netizens.

These two terms, along with their videos, quickly went viral through reposts, likes, collections, and comments from netizens.

"After watching the Lianhua Creek Speech, I'm all fired up! I feel like I can tear apart those foreigners!"

"Gao Yuan's knowledge reserve is astonishing! He effortlessly brings up these allusions!"

"When I heard Gao Yuan say 'If the enemy can go, so can I,' another phrase echoed in my mind: 'The offense and defense have changed!'"

"The Hua Xi Q&A is also full of energy! Mr. Cheng is as steady as a mountain, and Gao Yuan is full of killing intent!"

"Using vultures to describe Eagle Sauce is simply perfect!"

"Cross the river by feeling the stones, kick him into the river, and take advantage of his illness to kill him! This shouldn't be said out loud! What if Eagle Sauce finds out?!"

"Hahaha! They definitely know! That's why they're desperate to block our technology!"

"As long as I want to play and join this race, winning against them is just a matter of minutes! This sentence is about extreme sports, but it's not entirely about extreme sports!"

"This video, every time I watch it, I discover something new! It's full of details and energy!"

At this moment.

Lianhua Mountain Scenic Area.

Inside a healing center in the scenic area.

Gao Yuan and Jiangnan were invited by Mr. Cheng to have a meal together.

Naturally, Chu Yutong was also present.


During the meal, Chu Yutong curiously asked,

"When are you planning to accept their invitation?"

"I think it's okay to delay for a day or two, but if it's too long, it's not good for you."

"Yutong is right."

Mr. Cheng nodded and looked at Gao Yuan, saying,

"Excess leads to backlash."

"I understand."

Gao Yuan nodded and said,

"It's about time, let's find something to do in the next day or two."

"The main thing is that I'm not happy with their aggressive approach without even a greeting."

"It's simply too arrogant!"

"We must first crush their arrogance before discussing the challenge."

That's what Gao Yuan said.

And that's what he thought.

One must follow the rules when doing things.

Otherwise, if everyone acts like this, how can he continue to deliver takeout properly?

Their arrogance must be crushed!


Mr. Cheng nodded and praised,

"Strike while the iron is hot, then decline, and finally exhaust."

"Your approach is very good, it's like military strategy, and it can be considered as having both courage and strategy."

Saying that, he said to the waiter serving him,

"Bring a catty of white wine, I'll have a few drinks with Xiao Gao."

After speaking, he looked at Gao Yuan and said,

"You don't have to go out for delivery today, just chat with this old man for a while."

Naturally, Gao Yuan couldn't refuse,

"I'll obey your command!"

But Chu Yutong stopped him,

"Grandfather, you can't drink!"

"Zhou, you can't let my grandfather drink!"


Mr. Cheng smiled and said to Gao Yuan,

"See, even my granddaughter is taking care of me now."

Gao Yuan smiled and said,

"She's just concerned about your health."

"Go get it."

Mr. Cheng waved his hand and said,

"I said I'll accompany you for a drink, but I'll probably only take a small sip."

He spoke while pinching the tip of his pinky finger with his thumb.

Gao Yuan laughed when he saw this.

This doesn't even count as a small sip.

At most, it's just moistening the lips and tasting the flavor of the alcohol.

After a moment.

Xiao Zhou came in with a catty of baijiu.

Gao Yuan didn't understand baijiu.

But he could tell at a glance that this was a well-aged, high-quality baijiu that couldn't be bought on the market.

Seeing Xiao Zhou about to pour the alcohol, Jiang Nan stood up and said,

"Let me pour the drinks for you."

"Then let journalist Xiao Jiang do it."

Mr. Cheng nodded and then remembered to ask Gao Yuan,

"By the way, Xiao Gao, I haven't asked if you can drink."

Gao Yuan truthfully replied,

"I can drink a little, but not enough."

"Probably just half a catty, any more and I'll get drunk."

"Half a catty is fine then."

Mr. Cheng looked at the almost invisible amount of alcohol poured by Jiang Nan.

He glared at Jiang Nan dissatisfiedly.

But he didn't say anything.

This was the maximum drinking privilege he could have.

Otherwise, he would be prohibited from drinking by the doctor.

This is the benefit of following the rules.

"Mr. Cheng, I'll toast to you."

Gao Yuan raised his glass.

Not understanding the rules of the drinking table very well, he relied on his intuition to toast the other person.


Mr. Cheng also raised his glass and said,

"I'll accept your toast as an elder."

Gao Yuan finished the drink in one gulp.

Mr. Cheng could only lick it with the tip of his tongue, otherwise it would be gone!

"I want to drink too!"

At this moment, Chu Yutong took a glass and asked Jiang Nan to pour her a drink.

"Can you drink?"

Jiang Nan was a little surprised.

Chu Yutong proudly said,

"Of course I can!"

"I used to sneak drinks from my grandfather when I was a child!"

After saying that, she looked at Jiang Nan provocatively and asked,

"Nan Jie, can you drink?"

Jiang Nan admitted defeat and said,

"I can only drink a small glass, any more and I can't handle it."

Mr. Cheng chatted with Gao Yuan and saw this scene. He smiled helplessly and said,

"This child Yutong has been living with me since she was little."

"I was too busy with my own affairs and didn't really take care of her."

"And now, she's become so arrogant."


Chu Yutong had been listening attentively to the conversation between Gao Yuan and Mr. Cheng.

When she heard this, she immediately became unhappy and said,

"How can you speak ill of me in front of outsiders!"


Mr. Cheng laughed heartily, clinked glasses with Gao Yuan, and said,


They chatted and ate slowly.

Unbeknownst to them, they had unknowingly consumed seven to eight taels of the baijiu!

And Gao Yuan, surprisingly, didn't feel very drunk.

Just his face was slightly flushed.

Seeing this, Mr. Cheng smiled and asked,

"How about another catty?"

"Shall we continue to drink, with no end to the cups?"

Gao Yuan instinctively rolled his eyes and said,

"Mr. Cheng, throughout the whole process, am I the only one drinking endlessly?"


Mr. Cheng also laughed.

"Drinking endlessly, with no end to the cups."

At this moment,

Gao Yuan muttered these two lines.

Suddenly, he picked up a chopstick and tapped the edge of the plate.

Issuing a crisp ding-ding sound.

"What sound is that?"

Chu Yutong, feeling a bit dizzy from drinking, blinked and asked.

Jiangnan shook his head and said,

"I don't know, um, it's like someone playing with a bell."

Just then,

Gao Yuan suddenly spoke up, singing in a gravelly voice,

"Have you not seen the waters of the Yellow River flowing from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning..."


Mr. Cheng was momentarily stunned, his eyes brightening involuntarily.

This momentum is so grand!

It feels like the wind from the Loess Plateau, suddenly enveloping one's face with sand.

What a voice!

Jiangnan looked at Gao Yuan intently.

If she didn't know that Gao Yuan didn't smoke, she would definitely think Gao Yuan was an old smoker.

This voice is like smoking a whole pack of cigarettes in the throat!

Chu Yutong also looked at Gao Yuan.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed!

At this moment, Gao Yuan seemed a bit uninhibited, tapping on the plate while singing,

"Have you not seen the sorrowful white hair in the bright mirror of the high hall, turning from black as silk in the morning to white as snow in the evening!"

"Life's joys should be fully enjoyed, don't let the golden goblet empty against your ear!"

"Naturally, my talents will be put to use, even if I spend all my wealth, it will return!"

"Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle are also pleasures, one must drink three hundred cups!"

"Cen Fu Zi! Dan Qiu Sheng!"

"Drink up! Don't stop the cups!"

"Five-colored horses! Thousand-gold fur coats!"

"Call the child to bring out the fine wine, and together we shall dispel the sorrows of all ages!"

In the live broadcast room,

Countless netizens were startled when Gao Yuan started singing.

It was like a sudden jolt.

And after listening to Gao Yuan's rendition of "Jiang Jin Jiu," the room exploded.

"Damn! Gao Yuan's singing is too captivating!"

"Majestic! Desolate and grand! It strikes directly at the soul! It made me cry!"

"This is the most fitting rendition of Jiang Jin Jiu that I've ever heard! It fully embodies the ancient style and meaning!"

"He sang the arrogance and recklessness in my mind about Jiang Jin Jiu, and I can feel the emotions!"

"When the emotions are right, the feeling comes, showcasing the grandeur of the Tang Dynasty! Gao Yuan is amazing!"

"The most important thing when singing this poem is that sense of madness! After reading Gao Yuan's words this afternoon and then listening to this song, the impact is even deeper!"

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! For a moment, I felt like Li Bai came back to life!"

Because of Gao Yuan's performance,

In the following time,

Chu Yutong and Jiangnan unexpectedly started singing together.

"When I see you, I'm in a good mood..."

"No need to warm up, I'm already happy..."

"Because our eyes and ears have an understanding..."

"You know how well I understand you..."

"With you, I'm in a good mood..."

"Like eating ice cream in the summer..."

"Because our thoughts and feelings resonate..."

"Every glance becomes motivation..."

It was a bit like a joyful drinking song.

Even Mr. Cheng sang two lines:

"Today, we drink to celebrate our achievements, vowing not to rest until our ambitions are fulfilled."

"The future is long, showing our skills, pouring out our hot blood to write the history."

For a moment,

In the room, the scent of alcohol and the sound of singing filled the air.

Time passed second by second.

In the blink of an eye, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Mr. Cheng didn't indicate that Gao Yuan should leave, as the conversation was still lively.

So Gao Yuan didn't feel comfortable suggesting to leave.

As for Jiangnan and Chu Yutong,

The two girls sat together, leaning against each other, whispering to each other.

Occasionally, they would glance at Gao Yuan and Mr. Cheng across from them.

"Xiao Gao..."

Mr. Cheng held Gao Yuan's hand and said with emotion,

"Today, I just wanted you to come and chat casually..."

"I didn't expect you to give this old man such a lesson!"

"By the way..."

Mr. Cheng was about to say something when he saw Xiao Zhou walking over.

Seeing that he seemed to have something on his mind, Mr. Cheng frowned and asked,

"Xiao Zhou, what's wrong? Is there something going on?"

"It's a small matter."

Xiao Zhou glanced at Gao Yuan and then said,

"The person in charge of the scenic area said that someone named James Curry wants to meet Gao Yuan."

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